Sending objects back and forth between threads in java? - java

I have multiple client handler threads, these threads need to pass received object to a server queue and the sever queue will pass another type of object back to the sending thread. The server queue is started and keeps running when the server starts.I am not sure which thread mechanism to use for the client handler threads notified an object is sent back. I don't intend to use socket or writing to a file.

If you wanted to do actual message passing take a look at SynchronusQueue. Each thread will have reference to the queue and would wait until one thread passed the reference through the queue.
This would be thread safe and address your requirements.
Though if you are simply looking to have threads read and write a shared variable you can use normalocity's suggestion though it's thread-safety depends on how you access it (via sychronized or volatile)

As far as making objects accessible in Java, there's no difference between multi-thread and single-thread. You just follow the scope rules (public, private, protected), and that's it. Multiple threads all run within the same process, so there isn't any special thread-only scope rules to know about.
For example, define a method where you pass the object in, and make that method accessible from the other thread. The object you want to pass around simply needs to be accessible from the other thread's scope.
As far as thread-safety, you can synchronize your writes, and for the most part, that will take care of things. Thread safety can get a bit hairy the more complicated your code, but I think this will get you started.
One method for processing objects, and producing result objects is to have a shared array or LinkedList that acts as a queue of objects, containing the objects to be processed, and the resulting objects from that processing. It's hard to go into much more detail than that without more specifics on what exactly you're trying to do, but most shared access to objects between threads comes down to either inter-thread method calls, or some shared collection/queue of objects.

Unless you are absolutely certain that it will always be only a single object at a time, use some sort of Queue.
If you are certain that it will always be only a single object at a time, use some sort of Queue anyway. :-)

Use a concurrent queue from the java.util.concurrent.*.
why? Almost guaranteed to provide better general performance than any thing hand rolled.
recommendation: use a bound queue and you will get back-pressure for free.
note: the depth of queue determines your general latency characteristics: shallower queues will have lower latencies at the cost of reduced bandwidth.
Use Future semantics
why? Futures provide a proven and standard means of getting asynchronous result.
recommendation: create a simple Request class and expose a method #getFutureResponse(). The implementation of this method can use a variety of signaling strategies, such as Lock, flag (using Atomic/CAS), etc.
note: use of timeout semantics in Future will allow you to link server behavior to your server SLA e.g. #getFutureResponse(sla_timeout_ms).

A book tip for if you want to dive a bit more into communication between threads (or processes, or systems): Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 2: Patterns for Concurrent and Networked Objects

Just use simple dependency injection.
MyFirstThread extends Thread{
public void setData(Object o){...}
MySecondThread extends Thread{
MyFirstThread callback;
MySecondThread(MyFirstThread callback){this.callback=callback)
MyFirstThread t1 = new MyFirstThread();
MySecondThread t2 = new MySecondThread(t1);
You can now do callback.setData(...) in your second thread.
I find this to be the safest way. Other solutions involve using volatile or some kind of shared object which I think is an overkill.
You may also want to use BlockingQueue and pass both of those to each thread. If you plan to have more than one thread then it is probably a better solution.


Send Data from multiple threads to a single thread

I'm coding a Java socket server that connects to Arduino which in turn send and receive data. As shown by the Java socket documentation I've set up the server to open a new thread for every connection.
My question is, how will I be able to send the data from the socket threads to my main thread? The socket will be constantly open, so the data has to be sent while the thread is running.
Any suggestion?
Update: the goal of the server is to send commands to an Arduino (ie. Turn ligh on or off) and receive data from sensors, therefore I need a way to obtain that data from the sensors which are connected to individual threads and to send them into a single one.
Sharing data among threads is always tricky. There is no "correct" answer, it all depends on your use case. I suppose you are not searching for the highest performance, but for easiness of use, right?
For that case, I would recommend looking at synchronized collections, maps, lists or queues perhaps. One class, which seems like a good fit for you, is ConcurrentLinkedQueue.
You can also create synchronized proxies for all usual collections using the factory methods in Collections class:
Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
You do not have to synchronize access to them.
Another option, which might be an overkill, is using database. There are some in-memory databases, like H2.
In any case, I suggest you to lower the amount of shared information to the lowest possible level. For example, you can keep the "raw" data separate per thread (e.g. in ThreadLocal variables) and then just synchronize during aggregation.
You seem to have the right idea - you need a thread to run the connection to the external device and you need a main thread to run your application.
How do you share data between these threads: This isn't in general a problem - different threads can write to the same memory; within the same application threads share memory space.
What you probably want to avoid is the two thread concurrently changing or reading the data - java provides a very useful keyword - synchronized - to handle this sort of situation which is straight forward to use and provides the kind of guarantees you need. This is a bit technical but discusses the concurrency features.
Here is a tutorial you might be able to get some more information on. Please note, a quick google search will bring up lots of answers to your question.
In answer to your question, you can send the information from one thread to another by using a number of options - I would recommend if it is a simple setup, just use static variables/methods to pass the information.
Also as reference, for large scale programs, it is not recommended to start a thread for every connection. It works fine on smaller scale (e.g. a few number of clients), but scales poorly.
If this is a web application and you are just going to show the current readout of any of the sensors, then blocking queue is a huge overkill and will cause more problems than it solves. Just use a volatile static field of the required type. The field itself can be static, or it could reside in a singleton object, or it could be part of a context passed to the worker.
in the SharedState class:
static volatile float temperature;
in the thread:
SharedState.temperature = 13.2f;
In the web interface (assuming jsp):
<%= SharedState.temperature %>
btw: if you want to access last 10 readouts, then it's equally easy: just store an array with last 10 readouts instead of a single value (just don't modifiy what's inside the array, replace the whole array instead - otherwise synchronization issues might occur).

