Java System.getProperty("user.dir") on Mac OS X - java

I have an application bundle on Mac OS X 10.4 on the desktop. My application looks for a folder named "resources" in which files to be displayed are kept (kept in the same location as the runnable JAR). I know there is a folder named "Resources" within the app bundle too, sorry if thats confusing, but I never programmed on a Mac and didnt know this would be the same name.
In Windows, when I call System.getProperty("user.dir") I get the location at which the runnable JAR file is located. Exactly what I wanted.
Why then when I run an application bundle is the getProperty returning "/"? Thats all. I expected it to return something like "/Users/user_name/Desktop"...which is where my app bundle is located.

I instead used the system property "user.home" instead of "user.dir". This way i do not have to worry about where the JVM is looking. I have the application bundle refernce my jar file directly using a bash script as the executeable called by the info.plist file. i can always place the files to be displayed by the app on the users home because that location will always return a path.

That's because "user.dir" indicates the current user directory in effect when the JVM is run; in Windows, this is often the location of the JAR unless you specify otherwise. In OSX there may well be no concept of a current dir, but more likely it just has a different default.
Though I have never specifically tested this code under OSX, you can try this to locate the directory from which any class was loaded:
static public File getClassLocation(Class cls, boolean trmjar) {
ClassLoader clsldr; // class loader
URL urlobj; // url object
String exturl; // external form of URL
String lwrurl; // lowercase external form of URL
File rtnfil; // return file
if((clsldr=cls.getClassLoader())==null) { clsldr=ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); }
if((urlobj=clsldr.getResource(cls.getName().replace('.','/')+".class"))==null) {
return null;
while(lwrurl.startsWith("jar:") || lwrurl.startsWith("file:/")) {
if(lwrurl.startsWith("jar:")) {
if(lwrurl.indexOf("!/")!=-1) { exturl=exturl.substring(4,(exturl.indexOf("!/"))); } // strip encapsulating "jar:" and "!/..." from JAR url
else { exturl=exturl.substring(4 ); } // strip encapsulating "jar:"
if(lwrurl.startsWith("file:/")) {
exturl=exturl.substring(6); // strip encapsulating "file:/"
if(!exturl.startsWith("/")) { exturl=("/"+exturl); }
while(exturl.length()>1 && exturl.charAt(1)=='/') { exturl=exturl.substring(1); }
rtnfil=new File(exturl);
if(lwrurl.endsWith(".class") || (trmjar && lwrurl.endsWith(".jar"))) { rtnfil=rtnfil.getParentFile(); }
if(rtnfil.exists()) { rtnfil=rtnfil.getAbsoluteFile(); }
return rtnfil;
it's worked reliably for me for years under Windows for all versions of Java since Java 1.


Getting a specific version of an image with Jib (Maven, Docker, testcontainers)

