If I have a canvas, on which I draw a Bitmap like this:
canvas.drawBitmap(bmLargeImage, srcRect, destRect, paint);
and I scale the bitmap:
canvas.scale(1.5f, 1.5f, 450, 250);
I want to get the position of the Bitmap after the scale. If the position before scale was (0, 0), after scale there is a offset and I need that offset.. how can I get it?
Thanks and sorry for the simple question, newbie here...
Ok lets try to work out the best formula for this
canvas.scale(scaleX, scaleY, pivotX, pivotY);
if (scaleX >= 1){
objectNewX = objectOldX + (objectOldX - pivotX)*(scaleX - 1);
objectNewX = objectOldX - (objectOldX - pivotX)*(1 - scaleX);
The same for objectNewY. The new width and height of the bitmap would of course be the multiple of the old size and scale.
I believe the cleanest Solution would be to use the underlying transformation Matrix of the Canvas you are manipulating.
In Android there is the canvas.getMatrix(Matrix cmt) method available which will yield it. The transformation matrix will transform any point in world space you throw at into screen coordinates. Just use the matrix.mapPoints(float[] points) and you will be fine.
FYI, you can easily do it the other way around too. If you want to know what screen coordinate maps to which point in world space, e.g. for tapping; the inverse matrix can be used for that. It can be obtained via the matrix.invert(Matrix out) method. Use its mapPoints() for the coordinate mapping then.
Here are the official docs:
mapPoints(), invert(), getMatrix()
If you'd like know the corners of your screen relative to your original canvas, you can use canvas.getClipBounds(). This returns a Rect with edge coordinates relative to your original canvas. For instance, if you start off with a canvas size of 320 x 480 and call
canvas.scale(2, 2, getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2);
and then
you will have a Rect (call this rect) where
rect.top == 120
rect.bottom == 360
rect.left == 80
rect.right == 240
I have a canvas that is drawing a circle with predefined bounds.
canvas.drawCircle((float) (getBounds().right / 2), (float) (getBounds().bottom / 2), (float) (getBounds().right / 2), paint);
and now I need to make it draw a square instead of a circle. so this is what I modified
(getBounds().right / 2) instead of it dividing by 2 I didn't divide it by anything for the radius
how ever it just overflows.
So this is how it looks like when its a normal circle.
and this is how it looks when I attempted to make it a square
can someone please suggest me how I can draw a successful square with the bounds I have been given?
Look's like the answer was fairly simple.
all I had to do is pass my rect and paint to Canvas::drawRect
here is the code
Rect rect = drawable.getBounds();
canvas.drawRect(rect, paint);
and image of the result
I have a bitmap that I would like to rotate about a point on a canvas. The point I want to rotate it about is not the center of the bitmap. I am using a matrix. Here is an example of what I have.
Bitmap image = ContentManager.getInstance().getImage(imageId);
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setTranslate(-image.getWidth()/2f, -image.getHeight()/2f);
matrix.postTranslate(x / scaleX, y / scaleY);
matrix.postScale(scaleX, scaleY);
canvas.drawBitmap(image, matrix, paint);
I want to manipulate this code slightly to not rotate around the bitmap's center point but a different point. To illustrate more clearly I have created this picture:
I have tried everything I can think of from setting
matrix.setTranslate(-image.getWidth()/2f, -image.getHeight()/2f);
matrix.setTranslate(pivotPoint.x, pivotPoint.y);
and a lot of other stuff. The result is the bitmap is always way off from where I expected it. (eg. rotate it about the center of the screen 90 degrees would put the bitmap 90 degrees from where it was and consequently would be rotated.) The bitmap always seems to rotate about its center point and then ends up in a random spot on the screen.
