Suppose, I have an unsorted array of overlapped ranges. Each range is just a pair of integers begin and end. Now I want to find if a given key belongs to at least one of the ranges. Probably, I have to know the ranges it belongs as well.
We can assume the ranges array takes ~1M and fits the memory. I am looking for an easy algorithm, which uses only standard JDK collections without any 3d-party libraries and special data structures, but works reasonably fast.
What would you suggest?
Sort the ranges numerically by a custom Comparator, then for each key k build a one-element range [k, k] and do a binary search for this range with a different Comparator.
The Comparator for searching's compare(x,y) should return
<0 if x.max < y.min
>0 if x.min > y.max
0 otherwise (its two range arguments overlap).
As noted by #Per, you need a different, stricter Comparator for sorting, but the first two clauses still hold.
This should work even if the ranges overlap, though you may want to merge overlapping ranges after sorting to speed up the search. The merging can be done in O(N) time.
This is in effect a static interval tree, i.e. one without O(lg N) insertion or deletion, in the same way that a sorted array can be considered a static binary search tree.
If you don't need to know which interval contains your point (EDIT: I guess you probably do, but I'll leave this answer for others with this question who don't), then
Preprocess the intervals by computing two arrays B and E. B is the values of begin in sorted order. E is the values of end in sorted order.
To query a point x, use binary search to find the least index i such that B[i] > x and the least index j such that E[j] ≥ x. The number of intervals [begin, end] containing x is i - j.
class Interval {
double begin, end;
class BeginComparator implements java.util.Comparator<Interval> {
public int compare(Interval o1, Interval o2) {
return, o2.begin);
public class IntervalTree {
IntervalTree(Interval[] intervals_) {
intervals = intervals_.clone();
java.util.Arrays.sort(intervals, new BeginComparator());
maxEnd = new double[intervals.length];
initializeMaxEnd(0, intervals.length);
double initializeMaxEnd(int a, int b) {
if (a >= b) {
int m = (a + b) >>> 1;
maxEnd[m] = initializeMaxEnd(a, m);
return Math.max(Math.max(maxEnd[m], intervals[m].end), initializeMaxEnd(m + 1, b));
void findContainingIntervals(double x, int a, int b, java.util.Collection<Interval> result) {
if (a >= b) {
int m = (a + b) >>> 1;
Interval i = intervals[m];
if (x < i.begin) {
findContainingIntervals(x, a, m, result);
} else {
if (x <= i.end) {
if (maxEnd[m] >= x) {
findContainingIntervals(x, a, m, result);
findContainingIntervals(x, m + 1, b, result);
java.util.Collection<Interval> findContainingIntervals(double x) {
java.util.Collection<Interval> result = new java.util.ArrayList<Interval>();
findContainingIntervals(x, 0, intervals.length, result);
return result;
Interval[] intervals;
double[] maxEnd;
public static void main(String[] args) {
java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random();
Interval[] intervals = new Interval[10000];
for (int j = 0; j < intervals.length; j++) {
Interval i = new Interval();
do {
i.begin = r.nextDouble();
i.end = r.nextDouble();
} while (i.begin >= i.end);
intervals[j] = i;
IntervalTree it = new IntervalTree(intervals);
double x = r.nextDouble();
java.util.Collection<Interval> result = it.findContainingIntervals(x);
int count = 0;
for (Interval i : intervals) {
if (i.begin <= x && x <= i.end) {
I believe this is what you are looking for:
But check this simpler solution first to see if it fits your needs: Using java map for range searches
simple solution with O(n) complexity:
for(Range range: ranges){
if (key >= range.start && key <= range.end)
return range;
More clever algorithm can be applied if we know more information about ranges.
Is they sorted? Is they overlapped? and so on
Given just your specification, I would be inclined to order the ranges by size, with the widest ranges first (use a custom Comparator to facilitate this). Then simply iterate through them and return true as soon as you find a range that contains the key. Because we know nothing else about the data, of course the widest ranges are the most likely to contain a given key; searching them first could be a (small) optimization.
You could preprocess the list in other ways. For instance, you could exclude any ranges that are completely enclosed by other ranges. You could order by begin and early-exit as soon as you encounter a begin value greater than your key.
I want to find all distinct triplets (a, b, c) in an array such that a + b + c = 0.
