Possible/Plausible to build a program with multiple languages? [closed] - java

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is it plausible(and/or practiced) to build a large piece of software, for example Altera Quartus II, using multiple programming languages? Meaning, the menus for the software are coded in c++ and maybe the core functional interface that the user interacts with most is built using java. Is this even possible? If so, what are the drawbacks/benefits of doing so with large pieces of software?

It is possible and practiced, however it is advisable that the core of your application is build in a mid-level programming language like c++ for performance, while the front end part and any utilities and interfaces to the core can be built using some other language like javascript.
Take a look at the Mozilla browser which is an example of c++ core with javascript UI.
Your question is about whether it is possible: the answer is it is. However I will try to extend a little bit by saying that your challenge in building an application with c++ and java would be the communication between the two parts of your application. You would need some kind of an intermediate like xml in order to do that.

It is possible to build applications from multiple languages, for instance, you could have your front end coded in C++, the back end written in Java and you use JNI for communication.
Although such an application allows you to exploit the features of each language, it requires developers to have expertise in multiple areas or have multiple developers, each of which can increase the cost of the solution being delivered.
Also, nowadays most compilers tend to optimize the code during compilation, so developers do not try and find micro optimizations which allows them to tweak every aspect of their code, unless they are writing something along the lines of AutoCad or Photoshop, each of which require a relatively high amount of system resources.
Another problem with solutions having multiple languages would be how to make them communicate together (sockets, shared memory segments, pipes, etc) so that would be another layer of complexity.


I want to make a simplified Java game engine [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I want to make a Java game engine that would be simple to use mainly for it would have a higher level language interpreter. I though about using Lua language with the LuaJ intertpreter, but I've got some really slow results...
I need suggestions for what other Lua-like languages (With a Java interpreter available) exist that (with an interpreter) could execute faster (than LuaJ) on my Java application.
In the domain of game programming, Java itself is considered slow. I would suggest that you can start with code generation facility built on top of Java. I have worked extensively on Drools , Groovy and similar DSLs and can vouch they are "slow" for even a typical enterprise app. One problem is the dynamic interpretation layer built over java. You can see the typical performances in this comparison study at http://www.slideshare.net/michael.galpin/performance-comparisons-of-dynamic-languages-on-the-java-virtual-machine
If you can work on creating a language which generates code before compiling, you will get best of both world. This doesn't mean you will need to know compiler theory stuff from day one. You can simply create utility functions in Java which you can distribute as client library. However, you will need to know Reflections thoroughly to approach the solution in this way. As nobody changes the code in a running production server, you will be perfectly fine.

Play! framework vs Ruby on Rails [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
It's not going to be a request for general comparisson:
Play! framework is Java based which means the code is interpreted to bytecode and then compiled by the JVM in runtime. On the other hand, Ruby is a dynamic language which means the code is interpreted with every request. This is certainly obvious for every programmer.
Another aspect is the development process and the ease of the language (strong typing vs weak typing).
Currently I'm developing a new website using Play!
So, for the questions:
Performance for an HTTP server (Play! runs on the JVM, Ruby is dynamic) - does it really matter for a website? would you see a significant differences?
I feel RoR has much larger community, sources, tutorials etc, and it's a little batter me. Or should it?
Well, it depends.
Ruby's not a particularly fast language, but language execution speed is likely not to be your bottleneck—in my experience, ruby's relative slowness is often just a drop in the ocean of external service calls (e.g. databases), algorithmic problems (e.g. synchronous, blocking subroutines), and design choices that are just generally inappropriate for the problem domain. Keep your whole technology stack in perspective.
Community's important, and Ruby/Rails has an extremely active one. AFAIK Play's smaller, but in my own experience Java and Scala (and the myriad other languages that have JVM implementations (including Ruby)) also have good communities.
All of this depends on the specific needs of your app (and you!). If Ruby's too slow, it's too slow. If you absolutely need some library that only exists in Java, use Java. Choose the tool to fit the task. But keep the entire task (and your own needs for completing that task) in perspective.
Many differences between these two models. As for the performance, my opinion about Java based & RoR:
1, Java based website(running on several Java Application Servers), has its unique advantage, such as multi-thread model(highest speed to read local data), global memory, easy to pooling resources, plenty of efficient clients to connect all kinds of 3rd part OSS tools...
2, RoR (and Php) model of HTTPServer connection, need to "proxy" request to App tier. Multi-process model increases inter-process communications. And as a "dynamic language", the performance is lower.
But, nowadays, web programming depends on other tools to boost up. The widespread uses of cache, NoSQL(Memcached, Redis, TT/TC), IPC/RPC framework(netty, akka, )... shift the bottleneck. I knew both above models has been used in large-scale networking social games.

