Java compare and swap semantics and performance - java

What is the semantics of compare and swap in Java? Namely, does the compare and swap method of an AtomicInteger just guarantee ordered access between different threads to the particular memory location of the atomic integer instance, or does it guarantee ordered access to all the locations in memory, i.e. it acts as if it were a volatile (a memory fence).
From the docs:
weakCompareAndSet atomically reads and conditionally writes a variable but does not create any happens-before orderings, so provides no guarantees with respect to previous or subsequent reads and writes of any variables other than the target of the weakCompareAndSet.
compareAndSet and all other read-and-update operations such as getAndIncrement have the memory effects of both reading and writing volatile variables.
It's apparent from the API documentation that compareAndSet acts as if it were a volatile variable. However, weakCompareAndSet is supposed to just change its specific memory location. Thus, if that memory location is exclusive to the cache of a single processor, weakCompareAndSet is supposed to be much faster than the regular compareAndSet.
I'm asking this because I've benchmarked the following methods by running threadnum different threads, varying threadnum from 1 to 8, and having totalwork=1e9 (the code is written in Scala, a statically compiled JVM language, but both its meaning and bytecode translation are isomorphic to that of Java in this case - this short snippets should be clear):
val atomic_cnt = new AtomicInteger(0)
val atomic_tlocal_cnt = new java.lang.ThreadLocal[AtomicInteger] {
override def initialValue = new AtomicInteger(0)
def loop_atomic_tlocal_cas = {
var i = 0
val until = totalwork / threadnum
val acnt = atomic_tlocal_cnt.get
while (i < until) {
i += 1
acnt.compareAndSet(i - 1, i)
acnt.get + i
def loop_atomic_weakcas = {
var i = 0
val until = totalwork / threadnum
val acnt = atomic_cnt
while (i < until) {
i += 1
acnt.weakCompareAndSet(i - 1, i)
acnt.get + i
def loop_atomic_tlocal_weakcas = {
var i = 0
val until = totalwork / threadnum
val acnt = atomic_tlocal_cnt.get
while (i < until) {
i += 1
acnt.weakCompareAndSet(i - 1, i)
acnt.get + i
on an AMD with 4 dual 2.8 GHz cores, and a 2.67 GHz 4-core i7 processor. The JVM is Sun Server Hotspot JVM 1.6. The results show no performance difference.
Specs: AMD 8220 4x dual-core # 2.8 GHz
Test name: loop_atomic_tlocal_cas
Thread num.: 1
Run times: (showing last 3)
7504.562 7502.817 7504.626 (avg = 7415.637 min = 7147.628 max = 7504.886 )
Thread num.: 2
Run times: (showing last 3)
3751.553 3752.589 3751.519 (avg = 3713.5513 min = 3574.708 max = 3752.949 )
Thread num.: 4
Run times: (showing last 3)
1890.055 1889.813 1890.047 (avg = 2065.7207 min = 1804.652 max = 3755.852 )
Thread num.: 8
Run times: (showing last 3)
960.12 989.453 970.842 (avg = 1058.8776 min = 940.492 max = 1893.127 )
Test name: loop_atomic_weakcas
Thread num.: 1
Run times: (showing last 3)
7325.425 7057.03 7325.407 (avg = 7231.8682 min = 7057.03 max = 7325.45 )
Thread num.: 2
Run times: (showing last 3)
3663.21 3665.838 3533.406 (avg = 3607.2149 min = 3529.177 max = 3665.838 )
Thread num.: 4
Run times: (showing last 3)
3664.163 1831.979 1835.07 (avg = 2014.2086 min = 1797.997 max = 3664.163 )
Thread num.: 8
Run times: (showing last 3)
940.504 928.467 921.376 (avg = 943.665 min = 919.985 max = 997.681 )
Test name: loop_atomic_tlocal_weakcas
Thread num.: 1
Run times: (showing last 3)
7502.876 7502.857 7502.933 (avg = 7414.8132 min = 7145.869 max = 7502.933 )
Thread num.: 2
Run times: (showing last 3)
3752.623 3751.53 3752.434 (avg = 3710.1782 min = 3574.398 max = 3752.623 )
Thread num.: 4
Run times: (showing last 3)
1876.723 1881.069 1876.538 (avg = 4110.4221 min = 1804.62 max = 12467.351 )
Thread num.: 8
Run times: (showing last 3)
959.329 1010.53 969.767 (avg = 1072.8444 min = 959.329 max = 1880.049 )
Specs: Intel i7 quad-core # 2.67 GHz
Test name: loop_atomic_tlocal_cas
Thread num.: 1
Run times: (showing last 3)
8138.3175 8130.0044 8130.1535 (avg = 8119.2888 min = 8049.6497 max = 8150.1950 )
Thread num.: 2
Run times: (showing last 3)
4067.7399 4067.5403 4068.3747 (avg = 4059.6344 min = 4026.2739 max = 4068.5455 )
Thread num.: 4
Run times: (showing last 3)
2033.4389 2033.2695 2033.2918 (avg = 2030.5825 min = 2017.6880 max = 2035.0352 )
Test name: loop_atomic_weakcas
Thread num.: 1
Run times: (showing last 3)
8130.5620 8129.9963 8132.3382 (avg = 8114.0052 min = 8042.0742 max = 8132.8542 )
Thread num.: 2
Run times: (showing last 3)
4066.9559 4067.0414 4067.2080 (avg = 4086.0608 min = 4023.6822 max = 4335.1791 )
Thread num.: 4
Run times: (showing last 3)
2034.6084 2169.8127 2034.5625 (avg = 2047.7025 min = 2032.8131 max = 2169.8127 )
Test name: loop_atomic_tlocal_weakcas
Thread num.: 1
Run times: (showing last 3)
8132.5267 8132.0299 8132.2415 (avg = 8114.9328 min = 8043.3674 max = 8134.0418 )
Thread num.: 2
Run times: (showing last 3)
4066.5924 4066.5797 4066.6519 (avg = 4059.1911 min = 4025.0703 max = 4066.8547 )
Thread num.: 4
Run times: (showing last 3)
2033.2614 2035.5754 2036.9110 (avg = 2033.2958 min = 2023.5082 max = 2038.8750 )
While it's possible that thread locals in the example above end up in the same cache lines, it seems to me that there is no observable performance difference between regular CAS and its weak version.
This could mean that, in fact, a weak compare and swap acts as fully fledged memory fence, i.e. acts as if it were a volatile variable.
Question: Is this observation correct? Also, is there a known architecture or Java distribution for which a weak compare and set is actually faster? If not, what is the advantage of using a weak CAS in the first place?

