Is this possible a Rectangle contains children? - java

With JavaFX, I want to create some "post-it" which are composed by a rectangle for the shape and a TextArea to write something in this rectangle. I'm a beginner with JavaFX and I want to know if my rectangle could contain the TextArea to only have to move the rectangle when I want to move the entire object.
Thank you with advance, sry for my poor English.

Rectangle cannot have children, but there are many components that can be styled to look like a post-it that can.
You could for example use a Group, a VBox, a StackPane or a BorderPane for your post-it, and put a label or text area inside that. They will all move as one when you move the parent.


Java button within graphics panel

I'm relatively new to developing GUI's within java so this may well be a stupid question or quite simply not possible to achieve but here we go.
I've created 1 single JPanel with no border layout set up or anything like that and I intended to paint a GUI on top of it using the graphics class. The JPanel is just plain black and then I've drawn a huge box over it leaving the black just as a border, and painted the whole GUI within this white box.
I want to add buttons within that white box GUI as well but I've no idea how. In fact they don't even have to be traditional buttons JButtons, if I could just draw a shape and have that act as a button then add an event handler to just that shape that would work also but I don't know how I'd do that either.
I have so much code for my whole program (it's a school coursework project) that I'm not sure which parts would even be worth sharing to assist with this question since there's so many GUI aspects I've already drawn so I've tried to just explain my issue in words.
Honestly I have no clue what I'm doing so any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: Here's a screenshot of my current GUI with a 'sketch' of how and where I'd like to be able to add buttons.
GUI Image
As with any suitably complex UI, you need to start by breaking it down into manageable chunks, focusing on areas of mutual interaction and functionality.
For example...
Says to me that you have two primary UI elements, the left and the right.
This could easily be established with a GridLayout, but, if the two sides are not equal in width, a GridBagLayout might be more appropriate
The right side to me says simply, JTable. You could place this within a container using a BorderLayout, allowing the table to occupy the CENTER position.
The key information would then a component laid out with either a GridLayout (top and bottom) or a GridBagLayout if the requirements are more complex. This component would then be added to the SOUTH position of the BorderLayout.
Again, this is pretty simple. The primary layout would probably be a BoderLayout, with the title in the NORTH position, the graph in the CENTER and the buttons wrapped in a component in the SOUTH.
You could use either a FlowLayout or GridBagLayout to layout the buttons depending on your how you want them to appear
Have a look at:
Laying Out Components Within a Container
How to Use Tables
And for the "border", I'd recommend you have a look at LineBorder. Take a look at How to use Borders more details

Jlabel Extra Clickable Space

I create buttons using jlabels, so I can make a image into sort of a button. The only problem is, is that jlabels are square, therfore if i click somewhere within the square where the picture is not contained, it still runs the jlabel.MouseClickEvent. Is there any fix for this, or another component that i could use?
Ex. If i click this on the corner where the circle is not showing, but the square is still there, then the event fires.
Any fixes/different components to use? Thanks!
If you are just using simple Shapes for the images then you might be able to use the Shape Component found in Playing With Shapes.
The ShapeComponent will only respond to mouse events within the bounds of the Shape.
Otherwise the solution is to override the contains(...) method of your JLabel to check if the mouse point is in the bounds of your image, or in your case if the pixel at that location is not transparent.

How to create dual HBox using javafx

I am trying to make controls for a media player. I have a slider and volume control which i wish to sit above another row of controls such as play mute etc at the bottom of the window.
I thought a good way to achieve this was creating a HBox that sits above another HBox, both aligned to the bottom in a javafx application.
I tried to use insets and margins to offset one from the other but i was not able to get them both to show.
Another attempt was to add the two HBox nodes to a VBox to get them vertically placed, but that was not successful either (i don't think it can be done this way).
Does anyone know how to implement this? or is there a better way to achieve the desired effect?
A GridPane might be what your looking for.
It acts similar to HBox and VBox, such as you can get creative and add other grids and boxes inside the main grid.

JavaFX small collapsible pane?

I want a panel around two text fields that can be collapsed, similar to a TitledPane with no text. However the TitledPane uses too much vertical space so that it saves almost no space, as it reserves the space normally used for the title. Does JavaFX offer a really space-saving panel, lets say a rectangle with a triangle for collapsing?
There is no such ui control in JavaFx apparently. You must implement your own "collapsible pane" . It is possible to use TreeView but I think it can only hold text values as child elements.

Libgdx label rotation

Is it not possible to rotate a Label? It seems the API has that function but it doesn't seems to work? Are there anymore ways to rotate text?
Label nameLabel = new Label( "Test", skin);
nameLabel.setRotation( 90 );
stage.addActor( nameLabel );
You can wrap your label inside another Actor and rotate the parent Actor. So you will indirectly rotate the label, but the visible result is the same.
So you could create a parent actor for example like this:
public class LetterActor extends Group { //..
then for example in the constructor you add a Label to it:
then add a rotate action (or any other action!) to it:
you may also need to set a height/width & origin for this parent actor
I've found it's not possible to rotate Labels, or Buttons or anything with text in libGDX. You can make an image and rotate it as a workaround.

