Gradle Settings plugin extension - java

I want to create a settings plugin (not project plugin) to simplify some stuff, but I cannot get the configuration clause to work.
This is my plugin (Java code)
public class SettingsPlugin implements Plugin<Settings> {
public void apply(Settings target) {
.create("modules", IncludeModulesExtension.class, target);
System.err.println("Applied settings plugin");
public class IncludeModulesExtension {
private final Settings _settings;
public IncludeModulesExtension(Settings settings) {
_settings = settings;
public void include(String path) {
My problem is, that gradle is not picking up the "modules" dynamic function in my settings.gradle.kts:
pluginManagement {
plugins {
id("com.ieffects.gradle-tools.settings-server") version ("7.0.23-SNAPSHOT")
modules {
I omitted the pluginManagement, the plugin is found and applied, however the "modules" is not picked up. What is it I'm doing wrong?
Starting Gradle Daemon...
Gradle Daemon started in 2 s 396 ms
Applied settings plugin
e: /Volumes/Development/Git/server-framework-galcon/settings.gradle.kts:22:1: Unresolved reference: modules
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Settings file '/Volumes/Development/Git/server-framework-galcon/settings.gradle.kts' line: 22
* What went wrong:
Script compilation error:
Line 22: modules {
^ Unresolved reference: modules
1 error

I faced the same issue when implementing a similar plugin, and although I didn't find out why, I did manage to work around it:
// SettingsExtensions.kt
import org.gradle.api.Action
import org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware
/* WORKAROUND: for some reason a type-safe accessor is not generated for the extension,
* even though it is present in the extension container where the plugin is applied.
* This seems to work fine, and the extension methods are only available when the plugin
* is actually applied. */
* Retrieves the [modules][IncludeModulesExtension]
* extension.
val Settings.modules: IncludeModulesExtension
get() =
(this as ExtensionAware).extensions.getByName("modules") as IncludeModulesExtension
* Configures the [modules][IncludeModulesExtension] extension.
fun Settings.modules(configure: Action<IncludeModulesExtension>): Unit =
(this as ExtensionAware).extensions.configure("modules",
As the comment explains, it behaves exactly the same as a generated type-safe accessor (same syntax and the extension is only available when the plugin is actually applied).
I didn't test if it works for the Groovy DSL, but since the extension methods are syntactically identical to the generated accessors, I assume it does.
Alternatively you can do without if instead of the modules DSL you do this in the settings script where the plugin is applied:
configure<IncludeModulesExtension> {
This also works because even though the type-safe accessor is not generated, the extension is properly initialized and added to the extensions container. But the DSL is obviously nicer.


ebay OAuth 2.0 library Cannot Resolve method initialize()

i wanted to write a bit for Android ebay client.
but im struggeling with the first probleme.
first i start a new Java Android Project with IntelliJ
I want to use this Library ebay-oauth-android-client
like described on Git:
Obtaining Library
This library is distributed via maven central repository. To use this
library, include the below as dependency in your project
dependencies {
compile 'com.ebay.auth:ebay-oauth-android-client:1.0.1'
i put this snippet in my and replace compile with implementation since compile is depricated.
so far so good. gradle import this library.
but the next step not working for me:
Application Setup
Before performing OAuth, the library should be initialized with details about your application from eBay developer portal. The library uses
Client ID. For details see Getting your OAuth credentials
Redirect Uri. for details see Getting your Redirect_Uri
Url encoded list of scopes. for details see Specifying OAuth scopes
Use these details in ApiSessionConfiguration.initialize() as shown below:
apiEnvironment = ApiEnvironment.PRODUCTION,
apiConfiguration = ApiConfiguration(
<Client ID>,
<Redirect Uri>,
<space separated scopes>
So i try to call initialze:
my Code with error
But when i try that the Compiler tells me that:
cannot find symbol method initialize(<null>)
When i Jump to the Class Declaration of ApiSessionConfiguration is written that:
// IntelliJ API Decompiler stub source generated from a class file
// Implementation of methods is not available
package com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model
public final class ApiSessionConfiguration private constructor() {
public companion object {
private final val instance: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiSessionConfiguration /* compiled code */
public final fun getInstance(): com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiSessionConfiguration { /* compiled code */ }
public final fun initialize(apiEnvironment: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiEnvironment, apiConfiguration: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiConfiguration): com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiSessionConfiguration { /* compiled code */ }
public final var apiConfiguration: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiConfiguration? /* compiled code */
public final var apiEnvironment: com.ebay.api.client.auth.oauth2.model.ApiEnvironment? /* compiled code */
i dont really understand what im doing wrong. in the sample file on Git ApiSessionConfiguration.initalize() is called without any errors.
i already tried to Invalidate Cache, Clean Build, and start over again.
when i try to import the library from Project Structure Librarys New from Maven repo it says:
no files were downloaded...
Doesn't it can resolve initialize method with single argument?
Did you tried initialize method with two arguments?
Their sample app takes 2 arguments:
But to access to Kotlin companion object function from java you need to call ApiSessionConfiguration.Companion.initialize method