Java's popularity in Internet Algorithmics (Search, Big Data etc.) [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have been writing C/C++ code for years. Recently started doing lot of Java too because some of the very fine products that I am using to solve my computing problems are all written in Java (Example: Lucene/Solr, Hadoop, Neo4j, OpenNLP etc.).
I am seeing this chage since last 3-4 years that Java has really got very popular atleast in Internet Algorithms (Clustering, Search, Big Data & so on). Though their are counterparts of the products that I have mentioned above in C++ (like for Search Sphinx written in C++ is a great option, Google has its Map Reduce written in C++ etc.)
I am just curious to know what are the factors & strength's that are making Java very popular these days specially in the Information Retrieval & Big data domain.
I just wanted to know the strengths of Java which is making it very popular in Internet Algorithms space? Is it just because of platform independence thing?
I would argue that Java and C++ perform at a similar level outside of the arbitrary, contrived situations which are so often used to prove that X is faster than Y.
Once you factor in network round-trip times and other, real world delays, I can't see a C++ application offering a measurable advantage over a Java application simply due to being C++ as opposed to Java. You will, however, see a measurable difference between a well-written application and a poorly-written application.
plattform independance is a nice feature, but doesn't always work in java. depending on what you do
java gets its popularity for the fact, that it's more safe than c++
you can not use pointer arithmetics and you can not manage memory allocation on your own
if something wents terribly wrong, you get an exception or an error, or the program just crashes but in java you are relatively sure not to continue doing things you definitely don't want to do
yes you can do all that in c++, but that's not the question, isn't it?

Choosing between Django-Apache and Java-Tomcat for a web application [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
In order to develop a web application that can easily scale, provide production stability, is easily deploy-able, and allows for fast development cycles, what points would you recommend I look at before choosing one or the other framework - using Java and Tomcat, or Django and Apache/Mod_WSGI?
Some pros and cons I could see immediately,
Tomcat apps are simple to deploy - drop a WAR file and you're done. Django apps seem to need more wrangling (Not sure if creating .egg files and dropping them in would work as well?)
Django's ORM seems much nicer than Hibernate - generates models directly compared to Hibernate's manual configuration files
Python as a language is faster to develop in, and much more concise than Java can be. (Of course, this is a relatively higher level discussion).
I've looked at Disqus's slides about scaling Django and am under no doubts it can be done. But would scaling a Django app be any harder than scaling a Java/Tomcat one?
I'm familiar with both Java and Python and the frameworks mentioned above, and it boils down to getting feedback those who've worked with either (or both) on scale.
Here are my experiences:
Django-Apache fits in 16MBs of memory, whereas Java-Tomcat requires much more than that.
Coding in Python is much faster, that is true. In Java, on the other hand, you have compile-time checks, profilers and debuggers that help you increase the stability of your application.
If you are planning to do heavy computations or need complex data structures, Java's compilation technologies will provide the speed you need.
It is easier to maintain a large project in a strictly object-oriented environment with advanced refactoring tools, such as Java.
Then again, coding in Python is much faster.
It's worth noting that Python code can be extended with C/C++ code. So Django applications can, in fact, be faster than their Java equivalents if one is careful to use native code where speed or complex data structures are required.
Obviously, my vote's for Django.
I choose Python with Django, because it is better in deployment. You don't need build war. You only copy files on server and that's all.
Django is easily scalable and production stable. see this.
If you prefer Java look at Grails. But it has 2 minuses: building war and a lot of memory usage(200 mb without users).

What is in the future for JADE? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm starting my thesis on Agents and Smart Objects interaction and I'd like to know what's in the future for JADE, the Java Agent framework. I find the whole concept of agents, programmable behaviors, federations and their help in solving Artificial Intelligence problems very interesting but will it always be an academic field, like Haskell? What's being done with JADE?
I created a system for my PhD - using JADE as the framework - where agents played music with human musicians. There's a bit of a write up (and a link to the thesis) at http://www.mo-seph.com/academic/musicalagents
In the end, I didn't use a lot of JADE, and found it quite heavyweight for the kind of work I was doing. The communications library was useful (if a bit hard work) and the message queuing side of it worked OK. However, I quickly found that most of the behaviour I wanted to implement needed to be so heavily customised that the JADE framework only really supported the transfer of information.
I think the usefulness of the framework depends hugely on what the question is. It seems that a lot of the usefulness of JADE was around it's links to the FIPA agent communication languages (http://www.fipa.org/) and the communications infrastructure in general. If that's what you're interested in, then it might be quite useful. If you're more concerned with the intelligence in individual agents, it might be a useful framework, but it won't help much with the design of the intelligence.
Systems like JADE, Aglets etc. are "containers" as opposed to libraries.
This means that if you want to use some aspects of code mobility/mobile objects/mobile agents in your application, you basically have to design your application around these frameworks. I think this limits the applicability quite a bit.
Personally I think the ability to send mobile objects/mobile agents to remote machines is generally quite useful though. It's a very powerful idea and has applications for sure in grid computing, but also applications in areas where RPC is used right now.
So given this idea I wrote Mobility-RPC which is a way to avail of code mobility in any application, much like you would use RPC.

