Consuming web service from a remote computer - java

I have a desktop application built with jdk 6 which publishes web services to be consumed by a web application. So far I've had no problem while both applications are running in the same physical computer, i can access the wsdl without any problem and the web application works with the desktop application just fine. The thing is I cannot access to the services from a remote computer in the same network. The two PCs are connected and can interact. If I run both applications in PC1, from PC2 I can use the webapp through
I am currently publishing like this:
public Publicador(){
servicios= new Servicios();
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish("http://PC1:8686/servicios", servicios);
where PC1 is the name of the pc. From PC1, i can see the generated wsdl from the following address, and it's the one I used for the wsimport command:
But I cannnot from PC2.
Any ideas why it is not visible from outside PC1?

Incredible as it may seem, I found the simplest of answers... Instead of publishing as
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish("http://PC1:8686/servicios", servicios);
I published as
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish("", servicios);
and that solved it...
Another solution was to get the address to publish from a file, that worked too. I don't know why it didn't hardcoded... I ended up doing it like this:
Properties prop = new Properties();
InputStream is = null;
String currenDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
String nombreArchivo = currenDir + File.separator + "ubicacion.PROPERTIES";
try {
is=new FileInputStream(nombreArchivo);
} catch(IOException ioe) {}
String pc = prop.getProperty("ServiciosWeb");
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish( pc, servicios);


How do I get the latest pods using for labels using fabric8 kubernetes client after re-creating/replacing the deployment?

I keep getting the older pods while listing pods (pods in older deployment) for a deployment after recreating the deployment (either by replace or delete and create), using this code:
List<Pod> otelCollectorPods =
for (Pod pod : otelCollectorPods) {
String podName = pod.getMetadata().getName();
InputStream outputJsonFileInputStream =
// do something with the inputstream...
I have tried creating deployment using createOrReplace as well as delete and the create, nothing worked:

GAE HttpResponseException: 401

I am trying to access the DataStore of one app from another GAE project using Remote API.
I am using the following code:
String serverString = "";//this should be the target appengine
RemoteApiOptions options;
if (serverString.equals("localhost")) {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 8080).useDevelopmentServerCredential();
} else {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 80).useApplicationDefaultCredential();
RemoteApiInstaller installer = new RemoteApiInstaller();
datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
try {
results = datastore.get(KeyFactory.createKey("some key"));
} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
return null;
when I run this locally, i get a nullpointerexception at installer.install(options);.
and when deployed, the error seen from error reporting on the appengine is :HttpResponseException: 401 You must be logged in as an administrator, or access from an approved application.
That being said, I made a small java application with the follwing code:
String serverString = "";//same string as the one used in the above code
RemoteApiOptions options;
if (serverString.equals("localhost")) {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 8080).useDevelopmentServerCredential();
} else {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 80).useApplicationDefaultCredential();
RemoteApiInstaller installer = new RemoteApiInstaller();
try {
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
System.out.println("Key of new entity is " + ds.put(new Entity("Hello Remote API!")));
and this one works!! Hello Remote API entity is added.
The reason it does not work when running on App Engine vs running locally has to do with the credentials that are being picked up. When running locally, it is likely using your own credentials (which has access to both projects); by contrast, when running on App Engine, you are likely picking up the App Engine default service account, which only has access to that App Engine project.
Try fixing this by opening the Cloud IAM section of Cloud Console for the project containing the Cloud Datastore that you wish to access. There, grant the appropriate level of access to the default App Engine service account that is being used by the other project.
If you don't want all App Engine services in the other project to have this kind of access, you might also consider, instead, generating a service account for this cross-project access that you grant the appropriate access to (rather than granting that access to the default App Engine service account). Then, in your code that calls the API, you would explicitly use that service account by calling the useServiceAccountCredential() method of RemoteApiOptions to ensure that the API requests that are issued use the specified service account rather than the default App Engine service account.

Tomcat/websocket responding with error 404

I have developed a web site locally on my mac using tomcat 8.0.027 and java jdk 7. The site relies on websockets and all works well locally. When I deploy the site to a virtual private java server I get an error 404. The url for the websocket is ws://, my site is I've tried appending :8080 to the host name, that changes the error to connection refused. Changing the url to ../handlerx also generates a connection refused. I've checked that I'm not packaging additional websocket jars in my war file (I'm not as far as I can tell). My server is running tomcat 8.0.22 and JDK 7. My ISP is unable to provide any guidance.
My client code is
this.getWebSocketURI = function () {
var loc = window.location, wsUri;
if (loc.protocol === "https:") {
wsUri = "wss:";
} else {
wsUri = "ws:";
console.log("Websocket is not secure.");
wsUri += "//" +;
wsUri += loc.pathname + "handler";
console.log("wsUri" + wsUri);
return wsUri;
this.init = function () {
var self = this;
self.websocket = new WebSocket(self.getWebSocketURI());
The interesting part of the server code is
#ServerEndpoint(value = "/handler",
configurator = GetHttpSessionConfigurator.class)
public class WebSocket {
I've read something here about an Apache location filter that might be interfering by redirecting ws: to http: but have no idea where that resides or how to change it.
My hosting service finally agreed to investigate the problem. They say mod_proxy_wstunnel is not enabled and cannot be enabled. Don't use Mocha Host if you need to use websockets.

