Changing rotational point - java

I am having an issue with my program; currently it rotates around a set point, and can rotate models around it. Of course, this is a problem as I want it to be a first-person perspective, and currently, it rotates around a point in front of the viewer, instead of the perspective of the viewer. Here is the trigonometric calculations:
protected void drawWireframe(Graphics g) {
double theta = Math.PI * -azimuth / 180.0D;
double phi = Math.PI * elevation / 180.0D;
float cosT = (float) Math.cos(theta);
float sinT = (float) Math.sin(theta);
float cosP = (float) Math.cos(phi);
float sinP = (float) Math.sin(phi);
float cosTcosP = cosT * cosP;
float cosTsinP = cosT * sinP;
float sinTcosP = sinT * cosP;
float sinTsinP = sinT * sinP;
float near = 6.0F;
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
for (int i = 0; i < tiles.size(); i++) {
Point[] points = new Point[vertices.length];
for (int j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {
float x0 = -(tiles.get(i).getX() + xmod + vertices[j]
float y0 = (tiles.get(i).getY() + ymod + vertices[j].getY());
float z0 = -(tiles.get(i).getZ() + zmod + vertices[j]
float x1 = cosT * x0 + sinT * z0;
float y1 = -sinTsinP * x0 + cosP * y0 + cosTsinP * z0;
float z1 = cosTcosP * z0 - sinTcosP * x0 - sinP * y0;
if (z1 + near > 0) {
x1 = x1 * near / (z1 + near);
y1 = y1 * near / (z1 + near);
points[j] = new Point((int) (Math.max(getWidth(),
getHeight()) / 2 - (Math.max(getWidth(),
getHeight()) / near) * x1), (int) (Math.max(
getWidth(), getHeight()) / 2 - (Math.max(
getWidth(), getHeight()) / near) * y1));
How would I go about moving the rotational point without actually modifying the xmod, ymod and zmod (these are used for movements like jumping, walking, running, crouching... etc)
I know how to figure out how to get the new x, y and z positions, I just don't know how to apply them; if I add them to the mods, it creates a weird loop-d-loop. If I add them to the x1, y1, z1's it doesn't cover the z not rotating from the perspective.

To change the rotation point, you effectively need three transforms:
Translate the coordinate system so that the rotation point becomes the origin.
Perform a rotation around the origin
Translate the coordinate system back again.
This can be factored a number of ways, but that's the basic priniciple: translate->rotate->translate.

The way you "move the rotation point" of an object is by translating the object so that the rotation point is at the origin; do the rotation; then translate the object back. All of this is done in memory, between frames - the user never actually sees the object moving to the origin and back.
By the way, all this stuff is significantly easier if you understand vectors and matrix transformations - as you've seen yourself, without them the code can get out of hand.
Using vectors/matrices, all your code above could be reduced to only a few lines.


Drawing a zigzag (Spring) in java

I am currently making a program which animates the simple harmonic motion of a mass-spring when it is displaced. I have everything working apart from the fact that instead of drawing something like a spring, my program currently uses the graphics.drawline method to draw a straight line to represent the spring. I ideally want something like this however I am not very experienced with graphics and don't really know how to approach it, I tried to make an algorithm myself but it kept falling apart. Does anyone know of any existing algorithms which I could utilise here? If the stretching of the spring looked realistic then that would be great too (if possible).
Here is my current code:
g.fillRect(width/10 - 2, height/2 - 10, 4, 20);
g.fillRect(9*width/10 - 2, height/2 - 10, 4, 20);
g.drawLine(width/10, height/2, (int) (width/2 - (sCoefficientH * s)), height/2);
g.fillOval((int) (width/2 - (sCoefficientH * s)) -5, height/2 - 5, 10, 10);
As you can see there is a line connecting the wall (small rectangle) to the oval (which represents the mass on the spring). If I could add in a new method in this class which takes 2 co-ordinates and a relaxed size (where it wouldn't look compressed) and returns the graphics object (note that I'm not using Graphics2D) with the spring drawn in the correct place then I think it would look a lot nicer. This is what it looks like currently.
Try this:
void drawSpring(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double w, int N, Graphics g)
// vector increment
double inv = 0.25 / (double)N;
double dx = (x2 - x1) * inv,
dy = (y2 - y1) * inv;
// perpendicular direction
double inv2 = w / sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
double px = dy * inv2,
py = -dx * inv2;
// loop
double x = x1, y = y1;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
g.drawLine(x , y ,
x + dx + px, y + dy + py);
g.drawLine(x + dx + px, y + dy + py,
x + 3.0 * dx - px, y + 3.0 * dy - py);
g.drawLine(x + 3.0 * dx - px, y + 3.0 * dy - py,
x + 4.0 * dx , y + 4.0 * dy );
x += 4.0 * dx;
y += 4.0 * dy;
Maybe change Graphics to whatever the equivalent is in Java.
EDIT: what I got in VB.NET:

Rotate line by specified angle (Java/ Android)

this is a more math related question.
In my android app I have a canvas that draws a line from start to endpoint.
I also have an angle attribute to rotate the line.
I tried to apply the code bellow to my cocept, but it jumps around weirdly, not pointing in the direction it is supposed to. (0deg = horizontal line)
//Coordinates for P1 and P2
int startx = 0;
int starty = 66;
int endx = 420;
int endy = 66;
float angle = 0.000F;
final float radius = 209.500F;
final float extra_radius = 20.000F; //required later - don't mind it
private void reCal(float[] vals) {
float xAcc = vals[0]*(-1);
float yAcc = vals[1]*(-1);
angle = yAcc / 10.000F * 90.000F;
final float rRadius = radius + extra_radius;
startx = (int) (radius - Math.cos(angle) * rRadius); //left
endx = (int) (radius + Math.cos(angle) * rRadius); //right
starty = 66 + (int) (Math.sin(angle) * rRadius); //top
endy = 66 - (int) (Math.sin(angle) * rRadius); //bot
Are their any type conversions that might cause this, or is my math wrong?
I looked at Math.cos(angle) and Math.sin(angle) at runtime.They jump around between 0 and 1, even if angle is only changed by a little amount.
Now I am wondering: DO THE METHODS TAKE RAD OR DEG AS PARAMETER? (I need deg, obviously)
if you want to rotate a line starting at [cx, cy] and length of dx, use that code snippet:;
canvas.rotate(angle, cx, cy);
canvas.drawLine(cx, cy, cx + dx, cy, paint);

OpenGL: two spheres in single vertex buffer

(Question is at bottom)Im learning opengl(using lwjgl) and done some drawing of flat shape through sending buffers. Now I need to draw many spheres in single buffer. In my last question, I was advised to use geometry instancing but I dont know how to use any shader language in java yet so I'm trying to make multiple objects in single buffer just like in the examples.
What I tried to generate two spheres by QUAD_STRIP style(using lwjgl's own GLU.Sphere() function to fill the buffers):
float rr=(float) Math.random();
float gg=(float) Math.random();
float bb=(float) Math.random();
float aa=(float) Math.random();
positions = new float[c1 * (c2+1) * 3*2 *2];
normals = new float[c1 * (c2+1) * 3*2 *2];
colors = new float[c1 * (c2+1) * 4*2 *2];
int counter=0;
float drho = 3.141593F / 32.0f;
float dtheta = 6.283186F / 32.0f;
float ds = 1.0F / 32.0f;
float dt = 1.0F / 32.0f;
float t = 1.0F;
/*first sphere*/
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
float rho = i * drho;
float s = 0.0F;
for (int j = 0; j <= 32; j++) {
float theta = j == 32 ? 0.0F : j * dtheta;
float x = (float) (-Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(rho));
float y = (float) (Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(rho));
float z = (float) (1.0f * Math.cos(rho));
x = (float) (-Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(rho + drho));
y = (float) (Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(rho + drho));
z = (float) (1.0f * Math.cos(rho + drho));
s += ds;
t -= dt;
/* first sphere end */
/* second sphere generation */
drho = 3.141593F / 32.0f;
dtheta = 6.283186F / 32.0f;
ds = 1.0F / 32.0f;
dt = 1.0F / 32.0f;
t = 1.0F;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
float rho = i * drho;
float s = 0.0F;
for (int j = 0; j <= 32; j++) {
float theta = j == 32 ? 0.0F : j * dtheta;
float x = (float) (-Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(rho));
float y = (float) (Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(rho));
float z = (float) (1.0f * Math.cos(rho));
x = (float) (-Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(rho + drho));
y = (float) (Math.cos(theta) * Math.sin(rho + drho));
z = (float) (1.0f * Math.cos(rho + drho));
s += ds;
t -= dt;
/*second sphere end*/
positionsBuf=BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(c1 * (c2+1) * 3*2 *2);
colorsBuf=BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(c1 * (c2+1) * 4*2 *2);
normalsBuf=BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(c1 * (c2+1) * 3*2 *2);
As you can see, below image shows how two spheres are drawn. There is an unwanted link between two.
Most probably the rope is caused by the last point of first sphere and first point of second sphere. Is there some kind of delimiter/drawing-hint to separate two drawings in the same buffer?
Here is how they are drawn:
GL11.glColorPointer(4, GL11.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
GL15.glBindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sphereBufferPos.get(0));
GL11.glVertexPointer(3, GL11.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
GL15.glBindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sphereBufferNormal.get(0));
GL11.glNormalPointer(GL11.GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);
//Each sphere is generated 32 by 32 quadstriparray and each having two sets of two points and there are two spheres
GL11.glDrawArrays(GL11.GL_QUAD_STRIP, 0, 32*33*2 *2);
GL15.glBindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
GL15.glBindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
GL15.glBindBuffer(GL15.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
Question: How can I make that rope-like thing disappear without decreasing performance? Maybe putting zero to last and first points' alpha value can make it invisible but wouldnt that cause two holes on each sphere and decrease performance because of many lines on the screen?
All vertex values will be altered by opencl interoperability so single drawing call is needed to draw whole 10000+ spheres.
There seem to be a number of options:
use multiple buffers
use quads instead of quad strips
use primitive restart
use degenerate triangles, i.e. add the last vertex twice
use [instanced rendering] (
If you are on newer hardware and want to use quad strips, I'd prefer using primitive restart.
Please note that this is just the result of a quick assessment and anchecked (I personally don't use quad strips or even tri strips that often ;) ).

