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How to alter a float by its smallest increment (or close to it)?
(7 answers)
How to get the smallest next or previous possible double value supported by the architecture?
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
If I have a java float and I want to increment/decrement it by the minumim possible value how can I determine that value? I mean it is a difference if the value of the float is already a very large number like 3.4028235E38 or a very small number like 1.4E-45. In the first case to note any difference I need to subtract a far lager number as I would need to add to the second case right?
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Beginners Java Question (int, float)
(4 answers)
Division of integers in Java [duplicate]
(7 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
If I divide a double type variable, the Decimal part becomes zero.
System.out.println (a);
As you can see, the Decimal part became zero when I divided it.
But I need the value
Your problem is that while you may have stored "a" as a double, you are really dividing two "ints" and saving that. When you divide 2 ints, the number automatically gets rounded down. So, it's rounded down to 1312.0.
What you need is this,
a = (double)13122/10;
or this:
a = 13122.0/10;
You are dividing integers. You can cast the division and then you are ok
double a = (double) 13122/10;
System.out.println (a);
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How to Java String.format with a variable precision?
(4 answers)
Java printf using variable field size?
(4 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm a new programmer, and I'm coding a basic decimal calculator. (in Java)
If the user inputs how many decimals they want to round to, say 2, how would I incorporate that into the code, and have the answer round to 2 decimals?
Right now, I have something like this:
System.out.printf("%.3f %n", ans);
But that will always round to 3 decimals, no matter what the user input is.
Here's a link to the whole code, if necessary.
Is there a basic way to this?
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Generate a random double in a range
(7 answers)
Using Math.round to round to one decimal place?
(9 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to round to the nearest decimal value, however, this line of code keeps returning a number between 0 and 1, I also want the output to be between 1 and 10. Where am I going wrong?
power[i] = rng.nextDouble();
You can use JDK's Math.round.
A detailed example can be found here.
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Why does integer division code give the wrong answer? [duplicate]
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am doing simple calculation in java. Expected result is 51.3348 but what I am getting is 51.0, here is my calculation
float percent = (7819140000l-3805200000l)*100/7819140000l;
Is that problem with datatype? How can I resolve this to get value as 51.3348
Thanks in Advance
add an f to one of the values:
float percent = (7819140000l-3805200000l)*100f/7819140000l;
if yiu do not do it, Java will make a devision by long values
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max value of integer
(11 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
how big does an integer have to be that you need the big integer class to use a math function. Is there a specific rule that needs to be followed
It depends on the largest possible magnitude (size) of the result of the math function in your specific application as against the magnitude of an integer or a long. If you do not require absolute precision real or double may be your best choice - again this depends on your application requirements.