gwt-test-utils does not find my entry point class

I am trying to get gwt-test-utils to work. I set up the project in the following way:
src/main/java : all the java source code
src/test/java : the test source code
src/test/resources : resource files for the tests
I am building my project with gradle and eclipse. Gradle uses these directories correctly by default and I added all three of them as source directories to Eclipse.
I have successfully built and run the project and was able to execute some plain old JUnit tests as well as a GWTTestCase, so I think I set up the project and its dependencies correctly.
Now I wanted to use gwt-test-utils for some more advanced integration tests. To do so I did the following:
Add the gwt-test-utils and gwt-test-utils-csv to my dependencies
gwtTestUtilsVersion = '0.45'
testCompile group:'com.googlecode.gwt-test-utils', name:'gwt-test-utils', version:gwtTestUtilsVersion
testCompile group:'com.googlecode.gwt-test-utils', name:'gwt-test-utils-csv', version:gwtTestUtilsVersion
Add a file to the directory src/test/resources/META-INF with the following content:
path/to/my/module = gwt-module
Added a class that extends GwtCsvTest to a package in the src/test/java directory. It is modeled after the second example in HowToWriteCsvScenario from the gwt-test-utils project wiki, replacing occurrence of their example classes with mine. It looks like this
#CsvDirectory(value = "gwtTests")
public class LoginLogoutTest extends GwtCsvTest
private MainServiceAsync mainService;
private AppController appController = new AppController();
public void initApp()
public void setup()
GwtFinder.registerNodeFinder("myApp", new NodeObjectFinder()
public Object find(Node node)
return csvRunner.getNodeValue(appController, node);
GwtFinder.registerNodeFinder("loginView", new NodeObjectFinder()
public Object find(Node node)
return csvRunner.getNodeValue(appController.getRootPresenter().getCurrentlyActiveSubPresenters().iterator().next().getView(), node);
added a csv-file for configuring the test to src/test/resources/gwtTests with the following content
I tried executing it via the Eclipse's Run As > JUnit Test and indirectly via gradle build (which executes all the test cases, not just this one). Both lead to the same error:
ERROR GwtTreeLogger Unable to find type 'myPackage.client.AppController'
ERROR GwtTreeLogger Hint: Check that the type name 'myPackage.client.AppController' is really what you meant
ERROR GwtTreeLogger Hint: Check that your classpath includes all required source roots
The AppController class is the entry-point configured in the module I configured in, which makes me think that configuration works correctly and the rest of the setup (dependencies and all) work as well.
In an earlier version I used the same file as a subclass of GWTTestCase and created an AppController instance in the same way. That worked, so I'm pretty sure the class path is setup correctly to include it as well. I also tried changing it back to the previous version just now and it still works.
I have no clue why the class is not found. Is there anything gwt-test-utils does differently which means I need to specifically set the class path for it? Otherwise it should just work, since both gradle and eclipse know about all the relevant source folders and dependencies.