I implemented the algorithm in java but I am getting TLE when the input is large (for example 100,000 zeroes, etc).
For 100,000 zeroes, it should output (0, 0, 0) only.
Can someone give some idea about how to speed this up?
Below is the function which I have written. It takes an array as input and returns all unique triplets having the desired property as a list.
public List<List<Integer>> threeSum(int[] nums) {
List<List<Integer>> ll = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
for(int i = 0; i < nums.length - 1; i++){
int x = nums[i];
int start = i + 1;
int end = nums.length - 1;
int sum = -x;
while(start < end){
int y = nums[start] + nums[end];
if(y == sum){
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if(y < sum)
I think that there is nothing you can do about the time complexity. Two indices must explore the array independently (except for starting/ending points), while the third can be constrained, like in your algorithm, which means that the complexity is O(n2). This dominates the preliminary sorting of the array, which is O(n·log(n)), and also a “demultiplication” step, which is O(n).
I wrote “demultiplication” because a “deduplication” is not desirable: suppose the array is [-1,-1,0,2]. Deduplicating it would eliminate the only solution. But a solution can't contain an integer more than twice, unless it's 0, in which case [0,0,0] is a solution. All integers appearing more than twice, or thrice in the case of 0, are redundant and can be eliminated in one pass after sorting and before the main algorithm.
As for the factor, it could be improved by limiting the exploration to what makes sense. I would modify your algorithm by making the pair of indices that you move until they meet, start outwards from where they meet, until the lower one hits the major index, or the upper one hits the end of the array. The starting point of the scan can be remembered across scans, adjusting it downwards as the major index moves upwards. If the starting point (actually a starting pair of adjacent indices) is outside the current range, the scan can be omitted tout court. Finding the initial starting point is an additional part of the algorithm which, after sorting, could be O(log(n)), but a very simple O(n) version would do just as well.
I have no time now to translate all the above into Java code, sorry. All I can do now is jot down the “demultiplication” code (untested) that goes right after the sorting of the array:
int len = 1;
int last = nums[0];
int count = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < nums.length; i++) {
int x = nums[i];
if (x != last) {
nums[len++] = x;
last = x;
count = 1;
} else if (count < 2 || x == 0 && count < 3) {
nums[len++] = x;
// use len instead of nums.length from this point on
The big time component I see, is that for the 100,000 zeroes example, you will hitting the if (y == sum) block for every single possible case. This appears to be the worst case for performance since you will never skip that block.
The largest improvement I can see is to first de-duplicate your input. Unfortunately sets won't work as we need still maintain up to three of the same entry. Thus, my recommendation is, after your sort, to loop through the input array and whenever you encounter more than three copies of a number in a row, remove the extras. They are not needed for the problem and just waste time.
You could create a List (an implementation of that is ArrayList) to store the combinations you already had. Always store a new value in the format of
where a <= b <= c
so, whenever you get a combination which may or may not already have been found, generate a String in the same format and check whether it is present in your List. If so, then do not add it. Otherwise add it to your List. After this you could convert the found values into numeric values. If you want to quicken it up, you could create a class like:
class XYZ {
public int x;
public int y;
public int z;
public XYZ(int x, int y, int z) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
public isMatch(int x, int y, int z) {
return (this.x == x) &&
(this.y == y) &&
(this.z == z);
public static boolean anyMatch(List<XYZ> list, int x, int y, int z) {
for (XYZ xyz : list) {
if (xyz.isMatch(x, y, z)) return true;
return false;
public static void addIfNotExists(List<XYZ> list, int x, int y, int z) {
if (!anyMatch(list, x, y, z)) list.add(new XYZ(x, y, z));
and you could use this class for your purpose, just make sure that x <= y <= z.
The filtering of non-unique triplets at the end can be eliminated by using a hash-table that stores the triplets in a sorted order, so all combinations of a triplet (with different ordering) gets stored exactly once.
Use a hashmap/hashset instead of an arraylist.
HashSet<List<Integer>> ll = new HashSet<List<Integer>>();
. . .