A weak compare and swap could act as a full volatile variable, depending on the implementation of the JVM, sure. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if on certain architectures it is not possible to implement a weak CAS in a notably more performant way than the normal CAS. On these architectures, it may well be the case that weak CASes are implemented exactly the same as a full CAS. Or it might simply be that your JVM has not had much optimisation put into making weak CASes particularly fast, so the current implementation just invokes a full CAS because it's quick to implement, and a future version will refine this.
The JLS simply says that a weak CAS does not establish a happens-before relationship, so it's simply that there is no guarantee that the modification it causes is visible in other threads. All you get in this case is the guarantee that the compare-and-set operation is atomic, but with no guarantees about the visibility of the (potentially) new value. That's not the same as guaranteeing that it won't be seen, so your tests are consistent with this.
In general, try to avoid making any conclusions about concurrency-related behaviour through experimentation. There are so many variables to take into account, that if you don't follow what the JLS guarantees to be correct, then your program could break at any time (perhaps on a different architecture, perhaps under more aggressive optimisation that's prompted by a slight change in the layout of your code, perhaps under future builds of the JVM that don't exist yet, etc.). There's never a reason to assume you can get away with something that's stated not to be guaranteed, because experiments show that "it works".

The x86 instruction for "atomically compare and swap" is LOCK CMPXCHG. This instruction creates a full memory fence.
There is no instruction that does this job without creating a memory fence, so it is very likely that both compareAndSet and weakCompareAndSet map to LOCK CMPXCHG and perform a full memory fence.
But that's for x86, other architectures (including future variants of x86) may do things differently.

weakCompareAndSwap is not guaranteed to be faster; it's just permitted to be faster. You can look at the open-source code of the OpenJDK to see what some smart people decided to do with this permission:
source code of compareAndSet
source code of weakCompareAndSet
Namely: They're both implemented as the one-liner
return unsafe.compareAndSwapObject(this, valueOffset, expect, update);
They have exactly the same performance, because they have exactly the same implementation! (in OpenJDK at least). Other people have remarked on the fact that you can't really do any better on x86 anyway, because the hardware already gives you a bunch of guarantees "for free". It's only on simpler architectures like ARM that you have to worry about it.


Why 2 similar loop codes costs different time in java

I was confused by the codes as follows:
public static void test(){
long currentTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
final int iBound = 10000000;
final int jBound = 100;
for(int i = 1;i<=iBound;i++){
int a = 1;
int tot = 10;
for(int j = 1;j<=jBound;j++){
tot *= a;
long updateTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("i:"+iBound+" j:"+jBound+"\nIt costs "+(updateTime1-currentTime1)+" ms");
That's the first version, it costs 443ms on my computer.
first version result
public static void test(){
long currentTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
final int iBound = 100;
final int jBound = 10000000;
for(int i = 1;i<=iBound;i++){
int a = 1;
int tot = 10;
for(int j = 1;j<=jBound;j++){
tot *= a;
long updateTime1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("i:"+iBound+" j:"+jBound+"\nIt costs "+(updateTime1-currentTime1)+" ms");
The second version costs 832ms.
second version result
The only difference is that I simply swap the i and j.
