In cloudSim how can I enforce that cloudlet_2 should start after cloudlet_1 (Speaking of their execution time) ?
I try to do it some thing like this:
But this has no effect at run time, both of the cloudlets start at 0.0sec.
Is there any mechanism to enforce cloudlet_2 to not start execution (or even not submitted to the data-center) before cloudlet_1 finish executing ?
this can be by setting start time or by imposing some boolean condition on cloudlet_2, or other trick ... ???
The above requirement comes from the fact that I need some pipeline computation pattern of cloudlets that should execute one after the other (not at once.)
Which cloudlet gets executed when is totally depends on your scheduling policy. Here what you need is something like FCFS policy. Actually Cloudsim's default scheduling policy is FCFS.
But as per your requirement "cloudlet_2 should start after cloudlet_1",you need to change the vm/cloudlet scheduling policy. I think what you need is SpaceSharedPolicy for both vm/cloudlet scheduler.Butt not sure.
There are 4 cases for applying different scheduling policy, you can refer Figure No 4 of this.
And about how to change these schedulers in code, you can refer examples which is already there in Cloudsim package.
For instance, if you want to change VM scheduler ,you can change parameter [VmSchedulerTimeShared or VmSchedulerSpaceShared] at line no 188 of above example and for changing cloudlet scheduler you can change parameter [CloudletSchedulerTimeShared() or CloudletSchedulerSpaceShared() ] at line no 104 of above example.
In my Spring project, I have an entity Customer.
Now once we get a new Customer, we persist it in our system, and exactly after one hour, I want to check if the Customer has made any purchase.
If yes, I take some action. If no, the some other.
I contemplated two strategies,
1) Firing up an event when the Customer is persisted. And then having the event listener thread sleep for one hour. I believe this will be a very bad way to handle this.
2) Having a cron check every once in a while for customers for whom one hour has passed since registration. But then, I figure it will be very difficult to be accurate. I would have to run the cron every minute which won't be great.
Any ideas?
You could use the 'ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor' which as per javadoc is:
A ThreadPoolExecutor that can additionally schedule commands to run after a given delay, or to execute periodically
In your case, when a customer is created, you can use the 'schedule' method to wake up after 1 hour and then perform required activities. This method can also be used if you want those activities to be executed periodically as well.
I believe run the cron every minute is not that bad, how many customers would you handle in one minute?
Although not sure why you cannot use the event when a registered Customer will make any purchase i.e. when a particular registered customer will make purchase you can take the action inline as and then.
You described 2 strategies both will work but I would prefer to run cron job which you can configure explicitly. In that way you avoid the overhead of maintaining the threads. If you configure the cron job timing correctly and allow a single job to run at a time I do not see any problem with that. Remember cron jobs are used for batch processing rather than handling events.
I have a custom controller type which runs it's own specific test fragments. The important thing to note is that these fragments contain Transaction Controllers, which contain gaussian timers simulating wait times of up to 5 minutes.
The tests I am running are data driven, and should be runnable for a varying length of time. To specify the runtime of a test I have been using the "Duration" option on the Thread Group scheduler.
In the event were a test has ran beyond its duration, I've noticed that when these timer fragments are in use, the test is delayed and cannot end until the transaction (or at least the timer) has been complete. The other timings and samplers recorded seem to be unaffected, however the runtime of the test is impacted.
I'd like to solve this issue without having to rely on the user manually killing a test when it has reached it's duration. Is there any option within JMeter to kill or interrupt any type of running thread when a duration has been reached?
As per my understanding with Jmeter, there is no element which can stop the running test on reaching specific duration.
However, an element named 'Test Action' can be used to Pause/Stop/Stop Now actions on your test during run time and this element can be used under 'If Controller' element so that you can set the condition in this element to stop the thread.
Although JMeter provides various head-on elements to handle different conditions but in rare cases where existing elements could not provide direct solution to the problem then JMeter experts in any software testing company uses multiple elements with child-parent hierarchy to handle the condition [as used above with Test Action & If Controller elements]
I believe this has to do with stop test vs shutdown. When a test reaches its duration, it will issue a stop test, at which point any timer will finish, the request will happen, then the thread stops. This is why manually shutting it down works- shutdown doesn't respect timers, etc.
I don't think there's a way to set duration to use shutdown rather than stop. One thing you might try is multiple, smaller timers, and see if it still waits for all of them.
Suppose I need to execute N tasks in the same thread. The tasks may sometimes need some values from an external storage. I have no idea in advance which task may need such a value and when. It is much faster to fetch M values in one go rather than the same M values in M queries to the external storage.
Note that I cannot expect cooperation from tasks themselves, they can be concidered as nothing more than java.lang.Runnable objects.
Now, the ideal procedure, as I see it, would look like
Execute all tasks in a loop. If a task requests an external value, remember this, suspend the task and switch to the next one.
Fetch the values requested at the previous step, all at once.
Remove all completed task (suspended ones don't count as completed).
If there are still tasks left, go to step 1, but instead of executing a task, continue its execution from the suspended state.
As far as I see, the only way to "suspend" and "resume" something would be to remove its related frames from JVM stack, store them somewhere, and later push them back onto the stack and let JVM continue.
Is there any standard (not involving hacking at lower level than JVM bytecode) way to do this?
