Compiler ignore threads priorities - java

I tried to compile the example from Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel:
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class SimplePriorities implements Runnable {
private int countDown = 5;
private volatile double d; // No optimization
private int priority;
public SimplePriorities(int priority) {
this.priority = priority;
public String toString() {
return Thread.currentThread() + ": " + countDown;
public void run() {
while(true) {
// An expensive, interruptable operation:
for(int i = 1; i < 100000; i++) {
d += (Math.PI + Math.E) / (double)i;
if(i % 1000 == 0)
if(--countDown == 0) return;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
new SimplePriorities(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY));
new SimplePriorities(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY));
According to the book, the output has to look like:
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 5
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 4
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 3
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 2
Thread[pool-1-thread-6,10,main]: 1
Thread[pool-1-thread-3,1,main]: 5
Thread[pool-1-thread-2,1,main]: 5
Thread[pool-1-thread-1,1,main]: 5
But in my case 6th thread doesn't execute its task at first and threads are disordered. Could you please explain me what's wrong? I just copied the source and didn't add any strings of code.

The code is working fine and with the output from the book.
Your IDE probably has console window with the scroll bar - just scroll it up and see the 6th thread first doing its job.
However, the results may differ depending on OS / JVM version. This code runs as expected for me on Windows 10 / JVM 8

There are two issues here:
If two threads with the same priority want to write output, which one goes first?
The order of threads (with the same priority) is undefined, therefore the order of output is undefined. It is likely that a single thread is allowed to write several outputs in a row (because that's how most thread schedulers work), but it could also be completely random, or anything in between.
How many threads will a cached thread pool create?
That depends on your system. If you run on a dual-core system, creating more than 4 threads is pointless, because there hardly won't be any CPU available to execute those threads. In this scenario further tasks will be queued and executed only after earlier tasks are completed.
Hint: there is also a fixed-size thread pool, experimenting with that should change the output.
In summary there is nothing wrong with your code, it is just wrong to assume that threads are executed in any order. It is even technically possible (although very unlikely), that the first task is already completed before the last task is even started. If your book says that the above order is "correct" then the book is simply wrong. On an average system that might be the most likely output, but - as above - with threads there is never any order, unless you enforce it.
One way to enforce it are thread priorities - higher priorities will get their work done first - you can find other concepts in the concurrent package.


Writing a Java program that uses threads to calculate an expression that ignores order of operations?

I am trying to author a Java program that uses threads to calculate an expression such as:
3 + 4 / 7 + 4 * 2
and outputs
Enter problem: 3 + 4 / 7 + 4 * 2
Thread-0 calculated 3+4 as 7
Thread-1 calculated 7/7 as 1
Thread-2 calculated 1+4 as 5
Thread-3 calculated 5*2 as 10
Final result: 10
In this exercise, we are ignoring order of operations. The expression is entered via user input. The goal is to get a separate thread to perform each calculation. I absolutely want each thread to perform each of the individual calculations, as I have listed above.
My honest, professional advice is don't try to use multithreading for this problem.
Learn to write clear, robust single-threaded code first. Learn how to debug it. Learn how to write the same thing in lots of different ways. It is only then that you can start to introduce the enormous complexity that is multithreading, and stand any chance of it being correct.
And learn, by reading about how to write multithreaded code correctly, what problems benefit from multithreading. This problem does not, because you need the result of the previous arithmetic operation as an input to the next.
I am only answering because of the terrible advice in comments to use global variables. Don't. This is not a good way to write multithreaded code, even in such a simple example. Even in single-threaded code, mutable global state is something which should be avoided if at all possible.
Keep your mutable state as tightly controlled as you can. Create a Runnable subclass which holds the operation you are going to perform:
class Op implements Runnable {
final int operand1, operand2;
final char oprator;
int result;
Op(int operand1, char oprator, int operand2) {
// Initialize fields.
#Override public void run() {
result = /* code to calculate `operand1 (oprator) operand2` */;
Now, you can calculate, say, 1 + 2 using:
Op op = new Op(1, '+', 2);
Thread t = new Thread(op);
int result = op.result;
(Or, you could have just used int result = 1 + 2;...)
So you can now use this in a loop:
String[] tokens = eqn.split(" ");
int result = Integer.parseInt(tokens[0]);
for (int t = 1; t < tokens.length; t += 2) {
Op op = new Op(
result, tokens[t].charAt(0),
Thread t = new Thread(op);
result = op.result;
All of the mutable state is confined to the scope of the op variable. If you, say, want to run a second calculation, you don't have to worry about what previous state is still hanging around: you don't have to reset anything before another run; you can invoke this code in parallel, if you want, without interference between runs.
But all of this loop could be written more cleanly - and faster - using a simple method call:
for (int t = 1; t < tokens.length; t += 2) {
result = method(
result, tokens[t].charAt(0),
Where method is a method containing /* code to calculate operand1 (oprator) operand2 */.

