Randomizing set of duplicate arrays in Java without repeating elements - java

In my problem I have few arrays with numbers 1 - 3,
[1,2,3], [1,2,3]
I combined the arrays into one full array,
[1,2,3, 1,2,3]
I need to randomize the array each run, so that no element repeats.
For example, this would work
[1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3]
but this would not.
I chose 1,2,3 to simplify it, but my arrays would consist of the numbers 1 - 6. The idea remains the same though. Is there an algorithm or easy method to accomplish this?

This is a heuristic solution for random shuffling not allowing consecutive duplicates. It applies to lists, but it's easy to transfer it to arrays as it does only swapping and no shift operations are required. It seems to work in the majority of cases for lists consisting of millions of elements and various density factors, but always keep in mind that heuristic algorithms may never find a solution. It uses logic from genetic algorithms, with the exception that this version utilizes one individual and selective mutation only (it's easy to convert it to a real genetic algorithm though), but it's simple and works as follows:
If a duplicate is found, try swapping it with a random element after it; if not possible, try swapping it with an element prior to it (or vice versa). The key point here is the random position for exchanging elements, so as to keep a better uniform distribution on random output.
This question has been asked in alternative forms, but I couldn't find an acceptable solution yet. Unfortunately, as most of the proposed answers (except for the "greedy" extensive re-shuffling till we get a match or computing every combination), this solution does not provide a perfect uniform distribution, but seems to minimize some patterns, :( still not possible to remove every pattern, as you see below. Try it and post any comments for potential improvements.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
//Heuristic Non-Consecutive Duplicate (NCD) Shuffler
public class NCDShuffler {
private static Random random = new Random();
//private static int swaps = 0;
public static <T> void shuffle (List<T> list) {
if (list == null || list.size() <= 1) return;
int MAX_RETRIES = 10; //it's heuristic
boolean found;
int retries = 1;
do {
found = true;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) {
T cur = list.get(i);
T next = list.get(i + 1);
if (cur.equals(next)) {
//choose between front and back with some probability based on the size of sublists
int r = random.nextInt(list.size());
if ( i < r) {
if (!swapFront(i + 1, next, list, true)) {
found = false;
} else {
if (!swapBack(i + 1, next, list, true)) {
found = false;
} while (retries <= MAX_RETRIES && !found);
//try to swap it with an element in a random position after it
private static <T> boolean swapFront(int index, T t, List<T> list, boolean first) {
if (index == list.size() - 1) return first ? swapBack(index, t, list, false) : false;
int n = list.size() - index - 1;
int r = random.nextInt(n) + index + 1;
int counter = 0;
while (counter < n) {
T t2 = list.get(r);
if (!t.equals(t2)) {
Collections.swap(list, index, r);
return true;
if (r == list.size()) r = index + 1;
//can't move it front, try back
return first ? swapBack(index, t, list, false) : false;
//try to swap it with an element in a random "previous" position
private static <T> boolean swapBack(int index, T t, List<T> list, boolean first) {
if (index <= 1) return first ? swapFront(index, t, list, false) : false;
int n = index - 1;
int r = random.nextInt(n);
int counter = 0;
while (counter < n) {
T t2 = list.get(r);
if (!t.equals(t2) && !hasEqualNeighbours(r, t, list)) {
Collections.swap(list, index, r);
return true;
if (r == index) r = 0;
return first ? swapFront(index, t, list, false) : false;
//check if an element t can fit in position i
public static <T> boolean hasEqualNeighbours(int i, T t, List<T> list) {
if (list.size() == 1)
return false;
else if (i == 0) {
if (t.equals(list.get(i + 1)))
return true;
return false;
} else {
if (t.equals(list.get(i - 1)) || (t.equals(list.get(i + 1))))
return true;
return false;
//check if shuffled with no consecutive duplicates
public static <T> boolean isShuffledOK(List<T> list) {
for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list.get(i).equals(list.get(i - 1)))
return false;
return true;
//count consecutive duplicates, the smaller the better; We need ZERO
public static <T> int getFitness(List<T> list) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list.get(i).equals(list.get(i - 1)))
return sum;
//let's test it
public static void main (String args[]) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> freq = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
//initialise a list
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
/*for (int i = 0; i<100000; i++) {
//Try to put each output in the frequency Map
//then check if it's a uniform distribution
Integer hash;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
//shuffle it
hash = hash(list);
if (freq.containsKey(hash)) {
freq.put(hash, freq.get(hash) + 1);
} else {
freq.put(hash, 1);
System.out.println("Unique Outputs: " + freq.size());
System.out.println("EntrySet: " + freq.entrySet());
//System.out.println("Swaps: " + swaps);
//for the last shuffle
System.out.println("Shuffled OK: " + isShuffledOK(list));
System.out.println("Consecutive Duplicates: " + getFitness(list));
//test hash
public static int hash (List<Integer> list) {
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; (i < list.size() && i < 9); i++) {
h += list.get(i) * (int)Math.pow(10, i); //it's reversed, but OK
return h;
This is a sample output; it's easy to understand the issue with the non-uniform distribution.
Unique Outputs: 6
EntrySet: [1312=1867, 3121=1753, 2131=1877, 1321=1365, 1213=1793, 1231=1345]
Shuffled OK: true
Consecutive Duplicates: 0