In addition to this, You could also use another lookup table to ensure each repeating item in nums[] is used to calculate the triplets only once.
lookup_table = HashMap();
for(int i = 0; i < nums.length - 1; i++){
// we have already found triplets starting from nums[i]
// eg. [-1,-1,0,1], we don't need to calculate
// the same triplets for the second '-1'.
if (lookup_table.contains(nums[i]))
// Mark nums[i] as 'solved'
// usual processing here
int x = nums[i];
Or, since your nums[] list is already sorted, you could just skip repeating items, doing away the need for another lookup table.
i = 0;
while (i < nums.length - 1){
// we have already found triplets starting from nums[i]
// eg. [-1,-1,0,1], we don't need to calculate
// the same triplets for the second '-1'.
x = nums[i];
// skip repeating items
while (x == nums[i++]);
// usual processing here
. . .
and then you could just return the hashset as a list at the end.
My current implementation of Quadratic Probing overrides the item being stored at the current index with the new item when a collision occurs. I insert three Person objects which are stored by using their lastname as key. To test the collision resolution of the implementation they all have the same last name which is "Windmill".
I need the implementation to keep all person objects but just move them to a different index instead of overriding them.
The list size has been set as 7, stored in variable "M" used for modulo in the insert function.
Insert function
public void put(String key, Person value) {
int tmp = hash(key);
int i, h = 0;
for (i = tmp; keys[i] != null; i = (i + h * h++) % M) {
if (keys[i].equals(key)) {
values[i] = value;
keys[i] = key;
values[i] = value;
Hash function
private int hash(String key) {
return (key.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % M;
get function
public List<Person> get(String key) {
List<Person> results = new ArrayList<>();
int tmp = hash(key);
int i = hash(key), h = 0;
while (keys[i] != null)
if (keys[i].equals(key))
i = (i + h * h++) % M;
return results;
When i remove the piece of code that overrides previous values, the index int overflows and turns into a negative number, causing the program to crash.
You get overflow because you do % M after some operations with ints that cause overflow.
You need to replace i = (i + h * h++) % M with some additional operations based on modulo operation properties (
(a + b) mod n = [(a mod n) + (b mod n)] mod n.
ab mod n = [(a mod n)(b mod n)] mod n.
I think there are two issues with your code:
You don't check whether the (multi-)map is full. In practice you want to do 2 checks:
check if N==M (or maybe some smaller threshold like 90% of M)
make collisionCount a local variable and when it reaches N (unfortunately this check is also necessary to avoid some pathological cases)
in both cases you should extend your storage area and copy old data into it (re-insert). This alone should fix your bug for small values of M but for really big sizes of the map you still need the next thing.
You didn't take into account how mod (%) operation works in Java. Particularly for negative value of a the value of a % b is also negative. So when you insert a lot of values and check for next index, i + h^2 might overflow Integer.MAX_VALUE and become negative. To fix this you might use a method like this:
static int safeMod(int a, int b) {
int m = a % b;
return (m >= 0) ? m : (m+b);
In my problem I have few arrays with numbers 1 - 3,
[1,2,3], [1,2,3]
I combined the arrays into one full array,
[1,2,3, 1,2,3]
I need to randomize the array each run, so that no element repeats.
For example, this would work
[1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3]
but this would not.
I chose 1,2,3 to simplify it, but my arrays would consist of the numbers 1 - 6. The idea remains the same though. Is there an algorithm or easy method to accomplish this?
This is a heuristic solution for random shuffling not allowing consecutive duplicates. It applies to lists, but it's easy to transfer it to arrays as it does only swapping and no shift operations are required. It seems to work in the majority of cases for lists consisting of millions of elements and various density factors, but always keep in mind that heuristic algorithms may never find a solution. It uses logic from genetic algorithms, with the exception that this version utilizes one individual and selective mutation only (it's easy to convert it to a real genetic algorithm though), but it's simple and works as follows:
If a duplicate is found, try swapping it with a random element after it; if not possible, try swapping it with an element prior to it (or vice versa). The key point here is the random position for exchanging elements, so as to keep a better uniform distribution on random output.
