In many languages, for me specifically, Java and C++, there is an massive standard library. Many classic problems in computer science, search, sorting, hashing etc etc... are implemented in this library. My question is, are there any benefits of say implementing one's own algorithm versus simply using the library's version? Are there any particular instances were this would be true?
I only ask because in school a huge deal of time is spent on say sorting, however in my actual code I have found no reason to utilize this knowledge when people have already implemented and optimized a sorting algorithm in both Java and C++.
EDIT: I discussed this at length with a professor I know and I posted his response, can anyone think of more to add to it?
Most of the time, the stock library functions will be more performant than anything you'll custom code.
If you have a highly specific (as opposed to a generic) problem, you may find a performance gain by coding a specialized function, but as a developer you should make a conscious effort to not "reinvent the wheel."
Sorting is a good example to consider. If you know nothing whatsoever about the data to be sorted, except how to compare elements, then the standard sort algorithms fare well. In this situation, in C++, the STL sort will do fine.
But sometimes you know more about your data. For example, if your data consists of uniformly distributed numbers, a radix sort can be much faster. But radix sort is 'invasive' in the sense that it needs to know more about your data than simply whether one number is bigger than another. That makes it harder to write a generic interface that can be shared by everyone. So STL lacks radix sort and for this case you can do better by writing your own code.
In general, standard libraries contain very fast code for very general problems. If you have a specific problem, you can in many cases do better than the library. Of course, you may eventually come across a complex problem which is not solved by a library, in which case the knowledge you have gained from studying solutions to solved problems could prove invaluable.
In college, or school, or if learning as a recreational programmer, you will be (or in my strident opinion, you should be) encouraged to implement a subset of these things yourself. Why? To learn. Tackling the implementation of an important already invented wheel (the B-Tree) for me was one of the most formative experiences of my time in college.
Sure I would agree that as a developer you should make an effort not to reinvent the wheel, but when learning through formative experiences, different rules apply. I read somewhere else on this forum that to use something at abstraction level N, it is a very good idea to have a working knowledge of abstraction level N-1, and be familiar with level N-2. I would agree. In addition to being formative, it prepares you for the day when you do encounter a problem when the stock libraries are not a good fit. Believe me this can happen in your 50 year career. If you are learning fundamentals such as data structures, where the end goal is not the completeness of your finished product but, instead, self improvement, it is time well spent to "re-invent the wheel".
Is pre-algebra/algebra/trigonometry/calculus worth learning?
I can't tell if this is a "am I wasting my time/money in school" aimed question or if this is a sincere question of if your own version is going to be better.
As for wasting your time/money in school: If all you want to do is take pot shots at developing a useful application, then you're absolutely wasting your time by learning about these already-implemented algorithms -- you just need to kludge something together that works good 'nuff.
On the other hand if you're trying to make something that really matters, needs to be fast, and needs to be the right tool for the right job -- well, then it often doesn't exist already and you'll be back at some site like Stack Overflow asking first or second year computer science questions because you're not familiar enough with existing techniques to roll your own variations.
Depending on my job, I've been on both sides. Do I need to develop it fast, or does it have to work well? For fast application programming, it's stock functions galore unless there's a performance or functionality hindrance I absolutely must resolve. For professional game programming it has to run blazing fast. That's when the real knowledge kicks into memory management, IO access optimization, computational geometry, low level and algorithmic optimization, and all sorts of clever fun. And it's rarely ever a stock implementation that gets the job done.
And did I learn most of that in school? No, because already knew most of it, but the degrees helped without a doubt. On the other hand you don't know most of it (otherwise you wouldn't be asking), so yes, in short: It is worthwhile.
Some specific examples:
If you ever want to make truly amazing games, live and breath algorithms so you can code what other people can't. If you want to make fun games that aren't particularly amazing, use stock code and focus on design. It's limiting, but it's faster development.
If you want to program embedded devices (a rather large market), often stock code just won't do. Often there's a code or data memory constraint that the library implementations won't satisfy.
If you need serious server performance from modest hardware, stock code won't do. (See this Slashdot entry.)
If you ever want to do any interesting phone development the resource crunch requires you to get clever, even often for "boring" applications. (User experience is everything, and the stock sort function on a large section of data is often just too slow.)