I'm trying to understand a comment that a colleague made. We're using testcontainers to create a fixture:
import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;
import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;
public class SalesforceFixture extends GenericContainer<SalesforceFixture> {
private static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "salesforce-emulator";
public SalesforceFixture() {
// super(ImageResolver.resolve(APPLICATION_NAME));
The commented code is what it used to be. The next line is my colleague's suggestion. And on that line he commented:
This is the part I don't know. The [ImageResolver] gets the specific version of the emulator, rather than the latest. You need a docker-info file for that though, which jib doesn't automatically generate (but I think it can).
This is what I know or have figured so far:
SalesforceFixture is a class that will be used by other projects to write tests. It spins up a container in Docker, running a service that emulates the real service's API. It's like a local version of the service that behaves enough like the real thing that if one writes code and tests using the fixture, it should work the same in production. (This is where my knowledge ends.)
I looked into ImageResolver—it seems to be a class we wrote that searches a filesystem for something:
public static String resolve(String applicationName, File... roots) {
Stream<File> searchPaths = -> {
return Stream.of(new File(value, "../" + applicationName), new File(value, applicationName));
Optional<File> buildFile = searchPaths.flatMap((searchFile) -> {
if (searchFile.exists()) {
File imageFile = new File(searchFile + File.separator + "/target/docker/image-name");
if (imageFile.exists()) {
return Stream.of(imageFile);
return Stream.empty();
InputStream build = (InputStream) -> {
return searchClasspath(applicationName);
if (build != null) {
try {
return IOUtils.toString(build, Charset.defaultCharset()).trim();
} catch (IOException var6) {
throw new RuntimeException("An exception has occurred while reading build file", var6);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not resolve target image for application: " + applicationName);
But I'm confused. What filesystem? Like, what is the present working directory? My local computer, wherever I ran the Java program from? Or is this from within some container? (I don't think so.) Or maybe the directory structure inside a .jar file? Or somewhere in
What does he mean about a "specific version number" vs. "latest"? I mean, when I build this project, whatever it built is all I have. Isn't that equivalent to "latest"? In what case would an older version of an image be present? (That's what made me think of
Or, does he mean, that in the project using this project's image, one will not be able to specify a version via Maven/pom.xml—it will always spin up the latest.
Sorry this is long, just trying to "show my work." Any hints welcome. I'll keep looking.
I can't comment on specifics of your own internal implementations, but ImageResolver seems to work on your local filesystem, e.g. it looks into your target/ directory and also touches the classpath. I can imagine this code was just written for resolving an actual image name (not an image), since it also returns a String.
Regarding latest, using a latest tag for a Docker image is generally considered an anti-pattern, so likely your colleague is commenting about this. Here is a random article from the web explaining some of the issues with latest tag:
Besides, I don't understand why you ask these questions which are very specific to your project here on SO rather than asking your colleague.

Read the jar version for a class

For a webservice client I'd like to use Implementation-Title and Implementation-Version from the jar file as user-agent string. The question is how to read the jar's manifest.
This question has been asked multiple times, however the answer seems not applicable for me. (e.g. Reading my own Jar's Manifest)
The problem is that simply reading /META-INF/MANIFEST.MF almost always gives wrong results. In my case, it would almost always refer to JBoss.
The solution proposed in
is problematic for me as you'd have to hardcode the library name to stop the iteration, and then still it may mean two versions of the same library are on the classpath and you just return the first - not necessarily the right - hit.
The solution in
seems to work with jar:// urls only which completely fails within JBoss where the application classloader produces vfs:// urls.
Is there a way for code in a class to find it's own manifest?
I tried the abovementioned items which seem to run well in small applications run from the java command line but then I'd like to have a portable solution as I cannot predict where my library would be used later.
public static Manifest getManifest() {
synchronized(Version.class) {
if(manifest==null) {
try {
// this works wrongly in JBoss
//ClassLoader cl = Version.class.getProtectionDomain().getClassLoader();
//log.debug("found classloader={}", cl);
//URL manifesturl = cl.getResource("/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
URL jar = Version.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
log.debug("Class loaded from {}", jar);
URL manifesturl = null;
switch(jar.getProtocol()) {
case "file":
manifesturl = new URL(jar.toString()+"META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
manifesturl = new URL(jar.toString()+"!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
log.debug("Expecting manifest at {}", manifesturl);
manifest = new Manifest(manifesturl.openStream());
catch(Exception e) {"Could not read version", e);
The code will detect the correct jar path. I assumed by modifying the url to point to the manifest would give the required result however I get this:
Class loaded from vfs:/C:/Users/user/Documents/JavaLibs/wildfly-18.0.0.Final/bin/content/webapp.war/WEB-INF/lib/library-1.0-18.jar
Expecting manifest at vfs:/C:/Users/user/Documents/JavaLibs/wildfly-18.0.0.Final/bin/content/webapp.war/WEB-INF/lib/library-1.0-18.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Could not read version: C:\Users\hiran\Documents\JavaLibs\wildfly-18.0.0.Final\standalone\tmp\vfs\temp\tempfc75b13f07296e98\content-e4d5ca96cbe6b35e\WEB-INF\lib\library-1.0-18.jar!\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF (The system cannot find the path specified)
I checked that path and it seems even the first URL to the jar (obtained via Version.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation() ) was wrong already. It should have been C:\Users\user\Documents\JavaLibs\wildfly-18.0.0.Final\standalone\tmp\vfs\temp\tempfc75b13f07296e98\content-e4d5ca96cbe6b35e\WEB-INF\lib\library-1.0.18.jar.
So this could even point to a problem in Wildfly?
It seems I found some suitable solution here:
So in the end this code can display the correct version of the jar (at least) in JBoss:
Hopefully I will find this answer when I search next time...