This question has been asked in alternative forms, but I couldn't find an acceptable solution yet. Unfortunately, as most of the proposed answers (except for the "greedy" extensive re-shuffling till we get a match or computing every combination), this solution does not provide a perfect uniform distribution, but seems to minimize some patterns, :( still not possible to remove every pattern, as you see below. Try it and post any comments for potential improvements.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
//Heuristic Non-Consecutive Duplicate (NCD) Shuffler
public class NCDShuffler {
private static Random random = new Random();
//private static int swaps = 0;
public static <T> void shuffle (List<T> list) {
if (list == null || list.size() <= 1) return;
int MAX_RETRIES = 10; //it's heuristic
boolean found;
int retries = 1;
do {
found = true;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) {
T cur = list.get(i);
T next = list.get(i + 1);
if (cur.equals(next)) {
//choose between front and back with some probability based on the size of sublists
int r = random.nextInt(list.size());
if ( i < r) {
if (!swapFront(i + 1, next, list, true)) {
found = false;
} else {
if (!swapBack(i + 1, next, list, true)) {
found = false;
} while (retries <= MAX_RETRIES && !found);
//try to swap it with an element in a random position after it
private static <T> boolean swapFront(int index, T t, List<T> list, boolean first) {
if (index == list.size() - 1) return first ? swapBack(index, t, list, false) : false;
int n = list.size() - index - 1;
int r = random.nextInt(n) + index + 1;
int counter = 0;
while (counter < n) {
T t2 = list.get(r);
if (!t.equals(t2)) {
Collections.swap(list, index, r);
return true;
if (r == list.size()) r = index + 1;
//can't move it front, try back
return first ? swapBack(index, t, list, false) : false;
//try to swap it with an element in a random "previous" position
private static <T> boolean swapBack(int index, T t, List<T> list, boolean first) {
if (index <= 1) return first ? swapFront(index, t, list, false) : false;
int n = index - 1;
int r = random.nextInt(n);
int counter = 0;
while (counter < n) {
T t2 = list.get(r);
if (!t.equals(t2) && !hasEqualNeighbours(r, t, list)) {
Collections.swap(list, index, r);
return true;
if (r == index) r = 0;
return first ? swapFront(index, t, list, false) : false;
//check if an element t can fit in position i
public static <T> boolean hasEqualNeighbours(int i, T t, List<T> list) {
if (list.size() == 1)
return false;
else if (i == 0) {
if (t.equals(list.get(i + 1)))
return true;
return false;
} else {
if (t.equals(list.get(i - 1)) || (t.equals(list.get(i + 1))))
return true;
return false;
//check if shuffled with no consecutive duplicates
public static <T> boolean isShuffledOK(List<T> list) {
for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list.get(i).equals(list.get(i - 1)))
return false;
return true;
//count consecutive duplicates, the smaller the better; We need ZERO
public static <T> int getFitness(List<T> list) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list.get(i).equals(list.get(i - 1)))
return sum;
//let's test it
public static void main (String args[]) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> freq = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
//initialise a list
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
/*for (int i = 0; i<100000; i++) {
//Try to put each output in the frequency Map
//then check if it's a uniform distribution
Integer hash;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
//shuffle it
hash = hash(list);
if (freq.containsKey(hash)) {
freq.put(hash, freq.get(hash) + 1);
} else {
freq.put(hash, 1);
System.out.println("Unique Outputs: " + freq.size());
System.out.println("EntrySet: " + freq.entrySet());
//System.out.println("Swaps: " + swaps);
//for the last shuffle
System.out.println("Shuffled OK: " + isShuffledOK(list));
System.out.println("Consecutive Duplicates: " + getFitness(list));
//test hash
public static int hash (List<Integer> list) {
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; (i < list.size() && i < 9); i++) {
h += list.get(i) * (int)Math.pow(10, i); //it's reversed, but OK
return h;
This is a sample output; it's easy to understand the issue with the non-uniform distribution.
Unique Outputs: 6
EntrySet: [1312=1867, 3121=1753, 2131=1877, 1321=1365, 1213=1793, 1231=1345]
Shuffled OK: true
Consecutive Duplicates: 0
You could use Collections.shuffle to randomize the list. Do it in a while loop, until the list passes your constraint.
If the arrays are relatively small, it would not be too hard for you just to combine the two arrays, randomize it then check the numbers, and if there are too same numbers just shift one over or just randomize it again.
There's no pre-written algorithm that I know of (which doesn't mean one doesn't exist), but the problem is easy to understand and the implementation is straightforward.
I will offer two suggestions dependent on if you want to build a valid array or if you want to build an array and then check its validity.
1 - Create some collection (Array, ArrayList, etc) that contains all of the possible values that will be included in your final array. Grab one of those values and add it to the array. Store a copy of that value in a variable. Grab another value from the possible values, check that it's not equal to your previous value, and add it to the array if it's valid.
