I'm trying to write a custom maven plugin, and want to get some information about the project.
After some searching around, I found that I can set parameters to certain project related values (presumably from the POM?) - e.g.
* #goal myPlugin
public class MyTestMojo extends AbstractMojo {
* #parameter expression="${project}"
* #required
* #read-only
private Object project;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
However, I cannot find any documentation on what parameters are available in this format. At the moment, I'm proceeding with trial and error, but that's proving a bit frustrating.
Any ideas?
Here is a short list of available properties. You may also want to look trough available Maven plugin tutorials.
See the Mojo API specification, section The Descriptor and Annotations.
There is a good introduction to writing plugins in Maven: The Complete Reference: 11.4 Writing a Custom Plugin, section 11.4.5. Mojo Class Annotations on the Sonatype website.
I want to create a settings plugin (not project plugin) to simplify some stuff, but I cannot get the configuration clause to work.
This is my plugin (Java code)
public class SettingsPlugin implements Plugin<Settings> {
public void apply(Settings target) {
.create("modules", IncludeModulesExtension.class, target);
System.err.println("Applied settings plugin");
public class IncludeModulesExtension {
private final Settings _settings;
public IncludeModulesExtension(Settings settings) {
_settings = settings;
public void include(String path) {
My problem is, that gradle is not picking up the "modules" dynamic function in my settings.gradle.kts:
pluginManagement {
plugins {
id("com.ieffects.gradle-tools.settings-server") version ("7.0.23-SNAPSHOT")
modules {
I omitted the pluginManagement, the plugin is found and applied, however the "modules" is not picked up. What is it I'm doing wrong?
Starting Gradle Daemon...
Gradle Daemon started in 2 s 396 ms
Applied settings plugin
e: /Volumes/Development/Git/server-framework-galcon/settings.gradle.kts:22:1: Unresolved reference: modules
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Settings file '/Volumes/Development/Git/server-framework-galcon/settings.gradle.kts' line: 22
* What went wrong:
Script compilation error:
Line 22: modules {
^ Unresolved reference: modules
1 error
I faced the same issue when implementing a similar plugin, and although I didn't find out why, I did manage to work around it:
// SettingsExtensions.kt
import org.gradle.api.Action
import org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware
/* WORKAROUND: for some reason a type-safe accessor is not generated for the extension,
* even though it is present in the extension container where the plugin is applied.
* This seems to work fine, and the extension methods are only available when the plugin
* is actually applied. */
* Retrieves the [modules][IncludeModulesExtension]
* extension.
val Settings.modules: IncludeModulesExtension
get() =
(this as ExtensionAware).extensions.getByName("modules") as IncludeModulesExtension
* Configures the [modules][IncludeModulesExtension] extension.
fun Settings.modules(configure: Action<IncludeModulesExtension>): Unit =
(this as ExtensionAware).extensions.configure("modules",
As the comment explains, it behaves exactly the same as a generated type-safe accessor (same syntax and the extension is only available when the plugin is actually applied).
I didn't test if it works for the Groovy DSL, but since the extension methods are syntactically identical to the generated accessors, I assume it does.
Alternatively you can do without if instead of the modules DSL you do this in the settings script where the plugin is applied:
configure<IncludeModulesExtension> {
This also works because even though the type-safe accessor is not generated, the extension is properly initialized and added to the extensions container. But the DSL is obviously nicer.
i wanted to write a bit for Android ebay client.
but im struggeling with the first probleme.
first i start a new Java Android Project with IntelliJ
I want to use this Library ebay-oauth-android-client
like described on Git:
Obtaining Library
This library is distributed via maven central repository. To use this
library, include the below as dependency in your project
dependencies {
compile 'com.ebay.auth:ebay-oauth-android-client:1.0.1'
i put this snippet in my Gradle.build and replace compile with implementation since compile is depricated.
so far so good. gradle import this library.
but the next step not working for me:
Application Setup
Before performing OAuth, the library should be initialized with details about your application from eBay developer portal. The library uses
Client ID. For details see Getting your OAuth credentials
Redirect Uri. for details see Getting your Redirect_Uri
Url encoded list of scopes. for details see Specifying OAuth scopes
Use these details in ApiSessionConfiguration.initialize() as shown below:
apiEnvironment = ApiEnvironment.PRODUCTION,
apiConfiguration = ApiConfiguration(
<Client ID>,
<Redirect Uri>,
<space separated scopes>
So i try to call initialze:
my Code with error
But when i try that the Compiler tells me that:
cannot find symbol method initialize(<null>)
When i Jump to the Class Declaration of ApiSessionConfiguration is written that:
// IntelliJ API Decompiler stub source generated from a class file
// Implementation of methods is not available
package com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model
public final class ApiSessionConfiguration private constructor() {
public companion object {
private final val instance: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiSessionConfiguration /* compiled code */
public final fun getInstance(): com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiSessionConfiguration { /* compiled code */ }
public final fun initialize(apiEnvironment: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiEnvironment, apiConfiguration: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiConfiguration): com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiSessionConfiguration { /* compiled code */ }
public final var apiConfiguration: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiConfiguration? /* compiled code */
public final var apiEnvironment: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiEnvironment? /* compiled code */
i dont really understand what im doing wrong. in the sample file on Git ApiSessionConfiguration.initalize() is called without any errors.