Rotating a point around a center point

I am aware that there are a few questions about points and rotation out here, and I feel like Im almost there. I youst need a little push.
I Have a shape with 6 points like this one.
I want to rotate the Point P around Point C
And I need to do this manually so I am not interested in using AffineTransform
thanks in advance
Thread thread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
PointClass point_class = points.get(0);
Point center = new Point(point_class.point.x - 100, point_class.point.y);
int deg = 0;
while(deg < 360) {
double angle = Math.toRadians(deg);
int x1 = point_class.point.x - center.x;
int y1 = point_class.point.y - center.y;
x1 = (int) ((double) x1 * Math.cos(angle) - y1 * Math.sin(angle));
y1 = (int) ((double) x1 * Math.sin(angle) + y1 * Math.cos(angle));
point_class.point.x = x1 + center.x;
point_class.point.y = y1 + center.y;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
What happens with this code is that the Point P ends up in the center like this
I think your radius is shrinking each time through the while loop due to the casting of doubles to ints. This might work better instead:
double x1 = point_class.point.x - center.x;
double y1 = point_class.point.y - center.y;
x1 = x1 * Math.cos(angle) - y1 * Math.sin(angle));
y1 = x1 * Math.sin(angle) + y1 * Math.cos(angle));
point_class.point.x = (int)Math.ceil(x1) + center.x;
point_class.point.y = (int)Math.ceil(y1) + center.y;
So I figured out what was wrong.
The Translation of the two points,
double x1 = point_class.point.x - center.x;
double y1 = point_class.point.y - center.y;
has to go outside of the loop, because I need to take base at that location when applying the rotation matrix. And also in the loop, I should have the deegre fixed at 1, so that it is only incrementet by 1 and not 81+82+83...Dont know why i did that.
Hope this helps someone =)

How do I create an orbit in libgdx?

I'm making a space game, and I'd like to make a small drone ship orbit my bigger player ship. I'm not entirely sure how to make it orbit in a perfect circle. So far I can make it move in a diamond shape, but my attempts to correct for the circle shape have ended in failure.
Basically, I'm doing something like this:
float centerX = ship.getX() + (ship.getWidth() / 2);
float centerY = ship.getY() + (ship.getHeight() / 2);
float droneX = drone.getX();
float droneY = drone.getY();
float radius = drone.getRadius();
float xDiff = Math.abs(droneX - centerX);
float yDiff = Math.abs(droneY - centerY);
float moveByX = Math.abs(radius / (xDiff == 0 ? 1 : xDiff) / smoother);
float moveByY = Math.abs(radius / (yDiff == 0 ? 1 : yDiff) / smoother);
And then I move the drone by the moveByX and moveByY values. It works fine in a diamond shape, as I mentioned, but how can I improve this to calculate the correct circular pattern?
Okay, since you're using x and y differences, it will only go in a straight line, which explains the diamond pattern. In order to get the circle, you'll have to break out trigonometry.
float angle; //angle in radians
float droneX = drone.getRadius() * Math.sin(angle);
float droneY = drone.getRadius() * Math.cos(angle);
After that you can use your movement code. And angle should probably be kept on the drone, and in radians.
CBredlow was able to give me enough information to solve the question - I wasn't able to accept his answer, as it was a comment, but the solution is this:
// this is degrees per second
float speed = 10f;
float rate = 5f;
float circleX = (float) (Math.cos(drone.getAngle()) *
(ship.getWidth() / 1.25) + centerX);
float circleY = (float) (Math.sin(drone.getAngle()) *
(ship.getHeight() / 1.25) + centerY);
float angle = drone.getAngle() + (speed * (rate/1000)) % 360;
if (angle >= 360) {
angle = 0;