How to Ensure Memory Visibility in Java when passing data across threads

I have a producer consumer like pattern where some threads are creating data and periodically passing putting chunks of that data to be consumed by some other threads.
Keeping the Java Memory Model in mind, how do i ensure that the data passed to the consumer thread has full 'visibility'?
I know there are data structures in java.util.concurrent like ConcurrentLinkedQueue that are built specifically for this, but I want to do this as low level as possible without utilizing those and have full transparency on what is going on under the covers to ensure the memory visibility part.
If you want "low level" then look into volatile and synchronized.
To transfer data, you need a field somewhere available to all threads. In your case it really needs to be some sort of collection to handle multiple entries. If you made the field final, referencing, say, a ConcurrentLinkedQueue, you'd pretty much be done. The field could be made public and everyone could see it, or you could make it available with a getter.
If you use an unsynchronized queue, you have more work to do, because you have to manually synchronize all access to it, which means you have to track down all usages; not easy when there's a getter method. Not only do you need to protect the queue from simultaneous access, you must make sure interdependent calls end up in the same synchronized block. For instance:
if (!queue.isEmpty()) obj = queue.remove();
If the whole thing is not synchronized, queue is perfectly capable of telling you it is not empty, then throwing a NoSuchElementException when you try to get the next element. (ConcurrentLinkedQueue's interface is specifically designed to let you do operations like this with one method call. Take a good look at it even if you don't want to use it.)
The simple solution is to wrap the queue in another object whose methods are carefully chosen and all synchronized. The wrapped class, even if it's LinkedList or ArrayList, will now act (if you do it right) like CLQ, and it can be freely released to the rest of the program.
So you would have what is really a global field with an immutable (final) reference to a wrapper class, which contains a LinkedList (for example) and has synchronized methods that use the LinkedList to store and access data. The wrapper class, like CLQ, would be thread-safe.
Some variants on this might be desirable. It might make sense to combine the wrapper with some other high-level class in your program. It might also make sense to create and make available instances of nested classes: perhaps one that only adds to the queue and one that only removes from it. (You couldn't do this with CLQ.)
A final note: having synchronized everything, the next step is to figure out how to unsynchronize (to keep threads from waiting too much) without breaking thread safety. Work really hard on this, and you'll end up rewriting ConcurrentLinkedQueue.