2 - Create an array that contains the number of values you want. Check that item n != item n+1 for all items except the last one. If you fail one of those checks, either generate a new random value for that location or add or subtract some constant from the value at that location. Once you have checked all of the values in this array, you know you have a valid array. Assuming the first and last values can be the same.
The most optimal solution, I can think of, is to count the number of occurrences of each value, logically creating a "pool" for each distinct value.
You then randomly choose a value from any of the pools that are not the value of the previous selection. The random selection is weighted by pool sizes.
If a pool is more than half the size of all remaining values, then you must choose from that pool, in order to prevent repetition at the end.
This way you can produce result fast without any form of retry or backtracking.
Example (using letters as values to clarify difference from counts):
Input: A, B, C, A, B, C
Action Selected Pools(Count)
A(2) B(2) C(2)
Random from all 3 pools A A(1) B(2) C(2)
Random from B+C pools C A(1) B(2) C(1)
Random from A+B pools (1:2 ratio) A A(0) B(2) C(1)
Must choose B (>half) B A(0) B(1) C(1)
Random from A+C, so C C A(0) B(1) C(0)
Must choose B (>half) B A(0) B(0) C(0)
Result: A, C, A, B, C, B
Given an Integer set, {x | 1 <= x <= n}. Consider a combination, something like 50C6 (select 6 from 50). Calculating the number of combinations and iterating over them (in sorted order) is easy.
For example, this does the trick:
public static void combo(int[] combo, int index, int f, int t) {
if (index >= combo.length) {
// display combination
// ...
for (int i = f; i <= t - (combo.length - index) + 1; i++) {
combo[index] = i;
combo(combo, index + 1, i + 1, t);
For the above, calling combo(new int[]{0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, 1, 9) will list all the 9C4 combinations in sorted order, all 126 of them.
What I would like is the following. Given k, I'd like the algorithm to give the combination.
// Select r from c and return combination k.
public static int[] combo(int c, int r, int k) {
For example, combo(3,2,1) should return {1,2} and combo(3,2,3) should return {2,3} (assuming the first combination is 1 and not 0 - but that's trivial).
Doing this in O(nCr) is easy and takes little memory... Doing it in O(1) is also easy, but is requires lots of memory for larger combinations and requires pre-calculation. I don't know whether it's possible to do this in better time than O(nCr) without using a lookup table. Any confirmation/guidance would be appreciated.
Okay, I've worked it out and I am quite happy with the final result. The basic idea is as follows:
Let's say we want the k'th entry of nCr. Then, the number of combinations where we start with a 1 is (n-1)C(r-1) and a 2 is (n-2)C(r-2), etc. So, all you have to do is find out which digit needs to go at the first spot and then repeat the process for every one of the r spots.
For example, let's say we want the 30'th entry of 9C3. For 1, we have 8C2 = 28. That's not enough. For 2, 7C2 = 21. So, the first digit must be a 2 and the first entry that started with a 2 was entry 29. So now you simply repeat this process for the second and third entry.
The non-recursive solution is as follows:
public static int[] getCombo(int n, int r, int k) {
int[] result = new int[r];
int cur = 1;
int sum =0;
while (r > 0) {
int tot = c(n - cur, r - 1);
if (sum + tot < k) {
sum += tot;
} else {
result[result.length - r] = cur++;
return result;
The function c() above, simply calculates "n select r".
I particularly like this as it is O(r).
So you can find the value of nCp by the equation n!/(p!*(n-p)!). So say you're solving 4C3 and you're looking for the kth combo. If the first value is a 1 then that means that you have 3C2 left which calculates to 3. So if k < 3 the first value is a 1. If not you go to 3C2 + 3C1 for the second value. And you recuse down the line. No sure if it's actually faster (the calculation of nCp) but it's an interesting way to think about the problem.
Alright, here's the lowdown: I'm writing a class in Java that finds the Nth Hardy's Taxi number (a number that can be summed up by two different sets of two cubed numbers). I have the discovery itself down, but I am in desperate need of some space saving. To that end, I need the smallest possible data structure where I can relatively easily use or create a method like contains(). I'm not particularly worried about speed, as my current solution can certainly get it to compute well within the time restrictions.
In short, the data structure needs:
To be able to relatively simply implement a contains() method
To use a low amount of memory
To be able to store very large number of entries
To be easily usable with the primitive long type
Any ideas? I started with a hash map (because I needed to test the values the led to the sum to ensure accuracy), then moved to hash set once I guaranteed reliable answers.
