I'm extremely new to Java and just wanted to confirm what Double is? Is it similar to Float or Int? Any help would be appreciated. I also sometimes see the uppercase Double and other times the lower case double. If someone could clarify what this means that'd be great!
Double is a wrapper class,
The Double class wraps a value of the
primitive type double in an object. An
object of type Double contains a
single field whose type is double.
In addition, this class provides
several methods for converting a
double to a String and a String to a
double, as well as other constants and
methods useful when dealing with a
The double data type,
The double data type is a
double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754
floating point. Its range of values is
4.94065645841246544e-324d to 1.79769313486231570e+308d (positive or negative).
For decimal values, this data type is
generally the default choice. As
mentioned above, this data type should
never be used for precise values, such
as currency.
Check each datatype with their ranges : Java's Primitive Data Types.
Important Note : If you'r thinking to use double for precise values, you need to re-think before using it. Java Traps: double
In a comment on #paxdiablo's answer, you asked:
"So basically, is it better to use Double than Float?"
That is a complicated question. I will deal with it in two parts
Deciding between double versus float
On the one hand, a double occupies 8 bytes versus 4 bytes for a float. If you have many of them, this may be significant, though it may also have no impact. (Consider the case where the values are in fields or local variables on a 64bit machine, and the JVM aligns them on 64 bit boundaries.) Additionally, floating point arithmetic with double values is typically slower than with float values ... though once again this is hardware dependent.
On the other hand, a double can represent larger (and smaller) numbers than a float and can represent them with more than twice the precision. For the details, refer to Wikipedia.
The tricky question is knowing whether you actually need the extra range and precision of a double. In some cases it is obvious that you need it. In others it is not so obvious. For instance if you are doing calculations such as inverting a matrix or calculating a standard deviation, the extra precision may be critical. On the other hand, in some cases not even double is going to give you enough precision. (And beware of the trap of expecting float and double to give you an exact representation. They won't and they can't!)
There is a branch of mathematics called Numerical Analysis that deals with the effects of rounding error, etc in practical numerical calculations. It used to be a standard part of computer science courses ... back in the 1970's.
Deciding between Double versus Float
For the Double versus Float case, the issues of precision and range are the same as for double versus float, but the relative performance measures will be slightly different.
A Double (on a 32 bit machine) typically takes 16 bytes + 4 bytes for the reference, compared with 12 + 4 bytes for a Float. Compare this to 8 bytes versus 4 bytes for the double versus float case. So the ratio is 5 to 4 versus 2 to 1.
Arithmetic involving Double and Float typically involves dereferencing the pointer and creating a new object to hold the result (depending on the circumstances). These extra overheads also affect the ratios in favor of the Double case.
Having said all that, the most important thing is correctness, and this typically means getting the most accurate answer. And even if accuracy is not critical, it is usually not wrong to be "too accurate". So, the simple "rule of thumb" is to use double in preference to float, UNLESS there is an overriding performance requirement, AND you have solid evidence that using float will make a difference with respect to that requirement.
A double is an IEEE754 double-precision floating point number, similar to a float but with a larger range and precision.
IEEE754 single precision numbers have 32 bits (1 sign, 8 exponent and 23 mantissa bits) while double precision numbers have 64 bits (1 sign, 11 exponent and 52 mantissa bits).
A Double in Java is the class version of the double basic type - you can use doubles but, if you want to do something with them that requires them to be an object (such as put them in a collection), you'll need to box them up in a Double object.
Let's say, using java, I type
double number;
If I need to use very big or very small values, how accurate can they be?
I tried to read how doubles and floats work, but I don't really get it.
For my term project in intro to programming, I might need to use different numbers with big ranges of value (many orders of magnitude).
Let's say I create a while loop,
while (number[i-1] - number[i] > ERROR) {
//does stuff
Does the limitation of ERROR depend on the size of number[i]? If so, how can I determine how small can ERROR be in order to quit the loop?
I know my teacher explained it at some point, but I can't seem to find it in my notes.
Does the limitation of ERROR depend on the size of number[i]?
If so, how can I determine how small can ERROR be in order to quit the loop?
You can get the "next largest" double using Math.nextUp (or the "next smallest" using Math.nextDown), e.g.
double nextLargest = Math.nextUp(number[i-1]);
double difference = nextLargest - number[i-1];
As Radiodef points out, you can also get the difference directly using Math.ulp:
double difference = Math.ulp(number[i-1]);
(but I don't think there's an equivalent method for "next smallest")
If you don't tell us what you want to use it for, then we cannot answer anything more than what is standard knowledge: a double in java has about 16 significant digits, (that's digits of the decimal numbering system,) and the smallest possible value is 4.9 x 10-324. That's in all likelihood far higher precision than you will need.