You could use Collections.shuffle to randomize the list. Do it in a while loop, until the list passes your constraint.

If the arrays are relatively small, it would not be too hard for you just to combine the two arrays, randomize it then check the numbers, and if there are too same numbers just shift one over or just randomize it again.

There's no pre-written algorithm that I know of (which doesn't mean one doesn't exist), but the problem is easy to understand and the implementation is straightforward.
I will offer two suggestions dependent on if you want to build a valid array or if you want to build an array and then check its validity.
1 - Create some collection (Array, ArrayList, etc) that contains all of the possible values that will be included in your final array. Grab one of those values and add it to the array. Store a copy of that value in a variable. Grab another value from the possible values, check that it's not equal to your previous value, and add it to the array if it's valid.
2 - Create an array that contains the number of values you want. Check that item n != item n+1 for all items except the last one. If you fail one of those checks, either generate a new random value for that location or add or subtract some constant from the value at that location. Once you have checked all of the values in this array, you know you have a valid array. Assuming the first and last values can be the same.

The most optimal solution, I can think of, is to count the number of occurrences of each value, logically creating a "pool" for each distinct value.
You then randomly choose a value from any of the pools that are not the value of the previous selection. The random selection is weighted by pool sizes.
If a pool is more than half the size of all remaining values, then you must choose from that pool, in order to prevent repetition at the end.
This way you can produce result fast without any form of retry or backtracking.
Example (using letters as values to clarify difference from counts):
Input: A, B, C, A, B, C
Action Selected Pools(Count)
A(2) B(2) C(2)
Random from all 3 pools A A(1) B(2) C(2)
Random from B+C pools C A(1) B(2) C(1)
Random from A+B pools (1:2 ratio) A A(0) B(2) C(1)
Must choose B (>half) B A(0) B(1) C(1)
Random from A+C, so C C A(0) B(1) C(0)
Must choose B (>half) B A(0) B(0) C(0)
Result: A, C, A, B, C, B


Select N random elements from a List efficiently (without toArray and change the list)

