guacamole vnc viewer - how to? - java

i have my tomcat server running, i downloaded the guacamole vnc viewer, and i followed the instructions on :
however when i type :http://localhost:8080/guacamole/ i get error message : http status 404 The requested resource () is not available.
anyone using guacamole, plz can you explain the steps to follow? i moved the xml files and the war file as instructed, but there is this folder: "guacamole-src.tar" where do i unzip it to?
what are the steps to follow to make it work?
thx a lot:)

Once you've copied guacamole.war, start the server and check if a folder /guacamole is created at the same place (that means the server has found your web application and is trying to deploy it).
Also, please check your Tomcat logs.
You don't need to use guacamole-src.tar, that file only contains the project sources, but it is not needed.


Cant get tomcat to show webapp from deployed .war file

I followed a tutorial and am trying to learn to make my own web app. I am using Tomcat 8.0.47 and Spring MVC. Issue is I can go to localhost:8080 and see that the server is on but I cant see my basic webapp running when visiting localhost:8080/CrunchifySpringMVCTutorial page. I made a WAR file and dropped it into the /webapps/ folder inside tomcat folder and console shows that it deployed the war file. Any help is appreciated.
I am following this tutorial:
rather than paste all the files I decided to link the guide. My set up is the same but cant figure out why it is not working. thanks.
Looks like the issue was that I needed to add the CATALINA_HOME system variable to properly setup my tomcat server

Run JSP from netbeans project in Tomcat Server

Hi I already develop my application using Netbeans IDE.
Now I want to run my application in Tomcat server for actual use. I already copy my project to tomcat/webapps.
But when I tried to run my application:
it gives me an error message :The requested resource (/Opportunities-Registration/) is not available.
I should change the url to make it work:
How can I open my application using http://localhost:8081/myAppFolder/ insteand of http://localhost:8081/Opportunities-Registration/web/index.jsp ?
All my servlet is also become 404 not found
Thank you
1. copy .war file which is contained in dist folder of your netbeans project
2. Place your .war file to tomcat/webapps
3. Start your tomcat
4. You are good to go

Copy a file on server and make it accessible

I have a jersey web service. I am trying to download a file on my hard disk through my localhost Tomcat server."D:\\");
This line doesn't work due to security reason.
My 2nd try is creating a folder in the project which can be accessible like localhost/myfolder then I put a file there which can be accessed through http.
Now I copy files from a specific folder to "myfolder" so that they can be downloaded.
The problem is: although the files exist in my hard drive, they cannot be accessible through http. Only after I refresh the project in Eclipse. The files can be accessible through http.
Is there any trigger for the server to update its file list?
How do you create "Aliases" in Apache Tomcat?
This is the answer. I don't know much about other solution than creating an "alias" as in Apache server. Olaf Kock's answer would be interesting too if he can be more beginner-friendly.
Further notice, you can find server.xml in your Tomcat server "project" in Eclipse. jboss project localhost

I've been working on web project written in jsp and running on jboss. I have problem after deployment of project. I'm getting an error after hitting localhost:8080/Myapp : Null/ <Can't find>. I have this file in conf folder in my app directory. For sure I need to properly point to this file or place it somewhere in jboss installation folder but unfortunately I'm new to Java and 've been working with PHP but I've been assigned to client who has home site written as one jsp site with some xml. I need to change their frontend a little bit but I'm trying to set up my local environment without success.
Any help would be great.
Regards Adam

new File not found in Webcontent. Need to refresh

Hello i have a java backend running on tomcat. java creates a .txt File that is saved locally in the Webcontent Folder. But the file is not found on the client side, altought it exists on the Webserver. After a refresh of my java workspace the file is found. Is there a way to tell tomcat to refresh / redeploy using java?
Tomcat does not see your WebContents folder, but a copy create by the Tomcat server connector. Refreshing updates the copy.
What generates the .txt file? A separate program or code embedded in your web application?
There are a number of cases where the app would have to generate the file to be immediately available to the browser. For example, an image upload window. When the server creates the file from within WTP, it will have to also create the file at the published location where Tomcat is expected to pick it up. Open the server properties, tomcat arguments, catalina root parameter to find out where this location is. When the application is deployed this functionality will need to be disabled, of course.