The epsilon value (what you call "ERROR") in your question varies depending on your calculations, so there is no standard answer for it, but if you are using doubles for simple stuff as opposed to highly demanding scientific stuff, just use something like 1 x 10-9 and you will be fine.
Both the float and double primitive types are limited in terms of the amount of data they can store. However, if you want to know the maximum values of the two types, then run the code below with your favourite IDE.
double data type is a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point (digits of precision could be between 15 to 17 decimal digits).
float data type is a single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point (digits of precision could be between 6 to 9 decimal digits).
After running the code above, if you're not satisfied with their ranges than I would recommend using BigDecimal as this type doesn't have a limit (rather your RAM is the limit).
I understand the conversion in strictfp mode is used for portability, not for accuracy as noted in this question. However, The Java Language Specification, Java SE 8 Edition says that
A widening primitive conversion from float to double that is not strictfp may lose information about the overall magnitude of the converted value.
which sounds to me that a widening primitive conversion that is strictfp is intended for accuracy. Furthermore, I suspect that double can represent literally all the values that float can take, in which I see no reason why a conversion from float to double is an issue here.
The wording "... may lose information about..." in the spec gave me a feeling of the conversion in non-strictfp mode lakcing some kind of accuracy as compared to that in strictfp mode. It did not make sense to me because the conversion in non-strictfp mode possibly makes use of intermediate values in higher precision. This question was first written based on this understanding, and might not look as desirable as you expected.
Intel's IA64 architecture uses a fixed floating point register format, one sign bit, 17 exponent bits, and 64 significand bits. When a floating point number is stored from one of those registers into a 32 or 64 bit variable, it has to be converted.
Java aims for consistent results, so it is undesirable for the value of an expression to change depending on whether an intermediate result was held in a register or as an in-memory float or double.
Originally, Java simply insisted on all calculations being done as though all intermediate results were stored. That turned out to give poor performance due to the difficulty of forcing the exponent into the right range on each calculation. The solution was to give the programmer the choice between a fully consistent strictfp mode, and a more relaxed mode in which an exponent could go outside the range for the expression type without the value being forced to a zero or infinity.
Suppose, in relaxed mode, an in-register float has an exponent outside the double exponent range, and is being converted to an in-memory double. That conversion will force the value to a zero or infinity, losing its magnitude. That is an exception to the general rule that widening arithmetic conversions preserve the overall magnitude.
If the same calculation were done in strictfp mode, the float would not have been allowed to have an exponent outside the float exponent range. Whatever calculation generated it would have forced the value to a zero or infinity. Every float value is exactly representable in double, so the conversion does not change the value at all, let alone losing the overall magnitude.
I'm extremely new to Java and just wanted to confirm what Double is? Is it similar to Float or Int? Any help would be appreciated. I also sometimes see the uppercase Double and other times the lower case double. If someone could clarify what this means that'd be great!
Double is a wrapper class,
The Double class wraps a value of the
primitive type double in an object. An
object of type Double contains a
single field whose type is double.
In addition, this class provides
several methods for converting a
double to a String and a String to a
double, as well as other constants and
methods useful when dealing with a
The double data type,
The double data type is a
double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754
floating point. Its range of values is
4.94065645841246544e-324d to 1.79769313486231570e+308d (positive or negative).
For decimal values, this data type is
generally the default choice. As
mentioned above, this data type should
never be used for precise values, such
as currency.
Check each datatype with their ranges : Java's Primitive Data Types.
Important Note : If you'r thinking to use double for precise values, you need to re-think before using it. Java Traps: double
In a comment on #paxdiablo's answer, you asked:
"So basically, is it better to use Double than Float?"
That is a complicated question. I will deal with it in two parts
Deciding between double versus float
On the one hand, a double occupies 8 bytes versus 4 bytes for a float. If you have many of them, this may be significant, though it may also have no impact. (Consider the case where the values are in fields or local variables on a 64bit machine, and the JVM aligns them on 64 bit boundaries.) Additionally, floating point arithmetic with double values is typically slower than with float values ... though once again this is hardware dependent.
On the other hand, a double can represent larger (and smaller) numbers than a float and can represent them with more than twice the precision. For the details, refer to Wikipedia.
The tricky question is knowing whether you actually need the extra range and precision of a double. In some cases it is obvious that you need it. In others it is not so obvious. For instance if you are doing calculations such as inverting a matrix or calculating a standard deviation, the extra precision may be critical. On the other hand, in some cases not even double is going to give you enough precision. (And beware of the trap of expecting float and double to give you an exact representation. They won't and they can't!)