As in the title, I want to use Knuth-Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm to select N random elements from a List but without using List.toArray and change the list. Here is my current code:
public List<E> getNElements(List<E> list, Integer n) {
List<E> rtn = null;
if (list != null && n != null && n > 0) {
int lSize = list.size();
if (lSize > n) {
rtn = new ArrayList<E>(n);
E[] es = (E[]) list.toArray();
//Knuth-Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm
for (int i = es.length - 1; i > es.length - n - 1; i--) {
int iRand = rand.nextInt(i + 1);
E eRand = es[iRand];
es[iRand] = es[i];
//This is not necessary here as we do not really need the final shuffle result.
//es[i] = eRand;
} else if (lSize == n) {
rtn = new ArrayList<E>(n);
} else {
log("list.size < nSub! ", lSize, n);
return rtn;
It uses list.toArray() to make a new array to avoid modifying the original list. However, my problem now is that my list could be very big, can have 1 million elements. Then list.toArray() is too slow. And my n could range from 1 to 1 million. When n is small (say 2), the function is very in-efficient as it still need to do list.toArray() for a list of 1 million elements.
Can someone help improve the above code to make it more efficient when dealing with large lists. Thanks.
Here I assume Knuth-Fisher-Yates shuffle is the best algorithm to do the job of selecting n random elements from a list. Am I right? I would be very glad to if there is other algorithms better than Knuth-Fisher-Yates shuffle to do the job in terms of the speed and the quality of the results (guarantee real randomness).
Here is some of my test results:
When selection n from 1000000 elements.
When n<1000000/4 the fastest way to through using Daniel Lemire's Bitmap function to select n random id first then get the elements with these ids:
public List<E> getNElementsBitSet(List<E> list, int n) {
List<E> rtn = new ArrayList<E>(n);
int[] ids = genNBitSet(n, 0, list.size());
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
return rtn;
The genNBitSet is using the code generateUniformBitmap from https://github.com/lemire/Code-used-on-Daniel-Lemire-s-blog/blob/master/2013/08/14/java/UniformDistinct.java
When n>1000000/4 the Reservoir Sampling method is faster.
So I have built a function to combine these two methods.
You are probably looking for something like Resorvoir Sampling.
Start with an initial array with first k elements, and modify it with new elements with decreasing probabilities:
java like pseudo code:
E[] r = new E[k]; //not really, cannot create an array of generic type, but just pseudo code
int i = 0;
for (E e : list) {
//assign first k elements:
if (i < k) { r[i++] = e; continue; }
//add current element with decreasing probability:
j = random(i++) + 1; //a number from 1 to i inclusive
if (j <= k) r[j] = e;
return r;
This requires a single pass on the data, with very cheap ops every iteration, and the space consumption is linear with the required output size.
If n is very small compared to the length of the list, take an empty set of ints and keep adding a random index until the set has the right size.
If n is comparable to the length of the list, do the same, but then return items in the list that don't have indexes in the set.
In the middle ground, you can iterate through the list, and randomly select items based on how many items you've seen, and how many items you've already returned. In pseudo-code, if you want k items from N:
for i = 0 to N-1
if random(N-i) < k
add item[i] to the result
k -= 1
Here random(x) returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and x (exclusive).
This produces a uniformly random sample of k elements. You could also consider making an iterator to avoid building the results list to save memory, assuming the list is unchanged as you're iterating over it.
By profiling, you can determine the transition point where it makes sense to switch from the naive set-building method to the iteration method.
Let's assume that you can generate n random indices out of m that are pairwise disjoint and then look them up efficiently in the collection. If you don't need the order of the elements to be random, then you can use an algorithm due to Robert Floyd.
Random r = new Random();
Set<Integer> s = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (int j = m - n; j < m; j++) {
int t = r.nextInt(j);
s.add(s.contains(t) ? j : t);
If you do need the order to be random, then you can run Fisher--Yates where, instead of using an array, you use a HashMap that stores only those mappings where the key and the value are distinct. Assuming that hashing is constant time, both of these algorithms are asymptotically optimal (though clearly, if you want to randomly sample most of the array, then there are data structures with better constants).