Or can you maybe suggest another possible way to achieve this (other than starting N threads or making tasks cooperate in some way)?
It's possible using something like quasar that does stack-slicing via an agent. Some degree of cooperation from the tasks is helpful, but it is possible to use AOP to insert suspension points from outside.
(IMO it's better to be explicit about what's going on (using e.g. Future and ForkJoinPool). If some plain code runs on one thread for a while and is then "magically" suspended and jumps to another thread, this can be very confusing to debug or reason about. With modern languages and libraries the overhead of being explicit about the asynchronicity boundaries should not be overwhelming. If your tasks are written in terms of generic types then it's fairly easy to pass-through something like scalaz Future. But that wouldn't meet your requirements as given).
As mentioned, Quasar does exactly that (it usually schedules N fibers on M threads, but you can set M to 1), using bytecode transformations. It even gives each task (AKA "fiber") its own stack trace, so you can dump it and get a complete stack trace without any interference from any other task sharing the thread.
Well you could try this
you need
A mechanism to save the current state of the task because when the task returns its frame would be popped from the call stack. Based on the return value or something like that you can determine weather it completed or not since you would need to re-execute it from the point where it left thus u need to preserve the state information.
Create a Request Data structure for each task. When ever a task wants to request something it logs it there , The data structure should support all the possible request a task can make.
Store these DS in a Map. At the end of the loop you can query this DS to determine the kind of resource required by each task.
get the resource put it in the DS . Start the task from the state when it returned.
The task queries the DS gets the resource.
The task should use this DS when ever it wants to use an external resource.
you would need to design the method in which resource is requested with special consideration since when you will re-execute the task again you would need to call this method yourself so that the task can execute from where it left.
*DS -> Data Structure
hope it helps.
I'm making use of Quartz Scheduling and there are 2 jobs. First Job is performing the tasks for around 2 minutes and the Second one is to be setup for Cleaning Operations of Temporary Files. So, I need to setup the Schedule to work in a way that after the first job is executed/finished performing tasks I need to do the cleaning operations with the help of Second Job.
Considering the Example 9 - Job Listeners under Quartz 2.1.x which states that we can define a method named jobWasExecuted( _, _ ); in the Job Listener and it executes when the 1st job is executed/or comes in running state.
Are we able to setup the schedule which can listen for the first job finishing then executes second? or,
Are we able to define the join() method like in Java Multithreading which can execute on the completion of first job?
There currently is no "direct" or "free" way to chain triggers with
Quartz. However there are several ways you can accomplish it without
much effort. Below is an outline of a couple approaches:
One way is to use a listener (i.e. a TriggerListener, JobListener or
SchedulerListener) that can notice the completion of a job/trigger and
then immediately schedule a new trigger to fire. This approach can get
a bit involved, since you'll have to inform the listener which job
follows which - and you may need to worry about persistence of this
Another way is to build a Job that contains within its JobDataMap the name of the next job to fire, and as the job completes (the last step in its Execute() method) have the job schedule the next job. Several people are doing this and have had good luck. Most have made a base (abstract) class that is a Job that knows how to get the job name and group out of the JobDataMap using special keys (constants) and contains code to schedule the identified job. Then
they simply make extensions of this class that included the additional
work the job should do.
I know this is an old question, but nevertheless there are 2 more options available to chain the execution of your jobs which people can find useful:
1) Use the JobChainingJobListener that is included in the standard Quartz distribution since very early releases. This listener allows you to programmatically define simple job chains using its addJobChainLink method.
2) Use a commercial solution such as QuartzDesk that I am the principal developer of. QuartzDesk contains a robust job chaining engine that allows you to externalize the definition of your job chains from the application code and enables you to update your job chains at runtime through a GUI without modifying, redeploying and restarting your application. A job chain can be associated with a particular job, trigger or it can be a global job chain that is executed whenever any of your jobs execute (useful for global job execution failure handlers etc.).
How do I keep a Job from firing concurrently?
Quartz.NET 2.x
Implement IJob and also decorate your job class with
[DisallowConcurrentExecution] attribute. Read the API documentation
for DisallowConcurrentExecutionAttribute for more information.
The annotation is available in the Java implementation.
Because I'm executing a time critical task every second, I compared several methods to find the best way to ensure that my task is really executed in fixed time steps. After calculating the standard derivation of the error for all methods it seems like using the method scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate() leads to the best results, but I don't have a clue why it is so.
Does anybody know how that method internally works? How does it for example in comparison to a simple sleep() ensure that the referenced task is really executed in fixed time steps?
A 'normal' Java VM cannot make any hard real-time guarantees about execution times (and as a consequence of that also about scheduling times). If you really need hard real time guarantees you should have a look at a real time VM like Java RTS. Of course you need a real time OS in that case too.
Regarding comparison to Thread.sleep(): the advantage of scheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate() compared to a (naive) usage of Thread.sleep() is that it isn't affected by the execution time of the scheduled task. See ScheduledFutureTask.runPeriodic() on how this is implemented.
You can have a look of the OpenJDK7 implementation of which is the only class implementing the ScheduledExecutorService interface.
However as far as I know there is guarantee in the ScheduledExecutorService about accuracy. So even if your measurments show this to be acurate that may not be the case if you switch to a different platform, vm or jdk .