After much messing around and find this very difficult or buggy, not sure which, found the easiest solution to this is to find the new center of the bitmap and drop the image there instead, seem more complicated but it works where plain rotation/translation wasn't.
float angle;
float radius;
Bitmap wheelSelectBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.image);
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
Point pivotPoint = new Point();
pivotPoint.set(pivotPoint.x, pivotPoint.y)
Point newCenter = new Point();
newCenter.set((int)(pivotPoint.x + (radius * Math.cos(angle)), (int)(pivotPoint.y - (radius * Math.sin(angle)));
matrix.postTranslate(newCenter.x - (bitmap.getWidth()/2f), newCenter.y - (bitmap.getHeight()/2f));
matrix.postRotate(angle, newCenter.x, newCenter.y);
Bitmap rotatedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), null, true);
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, matrix, null);
This might not be perfect but working this way solved the problem for me and stopped bitmaps flying around all over the shop. It also rotates clockwise by default unlike your diagram so just use -angle for counter-CW. Not sure what is going on here as this code definitely failed to get the desired effect for me:
matrix.postTranslate(pivotPoint.x, pivotPoint.y);
matrix.postTranslate(radius - (bitmap.getWidth()/2f), -bitmap.getHeight()/2f);
Cant see what is wrong with logic here ? But in my case the bitmap was not visible in the view here.
When rotating an object, it will rotate around the origin (upper left corner). You'll want to first translate the bitmap so the pivot point becomes (0, 0), rotate the bitmap then translate back to it's original position.
you could try something like this:
matrix.setTranslate(-px, -py);
matrix.setTranslate(px, py);
// Then do other things.
When trying to program a game using Box2D, I ran into a problem with Box2D. I filled in pixel numbers for the lengths of the the textures and sprites to create a box around it. Everything was at the right place, but for some reason everything went very slowly. By looking on the internet I found out that if you didn't convert pixels to meters box2d might handle shapes as very large objects. this seemed to be a logical cause of everything moving slowly.
I found similar questions on this site, but the answers didn't really seem to help out. in most of the cases the solution was to make methods to convert the pixel numbers to meters using a scaling factor. I tried this out, but everything got misplaced and had wrong sizes. this seemed logical to me since the numbers where changed but had the same meaning.
I was wondering if there is a way to make the pixels mean less meters, so everything whould be at the same place with the same (pixel) size, but mean less meters.
If you have a different way which you think might help, I whould also like to hear it..
Here is the code i use to create the camera
width = Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 5;
height = Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 5;
camera = new OrthographicCamera(width, height);
camera.setToOrtho(false, 1628, 440);
This is the method I use to create an object:
public void Create(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, float density, float friction, float restitution, World world){
//Method to create an item
width = Width;
height = Height;
polygonDef = new BodyDef();
polygonDef.type = BodyType.DynamicBody;
polygonDef.position.set(X + (Width / 2f), Y + (Height / 2f));
polygonBody = world.createBody(polygonDef);
polygonShape = new PolygonShape();
polygonShape.setAsBox(Width / 2f, Height / 2f);
polygonFixture = new FixtureDef();
polygonFixture.shape = polygonShape;
polygonFixture.density = density;
polygonFixture.friction = friction;
polygonFixture.restitution = restitution;
To create an item, in this case a table, I use the following:
Table = new Item();
Table.Create(372f, 60f, 152f, 96f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f, world);
The Sprites are drawn on the item by using the following method:
public void drawSprite(Sprite sprite){
if(polygonBody.getUserData() instanceof Sprite){
Sprite Sprite = (Sprite) polygonBody.getUserData();
Sprite.setPosition(polygonBody.getPosition().x - Sprite.getWidth() / 2, polygonBody.getPosition().y - Sprite.getHeight() / 2);
Sprite.setRotation(polygonBody.getAngle() * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees);
The sprites also have pixel sizes.
Using this methods it displays the images at the right places, but everything moves slowly.
I was wondering how or if I whould have to change this to make the objects move correctly, and / or mean less. Thanks in advance.