Just for convenience: A MCVE with an implementation of the Resorvoir Sampling proposed by amit (possible upvotes should go to him (I'm just hacking some code))
It seems like this is indeed a algorithm that nicely covers the cases of where the number of elements to select is low compared to the list size, and the cases where the number of elements is high compared to the list size (assumung that the properties about the randomness of the result that are stated on the wikipedia page are correct).
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class ReservoirSampling
public static void main(String[] args)
private static void test()
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
int size = 2;
int runs = 100000;
Map<String, Integer> counts = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
for (int i=0; i<runs; i++)
List<String> sample = sample(list, size);
String s = createString(sample);
Integer count = counts.get(s);
if (count == null)
count = 0;
counts.put(s, count+1);
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : counts.entrySet())
System.out.println(entry.getKey()+" : "+entry.getValue());
private static String createString(List<String> list)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : list)
return sb.toString();
private static void example()
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i=0; i<26; i++)
for (int i=1; i<=26; i++)
printExample(list, i);
private static <T> void printExample(List<T> list, int size)
System.out.printf("%3d elements: "+sample(list, size)+"\n", size);
private static final Random random = new Random(0);
private static <T> List<T> sample(List<T> list, int size)
List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(Collections.nCopies(size, (T) null));
int i = 0;
for (T element : list)
if (i < size)
result.set(i, element);
int j = random.nextInt(i);
if (j < size)
result.set(j, element);
return result;
If n is way smaller then size, you could use this algorith, witch is unfortunatly quadratic with n, but doest depend on size of array at all.
Example with size = 100 and n = 4.
choose random number from 0 to 99, lets say 42, and add it to result.
choose random number from 0 to 98, lets say 39, and add it to result.
choose random number from 0 to 97, lets say 41, but since 41 is bigger or equal than 39, increment it by 1, so you have 42, but that is bigger then equal than 42, so you have 43.
Shortly, you choose from remaining numbers and then compuce what number have you acctualy chosen. I would use link list for this, but maybe there are better data structures.
Summarizing Changwang's update. If you want more than 250,000 items, use amit's answer. Otherwise use Knuth-Fisher-Yates Shuffle as shown in entirety here
NOTE: The result is always in the original order as well
public static <T> List<T> getNRandomElements(int n, List<T> list) {
List<T> subList = new ArrayList<>(n);
int[] ids = generateUniformBitmap(n, list.size());
for (int id : ids) {
return subList;
// https://github.com/lemire/Code-used-on-Daniel-Lemire-s-blog/blob/master/2013/08/14/java/UniformDistinct.java
private static int[] generateUniformBitmap(int num, int max) {
if (num > max) {
DebugUtil.e("Can't generate n ints");
int[] ans = new int[num];
if (num == max) {
for (int k = 0; k < num; ++k) {
ans[k] = k;
return ans;
BitSet bs = new BitSet(max);
int cardinality = 0;
Random random = new Random();
while (cardinality < num) {
int v = random.nextInt(max);
if (!bs.get(v)) {
cardinality += 1;
int pos = 0;
for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
ans[pos] = i;
pos += 1;
return ans;
If you want them randomized, I use:
public static <T> List<T> getNRandomShuffledElements(int n, List<T> list) {
List<T> randomElements = getNRandomElements(n, list);
return randomElements;
I needed something for this in C#, here's my solution which works on a generic List.
It selects N random elements of the list and places them at the front of the list.
So upon returning, the first N elements of the list are randomly selected. It is fast and efficient even when you're dealing with a very large number of elements.
static void SelectRandom<T>(List<T> list, int n)
if (n >= list.Count)
// n should be less than list.Count
int max = list.Count;
var random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int r = random.Next(max);
max = max - 1;
int irand = i + r;
if (i != irand)
T rand = list[irand];
list[irand] = list[i];
list[i] = rand;