This result is incredible, I test the same code in C and the difference in C is not that huge.
Why is this 2 similar codes so different in java?
My jdk version is openjdk-14.0.2
TL;DR - This is just a bad benchmark.
I did the following:
Create a Main class with a main method.
Copy in the two versions of the test as test1() and test2().
In the main method do this:
while(true) {
Here is the output I got (Java 8).
i:10000000 j:100
It costs 35 ms
i:100 j:10000000
It costs 33 ms
i:10000000 j:100
It costs 33 ms
i:100 j:10000000
It costs 25 ms
i:10000000 j:100
It costs 0 ms
i:100 j:10000000
It costs 0 ms
i:10000000 j:100
It costs 0 ms
i:100 j:10000000
It costs 0 ms
i:10000000 j:100
It costs 0 ms
i:100 j:10000000
It costs 0 ms
i:10000000 j:100
It costs 0 ms
So as you can see, when I run two versions of the same method alternately in the same JVM, the times for each method are roughly the same.
But more importantly, after a small number of iterations the time drops to ... zero! What has happened is that the JIT compiler has compiled the two methods and (probably) deduced that their loops can be optimized away.
It is not entirely clear why people are getting different times when the two versions are run separately. One possible explanation is that the first time run, the JVM executable is being read from disk, and the second time is already cached in RAM. Or something like that.
Another possible explanation is that JIT compilation kicks in earlier1 with one version of test() so the proportion of time spent in the slower interpreting (pre-JIT) phase is different between the two versions. (It may be possible to teas this out using JIT logging options.)
But it is immaterial really ... because the performance of a Java application while the JVM is warming up (loading code, JIT compiling, growing the heap to its working size, loading caches, etc) is generally speaking not important. And for the cases where it is important, look for a JVM that can do AOT compilation; e.g. GraalVM.
1 - This could be because of the way that the interpreter gathers stats. The general idea is that the bytecode interpreter accumulates statistics on things like branches until it has "enough". Then the JVM triggers the JIT compiler to compile the bytecodes to native code. When that is done, the code runs typically 10 or more times faster. The different looping patterns might it reach "enough" earlier in one version compared to the other. NB: I am speculating here. I offer zero evidence ...
The bottom line is that you have to be careful when writing Java benchmarks because the timings can be distorted by various JVM warmup effects.
For more information read: How do I write a correct micro-benchmark in Java?
I test it myself, I get same difference (around 16ms and 4ms).
After testing, I found that :
Declare 1M of variable take less time than multiple by 1 1M time.
How ?
I made a sum of 100
final int nb = 100000000;
for(int i = 1;i<=nb;i++){
i *= 1;
i *= 1;
[... written 20 times]
i *= 1;
i *= 1;
And of 100 this:
final int nb = 100000000;
for(int i = 1;i<=nb;i++){
int a = 0;
int aa = 0;
[... written 20 times]
int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = 0;
int aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = 0;
And I respectively get 8 and 3ms, which seems to correspond to what you get.
You can have different result if you have different processor.
you found the answer in algorithm books first chapter :
cost of producing and assigning is 1. so in first algorithm you have 2 declaration and assignation 10000000 and in second one you make it 100. so you reduce time ...
in first :
5 in main loop and 3 in second loop -> second loop is : 3*100 = 300
then 300 + 5 -> 305 * 10000000 = 3050000000
in second :
3*10000000 = 30000000 - > (30000000 + 5 )*100 = 3000000500
so the second one in algorithm is faster in theory but I think its back to multi cpu's ...which they can do 10000000 parallel job in first but only 100 parallel job in second .... so the first one became faster.

