correctly printstacktrace of servlet exception - java

so i am using a filter to catch servlet exception (because we are using a mix of jsf/plain servlets)
when catching the ServletException and calling printstacktrace most of the information is lost.
the "true" root exception seems to be hidden behind the "funny" expression
((ServletException) e.getRootCause().getCause()).getRootCause().getCause().getCause().getCause()
this is clearly not the way to do it.
is the an easy way to print the "full" information of such an exception.
can someone explain me why the exception is wrapped this way?

Take a look at the ExceptionUtils class from commons-lang. It contains several useful methods for printing the entire chain of exceptions.

after i had a look at ExceptionUtils, this solved the problem!
final StringWriter stacktrace = new StringWriter();
ExceptionUtils.printRootCauseStackTrace(throwable,new PrintWriter(stacktrace));
this prints out the full stacktrace with every piece of information that is relevant.

That is called exception chaining. By wrapping an exception in a different exception you can let exceptions bubble up the stack without having your main application classes to worry about some low-level exceptions.
public void doStuff() throws StuffException {
try {
} catch (DatabaseException de1) {
throw new StuffException("Could not do stuff in the database.", de1);
This way your application only has to handle StuffException but it can get to the underlying DatabaseException if it really needs to.
To get to the bottom-most (and all other) exception(s) of an exception you caught you can iterator over its root causes:
} catch (SomeException se1) {
Throwable t = se1;
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Top exception", se1);
while (t.getCause() != null) {
t = t.getCause();
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Nested exception", t);
// now t contains the root cause

Exception chaining for ServletException is tricky. Depending on the web server implementation and web development framework in use, at runtime the chain may use cause and/or rootCause. This link explains it very well. To complicate things, I've seen exceptions where the cause points to the exception itself.
Here's a recursive method we have used that covers all bases for ServletExceptions:
public static Throwable getDeepCause(Throwable ex) {
if (ex == null) {
return ex;
Throwable cause;
if (ex instanceof ServletException) {
cause = ((ServletException) ex).getRootCause();
if (cause == null) {
cause = ex.getCause();
} else {
cause = ex.getCause();
if (cause != null && cause != ex) {
return getDeepCause(cause);
} else {
// stop condition - reached the end of the exception chain
return ex;


Throwing a custom exception instead of other types of exceptions

I have a program in which I want to throw one of 4 exceptions that I define.
I get an HTTP response and according its error code I want to throw the exceptions:
Here is an example:
public List<Map<String, Object>> getData(String product) {
try {
Response<DataGeneralResponse> response = dataApi.dataGet(product).execute();
if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
log.error(String.format("Failed to get data for product [%s] error [%s]",
DataGeneralResponse body = response.body();
return body != null ? body.getData(): null;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(String.format("Failed to get data for product [%s] error[%s]",
return null;
So I need to to something like that in Util:
public void handleResponse(Response<DataGeneralResponse> response) throws CustomException {
switch (response.code()) {
case 500: throw new FirstCustomException(");
case 404: throw new SecondCustomException(");
default: throw new UnknownCustomException(");
But when I try to remove the catch clause I get unhandled IOException error on the execute method and on the getErrorMsg method.
Can someone help please?
I get unhandled IOException error on the execute method and on the getErrorMsg method.
This indicates that you have a method, which is trying to throw a checked exception, which is not surrounded by a try catch clause. By Java language standard all methods, which throw checked exceptions must do one of the two ..
Be surrounded by a try-catch block which catches the relevant exception
Declare that they throw the relevant exception by using the throws keyword
You can use one of the methods above to deal with error you are getting.
If this does not completely solve your problem, please add a comment below and I'll respond.

How to handle a PSQLException in java?