Box2D is an entirely independent of the graphics library that you use. It doesn't have any notion of sprites and textures. What you read online is correct, you'll have to convert pixels to metres, as Box2D works with metres(the standard unit for distance).
For example, if you drew a sprite of size 100x100 pixels, that's the size of the sprite that you want the user to see on the screen. In real world the size of the object should be in metres and not in pixels - so if you say 1px = 1m, then that'll map the sprite to a gigantic 100x100 meter object. In Box2D, large world objects will slow down calculations. So what you need to do is map the 100 pixels to a smaller number of meters, say, 1 meter - thus 100x100px sprite will be represented in Box2D world by a 1x1 meter object.
Box2D doesn't work well with very small numbers and very large numbers. So keep it in between, say between 0.5 and 100, to have good performance.
Ok. Now I get your question.
Don't code to pixels. Its as simple as that. I know it'll take some time to understand this(it took for me). But once you get the hang of it, its straight forward.
Instead of pixels, use a unit, say, you call it meter.
So we decide our viewport should be say 6mx5m.
So initialization is
Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 6;
Constants.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 5;
void init() {
camera = new OrthographicCamera(Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, Constants.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT);
camera.position.set(Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH/2, Constants.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT/2, 0);
Once you know the actual width and height, you call the following function in order to maintain aspect ratio:
public void resize(int width, int height) {
camera.viewportHeight = (Constants.VIEWPORT_WIDTH / width) * height;
resize() can be called anytime you change your screen size(eg: when you screen orientation changes). resize() takes the actual width and height (320x480 etc), which is the pixel value.
Now you specify you sprite sizes, their positions etc. in this new world of size 6x5. You can forget pixels. The minimum size of the sprite that'll fill the screen will be 6x5.
You can now use the same unit with Box2D. Since the new dimensions will be smaller, it won't be a problem for Box2D. If I remember correctly Box2D doesn't have any unit. We just call it meter for convenience sake.
Now you might ask where you specify the dimensions of the window. It depends on the platform. Following code shows a 320x480 windowed desktop game:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LwjglApplicationConfiguration cfg = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration();
cfg.title = "my-game";
cfg.useGL20 = false;
cfg.width = 480;
cfg.height = 320;
new LwjglApplication(new MyGame(), cfg);
Our camera will intelligently map the 6x5 viewport to 480x320.
Im developing simple game. I have cca. 50 rectangles arranged in 10 columns and 5 rows. It wasn't problem to put them somehow to fit the whole screen. But when I rotate the canvas, let's say about 7° angle, the old coordinates does't fit in the new position of the coordinates. In constructor I already create and define the position of that rectangles, in onDraw method I'm drawing this rectangles (of course there are aready rotated) bud I need some method that colliding with the current rectangle. I tried to use something like this (i did rotation around the center point of the screen)
int newx = (int) ((x * Math.cos(ROTATE_ANGLE) - (y * Math.sin(ROTATE_ANGLE))) + width / 2);
int newy = (int) ((y * Math.cos(ROTATE_ANGLE) + (x * Math.sin(ROTATE_ANGLE))) + height / 2);
but it doesn't works (becuase it gives me absolute wrong new coordinates). x and y are coordinates of the touch that I'm trying to calculate new position in manner of rotation. ROTATE_ANGLE is the angle of rotation the screen.
Does anybody know how to solve this problem, I already go thorough many articles, wiki, wolframalpha categories but not luck. Maybe I just need some link to understand problem more.
Thank you
You use a rotation matrix.
Matrix mat = new Matrix(); //mat is identity
mat.postRotate(ROTATE_ANGLE); //mat is a rotation matrix of ROTATE_ANGLE degrees
float point[] = {10.0, 20.0}; //create a new float array representing the point (10, 20)
mat.mapPoints(point); //rotate the point by the requested amount
Ok, find the solution.
First it is important to convert from angle to radian
Then I personly need to negate that radian value.