Often the libraries you're restricted to using don't do what you need. (For example, C# doesn't have a "stable" sort method. I run into this annoyance all the time and have since written my own solution.)
If you're dealing with large amounts of data (most businesses have it these days) you'll end up running into situations where an interface is too slow and needs some clever workarounds, often involving good use of custom data structures.
Those libraries offer you tested implementations that work well, so the rule of thumb is to use those implementations. If you have a very particular/complex problem where you can use some domain knowledge you have a case were you will need to implement your own version of an algorithm.
I remember an example Bill Pugh gave in his programming languages class where they analyzed the performance of a complex application and they realized a faulty custom implementation of a sorting algorithm by a programmer (that code was used many times in the real runs of the application) was responsible for 90% performance decrease!
After discussing this at length with professor of Computer Science, here were his opinions:
Reasons to Use Libraries
1. You are writing code with a deadline.
There is no sense in hampering your ability to complete a project in a quick and timely manner. That's why libraries are written after all, to save time and avoid "reinventing the wheel"
2. If you want to optimize your code fully.
Chances are the team of incredibly talented people who wrote the algorithm in Java or C++'s or whoever's library did a far better job at optimizing their algorithm for that language in however long it took them than you can possibly do in an hour or two. Or four.
3. You've already done previously solved this problem.
If you have already solved this problem and have a good complete understanding of how it is designed you don't need to labor over a complex solution as you don't stand to gain much benefit.
That being said, there are still many reasons to make your own solution.
Reasons to Do It Yourself
1. A fundamental understanding of problem solving techniques and algorithms are completely necessary once you reach a problem that is better optimized by a non-library solution.
If you have a highly specified problem, such things often come up when working with networking or gaming or such. It becomes invaluable to be able to spot situations in which a specific algorithm will outperform the libraries version.
2. Having a very good understanding of algorithms and their design and use makes you much more valuable in the work place.
Any halfway decent programmer can write a function to compare two objects and then toss them into a library function, however the one that is able to spot a situation and ultimately improve the programs functionality and speed is going to be looked upon well by management.
3. Having the concept of how to do something is often just as, if not more so, valuable than being able to do it.
With an outstanding knowledge of Java's libraries and how to use them, chances are you can field any problem in java with reasonable success. However when you get hired to work in erlang you're going to have some rough times ahead. Where if you had known how and not merely what Java's libraries did, you could move those ideas to any language.
4. We as programmers are never truly satisfied with merely having something "work".
Chances are that you have an itch to understand why things work. It was this curiosity that probably drove you to this area of study. Don't deny this curiosity! Encourage it and learn to your hearts content.
5. Finally, there is a huge feeling of success and accomplishment that comes with creating your own personal way of sorting or hashing etc.
Just imagine how cool your friends will see you when you proclaim that you can find the shortest path between 2 vertices in n log(n) time! On a serious note, it is very rewarding to know that you are completely capable of understanding and choosing an optimum solution based on knowledge. Not what some library gives you.
I have been developing web applications for almost 6 years using the LAMP Stack, and lately I've been using ZEND Framework.
It has a steep learning curve, and it took from me a while untill I figured out its in/outs and the logic behind its MVC Structure.
I've chosen ZF although it is more complex than many other PHP Frameworks because its likely the one which will survive longer.
Currently, I am intending to learn Java J2EE
Trying to invest my previous knowledge with ZEND Framework extensively, so I really need to know what its J2EE framework equivalent
And Please, I don't wana know about obscure frameworks, or frameworks which no body uses but the gurus,or framweworks created by the insiders to solve problems of their own, or frameworks which are just born to die, or frameworks with no huge developers base, or young cool frameworks which need years to be stable.
I need to know well known frameworks which are used to create applications for enterprises, which will not gonna die at least for the coming 20 years, hopefully.
I sacrifice simplicity for the sake of stability and career growth..
I intend to learn one framework and just only one, and I will stick to it for life.
Botton Line: I want to learn the framework which will survive for long, competes aggressively, updated regularly, and which eliminates the need of me learning new framework, and brand new APIs every single year.
If possible, I want complete details, and true guidance from experienced programmers who have seen it all and knew it very well.
Thank you all in advance.
Hope this link is useful -
Though I don't think there is a zend-framework equivalent for Java, only thing I could think of a good framework is Spring used heavily.