Compiler ignore threads priorities

I tried to compile the example from Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel:
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class SimplePriorities implements Runnable {
private int countDown = 5;
private volatile double d; // No optimization
private int priority;
public SimplePriorities(int priority) {
this.priority = priority;
public String toString() {
return Thread.currentThread() + ": " + countDown;
public void run() {
while(true) {
// An expensive, interruptable operation:
for(int i = 1; i < 100000; i++) {
d += (Math.PI + Math.E) / (double)i;
if(i % 1000 == 0)
if(--countDown == 0) return;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
new SimplePriorities(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY));
new SimplePriorities(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY));
According to the book, the output has to look like:
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 5
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 4
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 3
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 2
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 1
Thread[pool-1-thread-3,1,main]: 5
Thread[pool-1-thread-2,1,main]: 5
Thread[pool-1-thread-1,1,main]: 5
But in my case 6th thread doesn't execute its task at first and threads are disordered. Could you please explain me what's wrong? I just copied the source and didn't add any strings of code.
The code is working fine and with the output from the book.
Your IDE probably has console window with the scroll bar - just scroll it up and see the 6th thread first doing its job.
However, the results may differ depending on OS / JVM version. This code runs as expected for me on Windows 10 / JVM 8
There are two issues here:
If two threads with the same priority want to write output, which one goes first?
The order of threads (with the same priority) is undefined, therefore the order of output is undefined. It is likely that a single thread is allowed to write several outputs in a row (because that's how most thread schedulers work), but it could also be completely random, or anything in between.
How many threads will a cached thread pool create?
That depends on your system. If you run on a dual-core system, creating more than 4 threads is pointless, because there hardly won't be any CPU available to execute those threads. In this scenario further tasks will be queued and executed only after earlier tasks are completed.
Hint: there is also a fixed-size thread pool, experimenting with that should change the output.
In summary there is nothing wrong with your code, it is just wrong to assume that threads are executed in any order. It is even technically possible (although very unlikely), that the first task is already completed before the last task is even started. If your book says that the above order is "correct" then the book is simply wrong. On an average system that might be the most likely output, but - as above - with threads there is never any order, unless you enforce it.
One way to enforce it are thread priorities - higher priorities will get their work done first - you can find other concepts in the concurrent package.