That's all, this solution is correct
How can we rotate a Image Clockwise using LibGDX? what i am looking is when a image is loaded,suppose a star, i need to rotate it from beginning of screen to end of the screen horizontally, with star rotating,how can i do that in libgdx?
When you draw the Texture with your SpriteBatch, you can use one of the draw functions that includes rotation. This javadoc has all the draw functions: SpriteBatch
You can keep a variable for position and rotation, and increase the rotation and x component of the position each time you render to make it rotate while moving horizontally.
Libgdx gives you more then one way to do that:
You can use Scene2D and add an Image to your Stage. Image is a subclass of Actor, so you can add Actions to it:
Image myImage = new Image(myTexture);
myImage.addAction(Actions.parallel(Actions.moveTo(endX, endY, duration), Actions.rotateBy(degrees, duration)));
myImage.setPosition(startX, startY);
myImage.setOrigin(sizeX/2, sizeY/2);
In render you can then call stage.act(), which updates the position, rotation, scale... of all your Actors and then call stage.draw() which will call draw() for all your Actors.
Image allready handles the draw() so you don't need to care about that anymore.
You can also do it without scene2d, by updating everything yourself:
You can store a int rotationSpeed in degrees/sec
You can store a int moveSpeed in units/sec (maybe pixel but i would suggest to use camera or viewport and use your own unit, which is equal on all devices)
Store the float angle, which is the current rotation of your Texture
and store a Vector2 position, which contains the x and y position of your Texture.
If you want to move in x and y direction you can also store a Vector2 direction, which is a normalized Vector, giving the percent of movement in x and y direction, but thats a different story.
Then in your render(float delta) you update everything:
angl%=360; // Limits the angle to be <= 360
while (angle < 0) // Unfortunally the "modulo" in java gives negative result for negativ values.
spriteBatch.draw(yourTextureRegion, position.x, position.y, sizeX/2, sizeY/2, sizeX, sizeY, scaleX, scaleY, angle);
For clockwise rotation simply use a negative rotationSpeed or replace the angle+= with angle-=.
Hope it helps.
Following is the implementation to rotate any sprite
batch.draw(sprite,(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() - sprite.getRegionWidth()) / 2.0f,(Gdx.graphics.getHeight() - sprite.getRegionHeight()) / 2.0f,sprite.getRegionWidth()/2.0f,sprite.getRegionHeight()/2.0f, sprite.getRegionWidth(), sprite.getRegionHeight(), 1f, 1f,count, false);
if(count < 0.0f)
count = 360.0f;
count --;
Initially set counter to
private float count =360.0f;
You can also use the Scene2D actions. I have an example here with asteroid-type thing falling down the screen and rotating.
To rotate anticlockwise and horizontally..
create a textureRegion
Sprite sprite = new Sprite(textureRegion, 0, 0, 128, 128);
sprite.setPosition(++mX, 0);
You can do it too like this:
on your create method
sprite.setOrigin(sprite.getWitdh() /2f, sprite.getHeight() /2f);
sprite.setPosition( 0, 200 ); //200 it's a example
on your render(float delta)
sprite.setX( sprite.getX() + delta ).setRotation( sprite.getRotation() + delta );
Here is a simple to rotate an actor in libgdx. First you need to set the origin:
And then you can rotate clockwise and anticlockwise according to your need:
img.rotate(2f); or img.rotate(-2f);
So the following sample worked for me (infinite rotation)
Method 1: (recommended)
loadingActor.addAction(Actions.repeat(RepeatAction.FOREVER, Actions.rotateBy(360, 1)));
Method 2:
Image loadingActor = new Image(AssetsController.getInstance().getLoading());
final SequenceAction infiniteRotate = Actions.sequence();
infiniteRotate.addAction(Actions.rotateTo(0 , 0f) );
infiniteRotate.addAction(Actions.rotateTo(360 , 1f) );