I think Tapestry can also be a place to start.
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I need to have an at-home project now that I'm working on Python/Django at work. I'd like to learn something new, so I was thinking of checking out Java.
What's the most well respected web framework for deploying Java web apps?
The only reason I'm not checking out ruby on rails is because of how similar the ORM and other parts are to Django.
Alternatively, does anyone think I should take a look at seaside/smalltalk? Can anyone explain why I should?
Haskell is something I'll consider if anyone can make a good argument for it. I'd need a web framework and database access library to go along with it though.
I'd consider factor/forth if I wasn't so accustomed to the stack paradigm via x86/asm. I'd be willing to hear any counter-arguments to this as well.
See also:
With that range of skills, why don't you learn something more outside your comfort zone, like carpentry or painting, or any of hundreds of other skills that have little to do with your field.
At some point, all languages are the same and you'll get scant benefit from learning another.
Whereas, with something totally different, you will become a much more well-rounded individual. I, for one, like painting and golf, even though I'm not that good at either of them - when I asked my golf instructor what my handicap was, he said it was an inability to hit the ball straight :-)
I find that I enjoy doing stuff I'm not accustomed to since it's a genuinely new experience. Learning another computer skill is a easy thing to do after a while and hence the pleasure from doing it is reduced.
Don't get me wrong, I like to keep up with developments in the field but, for the most part, the brand new technologies give nothing to my career since most work I do is on stable technologies. You may be in a different situation.
Haskell is pretty popular these days as a mind-bender, though it may not hurt as much for you if you already know Lisp and Scheme. It's purely functional, so there are no side effects to anything. You have to use monads to print text and do other things that require a certain order. It's also completely lazily evaluated, so you can make infinite lists in Haskell and not have to worry about memory consumption.
The Haskell Platform may not be fully complete, but is intended to be a portable set of libraries for Haskell. It's list of packages includes some for CGI handling and (X)HTML generation.
Sounds like you're into web programming, so smalltalk/seaside is a great one. IMO everyone should learn smalltalk even if they never use it, and seaside is a really different web framework than what you are used to. Django, fer instance, is all about REST, while the seaside philosophy basically says "to hell with REST."
And if you've never coded in an image based environment there's just something about it that seems... natural, magical even. Lots of IDE functionality that originated in smalltalk have been implemented in file based language IDE's, but it always feels like an unnatural grafting, where those same features feel as if they simply belong there in smalltalk.
Check out Pharo. Give it enough time to get used to the fact that there's no menu bar and see if it doesn't grab you.
I do suggest Java. When I was looking for a job, I noticed lots of openings for Java developers, so there's a lot of it out there, and you might someday have a chance to use your Java skills.
And then you should try out Scala. Scala is a sort of Python-ish language that uses functional programming to make very scalable programs. Unlike Python, in Scala you do need to declare types of things. Scala runs on the Java Virtual Machine so it can be used in Java shops.
It's possible I'm just giving you this answer because these are the next two languages I intend to learn, myself.
You probably should also spend a little time playing around with Javascript. Javascript was sort of intended to be a "stealth Lisp" and I imagine you would pick it right up.
And heck, have some fun with it. Write a game or something!
From your list I'd say you are due for a completely object oriented language.
You could check out Ruby, but I'd recommend JavaScript since it offers a lot of interesting things you probably wouldn't expect, like support for closures, higher-order functions and prototypical inheritance - plus it's kinda fun and becoming very popular.
I'd need a web framework and database access library to go along with it though.
If all your programming is based on web frameworks and SQL databases, you will only be solving the same problems with different syntax if you switch languages.
Build something using a different data model - Prolog, Conceptual Graphs, RDF, Linda/JavaSpaces, XQuery, HDF5, ASN.1, or a different network model - XMPP pub-sub, SNMP, a zero-config mesh or a swarm of ZigBee enabled Arduinos.
Maybe look at languages like Oz, Io or Erlang/OTP, which are distributed rather than primarily monolithic like the ones you mention.
What about the Java Spring framework?
Or maybe NHibernate?
At the end of the day its up to you. As I only listed two out of many. When I am programming a static language professonally... I try to learn a dynamic or scripting language. And vice versa.
Also, I try to learn something totally different or outside my realm... maybe even Powershell or Korn shell or ActionScript.