Two threads referring one variable

I am running the below class .
public class RunThreads implements Runnable {
static int i;
public static void main(String[] args) {
RunThreads job = new RunThreads();
Thread alpha = new Thread(job);
Thread beta = new Thread(job);
public void run(){
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + i);
And my output is :
I understand I will get different outputs every time I execute it. My question is, why does the output have the value of i as 0 twice, for both the alpha and beta threads i.e. Alpha0 and beta0.
The value of i has been incremented to 1 by the beta thread. So, how does the alpha thread print out Alpha0
I maybe missing something very obvious here. Thanks !
Things are scary when you access shared data with no synchronization etc:
There's no guarantee that the Alpha thread reading i will see the "latest" update from the beta thread or vice versa
It's possible for both threads to start i++ at roughly the same time... and as i++ is basically:
int tmp = i;
i = tmp;
you can easily "lose" increments
If you want to make this thread-safe, you should use AtomicInteger instead:
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class RunThreads implements Runnable {
static AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
public static void main(String[] args) {
RunThreads job = new RunThreads();
Thread alpha = new Thread(job);
Thread beta = new Thread(job);
public void run(){
int local;
while ((local = counter.getAndIncrement()) < 10) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + local);
Your output may still appear to be in the wrong order (because the alpha thread may "start" writing "Alpha0" while the beta thread "starts" writing "beta1" but the beta thread gets the lock on console output first), but you'll only see each count once. Note that you have to use the result of getAndIncrement() for both the checking and the printing - if you called counter.get() in the body of the loop, you could still see duplicates due to the interleaving of operations.
The simple answer here would be that whether or not the variable is volatile or atomic or whatever, both your threads start out when the variable value is 0, and only change it after the print.
This means that both threads can reach the "print" line before either of them reached the i++.
Which means that both are very likely to print 0, unless one of them is delayed long enough for the other one to update the variable (at which point the question of memory model and data visibility arise).
"While" thread A is doing its update, thread B is reading that value.
Like in:
A: prints i (current value 0)
B: prints i (current value 0)
A: stores 1 to i
You can't assume that those two actions:
for(;i<10;i++){ // increasing the loop counter
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + i);
printing the loop counter happen in "one shot". To the contrary.
Both threads execute the corresponding instructions in parallel; and there are absolutely no guarantees on the outcome of that.
Threads might run on separate cores in multicore architecture and each core has it's own registry set or local cache, as long as you don't invalidate a cache the running core might not reach to a RAM memory to get up-to-date value and will use the cached one. To make it work as you expected it the variable would have to be marked as volatile, which would invalidate a cache on each write to this memory location and fetch the value directly from RAM.
As was pointed in comments - volatile is not enough to keep the value up to date, there is a read and write operation on i++. To make it work AtomicInteger would be enough, or slightly more expensive locking around i++.