I have a unique constraint on one of my entities and whenever I get a PSQLException which occurs whenever that constraint is violated, I want to respond with a bad request.
This is my exception handler which I tried to implement:
public class DatabaseExceptionHandler {
#ExceptionHandler(value = PSQLException.class)
public void handleDatabaseExceptions(PSQLException e) {
// i want to respond with a bad request only when this condition is satisfied
// if (e.getSQLState().equals("23505")) {
// }
And this is where the model is saved in db:
public DepartmentForHoliday setDepartment(DepartmentForHoliday department) {
if (department.getDepartmentId() == null) {
Department savedDepartment = new Department();
try {;
} catch (PSQLException e) {
/*here i have a compiler error which says that this exception is never thrown in the corresponding try block, but where ?*/
This is the exception that is thrown when I add a duplicate entry:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uk_1t68827l97cwyxo9r1u6t4p7d"
Detail: Key (name)=(Tech) already exists.
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse( ~[postgresql-9.4.1211.jre7.jar:9.4.1211.jre7]
How to handle PSQLExceptions ? Should I make my own exception as a wrapper or how to solve this problem ?
Key problem is that PSQLException is wrapped into some Spring exception (which I assume from your code); you have to unwrap it (for example using guava's Throwables):
public DepartmentForHoliday setDepartment(DepartmentForHoliday department) {
if (department.getDepartmentId() == null) {
Department savedDepartment = new Department();
try {;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
Throwable rootCause =;
if (rootCause instanceof SQLException) {
if ("23505".equals(((SQLException) rootCause).getSQLState())) {
// do smth interesting :)
Once you do that you can throw your custom exception and handle it in DatabaseExceptionHandler
You are catching PSQLException. Instead of that, please catch SQLException. With SQLException you will can handle all this SQL exceptions.
You can check the SQLException knowledge at this link
Then in your code just treat the SQLException as you want. The most generic catch clause is the following one:
catch (SQLException e)
System.out.println("ERROR: Fetch statement failed: " +
With this code you are printing the exception. If you want more information, check this
This is quite late, but building on previous responses I was able to solve it as so:
try {
return this.projectRepository.saveAndFlush(patchedProjectEntity);
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
if (e.getMostSpecificCause().getClass().getName().equals("org.postgresql.util.PSQLException") && ((SQLException) e.getMostSpecificCause()).getSQLState().equals("23505"))
throw new UniqueConstraintViolationException("", e.getMostSpecificCause());
throw e;
Where UniqueConstraintViolationException is a custom exception and handled with a spring controller advice.
You might as well register an exception handler for that wrapped exception (that #radek mentioned) directly.
In your case that's:
protected fun handleDataIntegrityException(ex: DataIntegrityViolationException, request: WebRequest) : ResponseEntity<SomeBody>{
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body(someBodyHere)
The error is converted within convertHibernateAccessException in org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendorHibernateJpaDialect, which has already processed away from PSQL. You can add a breakpoint there and follow the stacktrace.
There is a lot of proxy'ing happening under the hood, but the takeaway is that there is always a readable, expressive Exception to use directly.

Using specific try catch, error overrides

This is my Exception:
public class MyException extends Exception {
private String errorCode="Unknown_Exception";
public MyException(String message, String errorCode){
public String getErrorCode(){
return this.errorCode;
Now immagine the next scenario, the code is way too long to paste here:
1 I got a Presentation class made in Swing in Presentation package
2 In package calculations I made simple operations with few numbers from received database fields
3 In package connections I got the database connections
Trouble comes here:
-In presentation layer I catch all errors, like this:
try {
//here is a method called updateCombo() wich throws:
//throw new MyException(e.getMessage(),"ERROR_UPDATING_COMBO_BOX");
} catch (MyException ex) {
try {
//Here we process error code, if error is not defined, uses default errors.
} catch (MyException ex1) {
Logger.getLogger(Presentacion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1);
processCode is a simple list with cases, like this:
private void processCode(MyException e) throws MyException {
switch (e.getErrorCode()) {
lblErrorText.setText("Error updating combo.");
throw e;
lblErrorText.setText("Error selecting PK");
throw e;
lblErrorText.setText("Error opening connection.");
throw e;
lblErrorText.setText("Excepcion not defined: "+ e.getMessage());
This is the scenario, the connection fails in 3rd package and leads to this:
throw new MyException(e.getMessage(),"ERROR_OPENING_CONNECTION");
As I said, the error is thrown to the upper layer with throws clause in method header, this beeing 2nd package.
2nd package also throws a new exception to Presentation, because of failing connection:
throw new MyException(e.getMessage(),"ERROR_SELECTING_PRIMARY_KEY");
Presentation methods also throw this exception becase 2nd layer failed:
throw new MyException(e.getMessage(),"ERROR_UPDATING_COMBO_BOX");
The main problem:
Using debug i found out that the program does what it has to do. It gets to the connection layer and does this successfully:
throw new MyException(e.getMessage(),"ERROR_OPENING_CONNECTION");
But, in 2nd layer, calculations, if connection fails it throws a new exception:
throw new MyException(e.getMessage(),"ERROR_SELECTING_PRIMARY_KEY");
This is the problem:
throw new
throwing new exception overrides ERROR_OPENING_CONNECTION with ERROR_SELECTING_PRIMARY_KEY. When it gets to presentation due to its "throw new" overrides ERROR_SELECTING_PRIMARY_KEY with ERROR_UPDATING_COMBO_BOX, resulting in the final error shown in the screen:
lblErrorText.setText("Error updating combo.");
Is there any way to return to presentation once first error is caught without overriding by next errors?
Maybe I misunderstood the concept but I want to catch all possible errors because:
-If connection is OK but method in 2nd layer fails it should throw ERROR_SELECTING_PRIMARY_KEY.
-If 2nd layer (calculations) does it OK but there is error in presentation it should lead to ERROR_UPDATING_COMBO_BOX.
You can use e.getCause() which will return a Throwable and check if this cause belongs to MyException. In case it is, you can check the e.getCause() again recursively until you obtain the deepest error code in the stacktrace and perform the validation for this exception.
Here's an example:
public MyException getDeepestException(MyException e) {
Throwable t = e.getCause();
if (t instanceof MyException) {
return getDeepestException((MyException)t);
return e;
As pointed out by #RealSkeptic, in order to use this approach, you will need to add an additional constructor to your custom exception:
public MyException(String message, Throwable cause, String errorCode){
super(message, cause);
this.errorCode = errorCode;
And when throwing your exception, call the proper constructor:
try {
} catch (SomeException e) {
throw new MyException(<a proper message should be here>, e, "ERROR_SELECTING_PRIMARY_KEY");
If I understand you correctly, if the exception caught by one package happens to be a MyException, you want the original MyException to be passed up, otherwise (if the exception is some other type of Exception) you want to create a new MyException.
In this case, you should have two catch clauses.
try {
// Whatever you do in the try clause
} catch ( MyException myEx ) {
throw myEx;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new MyException(e.getMessage(),"ERROR_SELECTING_PRIMARY_KEY");