How to get loop to stop

I need help or some ideas on how to get the loop in this code to stop executing when the speedUp factor settles to a particular value. The idea of this method is continually run an ever increasing number of threads and derive a speedUp factor from the results. The rounded speedUp factor is how many cores are present on the machine. Running a 4 threaded task will have the same speedUp factor as a 16 threaded task on a 4 core machine. I want to be able to not have to manually set number of threads to run. When the speedUp factor settles to a value I want the program to terminate. There is no need to run a test for 8, 16, or 32 threads if the speed up factor has already settled at 2 for example.
Example output for a 4 core machine:
Number of threads tested: 1
Speed up factor: 1.0
Number of threads tested: 2
Speed up factor: 1.8473736372646188
Number of threads tested: 4
Speed up factor: 3.9416666666666669
Number of threads tested: 8
Speed up factor: 3.9750993377483446
Number of threads tested: 16
Speed up factor: 4.026086956521739
private static void multiCoreTest() {
// A runnable for the threads
Counter task = new Counter(1500000000L);
// A variable to store the number of threads to run
int threadMultiplier = 1;
// A variable to hold the time it takes for a single thread to execute
double singleThreadTime = ThreadTest.runTime(1, task);
// Calculating speedup factor for a single thread task
double speedUp = (singleThreadTime * threadMultiplier) / (singleThreadTime);
// Printing the speed up factor of a single thread
System.out.println("Number of threads tested: " + threadMultiplier);
System.out.println("Speed up factor: " + speedUp);
// Testing multiple threads
while (threadMultiplier < 16) {
// Increasing the number of threads by a factor of two
threadMultiplier *= 2;
// A variable to hold the time it takes for multiple threads to
// execute
double multiThreadTime = ThreadTest.runTime(threadMultiplier, task);
// Calculating speedup factor for multiple thread tests
speedUp = (singleThreadTime * threadMultiplier) / (multiThreadTime);
// Message to the user
System.out.println("\n" + "Number of threads tested: "
+ threadMultiplier);
System.out.println("Speed up factor: " + speedUp);
// Print number of cores
System.out.println("\n" + "THIS MACHINE HAS: " + Math.round(speedUp)
+ " CORES");
// Exiting the system
Test if the new speedup is the same as the old one:
double oldSpeedUp = 0;
boolean found = false;
while(!found && threadMultiplier < 16) {
// ...
found = Math.round(speedUp) == Math.round(oldSpeedUp);
oldSpeedUp = speedUp;
As a side note, if you want the number of cores, you can call :
int cores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();

