I am trying to access the DataStore of one app from another GAE project using Remote API.
I am using the following code:
String serverString = "http://example.com";//this should be the target appengine
RemoteApiOptions options;
if (serverString.equals("localhost")) {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 8080).useDevelopmentServerCredential();
} else {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 80).useApplicationDefaultCredential();
RemoteApiInstaller installer = new RemoteApiInstaller();
datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
try {
results = datastore.get(KeyFactory.createKey("some key"));
} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
return null;
when I run this locally, i get a nullpointerexception at installer.install(options);.
and when deployed, the error seen from error reporting on the appengine is :HttpResponseException: 401 You must be logged in as an administrator, or access from an approved application.
That being said, I made a small java application with the follwing code:
String serverString = "http://example.com";//same string as the one used in the above code
RemoteApiOptions options;
if (serverString.equals("localhost")) {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 8080).useDevelopmentServerCredential();
} else {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 80).useApplicationDefaultCredential();
RemoteApiInstaller installer = new RemoteApiInstaller();
try {
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
System.out.println("Key of new entity is " + ds.put(new Entity("Hello Remote API!")));
and this one works!! Hello Remote API entity is added.
The reason it does not work when running on App Engine vs running locally has to do with the credentials that are being picked up. When running locally, it is likely using your own credentials (which has access to both projects); by contrast, when running on App Engine, you are likely picking up the App Engine default service account, which only has access to that App Engine project.
Try fixing this by opening the Cloud IAM section of Cloud Console for the project containing the Cloud Datastore that you wish to access. There, grant the appropriate level of access to the default App Engine service account that is being used by the other project.
If you don't want all App Engine services in the other project to have this kind of access, you might also consider, instead, generating a service account for this cross-project access that you grant the appropriate access to (rather than granting that access to the default App Engine service account). Then, in your code that calls the API, you would explicitly use that service account by calling the useServiceAccountCredential() method of RemoteApiOptions to ensure that the API requests that are issued use the specified service account rather than the default App Engine service account.
I have one project in google cloud, already using speech APIs successfully.
I am the only user and I have Owner permissions over the service.
My account is connected to billing.
The environment credentials is set and working properly with other services.
I'm using Java SDK v3 (advanced translation).
When running translation in java I get PERMISSION_DENIED: Cloud IAM permission 'cloudtranslate.generalModels.predict' denied.
try (TranslationServiceClient client = TranslationServiceClient.create()) {
// projects/MY_PROJECT_ID/locations/global
LocationName parent = LocationName.of("MY_PROJECT_ID", "global");
// projects/MY_PROJECT_ID/locations/global/models/general/base
String model = parent.toString() + "/models/general/base";
TranslateTextRequest request =
TranslateTextResponse response = client.translateText(request);
for (Translation translation : response.getTranslationsList()) {
System.out.printf("Translated text: %s\n", translation.getTranslatedText());
Please advise :)
So, you need to do this steps:
You need to create a service account in https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts
Will be generated Email address for this account. Copy it.
Make sure you have billing created and you have enabled the Google Translation API
Next, you need to grant access rights to your new service account.
IAM -> GRANT ACCESS -> Add Principle (this is your already copied email address from first step) -> Select a role (need to find "Cloud Translation API Admin")
Rerun your application.
I am currently trying to use the Facebook Java SDK to publish ads automatically.
I am just attempting to test my API Authentication using the basic facebook demo code they have provided: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/business-sdk/getting-started/
Here is where I define my APIContext so that I can instantiate my AdAccount:
public static final APIContext context = new APIContext(
"{App Auth Token}",
"{App Secret}"
When I execute System.out.println(context.getAppID()); I am returned the ID of the App I have set up within developers.facebook. At this point I think everything is working as intended...?
I then attempt to execute the following code:
AdAccount account = new AdAccount("act_{10405322}", context);
try {
APINodeList<Campaign> campaigns = account.getCampaigns().requestAllFields().execute();
for(Campaign campaign : campaigns) {
} catch (Exception e) {
My application keeps failing with this response:
com.facebook.ads.sdk.APIException$FailedRequestException: {"error":{"message":"(#803) Some of the
aliases you requested do not exist:
Could someone explain to me why this is the case? act_{10405322} is the ad account I am attempting to reach, so I am not sure why the "alias does not exist"
After rigorous testing, I found two issues that solved my error.
I was using a App Token rather than a Page Access Token
I changed act_{10405322} to act_10405322 and I finally got a successful response.
I am trying to connect to an external weblogic embeded LDAP in Oracle ADF.
