org.json.JSONException: Unterminated object at character 103 of - java

i don't know why this strings contert to Json have error.
softName: lovePlay,
downUrl: http.//
Have somebody can help me? thanks.

Strings should be under double quotes. Something like this:
There are many services on the internet where you be able to validate your json data.
Click here

Your JSON string is incorrect, you're missing the quote signs (").
Try this:
"softName": "lovePlay",
"packageName": "",
"softId": "13232",
"downUrl": "http.//"

Thanks all. I have solved this problem. When I use this:
<!-- white space added for readability -->
<input type="button" onclick="getp1('{softName:lovePlay
I can get strings convert to json. I use it by webview.

You have syntax error in your JSON string. You need to change it as below.
"softName": "lovePlay",
"packageName": "",
"softId": "13232",
"downUrl": "http.//"
If you are on web dev environment you can use stringify command. Check out this tutorial on JSON and Java
As a good practice, check whether your JSON is valid. There are many tools available but JSONlint is my favourite.

This is my method currently using
public String convertStandardJSONString(String data_json){
data_json = data_json.replace("\\", "");
data_json = data_json.replace("\"{", "{");
data_json = data_json.replace("}\",", "},");
data_json = data_json.replace("}\"", "}");
return data_json;


Using JsonPath to parse JSON String recursively

I'm trying to parse a given JSON in String format, for example:
"id": "indeed",
I'm working with Kotlin, and I called JsonPath.parse on the value above, the problem is, interaction_data is parsed as a String, instead of it being treated as a JSON as well.
So when I call read("$") it gives me an error, since interaction_data is treated as a String, instead of an object.
Any way around this? (other than parsing this part separately, I need to handle this generically).
Json interaction_data property is triple stringifyied. Why you don't try this
var jsonObject=..your json;
var jsonParsed=JSON.parse(jsonObject.interaction_data);;

Rest assured : Illegal character in path

I am using response retrieved from one endpoint as path param in another endpoint.
However, when used in URI, it throws Illegal character in path.
//Post the endpoint
Response resp2 = RestAssured.given().
pathParam("id", build).
This is because the value of id used in uri is with double quotes like :-
How can I get rid of these double quotes so as to use the value of id in uri , please advise.
First talk to the developer about this, because the nature of path param (/{id}) is to be replaced by a legitimate value (not enclosed in quotes); something like https://abc/23 or https://abc/param
I would not suggest any work-around for this as this is implemented in a wrong way from REST end point definition. You might go ahead and raise a defect against this.
Taking a shot in the dark here because I feel like the issue could possibly be coming from how you're getting the string from that response. If you're pulling it from a JSON using GSON or similar:
String name = myResponseJsonObject.get("member_name")
will print
String name = myResponseJsonObject.get("member_name").getAsString()
will give you
A small detail but this has tripped me up when using GSON and others when working with JSONs in java.
Thank you John and Mohan for your time , I really appreciate it.
I resolved this issue yesterday evening using Stringof function which removed the double quotes and provided me the String like value.

Java: Escape html entity in json string

Sorry for my english. My question:
Using jsoup i get json response from site. Some entities have unescaped html charactes, for example
"title":"<p>Мир "Юрского периода" искусств</p>",
"topic":" Глава\Глава"
I use Gson. If i try to deserialize this string i will get error on double quotes in title and "\" in topic.
How Can i escape these characters. I only know one way to do this: using regex get string in topic and title and change " to \".
The only problem is that there are many such json entity, and it takes a lot of time. Is there a better way?

Passing Jackjson JSON object from JSP to JavaScript function

I have a JSON String stored in a database. In one of my JSP pages, I retrieve this string, and I want to be able to pass the String or the JSON object into Javascript function. The function is simply this for test purposes
function test(h){
Now I can retrieve the JSON string from the database fine, I have printed it out to the screen to ensure that it is getting it, however when I pass it in like this
<input type="button"
onclick="test('<%=theJSON%>'); return false;"/>
Nothing happens. I used firebug to check what was wrong, and it says there is invalid character.
So I then tried passing in the JSON object like so
Widget widg = mapper.readValue(testing.get(0), Widget.class);
Then pass in it
onclick="test('<%=widg%>'); return false;"/>
Now this will pass in without an error, and it alerts the object name, however I am unable to parse it. Object comes in like with the package name of where the widget class is stored like so
I tried using Stringify, but that doesn't seem to work on this Jackson JSON object.
After all that failed, I tried a last resort of taking the String from the database, and encoding it in base64. However, this too fails if I do this
String test = Base64.encode(theString);
and pass that in. However if I do that, print it out to the screen, then copy what is printed out, and send that through it works, so don't quite understand why that is.
So could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. I have tried soo many different solutions and nothing is working.
The JSON String is stored in database like this
Would be very grateful if someone could point me in the direct direction!!
Incase anyone else has same problem do this to pass the JSON from JSP to the JS function
<%=theJSON.replaceAll("\"", "\\\'")%>
That allows you to pass the JSON in,
then to get it back in JavaScript to normal JSON format
theJSON = theJSON.replace(/'/g,'"');
Should work fine
I think the combination of double quotes wrapping the onclick and the ones in your JSON may be messing you up. Think of it as if you entered the JSON manually -- it would look like this:
onclick="test('{ "id":1, "splits":[ { "texts":[ { "value":"Test", "locationX":3, "locationY":-153, "font":{ "type":"Normal", "size":"Medium", "bold":false, "colour":"5a5a5a", "italics":false } } ] } ] }'); return false;"
and the opening double quote before id would actually be closing the double quote following onclick= (You should be able to verify this by looking at the page source). Try specifying the onclick as:
onclick='test(\'<%=theJSON%>\'); return false;'
You can follow the following steps
Fetch the jon string
Using the jackson or any other JSON jar file , convert the json string to json array and print the string using out.println.
Call this jsp which prints the json string
check in the firebug , you will be able to see your json .
If the Json string does not print , there can be some problems in your json format.
this is a good website for json beautification , , really makes the string simple to read .

org.json.JSONException: Unterminated object at character 14

The error message I got is:
org.json.JSONException: Unterminated object at character 14 of {address: yo test}
I think that I should escape the string, but in vain after trying all the method on StackOverflow.
Here is my code, thanks a lot for any help:
// src/
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String str = getString(;
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(str);
catch(Exception e){
Log.d("iLoveDrinkActivity", e.toString());
// org.json.JSONException: Unterminated object at character 14 of {address: yo test}
// res/strings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="data">{"address": "yo test"}</string>
If the "address" is something else like "test" or "yo" or "123", everything works fine.
Thanks again!!
The only solution I can find (Android: Json string with spaces gives "Unterminated object at" exception) is to replace the quotes in your json with escaped quotes
<string name="data">{"address": \"yo test\"}</string>
Annoying though. Wonder if there's a better solution.
After a little more digging it looks like the culprit is the getString method which claims to
Return the string value associated with a particular resource ID. It
will be stripped of any styled text information.
The stripping of styled text occurs in native code so I cannot see why it throws out the quotes, but looks like it does.
Not directly related to the question, but I got this error when it was trying to parse malformed json. I was missing a comma between two properties. (Using gson)
<string name="data">{"address": \"yo test\"}</string>
Otherwise json parser will process the string {address: yo test}, that is not a valid json string, while {address: "yo test"} is.
I experienced a similar problem.
Below is a request with an error.
Can you notice that?
Special symbol ” were included.

