I'm making a space game, and I'd like to make a small drone ship orbit my bigger player ship. I'm not entirely sure how to make it orbit in a perfect circle. So far I can make it move in a diamond shape, but my attempts to correct for the circle shape have ended in failure.
Basically, I'm doing something like this:
float centerX = ship.getX() + (ship.getWidth() / 2);
float centerY = ship.getY() + (ship.getHeight() / 2);
float droneX = drone.getX();
float droneY = drone.getY();
float radius = drone.getRadius();
float xDiff = Math.abs(droneX - centerX);
float yDiff = Math.abs(droneY - centerY);
float moveByX = Math.abs(radius / (xDiff == 0 ? 1 : xDiff) / smoother);
float moveByY = Math.abs(radius / (yDiff == 0 ? 1 : yDiff) / smoother);
And then I move the drone by the moveByX and moveByY values. It works fine in a diamond shape, as I mentioned, but how can I improve this to calculate the correct circular pattern?
Okay, since you're using x and y differences, it will only go in a straight line, which explains the diamond pattern. In order to get the circle, you'll have to break out trigonometry.
float angle; //angle in radians
float droneX = drone.getRadius() * Math.sin(angle);
float droneY = drone.getRadius() * Math.cos(angle);
After that you can use your movement code. And angle should probably be kept on the drone, and in radians.
CBredlow was able to give me enough information to solve the question - I wasn't able to accept his answer, as it was a comment, but the solution is this:
// this is degrees per second
float speed = 10f;
float rate = 5f;
float circleX = (float) (Math.cos(drone.getAngle()) *
(ship.getWidth() / 1.25) + centerX);
float circleY = (float) (Math.sin(drone.getAngle()) *
(ship.getHeight() / 1.25) + centerY);
float angle = drone.getAngle() + (speed * (rate/1000)) % 360;
if (angle >= 360) {
angle = 0;
So I am making a 2D android game where you aim with your cursor and your character shoots where your cursor clicks.
When the arrow is created this method is called
private final float GRAVITY = 100, SPEED = 50f;
public Arrow(float dx, float dy, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,)
destination = new Vector2(dx, dy);//mouse clicked here
//x1 and y1 are the starting coordinates
bounds = new Polyline(new float[]{x1, y1, x2, y2});
double r = Math.atan2(dy-y1, dx-x1);//calculate angle
velocity = new Vector2();
velocity.x = (float)(Math.cos(r) * SPEED);
velocity.y = (float)(Math.sin(r) * SPEED) + ACCOUNT FOR GRAVITY;
acceleration= new Vector2(0, GRAVITY);
and this is the update method, pretty straight forward
public void update(float delta)
How do I account for gravity? If gravity is set to 0 the arrow travels in a straight line to the coordinates the mouse clicked, but with gravity it always falls short. Im not sure how to account for gravity. I think delta might be screwing me up.
This is more of a math / physics question than a programming question. So first of all, you know the horizontal velocity of the arrow is constant (unless you have air resistance, in which case it is a lot more complicated). You can calculate the time it will take for the arrow to reach it's destination's x coordinate.
let (dx, dy) = displacement from launcher to destination
let c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle), vx = c * speed, vy = s * speed
vx * t = dx
t = dx / vx
With this value, you can compute the vertical displacement
dy = 0.5*acc * t^2 + V0 * t
dy = 0.5*acc * (dx/vx)^2 + vy*t
dy = 0.5*acc * (dx/(c*speed))^2 + (s*speed)*(dx/(c*speed))
since sin = sqrt(1 - cosine^2),
dy = 0.5*acc * (dx/(c*speed))^2 + (sqrt(1-c^2)*speed)*(dx/c*speed))
Now you have an equation with only known values (acc, dy, dx, speed) and c. If you solve for c, you know the cosine and you can find the sin.
I'm trying to simulate an analog stick on a mobile platform.
I calculate a stick vector which based on the position of the finger and the radius of the stick returns a value from -1 to 1.
public void calcStickVector(float x, float y)
float cx = getCenterX();
float cy = getCenterY();
float distX = x - cx;
float distY = y - cy;
distX /= getRadius();
distY /= getRadius();
distX = JMath.clamp(-1.0f, 1.0f, distX);
distY = JMath.clamp(-1.0f, 1.0f, distY);
stickVector.x = distX;
stickVector.y = distY;
public RectF getInnerStickRect()
float r = getInnerRadius();
float cx = getCenterX() + (getRadius() * getStickVector().x);
float cy = getCenterY() + (getRadius() * getStickVector().y);
innerStickRect.left = cx - r;
innerStickRect.top = cy - r;
innerStickRect.right = cx + r;
innerStickRect.bottom = cy + r;
return innerStickRect;
It almost works, but visually the inner stick, when moved around seems to form a square rather than going around in a circle. Is there something wrong with my logic?
