Getting lon/lat from pixel coords in Google Static Map - java

I have a JAVA project to do using Google Static Maps and after hours and hours working, I can't get a thing working, I will explain everything and I hope someone will be able to help me.
I am using a static map (480pixels x 480pixels), the map's center is lat=47, lon=1.5 and the zoom level is 5.
Now what I need is being able to get lat and lon when I click a pixel on this static map. After some searches, I found that I should use Mercator Projection (right ?), I also found that each zoom level doubles the precision in both horizontal and vertical dimensions but I can't find the right formula to link pixel, zoom level and lat/lon...
My problem is only about getting lat/lon from pixel, knowing the center's coords and pixel and the zoom level...
Thank you in advance !

Use the Mercator projection.
If you project into a space of [0, 256) by [0,256]:
LatLng(47,=1.5) is Point(129.06666666666666, 90.04191318303863)
At zoom level 5, these equate to pixel coordinates:
x = 129.06666666666666 * 2^5 = 4130
y = 90.04191318303863 * 2^5 = 2881
Therefore, the top left of your map is at:
x = 4130 - 480/2 = 4070
y = 2881 - 480/2 = 2641
4070 / 2^5 = 127.1875
2641 / 2^5 = 82.53125
Point(127.1875, 82.53125) is LatLng(53.72271667491848, -1.142578125)

Google-maps uses tiles for the map to efficient divide the world into a grid of 256^21 pixel tiles. Basically the world is made of 4 tiles in the lowest zoom. When you start to zoom you get 16 tiles and then 64 tiles and then 256 tiles. It basically a quadtree. Because such a 1d structure can only flatten a 2d you also need a mercantor projection or a conversion to WGS 84. Here is a good resource Convert long/lat to pixel x/y on a given picture. There is function in Google Maps that convert from lat-long pair to pixel. Here is a link but it says the tiles are 128x128 only:
Google Maps V3 - How to calculate the zoom level for a given bounds