Loop counter in Java API

While going through some of the files in Java API, I noticed many instances where the looping counter is being decremented rather than increment. i.e. in for and while loops in String class. Though this might be trivial, is there any significance for decrementing the counter rather than increment?
I've compiled two simple loops with eclipse 3.6 (java 6) and looked at the byte code whether we have some differences. Here's the code:
for(int i = 2; i >= 0; i--){}
for(int i = 0; i <= 2; i++){}
And this is the bytecode:
// 1st for loop - decrement 2 -> 0
0 iconst_2
1 istore_1 // i:=2
2 goto 8
5 inc 1 -1 // i+=(-1)
8 iload_1
9 ifge 5 // if (i >= 0) goto 5
// 2nd for loop - increment 0 -> 2
12 iconst_0
13 istore_1 // i:=0
14 goto 20
17 inc 1 1 // i+=1
20 iload_1
21 iconst 2
22 if_icmple 17 // if (i <= 2) goto 17
The increment/decrement operation should make no difference, it's either +1 or +(-1). The main difference in this typical(!) example is that in the first example we compare to 0 (ifge i), in the second we compare to a value (if_icmple i 2). And the comaprision is done in each iteration. So if there is any (slight) performance gain, I think it's because it's less costly to compare with 0 then to compare with other values. So I guess it's not incrementing/decrementing that makes the difference but the stop criteria.
So if you're in need to do some micro-optimization on source code level, try to write your loops in a way that you compare with zero, otherwise keep it as readable as possible (and incrementing is much easier to understand):
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {} // readable
for (int i = -2; i <= 0; i++) {} // micro-optimized and "faster" (hopefully)
Yesterday I did a very basic test - just created a 2000x2000 array and populated the cells based on calculations with the cell indices, once counting from 0->1999 for both rows and cells, another time backwards from 1999->0. I wasn't surprised that both scenarios had a similiar performance (185..210 ms on my machine).
So yes, there is a difference on byte code level (eclipse 3.6) but, hey, we're in 2010 now, it doesn't seem to make a significant difference nowadays. So again, and using Stephens words, "don't waste your time" with this kind of optimization. Keep the code readable and understandable.
When in doubt, benchmark.
public class IncDecTest
public static void main(String[] av)
long up = 0;
long down = 0;
long upStart, upStop;
long downStart, downStop;
long upStart2, upStop2;
long downStart2, downStop2;
upStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
for( long i = 0; i < 100000000; i++ )
upStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
downStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
for( long j = 100000000; j > 0; j-- )
downStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
upStart2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for( long k = 0; k < 100000000; k++ )
upStop2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
downStart2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for( long l = 100000000; l > 0; l-- )
downStop2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
assert (up == down);
System.out.println( "Up: " + (upStop - upStart));
System.out.println( "Down: " + (downStop - downStart));
System.out.println( "Up2: " + (upStop2 - upStart2));
System.out.println( "Down2: " + (downStop2 - downStart2));
With the following JVM:
java version "1.6.0_22"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_22-b04-307-10M3261)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.1-b03-307, mixed mode)
Has the following output (ran it multiple times to make sure the JVM was loaded and to make sure the numbers settled down a little).
$ java -ea IncDecTest
Up: 86
Down: 84
Up2: 83
Down2: 84
These all come extremely close to one another and I have a feeling that any discrepancy is a fault of the JVM loading some code at some points and not others, or a background task happening, or simply falling over and getting rounded down on a millisecond boundary.
While at one point (early days of Java) there might have been some performance voodoo to be had, it seems to me that that is no longer the case.
Feel free to try running/modifying the code to see for yourself.
It is possible that this is a result of Sun engineers doing a whole lot of profiling and micro-optimization, and those examples that you found are the result of that. It is also possible that they are the result of Sun engineers "optimizing" based on deep knowledge of the JIT compilers ... or based on shallow / incorrect knowledge / voodoo thinking.
It is possible that these sequences:
are faster than the increment loops,
are no faster or slower than increment loops, or
are slower than increment loops for the latest JVMs, and the code is no longer optimal.
Either way, you should not emulate this practice in your code, unless thorough profiling with the latest JVMs demonstrates that:
your code really will benefit from optimization, and
the decrementing loop really is faster than the incrementing loop for your particular application.
And even then, you may find that your carefully hand optimized code is less than optimal on other platforms ... and that you need to repeat the process all over again.
These days, it is generally recognized that the best first strategy is to write simple code and leave optimization to the JIT compiler. Writing complicated code (such as loops that run in reverse) may actually foil the JIT compiler's attempts to optimize.