What's the most well respected web framework for deploying Java web apps?
There is no single web framework more respected than others. Struts2, Spring MVC, Stripes or Wicket (which is event based) are all good candidates (I personally like Stripes). But you'll need a bit more for the persistence (Hibernate or JPA) and for the glue (Spring).
Grails (Groovy on Rails) is another good option.
Alternatively, does anyone think I should take a look at seaside/smalltalk? Can anyone explain why I should?
Well, I guess that learning Smalltalk can't hurt but I don't see a good reason to choose Smalltalk over a moderner language like Java. Regarding tooling, I don't know anything in this field except VisualAge for Smalltalk but, personally, I'd really stay far away from it.
Haskell is something I'll consider if anyone can make a good argument for it. [...]
Looks like I'm not the right guy for that.
I'd consider factor/forth if I wasn't so accustomed to the stack paradigm via x86/asm. I'd be willing to hear any counter-arguments to this as well.
Same as above.
I would have suggested mastering Lisp (in some relevant dialect) so even if you have Lisp and Scheme on your resume, it might be worthwhile to REALLY learn deeply. See for reasons why.
Otherwise Prolog might interest you. It is related to SQL but for programming instead of communicating with an organised set of data tables.
If you want to target web technologies I only have experience with Java. Here the newest Java Server Faces (JSF) allow for using Ajax to update pages, and Google Web Toolkit allow for very rich component based web pages. These might be juicy enough to interest you enough to learn enough Java to find them fun :)
I don’t see C# and the .NET platform on your list. And I am surprised no one mentioned it yet.
I have worked in C# for 5 years. I have looked at some Java code but I have never coded in it. I believe that Java is somewhat similar to C# enough so that if you become proficient in one I think you could pick up the other is a matter of a few days.
One idea might be to create your own language / compiler. The one I would like to create (or see created) would be an Assembly Language level compiler with an object oriented syntax that would be very much like Python… but make it typed language. You could start with the basic raw binary types db, dw, dd, and then add on to these … The functions and methods could have assembly language freely mixed in the high-level code. Now, that would be a fun project, I think ?
Definitely try Haskell or Smalltalk or Forth.
I would say Smalltalk would be most useful while Forth would get you away from the x86 asm and C bullshit. There's more than one way to code close-to-the-hardware stuff.
Why don't you try OCaml? And if you ever happen (sadly) to return to .NET world - you will have knowledge of F# in your baggage.
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Closed 10 years ago.
As a Java newbie I'm wondering: of all the languages in the world, why is Java frequently used for enterprise applications? What makes it that way compared to the other languages? Will it continue to be this way in the upcoming years?
I'd appreciate your insights. Thanks in advance :)
One word: libraries. Java has an vast array of excellent libraries for solving most of the common problems one needs to solve when developing enterprise applications. In many cases, there is more than one good choice for addressing a particular need, and oftentimes those libraries are free and open source under a business-friendly license.
Some have argued that there are, in fact, too many choices in the Java ecosystem, and that developing enterprise software in Java requires developers to make a large number of decisions that can have far-reaching impact on the end product for better or worse. This has probably helped propel the popularity of alternatives like .NET, which has a reputation of offering fewer choices, but with the benefits of a more well-integrated application stack and tools set. What direction you choose depends, I guess, on whether you place more value on "freedom of choice" or "freedom from choice".
There are lots of reasons a large company (the type to go for enterprise solutions) would pick Java. Note I'm not saying all these reasons are correct or valid. But the relevant point is that they appear valid to a CTO at MegaCorp.
Learning Curve
Java is a simple language without much of the flexibility of other members of the C family, this cuts both ways, but it is seen as a straightforward language for use by an army of programmers. Enterprise projects tend to involve large numbers of developers (rightly or wrongly) and it is much easier to get a developer to a minimum level of competence in Java than C++. You also have a whole generation of graduates who have probably been largely schooled in Java.
Java has a vast array of libraries, frameworks, tools and IDEs, and server providers. To an enterprise its good to have choice, even if that's just for use as a bargaining chip when negotiating price. The language lends itself to code quality tools that allow enforcement of corporate standards (and as mentioned there are a lot of those tools).