About developing servers with sockets in java

I have two classes in short here they are:
public final class ServerMain
static List<Table> s_AvailableGameTables = new Vector<Table>();
static List<Table> s_OccupiedGameTables = new Vector<Table>();
static List<ServerThread> s_PlayersOnServer = new Vector<ServerThread>();
class ServerThread extends Thread{
ServerMain is the server itself, and it manages the ServerThreads by allocating a new ServerThread for each user who has just connected to the ServerMain.
My questions are simple:
When I'm currently running in the specific ServerThread and I want to access some static lists on the serverMain and to update them how can I do that , if I've already "left" the area of the ServerMain while being in the specific thread which runs in the background.
Is the only way is to hold a reference from each serverthread to papa ServerMain?
Maybe it can cause some problems as if at the same time two areas of the code can update the same list the ServerMain itself and the ServerThread which now knows who is the big boss around?
General question: does sockets programming means UDP or TCP?
I'd like to hear some good advice. Thanks in advance.
For #1, you wouldn't need an instance to access static members of ServerMain, assuming they are accessible (e.g. they are public) you can access them as ServerMain.MyVar.
For #2, yes, you would need to look into using the synchronized statement to prevent multiple threads for writing to the list at the same time, or use a thread safe list implementation.
For #3, the term 'sockets programming' can refer to either UDP or TCP. Which kind of socket you use will depend on what kind of app you are implementing.
1) That is one of the possibilities. In general, when you need to access another object methods, the best way is to keep the reference (directly or indirectly). Yet, as it is supposed that you'll only have a ServerMain object, you could try to declare static methods or use the singleton construction (private constructor, you can only access a getInstance() static method that returns a shared object).
2) Synchronization of access between threads is a lengthy subject and many books have been written about it. The simplest way is to use a synchronized method (or block) and do all race sensitive commands inside. But be conscient that this probably these synchronized blocks will later become your main bottleneck. When you have more practice, study java synchronization methods.
3) As others java stated, you just open a socket that listens to a protocol in a given port number. You can decide if you want it to be UDP or TCP. Of course, keep in mind that with UDP maybe the message that you receive won't be complete, so it will have to be dealt with by your code.
No, you can reference it like 'normal'. In the sense that there is no syntactic changes for actually referencing things from a different thread rather than a different object. Now, you may need to synchronize access to it, but I don't really see that as changing how you reference things.
Synchronize the list (preferably use the java.util.concurrent package). Make sure that the Tables themselves are thread-safe as well.
Neither, a socket uses a transport protocol, but it could be UDP, TCP, or whatever else. To clarify, you can't determine what transport protocol is being used just by saying you're using a socket; you'd have to specify which protocol you're actually using.
You can access as normal if you use a synchronized list (i.e., Vector, one of the lists from the java.util.concurrent package, or if it's a better fit Collections.synchronizedList(list)).
Vector is already 'synchronized', but be aware that you have to synchronize transactions manually (i.e., synchronized (vector) { vector.add(..); vector.remove(..); }). The synchronisation it employs by default essentially stops list method calls from interrupting currently-executing user-defined transactions and currently-executing method calls on the list. I'd advise using Collections.synchronizedList(list) instead of Vector, although they both do the same job, really.
ServerSocket / Socket is TCP, DatagramSocket is UDP.
1) That would be a way and probably a preferred way, though not necessarily the only way.
Also, the reference does not need to be owned by the ServerThread. Since ServerMain is likely a singleton, I have found in situations like this that it makes sense to give that Singleton a static variable which references itself. Then, from any ServerThread, you could do
class ServerThread extends Thread
public void someMethod()
2) Yes, that will cause problems. Read the Java Concurrency Trail, specifically the parts about synchronization. This is a topic too broad to cover easily in an answer here. But for a quick and dirty answer, check out synchronized methods. If you just make the method that handles this list access synchronized, then it will be safe. Of course, depending on your needs, locking the list access might take away any performance gain from your threads.
3) It doesn't necessarily have to, but it generally does. "TCP socket" is even more likely than "UDP socket", but both work. If you want a dedicated and reliable connection for an entire, prolonged transaction, you should probably use TCP. TCP makes guarantees that data was received and that it was received in a certain order.

shared data for multi thread in java

i have a problem when i write a program on android for monitoring ecg real time.
Ecg data is transfered to mobile in real time by udp. In mobile, there have 2 thread: a thread gets ecg data transfered, a thread draws the ecg data.
Cicurlar buffer is common data for two thread above, and two threads always confict when read and write to buffer. And result is that ecg is lost or slow.
Before user cicurlar buffer, i had used 5 linkedblockingqueu but result was same.
Can any one give me some solution for data for multithread in my program?
Thank you.
Sorry, my english is not good.!
there is model when i used linkedblockingqueue:
You need to synchronize access to your data using a shared lock. I highly recommend Java Concurrency in Practice if you want to truly understand threading and concurrency models in Java.
I think, Synchronization is the solution for your problem.
Threads communicate primarily by
sharing access to fields and the
objects reference fields refer to.
This form of communication is
extremely efficient, but makes two
kinds of errors possible: thread
interference and memory consistency
errors. The tool needed to prevent
these errors is synchronization.
From the JavaDoc's BlockingQueue
BlockingQueue implementations are
thread-safe. All queuing methods
achieve their effects atomically using
internal locks or other forms of
concurrency control. However, the bulk
Collection operations addAll,
containsAll, retainAll and removeAll
are not necessarily performed
atomically unless specified otherwise
in an implementation. So it is
possible, for example, for addAll(c)
to fail (throwing an exception) after
adding only some of the elements in c.
In my assumption you are directly accessing the collection (Any Fifo based), you must try to make a bean which should have getter and setters for data not for collection and the collection should be define in bean. you can create the bean object before you create thread objects and pass the bean object to threads at contructing time, hope this will you.