I've just found a good sample code that uses JpsContextFactory class, it doesnt get any url, username and password. it seems that it connects to local weblogic ldap by defult. I could not figure out how to set a connection to an external weblogic ldap using this class.
the sample code :
private void initIdStoreFactory() {
JpsContextFactory ctxFactory;
try {
ctxFactory = JpsContextFactory.getContextFactory();
JpsContext ctx = ctxFactory.getContext();
LdapIdentityStore idStoreService = (LdapIdentityStore) ctx.getServiceInstance(IdentityStoreService.class);
ldapFactory = idStoreService.getIdmFactory();
storeEnv.put(OIDIdentityStoreFactory.RT_USER_SEARCH_BASES, USER_BASES);
storeEnv.put(OIDIdentityStoreFactory.RT_GROUP_SEARCH_BASES, GROUP_BASES);
storeEnv.put(OIDIdentityStoreFactory.RT_USER_CREATE_BASES, USER_BASES);
storeEnv.put(OIDIdentityStoreFactory.RT_GROUP_CREATE_BASES, GROUP_BASES);
storeEnv.put(OIDIdentityStoreFactory.RT_GROUP_SELECTED_CREATE_BASE, GROUP_BASES[0]);
storeEnv.put(OIDIdentityStoreFactory.RT_USER_SELECTED_CREATE_BASE, USER_BASES[0]);
} catch (JpsException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Jps Exception encountered", e);
any suggestion how to use this code to connect to external ldap will be appreciated.
JpsContextFactory is utilised to retrieve the current information of the identity store(s) inside weblogic. In order to use it with an external LDAP, you need first to add a new security provider in Weblogic and declare it as required in order for your application to utilise the new external ldap.
Check this old article of how to do it (http://www.itbuzzpress.com/weblogic-tutorials/securing-oracle-weblogic/configuring-oracle-weblogic-security-providers.html)
I have a desktop application built with jdk 6 which publishes web services to be consumed by a web application. So far I've had no problem while both applications are running in the same physical computer, i can access the wsdl without any problem and the web application works with the desktop application just fine. The thing is I cannot access to the services from a remote computer in the same network. The two PCs are connected and can interact. If I run both applications in PC1, from PC2 I can use the webapp through
I am currently publishing like this:
public Publicador(){
servicios= new Servicios();
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish("http://PC1:8686/servicios", servicios);
where PC1 is the name of the pc. From PC1, i can see the generated wsdl from the following address, and it's the one I used for the wsimport command:
But I cannnot from PC2.
Any ideas why it is not visible from outside PC1?
Incredible as it may seem, I found the simplest of answers... Instead of publishing as
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish("http://PC1:8686/servicios", servicios);
I published as
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish("", servicios);
and that solved it...
Another solution was to get the address to publish from a file, that worked too. I don't know why it didn't hardcoded... I ended up doing it like this:
Properties prop = new Properties();
InputStream is = null;
String currenDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
String nombreArchivo = currenDir + File.separator + "ubicacion.PROPERTIES";
try {
is=new FileInputStream(nombreArchivo);
} catch(IOException ioe) {}
String pc = prop.getProperty("ServiciosWeb");
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish( pc, servicios);
I have a grails app, and I am using the java-apns 0.1.5 jar! I have a device key, which already uninstall my app from it, so my question is, should I receive same feedback from the API saying that device is not enable anymore?
My code is the following:
apnsService = APNS.newService()
.withCert(pathToCertificate, password)
Map<String, Date> inactiveDevices = apnsService.getInactiveDevices();
log.debug inactiveDevices
the think is that, the variable inactiveDevices is always empty! why? if I uninstall the app from the device?! am I missing some think in the client(device) side?
If you are using the Sandbox destination, the feedback service may not
report info correctly. This is a known bug with a known workaround,
check the mailing list thread
The problem comes from the "Sandbox" APNs Feedback server, probably a
bug. Here is the solution if anyone has the same problem:
Create a dummy app id in the program portal, enable development push
notifications on it Create and download the associated provisioning
profile Create a new xcode project, and invoke the
registerForRemoteNotificationTypes method on start. Install the dummy
app on your device. At this point, you should have two DEVELOPMENT
apps running on your device: the original app and the dummy app. Both
should be registered to receive push notifications. Uninstall the
original app, and try to send a push notification to that app. Invoke
the feedback service, and you should receive data back.
To resume, the Sandbox Feedbacks server needs TWO DEVELOPMENT Apps
registered on the SAME iPhone to work. This manipulation is not
necessary for the production phase as the "Production" APNs Feedback
server works fine.
I would recommend just switching to test feedback with the production servers.
Please either test with the production servers or use the workaround.
Hello Guys i have done push using grails APNS also with simple java lib.
1. With Grails : here is code snippet for APNS using grails
Hello Guys i have done push using grails APNS.
there are one Important point to remember
1. Proper apple certificate, Apple approved.: Apple approve certificate after 24 hours.
here is my code
1. in config.groovy
environments {
development {
apns {
pathToCertificate = "/Users/sarbogast/Desktop/APNs_development_certificates.p12"
password = "password"
environment = "sandbox"
} test {
apns {
pathToCertificate = "/usr/local/myapp/APNs_development_certificates.p12"
password = "password"
environment = "sandbox"
} production {
apns {
pathToCertificate = "/usr/local/myapp/APNs_production_certificates.p12"
password = "password"
environment = "production"
}2. i create a service and here is my service class code def sendMessageToDevices() { List<string> aa = new ArrayList<string>() aa.add("Testing") def payload = APNS.newPayload() .badge(1) .localizedKey("key") .localizedArguments(aa) .sound("default") log.error(payload.length()) if (payload.isTooLong()){ log.info("Message is too long: " + payload.length()) } try { apnsService.testConnection() apnsService.push("Device token here", payload.build() ) } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not connect to APNs to send the notification"+e.getMessage()) } }
here "key" is any message which will popup on device push
3. i called this method by controller method..