Why this piece of Java code is not running concurrently

I have written Sieve of Eratosthenes which is supposed to work in parallel, but it's not. When I increase number of threads, time of computing is not getting lower. Any ideas why?
Main class
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
public class ConcurrentTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
Sieve task = new Sieve();
int x = 1000000;
int threads = 4;
Long beg = new Date().getTime();
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
Long time = 0L;
// Main thread is waiting until all threads are terminated
// ( it means that computing is done)
while (true)
if (exec.isTerminated()) {
time = new Date().getTime() - beg;
System.out.println("Time is " + time);
Sieve class
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class Sieve implements Runnable {
private ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Boolean> array =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Boolean>();
private int x;
public void run() {
// I am getting synchronized number to check if it's prime
int n = getCounter();
// If no more numbers to check, stop loop
if( n == -1)
// If HashMap contains number, we can further
for (int i = 2 * n; i <= x; i += n) {
// Compound numbers are removed from HashMap, Eg. 6, 12 and much more.
private synchronized int getCounter(){
if( counter < x)
return counter++;
else return -1;
public void setArray(int x) {
this.x = x;
for (int i = 2; i <= x; i++)
array.put(i, false);
I made some tests with different number of threads. These are results:
Nr of threads 1 Time is 1850, 1795, 1825
Nr of threads 2 Time is 1845, 1836, 1814
Nr of threads 3 Time is 1767, 1820, 1756
Nr of threads 4 Time is 1732, 1840, 2083
Nr of threads 5 Time is 1791, 1795, 1803
Nr of threads 6 Time is 1825, 1728, 1707
Nr of threads 7 Time is 1754, 1729, 1686
Nr of threads 8 Time is 1760, 1717, 1817
Nr of threads 9 Time is 1721, 1699, 1673
Nr of threads 10 Time is 1661, 1722, 1718
When I increase number of threads, time of computing is not getting
tl;dr: your problem size is too small. If you increase x to 10000000, the differences will become more obvious. They won't be what you're expecting, though.
I tried your code on an eight core machine with two slight modifications:
For timing, I used System.nanoTime() instead of getTime() on a Date.
I used the awaitTermination method of ExecutorService rather than a spinloop to check for the end of run.
I tried launching your Sieve tasks using a fixed thread pool, a cached thread pool and a fork join pool and comparing the results of different values for your thread variable.
I see the following results (in milliseconds) on my machine with x=10000000:
Thread count = 1 2 4 8 16
Fixed thread pool = 5451 3866 3639 3227 3120
Cached thread pool= 5434 3763 3709 3258 3078
Fork-join pool = 6732 3670 3735 3190 3102
What these results show us is a clear benefit of changing from a single thread of execution to two threads. However, the benefit of additional threads drops off rapidly. There's an interesting plateau going from two to four threads and marginal benefits up to 16.
In addition, you can also see that the different threading mechanisms have different initial overhead: I didn't expect the Fork-Join pool to cost that much more to start than the other mechanisms.
So, as written, you shouldn't really expect a benefit past two threads for small but non-trivial problem sets.
If you'd like to increase the benefit of additional threads, you're going to need to look at your current implementation. For example, when I switched from your synchronized getCounter() to an AtomicInteger using incrementAndGet(), I eliminated the overhead of the synchronized method. The result is that all of my four thread numbers dropped on the order of 1000 milliseconds.