Platform Independence
Java is write once, run (well, debug) everywhere. Sun has actively encouraged open standards that allow multiple vendors to implement their solutions. These standards give the customer the comfort that they can migrate from one vendor to another if a given vendor goes under or starts charging more. Of course the reality is that each vendor does their best to provide some "added value" features that tie the customer to them quite nicely.
Its been around a long time, running a lot of servers. If your web application needs to be "6 sigma" or similar and you are the MegaCorp CTO, you are not going to look that kindly on Joe the developer wanting to do it in RoR.
Java came out when programming was moving towards the web. It was positioned cleverly and got a strong position early in web development. Because of the open standards, there are some very big companies producing these platforms and they market Java pretty hard to sell those platforms.
Large corporations move forward at a glacial pace (a lot are still using Java 1.4 five years after 5 was released), so once they've picked Java, it takes a massive investment to move to another platform. With each day that goes by they're cranking out more Java that would need to be migrated. Most of these companies are not primarily coding shops, so it is a very hard sell to convince the business to spend a few tens of millions rewriting their entire code base for no immediate business benefit.
Another reason might be the care Sun has taken to keep Java backwards compatible. The vast majority of Java code can be run on the latest version of the JVM without a problem. That is quite an achievement, given the age of Java. On the other hand you might argue Java has not changed all that much in all these years.
Enterprises like stability in a platform.
Sun targeted Java to speak to the needs of enterprises early on. It pushes standards that promote vendor independance at every level. Platform independant, database independant, application server independant, etc.
In addition they promoted enterprise level tools for it, in terms of messaging, transaction management and other things that the enterpise worries about.
Before Java, enterprise level stuff tended to be done in C++ (there were plenty of exceptions (does anyone remember PowerBuilder?) but that was the rule) and Java fits well as a successor to C++ for business applications, where that kind of memory management isn't something worth paying for.
In addition to all of that the language itself speaks to enterprises in terms of avoiding hard-to-get-right constructs that can really mess up a code base, such as operator overloading. Enterprise level applications tend to get handled by many different hands, not all of which are the top of the line programmers, and having safty nets to prevent shooting themselves in the foot is a desirable thing.
It also came along at the right time. A new paradigm (this was well before .NET existed) that promissed to combine multiple vendors into an ability to compete with Microsoft, which got the likes of IBM and Oracle on board, that happened to fill a new hole, which was the emerging requirement to develop web applications, where C++ was no longer an obvious choice.
I shouldn't be saying this, but...
The real reason is because it's named after coffee!
Business is about time, money and opportunity.
Using Java means that your number of errors in the code goes down, simply because pointers are hard. You use a GC and you instantly remove an entire class of errors from your code.
Secondly, Java was one of the first languages to ship with a pre written library of functions, which really did cover a lot of the development phase. This restricted the way things were done but it meant that people could learn faster, had more tools at their disposal and had a great set of libraries to do things like network, GUI, web, encryption etc. Java on its own as a language really wasn't that special, but Java plus the Java API was.
So if you've got a language that has less errors and more infrastructure for free, then you end up with more code in less time. Sure the code doesn't cure cancer, it's not as fast as C++ code to achieve the same task, but it will achieve the business' goal of getting an application.
If you make more code, for less money, you can pursue more opportunities. You then bring inertia to the table in terms of code that's already been implemented in Java and you start seeing why the business doesn't want to move away from their comfort zone.
Personally I believe one major reason is the cross-platform issue.
Java programs written "correctly" (without assumptions of the underlying operating system) can run on any JVM. This means that you are not tied to a particular platform, unlike .NET which marries you to Windows.
I have seen Java code run on mainframes, Linux routers, inside Oracle database, and naturally on PC's.
It's cheap, RAD, cross-platform, and developers abound.
Developing in C++ is too slow and expensive and .NET has not been around for long enough. Business inertia is huge, remember.
Businesses want languages that are backed by a professional provider (ie. a company like Sun) and often stay away from Open Source languages for the simple reason that it was not written by a company.
Also for client-server applications, you have an abundance of choices for production-quality app servers that have the same J2EE interface (IBM WebSphere, BEA Weblogic, JBoss). Alternatively, you could use the Spring Framework on any server like Apache Tomcat the complies to the Servlet API if you're convinced you don't need EJBs. In contrast to .NET, it's hard to find choices with respect to app servers.
