JavaFX access text fields from .fxml - java

So I just wanted to try out JavaFX rather than using Swing for once (best decision of my life by the way), and I was just super confused on how I can access the text fields and add listeners to the buttons. I have made a .fxml file using Gluon SceneBuilder, and I was just wondering how I would access those elements in the fxml file.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!


Is it advisable to create a seperate class for JavaFX UI building if done entirely through objects rather than FXML

I'm figuring out whether or not to build my application based on FXML or plain Java. This is because we are not allowed to use the scene builder.
So my problem is whether or not to use one class to build the entire UI through various methods rather than using multiple FXML Files.
If the class option is the best way then should I implement 1 UI Stage per class or all in one
I've used only FXML upto now but when i tried integrating JFoenix i realized that there was no FXML Code given so this was an issue for me
I advice you to use JavaFX even when you have to hardcode it because even then your Code will be simpler. Creating an own UI is very complex and nothing for beginners. It needs a team of pro devs to create something like JavaFX. Then in JavaFX all methods you could dream of are included. So if I were you i would use JavaFX because it is a good and existing way to do it.

Build an GUI with scenebuilder, how to implement?

I need to build an elevator system. I use netbeans.
I want to make a GUI design in scenebuilder. But when I added it into our files in netbeans, how do I implement it into code so the buttons and so on have functions?
Check Tutorial at this link:
It explains in simple terms how to create and implement GUI in JavaFX application.
Basically you need to make controller class and link it with gui in scene builder in Controller section and you also need to set id property (Code section) to gui elements.

How do I view the fxml using SceneBuilder?

Sorry for such a simple question but I'm finding it hard to believe that I can't actually view the fxml whilst developing a user interface using JavaFX Scenebuilder.
I'd expect that I should be able to write a user interface using the controls as well as being able to directly write the fxml.
How do I view/edit the fxml of my user interface in SceneBuilder without doing the following: -
Editing with text editor
Re-open with JavaFX Scene Builder
As above, I would like to be able to work on either the FXML or the WYSIWYG front end.
Well for now, there is no such option to view the FXML from the Scene Builder. I can confirm it for Scene Builder 2.0.
Though this can be a great addition to Scene Builder(If not the split screen, just viewing the FXML). You can file a feature request here
Use IntelliJ Community edition. It has a built in FXML editor that lets you switch between wysiwyg and code.
There actually is a way. Save your file and from the file explorer, open your .fxml file with an IDE, say VSCode

JavaFX HTMLEditor - Insert image function

I'm using JavaFX integrated HTMLEditor. All the functions that it has are fine but I need to have also the function of inserting an image inside the HTML text.
Do you know some source which I could use? Or some other HTML (WYSIWYG) editor that could be used inside JavaFX and it has this functionality ?
I can program this functionality into the existing JavaFX HTMLEditor by myself, but I prefer to ask before I start doing something :)
Thank you very much for your answers ;)
I'd advise just customizing the existing JavaFX HTMLEditor, if it does most things you need with the exception of adding images and the look and feel of it is basically ok for you.
I created a code sample to assist in some JavaFX HTMLEditor customization tasks.
Another option you could toy with for a very basic html editor is a WebView with contenteditable set to true. Though I haven't tried it with images - maybe it will work ok.
If the above options don't work for you there there are heaps of javascript based editors out there to choose from.

Making Controls public/Global in Netbeans with Java

So I have multiple forms for my current project and I have made classes that interact and do some utility work behind these forms.
However I am unable to access controls on other forms.
Say I have a text control on Form A and I want to use a class that receives/manipulates data from a completely different Form B.
My classes and Form B cannot see this control.
I have tried going to properties
variable modifiers set to "Public"
Unfortunately this does not seem to do the trick. Any ideas? I appreciate the help!!
I managed to solve the problem if anyone was curious.
Instead of being lazy I create public methods that allow me to communicate with them via setters and getters.
Thank you for anyone who tried to solve this for me.
Here's how you do it in Netbeans 7.2.1.
Open the form in Form Designer view.
Right click on the control whose visibility you want to change. You can click in the designer window, or in the Navigation pane to the left.
Select "Customise Code". This will bring up the Code Customizer window.
At the bottom of the Code Customizer window is a combo box labelled "Access", which is by default set to "Private". Set this to public.
Your control should now be accessible from other classes.