How do I use a recursive algorithm to determine whether the array contains two elements that sum to a given integer?

Okay guys thanks for all the help! Special thanks to #pjs for giving me an idea of how to do it. Here is my new code, but for some reason it won't reach one of the base cases. Sorry if I deleted the old code, this is the first time I posted here and I am not sure if I should answer my own question with the new code.
//initialized int start = 0
//initialized int end = length of the array
//here goes the constructor
public boolean kPairSum(Integer k) {
if (sortedIntegerArray.length < 2) { //if array is less than two return false
return false;
else if (start == end) { //once the start and the end meets. This is the base case that doesn't seem to work for me.
return false;
else {
int currentStart = sortedIntegerArray[start]; //get first int in the array
int currentEnd = sortedIntegerArray[end-1]; //get the very last int in the array
int sum = currentStart + currentEnd; //get the sum
if (k.equals(sum)) { //compare sum and k if equal
return true;
else if (sum <k) { //if sum is less than k then increment value of start
return kPairSum(k);
else if (sum > k) { //if sum is greater than k then it decrements value of end
return kPairSum(k);
else { //not sure if this is right, should I just get rid of the else if statement for sum > k and change it to just an else? I wrote this down cause it has to return a type of boolean.
return kPairSum(k);
Your array is called sortedIntegerArray, but you don't seem to be leveraging that fact.
Start by summing the two ends of the array. If the sum is smaller than k, one of the two elements of the sum has to be larger. You can only get a larger value by incrementing the lower index because the elements are ordered. Similarly, if the sum is larger than k, one of the two elements has to be smaller, so you need to decrement the upper index. In either case, the structure of the problem is the same but you're now operating on a subset of the array specified by which of the indices you incremented/decremented. Base cases are that you found two values which sum to k, or that the indices have met somewhere. The recursion should leap out at you. Since each recursive call either increments or decrements a boundary index until they meet in the middle, it's O(n).
Your recursive call is never invokes:
if (sum == k) { //compare to given k
return true;
} else if (xx == sortedIntegerArray.length-1 || sum != k) {
return false;
Note that you basically have two choices: sum==k, and then - return true, or sum!=k - and then return false. The recursive invokation is not reachable.
An O(n) (average case) solution can be achieved using a hash table. The idea is to add each element to the hash table while iterating, and check if there is an existing element that completes to k.
for each element e in arr:
if e is in table:
return true
return false //no pair was found that sums to k
A recursive solution that checks all pairs, is basically brute force that is similar to a nested for loop.
//i is the index we are now checking, b is a boolean indicating we have already reduced one element
if i == arr.length
return false
if b == true && k == 0:
return true
if b == false:
return kSum(k-arr[i],i+1,true) || kSum(k,i+1,false)
return kSum(k,i+1,b)
I have two implementations here:
One I initially got to work and with Amit answer, I improved it further. It also prints/return the indices that make up the sum. works with both sorted and unsorted array in O(n). ofcourse, this is not recursive.
public static void sumArray2(int[] arr, int sum){
Map <Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i=0; i < arr.length;i++){
map.put(arr[i], i);
for (int i =0; i < arr.length;i++){
int diff = sum-arr[i];
if (map.containsKey(diff) && i!=map.get(diff)) {
System.out.printf("The two indices are %s and %s%n ",i,map.get(diff));
return ;
System.out.printf("The sum:%s cannot be formed with given array:%s",sum,Arrays.toString(arr));
return ;
//returns a boolean if sum could be formed.
public static boolean sumArray3(int[] arr, int sum){
Map <Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i =0; i < arr.length;i++){
int diff = sum-arr[i];
if (map.containsKey(arr[i])) {
System.out.printf("The two indices are %s and %s%n ",i,map.get(arr[i]));
return true;
System.out.printf("The sum:%s cannot be formed with given array:%s",sum,Arrays.toString(arr));
return false;
don't know how to add formatted comment, so here is enhanced version, than Amit provided, works with O(n) :)
def check(source, need):
target = [need-i for i in source]
i = 0
j = 0
# walk thru lists same "merge" to find a match
for i in xrange(0, len(source)):
while j < len(target) and source[i] > target[j]:
if i != len(source)-j-1 and j < len(target) and source[i] == target[j]:
return True
return False