Java thread creation overhead

Conventional wisdom tells us that high-volume enterprise java applications should use thread pooling in preference to spawning new worker threads. The use of java.util.concurrent makes this straightforward.
There do exist situations, however, where thread pooling is not a good fit. The specific example which I am currently wrestling with is the use of InheritableThreadLocal, which allows ThreadLocal variables to be "passed down" to any spawned threads. This mechanism breaks when using thread pools, since the worker threads are generally not spawned from the request thread, but are pre-existing.
Now there are ways around this (the thread locals can be explicitly passed in), but this isn't always appropriate or practical. The simplest solution is to spawn new worker threads on demand, and let InheritableThreadLocal do its job.
This brings us back to the question - if I have a high volume site, where user request threads are spawning off half a dozen worker threads each (i.e. not using a thread pool), is this going to give the JVM a problem? We're potentially talking about a couple of hundred new threads being created every second, each one lasting less than a second. Do modern JVMs optimize this well? I remember the days when object pooling was desirable in Java, because object creation was expensive. This has since become unnecessary. I'm wondering if the same applies to thread pooling.
I'd benchmark it, if I knew what to measure, but my fear is that the problems may be more subtle than can be measured with a profiler.
Note: the wisdom of using thread locals is not the issue here, so please don't suggest that I not use them.
Here is an example microbenchmark:
public class ThreadSpawningPerformanceTest {
static long test(final int threadCount, final int workAmountPerThread) throws InterruptedException {
Thread[] tt = new Thread[threadCount];
final int[] aa = new int[tt.length];
System.out.print("Creating "+tt.length+" Thread objects... ");
long t0 = System.nanoTime(), t00 = t0;
for (int i = 0; i < tt.length; i++) {
final int j = i;
tt[i] = new Thread() {
public void run() {
int k = j;
for (int l = 0; l < workAmountPerThread; l++) {
k += k*k+l;
aa[j] = k;
System.out.println(" Done in "+(System.nanoTime()-t0)*1E-6+" ms.");
System.out.print("Starting "+tt.length+" threads with "+workAmountPerThread+" steps of work per thread... ");
t0 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < tt.length; i++) {
System.out.println(" Done in "+(System.nanoTime()-t0)*1E-6+" ms.");
System.out.print("Joining "+tt.length+" threads... ");
t0 = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < tt.length; i++) {
System.out.println(" Done in "+(System.nanoTime()-t0)*1E-6+" ms.");
long totalTime = System.nanoTime()-t00;
int checkSum = 0; //display checksum in order to give the JVM no chance to optimize out the contents of the run() method and possibly even thread creation
for (int a : aa) {
checkSum += a;
System.out.println("Checksum: "+checkSum);
System.out.println("Total time: "+totalTime*1E-6+" ms");
return totalTime;
public static void main(String[] kr) throws InterruptedException {
int workAmount = 100000000;
int[] threadCount = new int[]{1, 2, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000};
int trialCount = 2;
long[][] time = new long[threadCount.length][trialCount];
for (int j = 0; j < trialCount; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < threadCount.length; i++) {
time[i][j] = test(threadCount[i], workAmount/threadCount[i]);
System.out.print("Number of threads ");
for (long t : threadCount) {
for (int j = 0; j < trialCount; j++) {
System.out.print((j+1)+". trial time (ms)");
for (int i = 0; i < threadCount.length; i++) {
The results on 64-bit Windows 7 with 32-bit Sun's Java 1.6.0_21 Client VM on Intel Core2 Duo E6400 #2.13 GHz are as follows:
Number of threads 1 2 10 100 1000 10000 100000
1. trial time (ms) 346 181 179 191 286 1229 11308
2. trial time (ms) 346 181 187 189 281 1224 10651
Conclusions: Two threads do the work almost twice as fast as one, as expected since my computer has two cores. My computer can spawn nearly 10000 threads per second, i. e. thread creation overhead is 0.1 milliseconds. Hence, on such a machine, a couple of hundred new threads per second pose a negligible overhead (as can also be seen by comparing the numbers in the columns for 2 and 100 threads).
First of all, this will of course depend very much on which JVM you use. The OS will also play an important role. Assuming the Sun JVM (Hm, do we still call it that?):
One major factor is the stack memory allocated to each thread, which you can tune using the -Xssn JVM parameter - you'll want to use the lowest value you can get away with.
And this is just a guess, but I think "a couple of hundred new threads every second" is definitely beyond what the JVM is designed to handle comfortably. I suspect that a simple benchmark will quickly reveal quite unsubtle problems.
for your benchmark you can use JMeter + a profiler, which should give you direct overview on the behaviour in such a heavy-loaded environment. Just let it run for a an hour and monitor memory, cpu, etc. If nothing breaks and the cpu(s) doesn't overheat, it's ok :)
perhaps you can get a thread-pool, or customize (extend) the one you are using by adding some code in order to have the appropriate InheritableThreadLocals set each time a Thread is acquired from the thread-pool.
Each Thread has these package-private properties:
/* ThreadLocal values pertaining to this thread. This map is maintained
* by the ThreadLocal class. */
ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap threadLocals = null;
* InheritableThreadLocal values pertaining to this thread. This map is
* maintained by the InheritableThreadLocal class.
ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap inheritableThreadLocals = null;
You can use these (well, with reflection) in combination with the Thread.currentThread() to have the desired behaviour. However this is a bit ad-hock, and furthermore, I can't tell whether it (with the reflection) won't introduce even bigger overhead than just creating the threads.
I am wondering whether it is necessary to spawn new threads on each user request if their typical life-cycle is as short as a second. Could you use some kind of Notify/Wait queue where you spawn a given number of (daemon)threads, and they all wait until there's a task to solve. If the task queue gets long, you spawn additional threads, but not on a 1-1 ratio. It will most likely be perform better then spawning hundreds of new threads whose life-cycles are so short.

