Cant get tomcat to show webapp from deployed .war file - java

I followed a tutorial and am trying to learn to make my own web app. I am using Tomcat 8.0.47 and Spring MVC. Issue is I can go to localhost:8080 and see that the server is on but I cant see my basic webapp running when visiting localhost:8080/CrunchifySpringMVCTutorial page. I made a WAR file and dropped it into the /webapps/ folder inside tomcat folder and console shows that it deployed the war file. Any help is appreciated.
I am following this tutorial:
rather than paste all the files I decided to link the guide. My set up is the same but cant figure out why it is not working. thanks.

Looks like the issue was that I needed to add the CATALINA_HOME system variable to properly setup my tomcat server


Run the website on server on eclipse ide with tomcat as server

I have made a website using Tomcat Server on Eclipse Mars 2.0 IDE. When I run it on server, I have to manually add the name of the first (home) page of the website i.e the JSP/HTML file.
I want the website to open directly on the server so tell me how to do that please.
If you put an index.html into src/main/resources/static/ and reload the server does it show the content of the index page? If you have no static folder then go ahead and create one :)
In general you have to decide for a context-root which is basically the name of the application. If the name of the application is 'myapp' and the context-root is set to 'myapp' too then you should be able to see the website at serverip:port/myapp/.
If your project is configured as a WebProject you should be able to see Web Project Settings in the properties of the project itself. There you can adjust the context root. If you leave it empty it means that your application will be reachable at serverip:port/.
you can change your welcome-file-list in web.xml
you can refer this
or look for Configuring the web.xml deployment descriptor

Cannot deploy using Apache Tomcat but deploying with Eclipse works

I'm trying to deploy my java app as a web service using Tomcat Apache. I put the .war file under the /webapps directory, run Apache, and when I try to access the url I get a 404 error.
I've created my app on Eclipse, and if I try to deploy it from Eclipse using a Tomcat server, it works, I can correctly access all my servlets.
What might I be missing / doing wrong?
Thank you,
You either have the wrong URL when you run outside Eclipse or the WAR file that you deploy is incorrect.
You should look at the Tomcat logs and console to see what messages it gives to explain what you did wrong.
Eclipse is just an IDE. Your code won't have access to it in production. Put aside that it works there and figure out what you did wrong with the package. jboss project localhost

I've been working on web project written in jsp and running on jboss. I have problem after deployment of project. I'm getting an error after hitting localhost:8080/Myapp : Null/ <Can't find>. I have this file in conf folder in my app directory. For sure I need to properly point to this file or place it somewhere in jboss installation folder but unfortunately I'm new to Java and 've been working with PHP but I've been assigned to client who has home site written as one jsp site with some xml. I need to change their frontend a little bit but I'm trying to set up my local environment without success.
Any help would be great.
Regards Adam

How Tomcat Notify about When New Jsp being uploaded

when we directly upload JSP page into tomcat where application deployed directory then why we don't need to restart Tomcat? how tomcat know that it has new JSP page?
when user hit the url /myapp/mynewjsp.jsp He/She always get new jsp deployed page.
Tomcat has an auto deploy feature. When you update JSP files it detects you have done so, compiles it, and replaces the old compiled JSP page with the new one that it compiles into a java class.
If you don't want that to happen, you can turn off the auto deploy feature for your web application. It is described in the link how you do that.
Hey you can use jetty plugin for auto deploying tomcat folder . You don't need to paste your file on webapps folder. If you using maven project structure then add jetty plugin on pom.xml file . There is some command to run like mvn jetty:run etc... May these solution get you out from these problem

Website directory structure different from eclipse

I am coding a website using java servlets and am using eclipse and tomcat. When I test it using localhost, it works fine. But when I am deploying it on my actual website, the directory structure is messed up and the files are not called properly.
My eclipse directory structure on localhost is
Project Name
.src/packageName/java files
.WebContent/HTML files.
When I make a call from the html files, I use the relative location and tomcat automatically knows to look in the src/packageName folder. For example, from the /WebContent/login.html page makes a onClick call as follows,
. This will automatically trigger the java file in /src/packageName/welcome
When I am deploying it in my actual website, the WebContent/login.html is throwing an error WebContent/welcome file is not found. How do I tell my website to search in /src/packageName folder?
Hmm...have you been sure to package the application as a war for deployment.