Fibonacci on Java ExecutorService runs faster sequentially than in parallel

I am trying out the executor service in Java, and wrote the following code to run Fibonacci (yes, the massively recursive version, just to stress out the executor service).
Surprisingly, it will run faster if I set the nThreads to 1. It might be related to the fact that the size of each "task" submitted to the executor service is really small. But still it must be the same number also if I set nThreads to 1.
To see if the access to the shared Atomic variables can cause this issue, I commented out the three lines with the comment "see text", and looked at the system monitor to see how long the execution takes. But the results are the same.
Any idea why this is happening?
BTW, I wanted to compare it with the similar implementation with Fork/Join. It turns out to be way slower than the F/J implementation.
public class MainSimpler {
static int N=35;
static AtomicInteger result = new AtomicInteger(0), pendingTasks = new AtomicInteger(1);
static ExecutorService executor;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int nThreads=2;
System.out.println("Number of threads = "+nThreads);
executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads);
Executable.inQueue = new AtomicInteger(nThreads);
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Fibonacci "+N+" is ... ");
executor.submit(new FibSimpler(N));
long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Duration: " + (after - before) + " milliseconds\n");
private static void waitToFinish() {
while (0 < pendingTasks.get()){
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
class FibSimpler implements Runnable {
int N;
FibSimpler (int n) { N=n; }
public void run() {
MainSimpler.pendingTasks.decrementAndGet(); // see text
void compute() {
int n = N;
if (n <= 1) {
MainSimpler.result.addAndGet(n); // see text
MainSimpler.executor.submit(new FibSimpler(n-1));
MainSimpler.pendingTasks.incrementAndGet(); // see text
N = n-2;
compute(); // similar to the F/J counterpart
Runtime (approximately):
1 thread : 11 seconds
2 threads: 19 seconds
4 threads: 19 seconds
I notice that even if I use one thread inside the executor service, the whole program will use all four cores of my machine (each core around 80% usage on average). This could explain why using more threads inside the executor service slows down the whole process, but now, why does this program use 4 cores if only one thread is active inside the executor service??
It might be related to the fact that the size of each "task" submitted
to the executor service is really small.
This is certainly the case and as a result you are mainly measuring the overhead of context switching. When n == 1, there is no context switching and thus the performance is better.
But still it must be the same number also if I set nThreads to 1.
I'm guessing you meant 'to higher than 1' here.
You are running into the problem of heavy lock contention. When you have multiple threads, the lock on the result is contended all the time. Threads have to wait for each other before they can update the result and that slows them down. When there is only a single thread, the JVM probably detects that and performs lock elision, meaning it doesn't actually perform any locking at all.
You may get better performance if you don't divide the problem into N tasks, but rather divide it into N/nThreads tasks, which can be handled simultaneously by the threads (assuming you choose nThreads to be at most the number of physical cores/threads available). Each thread then does its own work, calculating its own total and only adding that to a grand total when the thread is done. Even then, for fib(35) I expect the costs of thread management to outweigh the benefits. Perhaps try fib(1000).

Can this Java program ever print a value other than zero?

I have a favorite C# program similar to the one below that shows that if two threads share the same memory address for counting (one thread incrementing n times, one thread decrementing n times) you can get a final result other than zero. As long as n is reasonably large, it's pretty easy to get C# to display some non-zero value between [-n, n]. However, I can't get Java to produce a non-zero result even when increasing the number of threads to 1000 (500 up, 500 down). Is there some memory model or specification difference wrt C# I'm not aware of that guarantees this program will always yield 0 despite the scheduling or number of cores that I am not aware of? Would we agree that this program could produce a non-zero value even if we can not prove that experimentally?
(Not:, I found this exact question over here, but when I run that topic's code I also get zero.)
public class Counter
private int _counter = 0;
Counter() throws Exception
final int limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Thread add = new Thread()
public void run()
for(int i = 0; i<limit; i++)
Thread sub = new Thread()
public void run()
for(int i = 0; i<limit; i++)
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
new Counter();
The code you've given only runs on a single thread, so will always give a result of 0. If you actually start two threads, you can indeed get a non-zero result:
// Don't call run(), which is a synchronous call, which doesn't start any threads
// Call start(), which starts a new thread and calls run() *in that thread*.
On my box in a test run that gave -2146200243.
Assuming you really meant start, not run.
On most common platforms it will very likely produce non zero, because ++/-- are not atomic operations in case of multiple cores. On single core/single CPU you will most likely get 0 because ++/-- are atomic if compiled to one instruction (add/inc) but that part depends on JVM.
Check result here:
The problem with your program is that you are not creating an OS thread, so your program is essentially single threaded. In Java you must call Thread.start() to create a new OS thread, not This has to do with a regrettable mistake made in the initial Java API. That mistake is that the designer made Thread implement Runnable.