Generic Exception Handling

I found below code for exception handling which handles all execptions of thrown by application including runtimes.
public static void handleException(String strMethodName,
Exception ex) throws CustomException{
String strMessage = "";
try {
throw ex;
catch (NullPointerException npe){
logger.log(pr, strMethodName, npe.getMessage());
throw new CustomException(strMessage);
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException iobe) {
throw new CustomException(strMessage);
... So On
Below are some of the disadvantages that I think:
To idenitify root cause of the exception we will need to always check for the Message string.
No sepearation of type of exceptions
Less code. (Code can be minimized)
Can you please let me know whether I should go with such mechanism or not.
Not sure of the circumstances which you are using the code.
In your approach, you are not rethrowing the exception object which may be used for debugging
public static void handleException(String strMethodName,
Throwable th){
String strMessage = "";
try {
throw th;
catch (Throwable thr){
logger.log(pr, strMethodName, npe.getMessage());
//get the appropriate error code from a method
throw new CustomException(strMessage, th);
//CustomException is of type RuntimeException
By catching and "THROWING" the Throwable object you are sure that even errors are handled properly. [It is important not to suppress the Throwable object]

Java Not Catching Exception

Unfortunately, I don't have control over getUserByUserId(String). The way it behaves is to return a User if a user if found and to throw a OntNoObjectExistsException if no user is found. My problem is that for some reason, the catch doesn't catch OntNoObjectExistsException when it gets thrown.
The type hierarchy for this exception is: OntNoObjectExistsException -> OntException -> Exception -> Throwable.
public boolean isUserIdAvailable(String userId) {
try {
return super.getUserByUserId(userId) == null;
} catch (OntNoObjectExistsException e){
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
I tried this code to test the waters and the problem persisted. Note, I'm catching Throwable.
public boolean isUserIdAvailable(String userId) {
try {
return super.getUserByUserId(userId) == null;
} catch (Throwable ex) {
return false;
Here's the stacktrace:
com.opennetwork.exception.OntNoObjectExistsException: User not found
at com.bcbst.dsmart.api.WebUser.getUserByUserId(
at com.bcbst.dsmart.api.WebProspectiveMemberBean.isUserIdAvailable(
at com.bcbst.dsmart.api.EJSLocalStatelessWebProspectiveMember_ce00ef7b.isUserIdAvailable(
at com.bcbst.prospectivememberweb.actions.UsageagreementAction.execute(
at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(
at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
Also note, this is java 1.4. Something else I can't control right now.
Let me propose a hypothesis. WebUser.getUserByUserId contains this code:
if (userNotFoundCondition) {
OntNoObjectExistsException e = new OntNoObjectExistsException("User not found");
logger.error("User not found", e);
throw e;
This hypothesis is 100% consistent with all the evidence you submitted. In order to move forward with your investigation, you must first disprove this hypothesis.
I agree with the the other answer that it is very bad practice to use exceptions for flow control but to actually answer your question have you tried to catch Throwable instead of Exception?
catch (Throwable t) {
// handle here.
You are catching exception in the superclass where you throw new Throwable.
You have no control over getUserByUserId(); however, it seems to be in the same package com.bcbst.dsmart.api, so this answer assumes (so as to move on) it is outside your responsibility within the same project, but you have its source files.
Could there be a mismatch between the sources of the class getUserByUserId() belongs to, and the compiled version that's being used at runtime?
If the throws statements have been modified within that class after they have been compiled, or the exceptions themselves have been changed, this could explain this apparently absurd situation of yours.
See this answer on SO for more on that hypothesis.
=> Recompile everything, and redeploy.