Using external server restlet framework

I am using the Restlet Framework, but now I want to change to a proper server instead of using localhost.
I have already added my php files (they access the java files using the rest_server URL) to the server's folder and my java files as well, but I am not sure how to change the code so it identifies where the new location of the files is.
Here is the code from IdentiscopeServer (constructor empty):
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//setsup our security manager
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null){
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
identiscopeServerApp = new IdentiscopeServerApplication();
IdentiscopeServer server = new IdentiscopeServer();
server.getDefaultHost().attach("", identiscopeServerApp);
I guess that the correct line to change is the one with "Protocol.HTTP, 8888". If the address of my new server is, how exactly do I set this up? Is there anything else necessary for it to work apart from just moving the files to a folder in the server?
The IdensticopeServerApplication is the following:
public class IdentiscopeServerApplication extends Application {
public IdentiscopeServerApplication() {
public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
Router router = new Router(getContext());
//attaches the /tweet path to the TweetRest class
router.attach("/collectionPublic", CollectionPublicREST.class);
router.attach("/collectionPrivate", CollectionPrivateREST.class);
router.attach("/analysis", AnalysisREST.class);
return router;
Thank you in advance, it is my first time using this Framework.
If I understand you correctly, you just want to run your main() method as the server, correct? In this case, the code for main() needs to be in a location that -- when running -- can provide the service at Since you haven't stated what kind of server you are putting the code, I can't say where the best place to put the code would be. I assume you have superuser privileges on your deployment server, since the URL you provided implies port 80 will be serving your Identiscope web service (port 80 is a privileged port on most OS's). So as an answer, I can only provide general information.
On your deployment server, port 80 must be free (i.e. nothing else should be acting as a web server on port 80 on that machine) and the IdentiscopeApplication must be running on port 80. To do that, you need only change the line:
server.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 80);
then run the application as a user that is allowed to start servers on port 80 (preferably NOT the superuser). If you haven't already, you will need to get Java running on your deployment server and make sure all Restlet libraries are in the classpath where you plan to run your application.
If I understand what you are trying to do, then this should do the trick.

Determine that application is running under application server

Some code may be reused in various environments including Java EE Application server. Sometimes it is nice to know whether the code is running under application server and which application server is it.
I prefer to do it by checking some system property typical for the application server.
For example it may be for JBoss
catalina.base for Tomcat
Does somebody know appropriate property name for other servers?
Weblogic, Websphere, Oracle IAS, others?
It is very easy to check if you have the specific application server installed. Just add line
System.getProperties() to any JSP, Servlet, EJB and print the result.
I can do it myself but it will take a lot of time to install server and make it working.
I have read this discussion: How to determine type of Application Server an application is running on?
But I prefer to use system property. It is easier and absolutely portable solution. The code does not depend on any other API like Servlet, EJBContext or JMX.
JBoss AS sets a lot of diffrent system properties:
You can check other properties using for example VisualVM or other tools.
I don't know other servers but I think you can find some kind of properties for each of them.
This is not a 'standard' way but what I did was to try to load a Class of the AppServer.
For WAS:
Class cl = Thread.getContextClassLoader().loadClass("");
// found
// not Found
// For Tomcat: ""
Let me know what you think
//for Tomcat
try {
MBeanServer mBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
ObjectName name = new ObjectName("Catalina", "type", "Server");
StandardServer server = (StandardServer) mBeanServer.getAttribute(name,"managedResource");
if (server != null) {
//its a TOMCAT application server
} catch (Exception e) {
//its not a TOMCAT Application server
//for wildfly
try {
ObjectName http = new ObjectName(",socket- binding=http");
String jbossHttpAddress = (String) mBeanServer.getAttribute(http, "boundAddress");
int jbossHttpPort = (Integer) mBeanServer.getAttribute(http, "boundPort");
String url = jbossHttpAddress + ":" + jbossHttpPort;
if(jbossHttpAddress != null){
//its a JBOSS/WILDFLY Application server
} catch (Exception e) {
//its not a JBOSS/WILDFLY Application server