There are an abundance of choices with regards to frameworks for a given task be it an ORM tool, logging, collections, caching, web UIs, etc. There is no hardly any need to reinvent the wheel.
Finally, while it's fashionable these days to lament the very real shortcomings of Java the language, it's a language where folks know how to get things done and how to avoid certain anti-patterns.
The other answers are all good. Two things need to be added, corporate standards and the bandwagon effect. If you want to build an enterprise system you need to have pretty strong case for not using your company's entrenched standards and this is mostly JavaEE. And if you need to resource a project it is a lot easier to recruit a Java programmer than it is, say, Erlang.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is best language to learn next to Java?
Criteria for this secondary language are:
High potential of being the "next big thing". e.g. If the market for Java open positions hypothetically dies/dwindles, what is the next programming language that will have a bigger market for open positions? Another way to frame this question is: If I own a small company that implements solutions in Java, what is the other language that I should use?
Can produce web applications.
Can produce desktop applications.
Easy and fun to learn.
Wide range of available libraries and frameworks (free or open source) that enhance and speed up your solutions.
Python almost meets all of them, but I don't know about being "the next big thing", but hey, Google uses it, and I think its popularity is raising.
It's a scripting language, btw.
I use it for web applications (using django), and you can definitely create desktop applications with it (although I haven't done that myself).
It is easy and fun! (although this is quite subjective, but it's tons easier and "funner" than Java)
For employability: Any of the .Net languages, probably C#. Then you're well set for most potential customers.
For stretching yourself: something functional (F# to cover .Net too?), or something Lisp, or Smalltalk - was once the next big thing but it probably never will be again, but still a language that changed signficantly my approach to programming in other languages.
If you are expert in java, you will probably really enjoy groovy.
It is backwards compatible with java and has a lot of the nice features of ruby and similar dynamic languages. It also has what is shaping up to be a nice rails-a-like in grails, and a good object-relational mapping framework in GORM.
What is really nice about it is you can mix and match groovy classes and java classes. So if you find yourself forgetting the groovy syntax, you can just drop into Java. And of course you can get at any Java library from it. At the same time you can benefit from groovy's really concise idioms for things like Beans properties.
(By the way it meets all your criteria listed above, too)
Learn a language that will probably not be the Next Big Thing™. Learning a new language usually means learning new concepts (unless you learn one that's very similar to another one you already know).
Learning new concepts has great advantages, no matter which language you program in, so it's a pretty good thing to do.
If you limit yourself to a language that's going to be the Next Big Thing™, then chances are that you'll find a lot of familiar concepts and only relatively few new ones (the IT world is conservative like that).
Learn something that looks interesting to you. Not only will you be able to learn faster, if it's interesting, but you'll also have more fun doing so!
How about Scala or JavaScript? Functional paradigms will stretch your thinking further and will be of benefit whether they are "the next big thing", or not.
Go for a different paradigm : functionnal, lisp, haskell, ocaml, erlang, scala, etc.
If you don't have any religious issues with Microsoft, I would argue for C#.
The only downside I can see is that it's not cross-platform. Otherwise it fits your requirements as far as I can see
Your criteria fairly closely matches Python and Ruby, they both have a growing market base in Web development, and are fully capable of producing desktop applications as well. Whilst they are fairly closely matched, Python has a slightly larger library of re-usable code modules, whilst Ruby's strength leans more to it's well-established frameworks.
As a side-note, You should ensure that you don't stop at 2 languages. Start learning a second one, then pick up a third and even fourth as you progress. Learning new programming languages becomes a more trivial task as the general learning curve evens out.
I must second Gilles here; to learn a different paradigm is very rewarding, and functional programming is [not unlikely to be] the Next Thing.
Erlang is great both in flexibility, ease of use (once you grasp the basic ideas) and - the best of all - it it very well suited for the high parallelism of future and current hardware. It also covers all your five criteria, though it might be more of a "server" language than a "desktop" language.
If you are interested, I suggest the book Programming Erlang by Joe Armstrong.
Personally, I'd go with Ruby and focus on running your Ruby scripts under JRuby. this way you get the expressiveness of Ruby with the JVM running your code. I've seen Rails and Merb running under Glassfish. Might seem odd, but you get all the nice instrumentation of Glassfish with your Ruby code. Things like JMX, RMI, etc. work well with JRuby.
Squeak by Example