Any other general ideas on how to save some space would be greatly appreciated!
I don't think you'd need the code to answer the question, but here it is in case you're curious:
public class Hardy {
// private static HashMap<Long, Long> hm;
* Find the nth Hardy number (start counting with 1, not 0) and the numbers
* whose cubes demonstrate that it is a Hardy number.
* #param n
* #return the nth Hardy number
public static long nthHardyNumber(int n) {
// long i, j, oldValue;
int i, j;
int counter = 0;
long xyLimit = 2147483647; // xyLimit is the max value of a 32bit signed number
long sum;
// hm = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
int hardyCalculations = (int) (n * 1.1);
HashSet<Long> hs = new HashSet<Long>(hardyCalculations * hardyCalculations, (float) 0.95);
long[] sums = new long[hardyCalculations];
// long binaryStorage, mask = 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
for (i = 1; i < xyLimit; i++){
for (j = 1; j <= i; j++){
// binaryStorage = ((i << 32) + j);
// long y = ((binaryStorage << 32) >> 32) & mask;
// long x = (binaryStorage >> 32) & mask;
sum = cube(i) + cube(j);
if (hs.contains(sum) && !arrayContains(sums, sum)){
// oldValue = hm.get(sum);
// long oldY = ((oldValue << 32) >> 32) & mask;
// long oldX = (oldValue >> 32) & mask;
// if (oldX != x && oldX != y){
sums[counter] = sum;
if (counter == hardyCalculations){
// Arrays.sort(sums);
return sums[n - 1];
} else {
return 0;
private static void bubbleSort(long[] array){
long current, next;
int i;
boolean ordered = false;
while (!ordered) {
ordered = true;
for (i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++){
current = array[i];
next = array[i + 1];
if (current > next) {
ordered = false;
array[i] = next;
array[i+1] = current;
private static boolean arrayContains(long[] array, long n){
for (long l : array){
if (l == n){
return true;
return false;
private static long cube(long n){
return n*n*n;
Have you considered using a standard tree? In java that would be a TreeSet. By sacrificing speed, a tree generally gains back space over a hash.
For that matter, sums might be a TreeMap, transforming the linear arrayContains to a logarithmic operation. Being naturally ordered, there would also be no need to re-sort it afterwards.
The complaint against using a java tree structure for sums is that java's tree types don't support the k-select algorithm. On the assumption that Hardy numbers are rare, perhaps you don't need to sweat the complexity of this container (in which case your array is fine.)
If you did need to improve time performance of this aspect, you could consider using a selection-enabled tree such as the one mentioned here. However that solution works by increasing the space requirement, not lowering it.
Alternately we can incrementally throw out Hardy numbers we know we don't need. Suppose during the running of the algorithm, sums already contains n Hardy numbers and we discover a new one. We insert it and do whatever we need to preserve collection order, and so now contains n+1 sorted elements.
Consider that last element. We already know about n smaller Hardy numbers, and so there is no possible way this last element is our answer. Why keep it? At this point we can shrink sums again down to size n and toss the largest element out. This is both a space savings, and time savings as we have fewer elements to maintain in sorted order.
The natural data structure for sums in that approach is a max heap. In java there is no native implementation available, but a few 3rd party ones are floating around. You could "make it work" with TreeMap::lastKey, which will be slower in the end, but still faster than quadratic bubbleSort.
If you have an extremely large number of elements, and you effectively want an index to allow fast tests for containment in the underlying dataset, then take a look at Bloom Filters. These are space-efficient indexes whose sole purpose is to enable fast tests for containment in a dataset.
Bloom Filters are probabilistic, which means if they return true for containment, then you actually need to check your underlying dataset to confirm that the element is really present.
If they return false, the element is guaranteed not to be contained in the underlying dataset, and in that case the test for containment would be very cheap.
So it depends on the whether most of the time you expect a candidate to really be contained in the dataset or not.
this is core function to find if a given number is HR-number: it's in C but one should get the idea:
bool is_sum_of_cubes(int value)
int m = pow(value, 1.0/3);
int i = m;
int j = 1;
while(j < m && i >= 0)
int element = i*i*i + j*j*j;
if( value == element )
return true;
if(element < value)
return false;