Injecting & Configuring Gradle Builds

I'm reading up on Gradle and am very interested in it, specifically because (it appears) that it allows the introduction of inheritance into the build process. For instance, if I have a Java web app that might be packaged and deployed to Google App Engine instances as well as Amazon EC2 instances, I need a sophisticated build that can take the same Java, XML, PROPERTIES, CSS and image files and package/deploy them into 2 drastically-differently packaged WAR files.
GAE apps are very specific as to how they are packaged; EC2 (pretty much) just require that you conform to servlet specs. GAE apps get "deployed" by running an update command from the script that comes with your SDK; EC2 has their own way to deploy apps. The point is, they are very different packaging/deployment processes for both PaaS providers:
public abstract class PackageTask {
// ...
// Package my Eclipse project for deployment to GAE.
public class AppEnginePackageTask extends PackageTask {
// ...
// Package my Eclipse project for deployment to EC2 instances.
public class AmazonPackageTask extends PackageTask {
// ...
public abstract class DeployTask {
// ...
// Deployment to GAE.
public class AppEngineDeployTask extends DeployTask {
// ...
// Deployment to EC2.
public class AmazonDeployTask extends DeployTask {
// ...
Then, I might have a myapp.gradle buildfile that templates the build order of tasks:
...and somehow, I can configure/inject AppEnginePackageTask/AppEngineDeployTask in place of package()/deploy() for a GAE-based build, or I can configure/inject AmazonPackageTask/AmazoneDeployTask into those templated tasks. Again, I'm not sure how to do this (or even if Gradle can do this), but it's what I'm after.
My understanding was that Gradle can do this. Ant can also be forced to have highly-modular, elegant builds that work this way, but being XML-based, it takes some finessing, whereas an OOP-based language like Groovy makes this cleaner and simpler.
However, all the examples I see of Gradle tasks take the following form:
task package(dependsOn: 'compile') {
// ...
task deploy(dependsOn: 'package') {
// ...
So I ask: these look/feel like non-OOP task definitions. Is my understanding of Gradle (and its OOP nature) fundamentally incorrect? What am I missing here? How can I accomplish these notions of "configurable/injectable build templates" and inheritance-based tasks? Thanks in advance!
Edit I re-tagged this question with "groovy" because Gradle buildscripts are written in a Groovy DSL, and someone who happens to be a Groovy-guru (say that 5 times fast) might also be able to chime in even if they know little about Gradle.
As described here, there are simple tasks and enhanced tasks. The latter are much more flexible and powerful.
The following example isn't exactly what you describe, re:injection, but it illustrates OOP.
Here is the sample build.gradle file. It avoids "package" as that is a keyword in Java/Groovy. The 'build' target depends on 'compile' and some flavour of 'doPack', depending on a property called 'pkgTarget'.
task compile << {
println "compiling..."
task build() << {
build.dependsOn {
build.dependsOn {
if (pkgTarget == "Amazon") {
task doPack(type: AmazonPackageTask)
} else if (pkgTarget == "Google") {
task doPack(type: GooglePackageTask)
} else {
task doPack(type: MyPackageTask)
where the tasks are defined later in the same file. (Per doc, this code can go into a "build src" directory):
// -----
class MyPackageTask extends DefaultTask {
def init() { println 'common stuff' }
def doPackage() {
println 'hello from MyPackageTask'
class AmazonPackageTask extends MyPackageTask {
def doPackage() {
println 'hello from AmazonPackageTask'
class GooglePackageTask extends MyPackageTask {
def doPackage() {
println 'hello from GooglePackageTask'
and here is the file:

Custom maven plugin - what are the default parameters?

I'm trying to write a custom maven plugin, and want to get some information about the project.
After some searching around, I found that I can set parameters to certain project related values (presumably from the POM?) - e.g.
* #goal myPlugin
public class MyTestMojo extends AbstractMojo {
* #parameter expression="${project}"
* #required
* #read-only
private Object project;
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
However, I cannot find any documentation on what parameters are available in this format. At the moment, I'm proceeding with trial and error, but that's proving a bit frustrating.
Any ideas?
Here is a short list of available properties. You may also want to look trough available Maven plugin tutorials.
See the Mojo API specification, section The Descriptor and Annotations.
There is a good introduction to writing plugins in Maven: The Complete Reference: 11.4 Writing a Custom Plugin, section 11.4.5. Mojo Class Annotations on the Sonatype website.

Scala+Android+Roboguice: ClassNotFoundException in loader

I'm evaluating Scala on Android by starting with the NotesList demo. I was able to replace the file with its Scala equivalent without problem.
Next, I introduced Roboguice, creating a simple that sets up the Guice modules, and successfully injected a resource into the activity.
Finally, I when I tried to replace with its Scala equivalent, I get the following runtime error before the application finishes booting:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/]
I created a Google Code project containing the complete Eclipse project and source. The original functioning is:
import java.util.List;
import roboguice.application.RoboApplication;
public class NotesListApplication extends RoboApplication {
private Module module = new BindEverything();
public void setModule(Module module) {
this.module = module;
protected void addApplicationModules(List<Module> modules) {
and the Scala equivalent that causes the error is:
import roboguice.application.RoboApplication
class NotesListApplication extends RoboApplication {
val module : Module = new BindEverything()
override protected def addApplicationModules(modules:java.util.List[Module] ) {
I'm building in Eclipse with the ScalaIDE plugin. I'm not running any treeshaker/proguard/etc.
The disassembly shows the Scala classes as expected:
Class descriptor : 'Lcom/example/android/notepad/NotesLiveFolder;'
Class descriptor : 'Lcom/example/android/notepad/NotesListApplication;'
Any ideas what could cause this?
Upgrade to 2.0-SNAPSHOT of RoboGuice and then you dont have to use RoboApplication and it all binds automatically. For more how to bind check out the slides from Mike Burtons presentations about RoboGuice at AnDevCon 2 and check out the 2.0 section on the wiki.
Like I posted on the mailing list maybe check out the apk with dedexer and see if the class was actually removed e.g. by Proguard or renamed so it cant be found as a next step.