i already tried to Invalidate Cache, Clean Build, and start over again.
when i try to import the library from Project Structure Librarys New from Maven repo it says:
no files were downloaded...
Doesn't it can resolve initialize method with single argument?
Did you tried initialize method with two arguments?
Their sample app takes 2 arguments:
But to access to Kotlin companion object function from java you need to call ApiSessionConfiguration.Companion.initialize method
I'm porting an SDK from Android to plain Java and have run into an AutoParcel annotation that I don't understand.
Here's the original class and a snippet below:
public abstract static class Builder {
public abstract Builder id(String id);
public abstract SimpleFeature build();
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoParcel_SimpleFeature.Builder();
I am able to pretty much port everything to AutoValue without incident, except that last function, as I don't understand what it is or it's equivalent in AutoValue.
Can someone explain what this is, and what its equivalent is in AutoValue?
The build annotation allows you to construct the immutable POJOs using the builder pattern i.e. something like
The equivalent annotation (not surprisingly since AutoParcel is a port of Autovalue with android specific features i.e. Parcelable)
You should be able to find much more comprehensive documentation at https://github.com/google/auto/tree/master/value#builders
As JohnWowUs' comment suggests, this was largely an Eclipse issue.
The link he mentioned was only part of the solution, but I didn't need to drop more JARs into the project. With the help of an issue in the AutoValue repo and specifically configuring the maven-compiler-plugin, setting JDK1.7 as a target, with the following section added to the pom.xml:
I am writing a plugin to Maven. I want to customize action depend on Maven version (person's who use my plugin)
something like:
if (MavenVer == "2.2.1")
//do some things
if (MavenVer == "3.0")
//do another things
I found out build-helper-maven-plugin but i'm not shure how to use it to do this job.
you need to inject maven reference into plugina and simply check version using API
code for injection
public class MyMojo extends AbstractMojo {
* #component
ArtifactFactory factory;
* #component
ArtifactResolver artifactResolver;
* #parameter default-value="${project.remoteArtifactRepositories}"
List remoteRepositories;
* #parameter default-value="${localRepository}"
ArtifactRepository localRepository;
* #parameter default-value="${project}"
MavenProject mavenProject;
I have been looking for an answer to your question and I have come to the conclusion that there is no simple way to get the maven version, or at least I couldn't find it. The best I was able to find is that the maven-enforcer-plugin contains code that looks up the maven version. However in looking at the maven-enforcer-plugin source code it is a little complicated and involves getting a handle to a RuntimeInformation instance through plexus (the IoC container used by Maven).
I recommend you take a look at the maven-enforcer-plugin and see if you can use what they did. Pay particular attention to RequireMavenVersion and EnforcerMojo classes.
We've recently upgraded one of our projects. This involves new versions of JARs also.
Sitemesh was one of them. We updated from 2.2.1 to 2.4.2. Things stopped working.
We had a custom filter extend Sitemesh's PageFilter which now does not work because in v2.4 PageFilter extends SiteMeshFilter which does not expose the same methods (the ones we were overriding).
OK, no biggy, we'll just change our code to match, but then I saw this in the source code I downloaded from http://java.net/downloads/sitemesh/
* Core Filter for integrating SiteMesh into a Java web application.
* #author Joe Walnes
* #author Scott Farquhar
* #since SiteMesh 3
public class SiteMeshFilter implements Filter {
private FilterConfig filterConfig;
private ContainerTweaks containerTweaks;
private static final String ALREADY_APPLIED_KEY = "com.opensymphony.sitemesh.APPLIED_ONCE";
#since SiteMesh 3? This is v2.4.2. What 3?
Is the release corrupt or what? Am I missing something?
I'm using sitemesh 2.4.2 in one project and it works fine.
You can see that that change (which mentions Sitemesh 3) was done back in 2005 when they refactored the architecture to be compatible with sitemesh3. Here's the commit in github.
I remember getting a similar impression when I was browsing the javadocs a few months ago :).
So the answer is: The jar is not corrupt, it's just the result of a crooked merge.