this.getClass().getResource("").getPath() returns an incorrect path

I am currently making a small simple Java program for my Computer Science Final, which needs to get the path of the current running class. The class files are in the C:\2013\game\ folder.
To get this path, I call this code segment in my main class constructor:
public game(){
String testPath = this.getClass().getResource("").getPath();
//Rest of game
However, this command instead returns this String: "/" despite the correct output being "C:/2013/game"
Additionally, I attempted to rectify this by using this code:
public game(){
String testPath = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("").getPath();
This returns a NullPointerException, which originates from the fact that getClassLoader() returns null, despite working on my Eclipse IDE. Any Ideas?
If you want to load a file in the same path as the code then I suggest you put it in the same root folder as the code and not the same path as the class.
Reason : class can be inside a jar, data file can be put in same jar but its more difficult to edit and update then.
Also suggest you see the preferences class suggested in comments : though in some cases I think its okay to have your own data/ excel/csv/ java.util.Properties file
Not sure about why it is working in eclipse but I would suggest you focus on running it from a command prompt/ terminal as that is the 'real mode' when it goes live
You could just ask for your class
String s = getClass().getName();
int i = s.lastIndexOf(".");
if(i > -1) s = s.substring(i + 1);
s = s + ".class";
System.out.println("name " +s);
Object testPath = this.getClass().getResource(s);
This will give you
name TstPath.class
Which is my eclipse build path ...
need to parse this to get the path where the class was loaded.
App could be started from elsewhere
class can be in jar then path will be different (will point to a jar and file inside that
classpaths can be many at runtime and point 1
a class might be made at runtime via network/ Proxy / injection etc and thus not have a file source, so this is not a generic solution.
think what you want to acheive at a higher level and post that question. meaning why do you want this path?
do you want the app path :-
File f = new File("./");
So an app can be started from folder c:\app1\run\
The jar could be at c:\app1\libsMain\myapp.jar
and a helper jar could be at c:\commonlibs\set1
So this will only tell you where the JVM found your class, that may or maynot be what you need.
if inside a jar will give you some thing like this in unix or windows
If package is s and class is TstPath, you can be sure this will work as the class has to be there ...
now to parse this you can look for your class name and remove / or \ till you get path you want. String lastIndexOf will help
You can use :
URL classURL = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
The call to getResource([String]) requires a path relative to the folder that contains the class it is being called from. So, if you have the following, anything you pass into MyClass.class.getResource([path]); must be a valid path relative to the com/putable/ package folder and it must point to a real file:
package com.putable;
public class MyClass{}
Using the empty string simply isn't valid, because there can never be a file name that equals the empty string. But, you could do getResource(getClass().getSimpleName()). Just remove the file name from the end of the path returned by that call and you will have the class directory you want.
ClassLoader loader = Test.class.getClassLoader();
Try this.
public class TT {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String path = TT.class.getResource("").getPath();
File file = new File(path);
Try use this code
public game()
String className = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
String testPath = this.getClass().getResource(className+".class");
System.out.println("Current Running Location is :"+testPath);
visit the link for more information
Find where java class is loaded from
Print out absolute path for a file in your classpath i.e. build/resources/main/someFileInClassPath.txt Disclaimer, this is similar to another solution on this page that used TT.class..., but this did not work for me instead TT..getClassLoader()... did work for me.
public class TT {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
String path = TT.getClassLoader().getResource("someFileInClassPath.txt").getPath();
File file = new File(path);
Because you used class.getResource(filePath).getpath() in a *.jar file. So the path includes "!". If you want to get content of file in *.jar file, use the following code:

Problem reloading a jar using URLClassLoader

I need to add plugin functionality to an existing application for certain parts of the application. I want to be able to add a jar at runtime and the application should be able to load a class from the jar without restarting the app. So far so good. I found some samples online using URLClassLoader and it works fine.
I also wanted the ability to reload the same class when an updated version of the jar is available. I again found some samples and the key to achieving this as I understand is that I need to use a new classloader instance for each new load.
I wrote some sample code but hit a NullPointerException. First let me show you guys the code:
package test.misc;
import plugin.misc.IPlugin;
public class TestJarLoading {
public static void main(String[] args) {
IPlugin plugin = null;
while(true) {
try {
File file = new File("C:\\plugins\\test.jar");
String classToLoad = "jartest.TestPlugin";
URL jarUrl = new URL("jar", "","file:" + file.getAbsolutePath()+"!/");
URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {jarUrl}, TestJarLoading.class.getClassLoader());
Class loadedClass = cl.loadClass(classToLoad);
plugin = (IPlugin) loadedClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
IPlugin is a simple interface with just one method doProc:
public interface IPlugin {
void doProc();
and jartest.TestPlugin is an implementation of this interface where doProc just prints out some statements.
Now, I package the jartest.TestPlugin class into a jar called test.jar and place it under C:\plugins and run this code. The first iteration runs smoothly and the class loads without issues.
When the program is executing the sleep statement, I replace C:\plugins\test.jar with a new jar containing an updated version of the same class and wait for the next iteration of while. Now here's what I don't understand. Sometimes the updated class gets reloaded without issues i.e. the next iteration runs fine. But sometimes, I see an exception thrown:
at sun.misc.Resource.getBytes(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at test.misc.TestJarLoading.main(
I have searched on the net and scratched my head but can't really arrive at any conclusion as to why this exception is thrown and that too - only sometimes, not always.
I need your experience and expertise to understand this. What's wrong with this code? Please help!!
Let me know if you need any more info. Thanks for looking!
For everyone's benefit, let me summarize the real problem and the solution that worked for me.
As Ryan pointed out, there is a bug in JVM, which affects Windows Platform. URLClassLoader does not close the open jar files after it opens them for loading classes, effectively locking the jar files. The jar files can't be deleted or replaced.
The solution is simple: close the open jar files after they've been read. However, to get a handle to the open jar files, we need to use reflection since the properties we need to traverse down are not public. So we traverse down this path
URLClassLoader -> URLClassPath ucp -> ArrayList<Loader> loaders
JarLoader -> JarFile jar -> jar.close()
The code to close the open jar files can be added to a close() method in a class extending URLClassLoader:
public class MyURLClassLoader extends URLClassLoader {
public PluginClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) {
super(urls, parent);
* Closes all open jar files
public void close() {
try {
Class clazz =;
Field ucp = clazz.getDeclaredField("ucp");
Object sunMiscURLClassPath = ucp.get(this);
Field loaders = sunMiscURLClassPath.getClass().getDeclaredField("loaders");
Object collection = loaders.get(sunMiscURLClassPath);
for (Object sunMiscURLClassPathJarLoader : ((Collection) collection).toArray()) {
try {
Field loader = sunMiscURLClassPathJarLoader.getClass().getDeclaredField("jar");
Object jarFile = loader.get(sunMiscURLClassPathJarLoader);
((JarFile) jarFile).close();
} catch (Throwable t) {
// if we got this far, this is probably not a JAR loader so skip it
} catch (Throwable t) {
// probably not a SUN VM
(This code was taken from the second link that Ryan posted. This code is also posted on the bug report page.)
However, there's a catch: For this code to work and be able to get a handle to the open jar files to close them, the loader used to load the classes from the file by URLClassLoader implementation has to be a JarLoader. Looking at the source code of URLClassPath (method getLoader(URL url)), I noticed that it uses a JARLoader only if the file string used to create the URL does not end in "/". So, the URL must be defined like this:
URL jarUrl = new URL("file:" + file.getAbsolutePath());
The overall class loading code should look something like this:
void loadAndInstantiate() {
MyURLClassLoader cl = null;
try {
File file = new File("C:\\jars\\sample.jar");
String classToLoad = "";
URL jarUrl = new URL("file:" + file.getAbsolutePath());
cl = new MyURLClassLoader(new URL[] {jarUrl}, getClass().getClassLoader());
Class loadedClass = cl.loadClass(classToLoad);
Object o = loadedClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
} finally {
if(cl != null)
Update: JRE 7 has introduced a close() method in the class URLClassLoader which may have solved this issue. I haven't verified it.
This behaviour is related to a bug in the jvm
2 workarounds are documented here
Starting from Java 7, you indeed have a close() method in URLClassLoader but it is not enough to release completely the jar files if you call directly or indirectly methods of type ClassLoader#getResource(String), ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream(String) or ClassLoader#getResources(String). Indeed by default, the JarFile instances are automatically stored into the cache of JarFileFactory in case we call directly or indirectly one of the previous methods and those instances are not released even if we call
So a hack is still needed in this particular case even with Java 1.8.0_74, here is my hack that I use here Even with this hack, I still had to call the GC explicitly to fully release the jar files as you can see here
This is an update tested on java 7 with success. Now the URLClassLoader works fine for me
class MyReloaderMain {
//assuming ___BASE_DIRECTORY__/lib for jar and ___BASE_DIRECTORY__/conf for configuration
String dirBase = ___BASE_DIRECTORY__;
File file = new File(dirBase, "lib");
String[] jars = file.list();
URL[] jarUrls = new URL[jars.length + 1];
int i = 0;
for (String jar : jars) {
File fileJar = new File(file, jar);
jarUrls[i++] = fileJar.toURI().toURL();
jarUrls[i] = new File(dirBase, "conf").toURI().toURL();
URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(jarUrls, MyReloaderMain.class.getClassLoader());
// this is required to load file (such as spring/context.xml) into the jar
Class classToLoad = Class.forName("", true, classLoader);
instance = classToLoad.newInstance();
Method method = classToLoad.getDeclaredMethod("start", args.getClass());
Object result = method.invoke(instance, args);
Close and Restart the ClassReloader
then update your jar and call
then you can restart the app with the new version.
Do not include your jar into your base class loader
Do not include your jar into your base class loader "MyReloaderMain.class.getClassLoader()" of the "MyReloaderMain", in other words develop 2 project with 2 jars one for "MyReloaderMain" and the other one for your real application without dependency between the two, or you will not able to understand who i loading what.
The error is still present in jdk1.8.0_25 on Windows. Although #Nicolas' answer helps, I hit a ClassNotFound for when running it on WildFly, and several vm crashes while debugging some box tests...
Therefore I ended up extracting the part of the code which deals with loading and unloading, to an external jar. From the main code I just call this with java -jar.... all looks fine for now.
NOTE: Windows does release the locks on the loaded jar files when the jvm exits, that is why this works.
In principle, a class that has already been loaded cannot be reloaded with the same classloader.
For a new load, it is necessary to create a new classloader and thus load the class.
Using URLClassLoader has one problem and that is that the jar file remains open.
If you have multiple classes loaded from one jar file by different instances of URLClassLoader and you change the jar file at runtime, you will usually get this error: ZipFile invalid LOC header (bad signature). The error may be different.
In order for the above errors not to occur, it is necessary to use the close method on all URLClassLoaders using the given jar file. But this is a solution that actually leads to a restart of the entire application.
A better solution is to modify the URLClassLoader so that the contents of the jar file are loaded into the RAM cache. This no longer affects other URLClassloaders that read data from the same jar file. The jar file can then be freely changed while the application is running. For example, you can use this modification of URLClassLoader for this purpose: in-memory URLClassLoader