Should volatile be used for attributes of domain model classes in Java web apps?

Here's my thinking:
Even though a HTTP request cycle is essentially handled by a 'single thread', each time a HTTP request is processed for that same session it is likely to be processed by a different thread from the thread pool.
Without the volatile keyword being used on a domain model object, whose lifecycle extends across multiple HTTP requests for the same session, then, according to my understanding, isn't it possible that the attribute could be thread local cached (an optimization by the compiler) in the thread that serviced the first HTTP request? If the second HTTP request is serviced by another thread then that second thread may not see the changes in that attribute that were made by the first thread.
Does this spell "Danger Will Robinson"? Or am I missing a vital plot point about the use (or not) of the volatile keyword?
I think you are forgetting that the threads handling the HTTP request first need to retrieve the instance of the domain model object from the HttpSession provided by your application server. The thread handling request 2 in the scenario you describe does not already have an instance of this domain model - it has to retrieve it from the session implementation at the start of handling each and every request.
I think it is completely reasonable to assume that the session-handling implementation in your application server is handling session data in such a way that memory model visibility issues are avoided. Apache Tomcat's default (non-clustered) HttpSession implementation, for example, stores the session attributes in a ConcurrentHashMap.
Adding volatile seems completely unnecessary to me. I have never seen this done for domain model objects handled by HTTP requests in a Servlet environment in any project I have worked in.
This would be a different story if thread-1 and thread-2 had references to the same object instance simulatenously while processing two different requests, and you were concerned about changes in one thread being visible to the other as each are processing the request, but this does not sound like what you are asking about.
Yes, if you are sharing an object between different threads, you may have race conditions. Without a happens before relationship, writes made by one thread may not be seen by a read in another thread.
Doing a volatile write in one thread and doing a volatile read of the same field in another thread establishes a happens before relationship between the two threads, and ensures visibility of the write.
This is a complicated problem, simply using a volatile keyword is probably not a good solution.
I think your understanding of it is correct. Given your description I would say it should be used. If its something more than a primitive type I would rather synchronize.
Good information on volatile:
If you have a mutable object in session, that is trouble. But usually the solution is not to guard individual fields; rather the entire object should be swapped.
Say you have the user object in the session. Most requests simply retrieve it, read it and display it.
There is a request that can modify user information. It would be a really bad idea to retrieve the user object, modify it. It's better to create complete new user object, and insert it into session.
In that case, fields in User don't need any protection; thread safety is guaranteed by session setAttribute() - getAttribute()
If you have concurrency issues, just adding 'volatile' probably won't help you.
As for keeping the object as an attribute of Session, I'd recommend you to keep just the object's ID, and use it to retrieve a 'live' instance when you need it (if you use Hibernate, successive retrieves will return the same object, so this shouldn't cause performance problems). Encapsulate all modification logic to this specific object into a single façade, and do the control concurrency there, using dababase locking.
Or, if you really, really, really want to use memory-based locking, and are really sure that you'll never have two instances of the application running in a cluster, make sure that your façade logic is synchronized at the right level. If your synchronization is too fine grained (low-level operations, such as volatile variables), it probably won't be enough to make your code thread-safe. For example, java.util.Hashtable is fully synchronized, but it doesn't mean anything if you have logic like this:
01 if (!hashtable.containsKey(key)) {
02 hashtable.put(key, calculate(key));
03 }
If two threads, say, t1 and t2, hit this block at the same time, t1 may execute line 01, then t2 may also execute 01, and then 02, and t1 then will execute 02, overwriting what t2 had done. The operations containsKey() and put() are atomic individually, but what should be atomic is the whole block.
Sometimes recalculating a value doesn't matter, but sometimes it does, and it will break.
When it comes to concurrency, there's no magic. I mean, seam some crappy frameworks try to sell you the idea that they solve this problem for you. They don't. Even if it works 99% of the time, it will break spectacularly when you go to production and start to get heavy traffic. Or (much, much) worse, it will silently generate wrong results.
Concurrency is one of the most complex problems in programming. And the only way to handle it is to avoid it. All this functional programming trend is not about dealing with concurrency, is about avoiding it altogether.
It turns out that volatile was not needed in the end. The problem that "appeared" to be fixed with volatile was actually a very subtle timing sensitive bug that was fixed in a much more elegant and proper way ;)
So sbrigdes was correct when he said "simply using a volatile keyword is probably not a good solution."