Based on the math in Chris Broadfoot's answer above and some other code on Stack Overflow for the Mercator Projection, I got this
public class MercatorProjection implements Projection {
private static final double DEFAULT_PROJECTION_WIDTH = 256;
private static final double DEFAULT_PROJECTION_HEIGHT = 256;
private double centerLatitude;
private double centerLongitude;
private int areaWidthPx;
private int areaHeightPx;
// the scale that we would need for the a projection to fit the given area into a world view (1 = global, expect it to be > 1)
private double areaScale;
private double projectionWidth;
private double projectionHeight;
private double pixelsPerLonDegree;
private double pixelsPerLonRadian;
private double projectionCenterPx;
private double projectionCenterPy;
public MercatorProjection(
double centerLatitude,
double centerLongitude,
int areaWidthPx,
int areaHeightPx,
double areaScale
) {
this.centerLatitude = centerLatitude;
this.centerLongitude = centerLongitude;
this.areaWidthPx = areaWidthPx;
this.areaHeightPx = areaHeightPx;
this.areaScale = areaScale;
// TODO stretch the projection to match to deformity at the center lat/lon?
this.projectionWidth = DEFAULT_PROJECTION_WIDTH;
this.projectionHeight = DEFAULT_PROJECTION_HEIGHT;
this.pixelsPerLonDegree = this.projectionWidth / 360;
this.pixelsPerLonRadian = this.projectionWidth / (2 * Math.PI);
Point centerPoint = projectLocation(this.centerLatitude, this.centerLongitude);
this.projectionCenterPx = centerPoint.x * this.areaScale;
this.projectionCenterPy = centerPoint.y * this.areaScale;
public Location getLocation(int px, int py) {
double x = this.projectionCenterPx + (px - this.areaWidthPx / 2);
double y = this.projectionCenterPy + (py - this.areaHeightPx / 2);
return projectPx(x / this.areaScale, y / this.areaScale);
public Point getPoint(double latitude, double longitude) {
Point point = projectLocation(latitude, longitude);
double x = (point.x * this.areaScale - this.projectionCenterPx) + this.areaWidthPx / 2;
double y = (point.y * this.areaScale - this.projectionCenterPy) + this.areaHeightPx / 2;
return new Point(x, y);
// from
Location projectPx(double px, double py) {
final double longitude = (px - this.projectionWidth/2) / this.pixelsPerLonDegree;
final double latitudeRadians = (py - this.projectionHeight/2) / -this.pixelsPerLonRadian;
final double latitude = rad2deg(2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(latitudeRadians)) - Math.PI / 2);
return new Location() {
public double getLatitude() {
return latitude;
public double getLongitude() {
return longitude;
Point projectLocation(double latitude, double longitude) {
double px = this.projectionWidth / 2 + longitude * this.pixelsPerLonDegree;
double siny = Math.sin(deg2rad(latitude));
double py = this.projectionHeight / 2 + 0.5 * Math.log((1 + siny) / (1 - siny) ) * -this.pixelsPerLonRadian;
Point result = new org.opencv.core.Point(px, py);
return result;
private double rad2deg(double rad) {
return (rad * 180) / Math.PI;
private double deg2rad(double deg) {
return (deg * Math.PI) / 180;
Here's a unit test for the original answer
public class MercatorProjectionTest {
public void testExample() {
// tests against values in
double centerLatitude = 47;
double centerLongitude = 1.5;
int areaWidth = 480;
int areaHeight = 480;
// google (static) maps zoom level
int zoom = 5;
MercatorProjection projection = new MercatorProjection(
Math.pow(2, zoom)
Point centerPoint = projection.projectLocation(centerLatitude, centerLongitude);
Assert.assertEquals(129.06666666666666, centerPoint.x, 0.001);
Assert.assertEquals(90.04191318303863, centerPoint.y, 0.001);
Location topLeftByProjection = projection.projectPx(127.1875, 82.53125);
Assert.assertEquals(53.72271667491848, topLeftByProjection.getLatitude(), 0.001);
Assert.assertEquals(-1.142578125, topLeftByProjection.getLongitude(), 0.001);
// NOTE sample has some pretty serious rounding errors
Location topLeftByPixel = projection.getLocation(0, 0);
Assert.assertEquals(53.72271667491848, topLeftByPixel.getLatitude(), 0.05);
// the math for this is wrong in the sample (see comments)
Assert.assertEquals(-9, topLeftByPixel.getLongitude(), 0.05);
Point reverseTopLeftBase = projection.projectLocation(topLeftByPixel.getLatitude(), topLeftByPixel.getLongitude());
Assert.assertEquals(121.5625, reverseTopLeftBase.x, 0.1);
Assert.assertEquals(82.53125, reverseTopLeftBase.y, 0.1);
Point reverseTopLeft = projection.getPoint(topLeftByPixel.getLatitude(), topLeftByPixel.getLongitude());
Assert.assertEquals(0, reverseTopLeft.x, 0.001);
Assert.assertEquals(0, reverseTopLeft.y, 0.001);
Location bottomRightLocation = projection.getLocation(areaWidth, areaHeight);
Point bottomRight = projection.getPoint(bottomRightLocation.getLatitude(), bottomRightLocation.getLongitude());
Assert.assertEquals(areaWidth, bottomRight.x, 0.001);
Assert.assertEquals(areaHeight, bottomRight.y, 0.001);
If you're (say) working with aerial photography, I feel like the algorithm doesn't take into account the stretching effect of the mercator projection, so it might lose accuracy if your region of interest isn't relatively close to the equator. I guess you could approximate it by multiplying your x coordinates by cos(latitude) of the center?

It seems worth mentioning that you can actually have the google maps API give you the latitudinal & longitudinal coordinates from pixel coordinates.
While it's a little convoluted in V3 here's an example of how to do it. (NOTE: This is assuming you already have a map and the pixel vertices to be converted to a lat&lng coordinate):
let overlay = new google.maps.OverlayView();
overlay.draw = function() {};
overlay.onAdd = function() {};
overlay.onRemove = function() {};
let latlngObj = overlay.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(new google.maps.Point(pixelVertex.x, pixelVertex.y);
overlay.setMap(null); //removes the overlay
Hope that helps someone.
UPDATE: I realized that I did this two ways, both still utilizing the same way of creating the overlay (so I won't duplicate that code).
let point = new google.maps.Point(628.4160703464878, 244.02779437950872);
let overlayProj = overlay.getProjection();
let latLngVar = overlayProj.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(point);
console.log('the latitude is: '' the longitude is: '+latLngVar.lng());