Is it possible to "add" to classpath dynamically in java?

java -classpath ../classes;../jar;. parserTester
How can i get the functionality in the above command programmatically? Like, is it possible to run as:
java parserTester
and get the same result? I tried using URLClassLoader but it modifies the classpath and does not add to it.
Thanks for the response Milhous. But that is what i am trying to do.. How is it possible to get the jar into the classpath first? I tried using a custom classloader too :(
That works.. But sorry that i need to run it only as:
java parserTester
I would like to know if such a thing is possible???
It needs to be so bcoz i have and .class in a separate folder. I need to retain the file structure. The parserTester makes use of a jar in a separate jar folder.
You can use a to load classes with any program defined list of URL's you wish:
public class URLClassLoader
extends SecureClassLoader
This class loader is used to load
classes and resources from a search
path of URLs referring to both JAR
files and directories. Any URL that
ends with a '/' is assumed to refer to
a directory. Otherwise, the URL is
assumed to refer to a JAR file which
will be opened as needed.
The AccessControlContext of the thread
that created the instance of
URLClassLoader will be used when
subsequently loading classes and
The classes that are loaded are by
default granted permission only to
access the URLs specified when the
URLClassLoader was created.
And a little fancy footwork can extend it to support using wildcarded pathnames to pick up entire directories of JARs (this code has some references to utility methods, but their implementation should be obvious in the context):
* Add classPath to this loader's classpath.
* <p>
* The classpath may contain elements that include a generic file base name. A generic basename
* is a filename without the extension that may begin and/or end with an asterisk. Use of the
* asterisk denotes a partial match. Any files with an extension of ".jar" whose base name match
* the specified basename will be added to this class loaders classpath. The case of the filename is ignored.
* For example "/somedir/*abc" means all files in somedir that end with "abc.jar", "/somedir/abc*"
* means all files that start with "abc" and end with ".jar", and "/somedir/*abc*" means all files
* that contain "abc" and end with ".jar".
public void addClassPath(String cp) {
String seps=File.pathSeparator; // separators
if(!File.pathSeparator.equals(";")) { seps+=";"; } // want to accept both system separator and ';'
for(StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(cp,seps,false); st.hasMoreTokens(); ) {
String pe=st.nextToken();
File fe;
String bn=null;
if(pe.length()==0) { continue; }
fe=new File(pe);
if(fe.getName().indexOf('*')!=-1) {
if(!fe.isAbsolute() && pe.charAt(0)!='/' && pe.charAt(0)!='\\') { fe=new File(rootPath,fe.getPath()); }
try { fe=fe.getCanonicalFile(); }
catch(IOException thr) {
log.diagln("Skipping non-existent classpath element '"+fe+"' ("+thr+").");
if(!GenUtil.isBlank(bn)) {
fe=new File(fe,bn);
if(classPathElements.contains(fe.getPath())) {
log.diagln("Skipping duplicate classpath element '"+fe+"'.");
else {
if(!GenUtil.isBlank(bn)) {
else if(!fe.exists()) { // s/never be due getCanonicalFile() above
log.diagln("Could not find classpath element '"+fe+"'");
else if(fe.isDirectory()) {
else if(fe.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") || fe.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
else {
log.diagln("ClassPath element '"+fe+"' is not an existing directory and is not a file ending with '.zip' or '.jar'");
log.diagln("Class loader is using classpath: \""+classPath+"\".");
* Adds a set of JAR files using a generic base name to this loader's classpath. See #link:addClassPath(String) for
* details of the generic base name.
public void addJars(File dir, String nam) {
String[] jars; // matching jar files
if(nam.endsWith(".jar")) { nam=nam.substring(0,(nam.length()-4)); }
if(!dir.exists()) {
log.diagln("Could not find directory for Class Path element '"+dir+File.separator+nam+".jar'");
if(!dir.canRead()) {
log.error("Could not read directory for Class Path element '"+dir+File.separator+nam+".jar'");