Inserting objects into arraylist

I have an arraylist of 50 RANDOM integers. I ask a user to remove a number and all occurences of that number are removed from the list. I did that using
while (randInts.contains(removeInt) )
if (randInts.get(i) == removeInt)
System.out.println("\n" + randInts.toString());
System.out.println("\n" + randInts.size());`
The other part of the problem is to prompt the user to enter another number. The removed number from above is inserted after each occurrence of the second prompted number. I am having issues with the second part as I keep getting IndexOutOfBoundsException.
Use a LinkedList instead; it's a much better choice when you need in-order traversal but not really random access, and when you need to insert and remove elements in the middle of the list.
You can accomplish what you're wanting (removing all instances of removeInt and inserting removeInt after every instance of insertAfterInt) with a simple traversal of the list's iterator:
ListIterator<Integer> li = randInts.listIterator();
while(li.hasNext()) {
int i = li.next();
if(removeInt == i) // assumes removeInt is an int; use equals() for Integer
if(insertAfterInt == i)
li.add(removeInt); // the iterator will skip this element, so it won't get removed
I see two big issues: You're not bounding i to anything, and you wrote an n^2 loop (you can do this in linear time).
You're shrinking the size of the `List` as you go...take this simple example:
Say you want to remove all instances of 5
Given a list that looks like {1,2,3,5,5}
When i = 3 you will remove the first 5, making the list look like: {1,2,3,5}
then you will attempt to remove the element at i = 4, but that element you want to remove is really now at i = 3, and you'll get the IndexOutOfBoundsException
You don't want to use a `contains`, as this expands the worst case performance of your loop to n^2, this would be faster:
int size = randInts.size() - 1;
for (int i = size; i >= 0; i--){
if (randInts.get(i).equals(removeInt))
while (randInts.contains(removeInt) )
if (randInts.get(i) == removeInt)
I am guessing you are starting with a collection of 50 items (randInts) and removing the items that users enter (i)?
If that is the case, once your remove an item, your collection then only 49 indexes left and get gets by the index. Try something like...
if (randInts.contains(i)){
This is n^2, but it should work
int i = 0;
while(i < loFnumbers.size()){
if(loFnumbers.get(i) == removeInt){
Here's an approach that avoids any state mutation (i.e. randInts is never modified):
package so;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class SO_18836900 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// build a collection of random ints
ArrayList<Integer> randInts = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i ++) {
randInts.add((int)(Math.random() * 5));
// create a collection with all 3s filtered out
ArrayList<Integer> filtered = filterOut(randInts, 3);
// create a collection with a 99 inserted after each 4
ArrayList<Integer> insertedAfter = insertAfter(randInts, 4, 99);
static ArrayList<Integer> filterOut(Iterable<Integer> xs, int toRemove) {
ArrayList<Integer> filteredInts = new ArrayList();
for (int x : xs) {
if (x != toRemove) filteredInts.add(x);
return filteredInts;
static ArrayList<Integer> insertAfter(Iterable<Integer> xs, int trigger, int toInsert) {
ArrayList<Integer> insertedAfter = new ArrayList();
for (int x : xs) {
if (x == trigger) insertedAfter.add(toInsert);
return insertedAfter;
if (randInts.get(i) == removeInt)
You're never checking stopping conditions. Fix is:
while (randInts.contains(removeInt) )
if (randInts.get(i) == removeInt)
Dont use == on "Integers" you are comparing references.
Either unbox into int or use equals(

Determine if array contains two elements which equal a certain sum?