Eccentricity Vector in Java not accurate as orbit moves along

I am writing a small libgdx program in java that was inspired by Kerbal Space Program and I am now writing the class that controls objects that will have forces acted on them. Each of these objects have a velocity vector that is changed by a forces vector.
The program runs around 60 frames per second and every frame the calculations done on the force to change velocity are done 1000 times. ( I have played with this number a lot however). Right now the program is incredibly simple and the only force that is exerted and calculated every iteration is from the planet.
forcedub = ((gravConstanat*parentBody.getMass())/Math.pow(loc.distance(parentBody.getLoc()),2));
force = new Point2D(((-1)*forcedub*Math.cos(a)),((-1)*forcedub*Math.sin(a)));
This changes the velocity sightly, the position is adjusted and the loop continues. The process works very well and seems stable. I haven't run it for days on end, but the orbit even at relatively high eccentricities seems stable. UNFORTUNATELY I need to be able to speed this process up so it doesn't take 2 days real time to get to the moon. So I needed a system that puts the orbit "on rails" and doesn't need to recalculate the forces each iterations. Once the multiplier value there gets set too high the orbit falls apart.
Good news is I already have this system in place, I just can't switch between the two.
I need a few values from the orbit to do this in my system. (I know some values are a bit redundant but it is what it is).
The semi major axis
the semi minor axis
the eccentricity vector
true anomaly
focus information.
To cut to the chase, the biggest issue is the eccentricity vector / eccentricity. My 'bake' function is the one that attempts to compute the values from the state vectors of the orbit every iteration and the value of the eccentricity varies drastically where it should stay the same in a standard orbit.The direction the vector is all over the place as well.
I have hard coded a single object that should have an eccentricity of about .62 and the eccentricity vector should point to pi, but the value wanders between .25 and .88 and the direction wanders between pi and pi / 3 ish.
Here are two versions of how to get the eccvecc from the state vectors, and I have tried them both. They both give the exact same results:
public void bake(){
double velSq = Math.pow(vel.distance(0,0),2);
double r = loc.distance(parentBody.getLoc());
double gm = gravConstanat*parentBody.getMass();
Point2D posr = new Point2D(loc.getX()-parentBody.getX(), loc.getY()-parentBody.getY());
Point2D calc1 = posr.scale((velSq/gm));
Point2D calc2 = vel.scale((dotProd(posr,vel)/gm));
Point2D calc3 = posr.scale(1/r);
Point2D eccVecc = (calc1.minus(calc2)).minus(calc3);
ecc = eccVecc.distance(0,0);
w = Math.toRadians(90)-(Math.atan2(eccVecc.x(),eccVecc.y()));
semiA = (gm*r)/(2*gm - r*velSq);
semiB = semiA*(Math.sqrt((1-Math.pow(ecc,2))));
focus = findFocus(semiA,semiB);
System.out.println("ecc " + ecc + " W " + w + " SEMI A " + semiA);
Here is the entire class:
**initial distance is about 900,000 to the left of the parent body
**parent mass is 5.3*Math.pow(10,22)
public class Klobject {
String name;
TextureAtlas textureAtlas;
Sprite sprite;
Cbody parentBody;
Point2D loc;
Point2D vel;
public boolean acceleration;
static double gravConstanat = 6.67*Math.pow(10,-11);
double semiA, semiB, ecc, w;
protected double t;
protected double mass;
protected double rotateRate;
protected double focus;
public Klobject(Cbody cb){
mass = 1;
rotateRate = 0;
parentBody = cb;
acceleration = false;
loc = new Point2D((parentBody.getX() - 900_000f ),
vel = new Point2D(0,2526.733);
sprite = textureAtlas.createSprite(name);
sprite.setOrigin(sprite.getWidth()/2, sprite.getHeight()/2);
public void update(float dt){
private void oneXupdate(float dt){
int timesLooped = 1000;
double a;
double forcedub;
Point2D force;
Point2D velout;
double dx;
double dy;
dt = dt/timesLooped;
for (int i = 0; i < timesLooped; i++){
velout = vel.scale(MULTIPLIER);
dx = (dt*velout.getX());
dy = (dt*velout.getY());
loc = new Point2D(loc.getX()+dx, loc.getY()+dy);
a = Math.atan2(loc.getX()-parentBody.getX(), loc.getY()-parentBody.getY());
a = Math.toRadians(90)-a;
forcedub = ((gravConstanat*parentBody.getMass())/Math.pow(loc.distance(parentBody.getLoc()),2));
force = new Point2D(((-1)*forcedub*Math.cos(a)),((-1)*forcedub*Math.sin(a)));
force = force.scale(MULTIPLIER*MULTIPLIER);
velout = Point2D(force.getX()*dt,force.getY()*dt));
vel = velout.scale(1/MULTIPLIER);
public void bake(){
double velSq = Math.pow(vel.distance(0,0),2);
double r = loc.distance(parentBody.getLoc());
double gm = gravConstanat*parentBody.getMass();
Point2D posr = new Point2D(loc.getX()-parentBody.getX(), loc.getY()-parentBody.getY());
Point2D calc1 = posr.scale((velSq/gm));
Point2D calc2 = vel.scale((dotProd(posr,vel)/gm));
Point2D calc3 = posr.scale(1/r);
Point2D eccVecc = (calc1.minus(calc2)).minus(calc3);
ecc = eccVecc.distance(0,0);
w = Math.toRadians(90)-(Math.atan2(eccVecc.x(),eccVecc.y()));
semiA = (gm*r)/(2*gm - r*velSq);
semiB = semiA*(Math.sqrt((1-Math.pow(ecc,2))));
focus = findFocus(semiA,semiB);
System.out.println("ecc " + ecc + " W " + w + " SEMI A " + semiA);
public double findFocus(double a, double b){
return Math.sqrt(a*a - b*b);
public double getX(){
return loc.getX();
public double getY(){
return loc.getY();
public void setRotateRate(double rr){rotateRate = rr;}
public String getName(){
return name;
public Sprite getSprite(){
return sprite;
public void setMultiplier(double mult){
public Point2D getLoc(){
return loc;
public void setLoc(Point2D newLoc){
loc = newLoc;
public double dotProd(Point2D a, Point2D b){
return a.x()*b.x() + a.y()+b.y();