As it is, you really are making a box with 1's as the corners. You need to normalize the vector(divide x and y by distance) instead of dividing by radius and clamping.
double dist = Math.sqrt(distX*distX) + (distY*distY));
distX /= dist;
distY /= dist;
I'm creating a Canvas object ( lines, vertices, triangle, ...) and I would like to apply to them a rotation around a point.
I can't use the rotate() method of Canvas because points are attached to GeoPoint on a Map, so if I use the rotate() method the all map is rotating ...
The problem is that Canvas needs Point(int,int) and applying a rotation creates double because of cos and sin functions. So when I apply the rotation to the all points, because of casting double to int, I have some graphical issue that happens...
So I'm looking for the best solution.
Here my rotation code :
public Point rotatePoint(Point pt, Point center)
this.angle = ((this.angle/180)*Math.PI);
double cosAngle = Math.cos(this.angle);
double sinAngle = Math.sin(this.angle);
pt.x = center.x + (int) ((pt.x-center.x)*cosAngle-(pt.y-center.y)*sinAngle);
pt.y = center.y + (int) ((pt.x-center.x)*sinAngle+(pt.y-center.y)*cosAngle);
return pt;
the code has a small bug when calculating pt.y. (pt.x is updated but is later on used). instead try the following:
public Point rotatePoint(Point pt, Point center)
this.angle = ((this.angle/180)*Math.PI);
double cosAngle = Math.cos(this.angle);
double sinAngle = Math.sin(this.angle);
double dx = (pt.x-center.x);
double dy = (pt.y-center.y);
pt.x = center.x + (int) (dx*cosAngle-dy*sinAngle);
pt.y = center.y + (int) (dx*sinAngle+dy*cosAngle);
return pt;
I also use the following variation:
public Point rotatePoint(Point pt, Point center, double angleDeg)
double angleRad = (angleDeg/180)*Math.PI);
double cosAngle = Math.cos(angleRad );
double sinAngle = Math.sin(angleRad );
double dx = (pt.x-center.x);
double dy = (pt.y-center.y);
pt.x = center.x + (int) (dx*cosAngle-dy*sinAngle);
pt.y = center.y + (int) (dx*sinAngle+dy*cosAngle);
return pt;
I believe your solution is quite good. A small improvement would be to add 0.5 to the coordinates before casting them to integer and that way you will have the rounding we are usually used to - everything above 0.5 will get rounded to 1 for instance. Other than that I don't think you can avoid doing rounding as you want to place a continuous space into discrete one(i.e. the plane to a canvas).
Try this:
public Point rotatePoint(Point pt, Point anchorPoint, double angleDeg) {
double angleRad = Math.toRadians(angleDeg);
double dx = (pt.x - anchorPoint.x); //x-cord. is transformed to origin
double dy = (pt.y - anchorPoint.y); //y-cord. is transformed to origin
double ptX = anchorPoint.x + (dx * Math.cos(angleRad) - dy * Math.sin(angleRad));
double ptY = anchorPoint.y + (dx * Math.sin(angleRad) + dy * Math.cos(angleRad));
return new Point((int) ptX, (int) ptY);
I am having an issue with my program; currently it rotates around a set point, and can rotate models around it. Of course, this is a problem as I want it to be a first-person perspective, and currently, it rotates around a point in front of the viewer, instead of the perspective of the viewer. Here is the trigonometric calculations:
protected void drawWireframe(Graphics g) {
double theta = Math.PI * -azimuth / 180.0D;
double phi = Math.PI * elevation / 180.0D;
float cosT = (float) Math.cos(theta);
float sinT = (float) Math.sin(theta);
float cosP = (float) Math.cos(phi);
float sinP = (float) Math.sin(phi);
float cosTcosP = cosT * cosP;
float cosTsinP = cosT * sinP;
float sinTcosP = sinT * cosP;
float sinTsinP = sinT * sinP;
float near = 6.0F;
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
for (int i = 0; i < tiles.size(); i++) {
Point[] points = new Point[vertices.length];
for (int j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {
float x0 = -(tiles.get(i).getX() + xmod + vertices[j]
float y0 = (tiles.get(i).getY() + ymod + vertices[j].getY());
float z0 = -(tiles.get(i).getZ() + zmod + vertices[j]
float x1 = cosT * x0 + sinT * z0;
float y1 = -sinTsinP * x0 + cosP * y0 + cosTsinP * z0;
float z1 = cosTcosP * z0 - sinTcosP * x0 - sinP * y0;
if (z1 + near > 0) {
x1 = x1 * near / (z1 + near);
y1 = y1 * near / (z1 + near);
points[j] = new Point((int) (Math.max(getWidth(),
getHeight()) / 2 - (Math.max(getWidth(),
getHeight()) / near) * x1), (int) (Math.max(
getWidth(), getHeight()) / 2 - (Math.max(
getWidth(), getHeight()) / near) * y1));
How would I go about moving the rotational point without actually modifying the xmod, ymod and zmod (these are used for movements like jumping, walking, running, crouching... etc)
I know how to figure out how to get the new x, y and z positions, I just don't know how to apply them; if I add them to the mods, it creates a weird loop-d-loop. If I add them to the x1, y1, z1's it doesn't cover the z not rotating from the perspective.