// Checks whether the array contains two elements whose sum is s.
// Input: A list of numbers and an integer s
// Output: return True if the answer is yes, else return False
public static boolean calvalue (int[] numbers, int s){
for (int i=0; i< numbers.length; i++){
for (int j=i+1; j<numbers.length;j++){
if (numbers[i] < s){
if (numbers[i]+numbers[j] == s){
return true;
return false;
This can be achieved in O(n).
Create a hash-backed set out of your list, such that it contains all elements of the list. This takes O(n).
Walk through each element n of your list, calculate s-n = d, and check for the presence of d in the set. If d is present, then n+d = s, so return true. If you pass through the list without finding an appropriate d, return false. This is achieved in a single pass through your list, with each lookup taking O(1), so this step also takes O(n).
Both the solutions mentioned in other answers to this post, and a few other answers as well (eg using a bitmap instead of a hash-table), appear in the following duplicates and slight variations of the question:
• Find two elements in an array that sum to k,
• Find a pair of elements from an array whose sum equals a given number,
• Determine whether or not there exist two elements in set s whose sum is exactly,
• Checking if 2 numbers of array add up to i,
• Find pair of numbers in array that add to given sum,
• Design an algorithm to find all pairs of integers within an array which sum to a,
• Given an unsorted array find any two elements in the array whose sum is equal t,
• A recursive algorithm to find two integers in an array that sums to a given inte,
• Find 2 numbers in an unsorted array equal to a given sum,
• Find two elements so sum is equal to given value,
• and, per google, many more.
You can solve this by sorting the array, then keep 2 pointers to the start and the end of the array and find the 2 numbers by moving both pointers. The sorting step takes O(nlog n) and the 2nd step takes O(n).
As #Adam has pointed out, it is also good to remove duplicate elements from the array, so that you may reduce the time from the second step if the array contains many duplicated numbers.
As for how to do the second step:
Move the pointer at the end backward if sum of the current 2 numbers is larger than n.
Move the pointer at the start forward if sum of the current 2 numbers is smaller than n.
Stop and reject when both pointers point to the same element. Accept if sum is equal to n.
Why is this correct (I use right end to denote larger end and left end to denote smaller end):
If sum is larger than n, there is no point in using the right end, since all numbers larger than current left end will make it worse.
If sum is smaller than n, there is no point in using the left end, since all numbers smaller than current right end will make it worse.
At each step, we will have gone through all possible combinations (logically) between the removed numbers and the numbers which remain. At the end, we will exhaust all possible combinations possible between all pairs of numbers.
Here is a solution witch takes into account duplicate entries. It is written in javascript and assumes array is sorted.
var count_pairs = function(_arr,x) {
if(!x) x = 0;
var pairs = 0;
var i = 0;
var k = _arr.length-1;
if((k+1)<2) return pairs;
var halfX = x/2;
while(i<k) {
var curK = _arr[k];
var curI = _arr[i];
var pairsThisLoop = 0;
if(curK+curI==x) {
// if midpoint and equal find combinations
if(curK==curI) {
var comb = 1;
while(--k>=i) pairs+=(comb++);
// count pair and k duplicates
while(_arr[--k]==curK) pairsThisLoop++;
// add k side pairs to running total for every i side pair found
while(_arr[++i]==curI) pairs+=pairsThisLoop;
} else {
// if we are at a mid point
if(curK==curI) break;
var distK = Math.abs(halfX-curK);
var distI = Math.abs(halfX-curI);
if(distI > distK) while(_arr[++i]==curI);
else while(_arr[--k]==curK);
return pairs;
In Java
private static boolean find(int[] nums, long k, int[] ids) {
// walk from both sides towards center.
// index[0] keep left side index, index[1] keep right side index,
// runtime O(N)
int l = ids[0];
int r = ids[1];
if (l == r) {
ids[0] = -1;
ids[1] = -1;
return false;
if (nums[l] + nums[r] == k) {
return true;
if (nums[l] + nums[r] < k) {
} else {
return find(nums, k, ids);
public static boolean twoSum(final int[] nums, int target) {
// Arrays.sort(nums); //if the nums is not sorted, then sorted it firstly, thus the running time will be O(NlogN)
int[] ids = new int[2];
ids[0] = 0;
ids[1] = nums.length - 1;
return find(nums, target, ids);
#Test(timeout = 10L, expected = Test.None.class)
public void test() {
Assert.assertEquals( twoSum(new int[]{3, 2, 4}, 6), true);
Assert.assertEquals( twoSum(new int[]{3, 2, 4}, 8), false);
IF only answer is not enough, and want to know which one is i and j that the A[i]+A[j]=target
with the idea of #cheeken as following, if there are duplicated number, take the the one appears firstly.
public static int[] twoSum2(final int[] nums, int target) {
int[] r = new int[2];
r[0] = -1;
r[1] = -1;
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(nums.length);
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>(nums.length);
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
int v = nums[i];
if (set.contains(target - v)) {
r[0] = map.get(target - v).get(0);
r[1] = i;
return r;
List ids = map.get(v);
if (ids == null) {
ids = new LinkedList<>();
map.put(v, ids);
} else {
map.put(v, ids);
return r;
int[] r = twoSum2(new int[]{3, 2, 4}, 6);
Assert.assertEquals(r[0], 1);
Assert.assertEquals(r[1], 2);
r = twoSum2(new int[]{3, 2, 4}, 8);
Assert.assertEquals(r[0], r[1]);
Assert.assertEquals(r[1], -1);