Geo circle to rectangle coordinates

Given the input, center latitude, center longitude and radius in kilometers, I want to get the coordinates for the rectangle that contains this circle (northeast and southwest lat/lng).
Should I write the method myself? Even though I'm afraid not to account for some things as my math is rusty. Or can I find a ready implementation for java? I have google maps sdk in my project but I couldn't find anything useful there.
I suppose your square radius is much smaller than the earth's radius (6371 km)
so that you can safely ignore the earth's curvature.
Then the math is quite easy:
// center of square
double latitudeCenter = ...; // in degrees
double longitudeCenter = ...; // in degrees
double radius = ...; // in km
double RADIUS_EARTH = 6371; // in km
// north-east corner of square
double latitudeNE = latitudeCenter + Math.toDegrees(radius / RADIUS_EARTH);
double longitudeNE = longitudeCenter + Math.toDegrees(radius / RADIUS_EARTH / Math.cos(Math.toRadians(latitudeCenter)));
// south-west corner of square
double latitudeSW = latitudeCenter - Math.toDegrees(radius / RADIUS_EARTH);
double longitudeSW = longitudeCenter - Math.toDegrees(radius / RADIUS_EARTH / Math.cos(Math.toRadians(latitudeCenter)));
Center(lat,lon) at 48.00,11.00 and radius 10 km
will give NE-corner(lat,lon) at 48.09,11.13 and SW-corner(lat,lon) at 47.91,10.87.
And here is how to do it with LatLng
and Bounds of the google-maps-services-java API:
public static final double RADIUS_EARTH = 6371;
public static Bounds boundsOfCircle(LatLng center, double radius) {
Bounds bounds = new Bounds();
double deltaLat = Math.toDegrees(radius / RADIUS_EARTH);
double deltaLng = Math.toDegrees(radius / RADIUS_EARTH / Math.cos(Math.toRadians(;
bounds.northeast = new LatLng( + deltaLat, center.lng + deltaLng);
bounds.southwest = new LatLng( - deltaLat, center.lng - deltaLng);
return bounds;

java 2d net gravity calculation

I am trying to calculate the net acceleration due to gravity in order to build a simple space flight sim using (G*(m1 * m2) / d * d) / m1. The ship tends to go in a semi-correct direction in a stair step pattern.
The update function of the main class
public void update()
double[] accels = new double[bodies.size()];//acceleration of the planets
double[][] xyaccels = new double[bodies.size()][2];//storing the x and y
for(Body n: bodies){
int count = 0;
double dist = distance(ship.loc.x,ship.loc.y,n.loc.x,n.loc.y);
double acel = getAccel(n.mass, ship.mass, dist);
accels[count] = acel;
double alpha = getAngle(ship.loc.x,ship.loc.y,n.loc.x,n.loc.y);
//xyaccels[count][0] = Math.cos(alpha) * acel;
//xyaccels[count][1] = Math.sin(alpha) * acel;
//split the acceleration into the x and y
XA += Math.cos(alpha) * acel;
YA += Math.sin(alpha) * acel;
ship.update(XA, YA);
//XA = 0;
//YA = 0;
accels = null;
xyaccels = null;
update function for the spaceship
public void update(double XA, double YA){
xAccel += XA;
yAccel += YA;
//add the x-acceleration and the y-acceleration to the loc
loc.x += Math.round(xAccel);
loc.y += Math.round(yAccel);
You don't update location from acceleration. You don't have any equations relating velocity to acceleration that I can see. Your physics are wrong.
The 2D n body problem requires four coupled ordinary differential equations for each body. Acceleration, velocity, and displacement are all 2D vector quantities.
dv/dt = F/m // Newton's F = ma
ds/dt = v // Definition of velocity that you'll update to get position.
You have to integrate all of them together.
I'm assuming you know something about calculus and physics. If you don't, it's a better idea to find a library written by someone else who does: something like JBox2D.