There is a branch of mathematics called Numerical Analysis that deals with the effects of rounding error, etc in practical numerical calculations. It used to be a standard part of computer science courses ... back in the 1970's.
Deciding between Double versus Float
For the Double versus Float case, the issues of precision and range are the same as for double versus float, but the relative performance measures will be slightly different.
A Double (on a 32 bit machine) typically takes 16 bytes + 4 bytes for the reference, compared with 12 + 4 bytes for a Float. Compare this to 8 bytes versus 4 bytes for the double versus float case. So the ratio is 5 to 4 versus 2 to 1.
Arithmetic involving Double and Float typically involves dereferencing the pointer and creating a new object to hold the result (depending on the circumstances). These extra overheads also affect the ratios in favor of the Double case.
Having said all that, the most important thing is correctness, and this typically means getting the most accurate answer. And even if accuracy is not critical, it is usually not wrong to be "too accurate". So, the simple "rule of thumb" is to use double in preference to float, UNLESS there is an overriding performance requirement, AND you have solid evidence that using float will make a difference with respect to that requirement.
A double is an IEEE754 double-precision floating point number, similar to a float but with a larger range and precision.
IEEE754 single precision numbers have 32 bits (1 sign, 8 exponent and 23 mantissa bits) while double precision numbers have 64 bits (1 sign, 11 exponent and 52 mantissa bits).
A Double in Java is the class version of the double basic type - you can use doubles but, if you want to do something with them that requires them to be an object (such as put them in a collection), you'll need to box them up in a Double object.
I'm a uni student and have started studying programming in java and as far as I can tell both float and double do the same thing, they are both for writing integers decimal places. However I feel I'm completely wrong as there obviously wouldn't be 2 commands to achieve the same thing. Can someone please explain if there is a difference and if possible expand on it by saying why a float wouldn't work in a double situation and vice versa.
P.S. I'm not asking for answers to uni quizzes or anything, I've got my name on here, just genuinely trying to wrap my head around the difference between float and double.
A float is 4 bytes wide, whereas a double is 8 bytes wide. You should probably prefer to use double in most cases. You may check IEEE floating point standard.
Also to note that floats can be doubles, but doubles can never be floats because doubles have the larger range.
Range of float is 1.40129846432481707e-45 to 3.40282346638528860e+38
Range of double is 4.94065645841246544e-324d to 1.79769313486231570e+308d
Floats take less space, but at the cost of less precision (floats are 4 bytes, doubles are 8). It's the same reason you'd chose an int over a long. Certain math operations might also be slower on doubles, but in practice, you probably want a double.
The only difference I know of is the precision,
where float data type is a single precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point
and double data type is a double precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
Hope this helped you get a better understanding of the difference.
Generally float uses 4 bytes and double uses 8 bytes to store the value in a floating point (mantissa + exponent) format/representation. See this wikepedia write-up for an intro to these concepts if you are interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floating_point
I need to read Adobe's signed 32-bit fixed-point number, with 8 bits for the integer part followed by 24 bits for the fractional part. This is a "path point", as defined in Adobe Photoshop File Formats Specification.
This is how I'd do it in Ruby, but I need to do it in Java.
read(1).unpack('c*')[0].to_f +
(read(3).unpack('B*')[0].to_i(2).to_f / (2 ** 24)).to_f
Based on some discussion in the comments of David Wallace's answer, there is a significantly faster way to compute the correct double.
Probably the very fastest way to convert it is like this:
double intFixedPoint24ToDouble(int bits){
return ((double) bits) / 1<<24;
The reason that this is faster is because of the way double-precision floating point arithmatic works. In this case, the above sequence can be converted to some extremely simple additions and bit shifting. When this gets run, the actual steps it takes look like this:
Convert an int (bits) to a double (done on FPU, usually). This is quite fast.
Subtract 0x00180000 from the upper 32 bits of that result. This is extremely fast.
A very similar optimization can be applied whenever you multiply or divide any floating point number by any compile-time constant integer that is a power of two.
This compiler optimization does not apply if you are instead dividing by a double, or if you divide by a non-compile-time-constant expression (any expression involving anything other than final compile-time-constant variables, literal numbers, or operators). In that case, it must be performed as a double-precision floating-point division, which is probably the slowest single operation, except for block transfers and advanced mathematical functions.
However, as you can see, 1<<24 is a compile-time constant power of two, and so the optimization does apply in this case.
Read your bytes into an int (which is always 32 bits in Java), then use this. You need double, not float, because single precision floating point won't necessarily be long enough to hold your 32 bit fixed point number.
double toFixedPoint(int bytes){
return bytes / Math.pow(2, 24);
If speed is a concern, then work out Math.pow(2,24) outside of this method and store it.