Range lookup in Java

Suppose, I have an unsorted array of overlapped ranges. Each range is just a pair of integers begin and end. Now I want to find if a given key belongs to at least one of the ranges. Probably, I have to know the ranges it belongs as well.
We can assume the ranges array takes ~1M and fits the memory. I am looking for an easy algorithm, which uses only standard JDK collections without any 3d-party libraries and special data structures, but works reasonably fast.
What would you suggest?
Sort the ranges numerically by a custom Comparator, then for each key k build a one-element range [k, k] and do a binary search for this range with a different Comparator.
The Comparator for searching's compare(x,y) should return
<0 if x.max < y.min
>0 if x.min > y.max
0 otherwise (its two range arguments overlap).
As noted by #Per, you need a different, stricter Comparator for sorting, but the first two clauses still hold.
This should work even if the ranges overlap, though you may want to merge overlapping ranges after sorting to speed up the search. The merging can be done in O(N) time.
This is in effect a static interval tree, i.e. one without O(lg N) insertion or deletion, in the same way that a sorted array can be considered a static binary search tree.
If you don't need to know which interval contains your point (EDIT: I guess you probably do, but I'll leave this answer for others with this question who don't), then
Preprocess the intervals by computing two arrays B and E. B is the values of begin in sorted order. E is the values of end in sorted order.
To query a point x, use binary search to find the least index i such that B[i] > x and the least index j such that E[j] ≥ x. The number of intervals [begin, end] containing x is i - j.
class Interval {
double begin, end;
class BeginComparator implements java.util.Comparator<Interval> {
public int compare(Interval o1, Interval o2) {
return Double.compare(o1.begin, o2.begin);
public class IntervalTree {
IntervalTree(Interval[] intervals_) {
intervals = intervals_.clone();
java.util.Arrays.sort(intervals, new BeginComparator());
maxEnd = new double[intervals.length];
initializeMaxEnd(0, intervals.length);
double initializeMaxEnd(int a, int b) {
if (a >= b) {
int m = (a + b) >>> 1;
maxEnd[m] = initializeMaxEnd(a, m);
return Math.max(Math.max(maxEnd[m], intervals[m].end), initializeMaxEnd(m + 1, b));
void findContainingIntervals(double x, int a, int b, java.util.Collection<Interval> result) {
if (a >= b) {
int m = (a + b) >>> 1;
Interval i = intervals[m];
if (x < i.begin) {
findContainingIntervals(x, a, m, result);
} else {
if (x <= i.end) {
if (maxEnd[m] >= x) {
findContainingIntervals(x, a, m, result);
findContainingIntervals(x, m + 1, b, result);
java.util.Collection<Interval> findContainingIntervals(double x) {
java.util.Collection<Interval> result = new java.util.ArrayList<Interval>();
findContainingIntervals(x, 0, intervals.length, result);
return result;
Interval[] intervals;
double[] maxEnd;
public static void main(String[] args) {
java.util.Random r = new java.util.Random();
Interval[] intervals = new Interval[10000];
for (int j = 0; j < intervals.length; j++) {
Interval i = new Interval();
do {
i.begin = r.nextDouble();
i.end = r.nextDouble();
} while (i.begin >= i.end);
intervals[j] = i;
IntervalTree it = new IntervalTree(intervals);
double x = r.nextDouble();
java.util.Collection<Interval> result = it.findContainingIntervals(x);
int count = 0;
for (Interval i : intervals) {
if (i.begin <= x && x <= i.end) {
I believe this is what you are looking for: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_tree
But check this simpler solution first to see if it fits your needs: Using java map for range searches
simple solution with O(n) complexity:
for(Range range: ranges){
if (key >= range.start && key <= range.end)
return range;
More clever algorithm can be applied if we know more information about ranges.
Is they sorted? Is they overlapped? and so on
Given just your specification, I would be inclined to order the ranges by size, with the widest ranges first (use a custom Comparator to facilitate this). Then simply iterate through them and return true as soon as you find a range that contains the key. Because we know nothing else about the data, of course the widest ranges are the most likely to contain a given key; searching them first could be a (small) optimization.
You could preprocess the list in other ways. For instance, you could exclude any ranges that are completely enclosed by other ranges. You could order by begin and early-exit as soon as you encounter a begin value greater than your key.