FileSelector fs=new FileSelector(true).add("BaseName","EG",nam,true).add("Name","EW",".jar",true);
if((jars=dir.list(fs))==null) {
log.error("Error accessing directory for Class Path element '"+dir+File.separator+nam+".jar'");
else if(jars.length==0) {
log.diagln("No JAR files match specification '"+new File(dir,nam)+".jar'");
else {
log.diagln("Adding files matching specification '"+dir+File.separator+nam+".jar'");
for(int xa=0; xa<jars.length; xa++) { addURL(createUrl(new File(dir,jars[xa]))); }
private URL createUrl(File fe) {
try {
URL url=fe.toURI().toURL();
log.diagln("Added URL: '"+url.toString()+"'");
if(classPath.length()>0) { classPath+=File.pathSeparator; }
return url;
catch(MalformedURLException thr) {
log.diagln("Classpath element '"+fe+"' could not be used to create a valid file system URL");
return null;
I have to agree with the other two posters, it sounds like you're overcomplicating a test class.
It's not that unusual to have the .java and .class files in separate folders, while depending on jar files in yet a third, without programmatically changing the classpath.
If you're doing it because you don't want to have to type the classpath on the command line everytime, I would suggest a shell script or batch file. Better yet, an IDE.
The question I really have is why are you doing trying to manage the classpath in code?
You could implement your own class loader, but that class/jar has to be in the classpath for it to be executed.
java -cp *.jar:. myClass
export CLASSPATH=./lib/tool.jar:.
java myClass
java -jar file.jar
You can write a batch file or shell script file to export the classpath and run the java program.
In Windows,
set classpath=%classpath%;../classes;../jars/*
java ParserTester
In Unix,
export classpath=%classpath%:../classes:../jars/*
java ParserTester
If you name the file name as parser.bat or, you can just run that by calling parser in respective OS.
From java 1.6, you can include all the jars in a directory into the classpath just by saying /*
If you are trying to generate a java file dynamically, compile and add into the classpath, set the directory into which the class file gets generated in the classpath beforehand. It should load the class.
If you are modifying the already generated java class, basically recompiling after modification and if you want to load the new class, you need to use your custom class loader to avoid the caching of the class.
I think what you want is an "Execution Wrapper" or a platform specific "Launcher"... typically this component is used to detect your OS and architecture and dependencies and then makes adjustments before launching your application. It is an old school design pattern (talking 80's and earlier) but is still used a lot today. The idea is that you program can be system and environment agnostic and the launcher will make preparations and tell the software everything it needs to know. Many modern open source programs do this with Shell scripts and Batch Files, etc... Apache Tomcat for example. You could just as easily make the wrapper in java an have it launch the software with a command line exec (be sure to add " &" to the end of you exec command in *NIX so your wrapper can exit leaving only your software running... also lets you close the shell window without killing the process)
Did I understand right?! The only reason you have it that you want to launch your class without specifying the classpath and load it at runtime? ...
java parserTester
instead of
java -classpath ../classes;../jar;. parserTester
Probably I didn't get your reason. But if "that's" what you want you can do the following ( although it does not make much sense to me )
Launch the class
From the main method lauch another class an programatically set the classpath there.
End of history.
Something like the following "java -pseudo code "
public static void main( String [] args ) {
String classpath = "classes;../jar";
Runtime.getRuntime().execute("java + classpath + " parserTester ");
Please tell me if I get it right. If you want to do something else I would gladly help.
Excellent good post, in my case I did this to work well (note: Windows specific):
set classpath=%classpath%;../lib/*
java -cp %classpath% com.test.MyClass