How to calculate the map span/zoom to include a set of GeoPoints in the viewport?

I have a set of GeoPoints and want to find the Lat/Lon center and and spans that include all these GeoPoints (so they're visible all on the MapView).
On a planar map this would be rather simple, find the highest and lowest x/y values, find the center by adding half of the absolute distance to the lower value.
But how is this done for the spherical world map, where the max/min values of -180/+180 and +90/-90 are next to each other?
Here's what I'm trying to do:
public void zoomToGeoPoints(GeoPoint... geoPoint) {
MapController mc = getController();
if (geoPoint == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "No geopoints passed, doing nothing!");
// Set inverse max/min start values
int maxLat = (int) (-90 * 1E6);
int maxLon = (int) (-180 * 1E6);
int minLat = (int) (90 * 1E6);
int minLon = (int) (180 * 1E6);
// Find the max/min values
for (GeoPoint gp : geoPoint) {
maxLat = Math.max(maxLat, gp.getLatitudeE6());
maxLon = Math.max(maxLon, gp.getLongitudeE6());
minLat = Math.min(minLat, gp.getLatitudeE6());
minLon = Math.min(minLon, gp.getLongitudeE6());
// Find the spans and center point
double spanLat = Math.abs(maxLat - minLat);
double spanLon = Math.abs(maxLon - minLon);
int centerLat = (int) ((minLat + spanLat / 2d));
int centerLon = (int) ((minLon + spanLon / 2d));
GeoPoint center = new GeoPoint(centerLat, centerLon);
// Pan to center
// Zoom to include all GeoPoints
mc.zoomToSpan((int)(spanLat), (int)(spanLon));
Untested, using the Maps API in JavaScript to calculate the desired smallest bounding box:
// points[] is your array of geo points
var boundbox = new map.LatLngBounds();
for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++){
var center = boundbox.getCenter();

java 3D rotation with quaternions

I have this method for rotating points in 3D using quaternions, but it seems not to work properly:
public static ArrayList<Float> rotation3D(ArrayList<Float> points, double angle, int xi, int yi, int zi)
ArrayList<Float> newPoints = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0;i<points.size();i+=3)
float x_old = points.get(i);
float y_old = points.get(i+1);
float z_old = points.get(i+2);
double w = Math.cos(angle/2.0);
double x = xi*Math.sin(angle/2.0);
double y = yi*Math.sin(angle/2.0);
double z = zi*Math.sin(angle/2.0);
float x_new = (float) ((1 - 2*y*y -2*z*z)*x_old + (2*x*y + 2*w*z)*y_old + (2*x*z-2*w*y)*z_old);
float y_new = (float) ((2*x*y - 2*w*z)*x_old + (1 - 2*x*x - 2*z*z)*y_old + (2*y*z + 2*w*x)*z_old);
float z_new = (float) ((2*x*z + 2*w*y)*x_old + (2*y*z - 2*w*x)*y_old + (1 - 2*x*x - 2*y*y)*z_old);
return newPoints;
If i make this call rotation3D(list, Math.toRadians(90), 0, 1, 0); where points is (0,0,10), the output is (-10.0, 0.0, 2.220446E-15), but it should be (-10,0,0), right? Could someone take a look at my code and tell me if is there somethig wrong?
Here are 4 screens that represent the initial position of my object, and 3 rotations with -90 degrees (the object is not properly painted, that's a GL issue, that i will work on later):
I haven't studied the code but what you get from it is correct: Assuming a left-handed coordinate system, when you rotate the point (0,0,10) 90 degrees around the y-axis (i.e. (0,1,0)) you end up with (-10,0,0).
If your coordinate system is right-handed I think you have to reverse the sign of the angle.