To change the rotation point, you effectively need three transforms:
Translate the coordinate system so that the rotation point becomes the origin.
Perform a rotation around the origin
Translate the coordinate system back again.
This can be factored a number of ways, but that's the basic priniciple: translate->rotate->translate.
The way you "move the rotation point" of an object is by translating the object so that the rotation point is at the origin; do the rotation; then translate the object back. All of this is done in memory, between frames - the user never actually sees the object moving to the origin and back.
By the way, all this stuff is significantly easier if you understand vectors and matrix transformations - as you've seen yourself, without them the code can get out of hand.
Using vectors/matrices, all your code above could be reduced to only a few lines.
I am trying to write a simple proof of concept app that allows a user to rotate minute hand of a clock. I am having hard time coming up with the right logic for OnTouchEvent.
So far I have the following code:
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) {
float x = e.getX();
float y = e.getY();
switch (e.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
//find an approximate angle between them.
float dx = x-cx;
float dy = y-cy;
double a=Math.atan2(dy,dx);
this.degree = Math.toDegrees(a);
return true;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
super .onDraw(canvas);
boolean changed = mChanged;
if (changed) {
mChanged = false;
int availableWidth = getRight() - getLeft();
int availableHeight = getBottom() - getTop();
int x = availableWidth / 2;
int y = availableHeight / 2;
cx = x;
cy = y;
final Drawable dial = mDial;
int w = dial.getIntrinsicWidth() + 100;
int h = dial.getIntrinsicHeight() + 100;
boolean scaled = false;
if (availableWidth < w || availableHeight < h) {
scaled = true;
float scale = Math.min((float) availableWidth / (float) w, (float) availableHeight / (float) h);
canvas.scale(scale, scale, x, y);
if (changed)
dial.setBounds(x - (w / 2), y - (h / 2), x + (w / 2), y + (h / 2));
float hour = mHour / 12.0f * 360.0f;
canvas.rotate(hour, x, y);
final Drawable hourHand = mHourHand;
if (changed) {
w = hourHand.getIntrinsicWidth() + 30;
h = hourHand.getIntrinsicHeight() + 30;
hourHand.setBounds(x - (w / 2), y - (h / 2), x + (w / 2), y + (h / 2));
float minute = mMinutes / 60.0f * 360.0f;
if (bearing == 0)
canvas.rotate(minute, x, y);
canvas.rotate((float)bearing, x, y);
final Drawable minuteHand = mMinuteHand;
if (changed) {
w = minuteHand.getIntrinsicWidth() + 30;
h = minuteHand.getIntrinsicHeight() + 30;
minuteHand.setBounds(x - w, y - h, x + w, y + h);
if (scaled) {
Then based on that, my OnDraw method rotates the minute hand to the specified "this.degree"(just calls canvas.rotate). I am assuming my math is off here. I tried to follow the example here: Calculate angle for rotation in Pie Chart, but that's still not rotating the minute hand correctly. Any help would be appreciated.
The math looks correct. Your calculations should give you the angle of the touch event, where a touch that is to the exact right of the center point should give you 0 degrees.
A few things to watch out for
Make sure that you're rotating in the correct direction. It is hard to keep this straight, and thus easy to screw it up
Make sure that you're taking into account that a value of 0 means that the minute hand should be pointing to the right. For example, if you start out with a minute hand that is pointing upwards, you would have to add/subtract 90 degrees to the result of your calculation (depending on the direction of rotation - not sure which is correct offhand)
Make sure that (cx, cy) is the center point around which you want to calculate the angle
When rotating, you'll need to either use the 3 arg Canvas.rotate(float, float, float) method, or add an additional translation seperately, to make sure that you are rotating around the correct point. Without any translation, it will rotate around (0,0) (the top left corner of the view)
More on rotation:
Rotation always happens around the "current" (0,0) point. By "current", I mean the (0,0) point after the current matrix has been applied. When you first enter onDraw, the (0,0) point should be the upper-left corner of the view. Whenever you apply a translation/scaling/etc, you will potentially change where the (0,0) point is, relative to the view.
I think something like the following should work, in regards to setting the correct center of rotation:
//first we save the initial matrix, so we can easily get
//back to this state after we're done rotating
//I *think* you need to negate the center offsets here,
//because you are conceptually moving the canvas, rather
//than moving the center directly
canvas.translate(-cx, -cy);
//<perform the rotation and draw the clock hand>
//and now restore the matrix back to the initial state
Your calculation is good for measuring angle for minutes hand to
rotate in corresponding quadrants in analog clock... here with little
bit changes can make either minutes or hours hand to rotate at the
touch position....call the below method in onTouch() method for action move
public float getRotationAngle(float x, float y) {
float dx = x - cx;
float dy = y - cy;
double a = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
double degree = Math.toDegrees(a)+90;
return (float) degree;
i have this approach with as vectors concept for calculating the angle but if little bit more than your code if u want i will give that logic....