Using JsonPath to parse JSON String recursively - java

I'm trying to parse a given JSON in String format, for example:
"id": "indeed",
I'm working with Kotlin, and I called JsonPath.parse on the value above, the problem is, interaction_data is parsed as a String, instead of it being treated as a JSON as well.
So when I call read("$") it gives me an error, since interaction_data is treated as a String, instead of an object.
Any way around this? (other than parsing this part separately, I need to handle this generically).

Json interaction_data property is triple stringifyied. Why you don't try this
var jsonObject=..your json;
var jsonParsed=JSON.parse(jsonObject.interaction_data);;


How to convert Complex JSON string in to MAP in scala

I have a text file which contains a line like
players={"Messi":{"Details":{"Goals":500},"Country":"Argentina"},"Neymar":{"Clubs":["Santos", "FC barcelona", "Paris saint German"], "Country":"Brazil"}}
Now I am used a regex for extract the
{"Messi":{"Details":{"Goals":500},"Country":"Argentina"},"Neymar":{"Clubs":["Santos", "FC barcelona", "Paris saint German"],"Country":"Brazil"}}
from the text file and pass it in to a case class which accepts the value as a String.
and I am making a Dataframe using this case class.
In my case every line may be different in the contents with in the JSON String.So I am looking for a general solution to Convert any complex Json string to Map values.
When checking dataframe.printSchema, I am getting the players column as a String type.
But I need it to be as a Map type which holds a Key and value as a Struct type.
I tried method referred in this link
How can I convert a json string to a scala map?
when I used this way,I got error
"org.json4s.package$MappingException: Do not know how to convert JObject(List((Details,JObject(List((Goals,JString(500))))), (Country,JString(Argentina)))) into class java.lang.String "
and I used following solutions
Converting JSON string to a JSON object in Scala
But these too won't worked for me.
This is my case class
case class caseClass (
Players :String = ""
I am Extracting the json string using a user defined function.
Simply my requirement is that I have a complex Json String which contains keys and values as struct,list etc..
so I want to make the string to its corresponding JSON which holds a proper schema with respect to its contents.
Kindly expecting Valuable solutions.
If you also can live with JsValue as value instead of String it looks a bit simpler:
import play.api.libs.json._
case class CaseClass (
Players :Option[JsValue]
object CaseClass {
implicit val jsonFormat = Json.format[CaseClass ]
I saw some problems with your Json - so you would need to have something like:
val json = Json.parse("""{
"Neymar":{"Clubs":["Santos", "FC barcelona", "Paris saint German"], "Country":"Brazil"}
To get a String out of this you can use:
json.validate[CaseClass] match {
case JsSuccess(cc, _) => cc.Players.toString
case JsError(errors) => // handle errors
I got another solution which I think More easier.
I Made an own schema for the JSON and Used from_json method with the schema,and it worked well.
and my ownschema contains the structure of the Json String.
For any doubts, Comment.
Happy Coding.

Process json with different data type in Circe

In my case, there might be different data type of same json field. Example:
How to process this case? I know it can be processed by parse or use custom encoders, but this is a very complex json text, is there any way to solve that without rewriting the whole decoder (for example, just "tell" the decoder to convert all Int to String in need_exp field)?
It is called a disjunction which can be encoded with the Scala standard Either class.
Simply map the json that to the following class:
case class Foo(need_exp: Either[String, Int])
My solution is to use a custom decoder. Rewrite a little part of the JSON can be fine.
For example, there is a simple JSON:
/*many fields*/
"hotList":[/* ... many lists inside*/],
"list":[ {/*... many fields*/
"next_exp":28800 //there is the problem
"sex":"\u4fdd\u5bc6"},/*...many lists*/]
In this case, I don't need to rewrite the whole JSON encoder, just write a custom encoder of level_info:
implicit val decodeUserLevel: Decoder[UserLevel] = (c: HCursor) => for
current_exp <- c.downField("current_exp").as[Int]
current_level <- c.downField("current_level").as[Int]
current_min <- c.downField("current_min").as[Int]
next_exp <- c.downField("next_exp").withFocus(_.mapString
case """-""" => "-1"
case default => default
} yield
UserLevel(current_exp, current_level, current_min, next_exp)
and it worked.

use Scala to get JSON data in lower levels

I'm a beginner of Scala, and I have JSON data formatted like below:
"index_key": {
"event_detail": {
I'm trying to get the content of "index_key" and extract the content of second level as a new JSON objet and initiate a class based on the second level data.
"event_detail": {
I tried to use json4s to extract from the above json to be a Event class, but how to get rid of the "index_key" which is the first level key?
case class Detail(event_name: String, location: String)
case class Event(time: String, event_detail: Detail)
I've read json4s documentation, and also$, but still don't quite get it, as it seems the pre-defined json should be fit for the parser?
Could anyone please tell me how to get the second level data (or any lower level) of the json structure?
You can use \ to get to the object you want to extract:
val json = parse(str) \ "index_key"

Filtering field with array as JSON in logstash

I'm starting out to collect logs with logstash. The current setup consist of a Java server using logback as logging mechanism and logstash-logback-encoder, outputting the data in a neat JSON representation. The basics work just fine.
I would like to separate additional data in JSON format in separate fields (so each key of the JSON ends up in its own field). logstash-logback-encoder provides a mechanism for that to output such data in a json_mesage field. However this JSON string is placed into a JSON array. See here a sample formatted for better reading.
I tried to parse the incoming JSON using a simple JSON filter. See here my configuration:
input {
lumberjack {
codec => "json"
filter {
json {
source => "json_message"
output {
elasticsearch {
However this leads to following error in the logstash log. The JSON string in an array simply can't be handled.
:message=>"Trouble parsing json",
:exception=>#<TypeError: can't convert Array into String>,
Is there a way to extract the JSON string from the array prior to parsing? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Actually, it is quite simple and plays along the lines of common programming languages. Though, I did not find the answer in the docs.
Just add an index to the field in the filter:
filter {
json {
source => "json_message[0]"

Passing Jackjson JSON object from JSP to JavaScript function

I have a JSON String stored in a database. In one of my JSP pages, I retrieve this string, and I want to be able to pass the String or the JSON object into Javascript function. The function is simply this for test purposes
function test(h){
Now I can retrieve the JSON string from the database fine, I have printed it out to the screen to ensure that it is getting it, however when I pass it in like this
<input type="button"
onclick="test('<%=theJSON%>'); return false;"/>
Nothing happens. I used firebug to check what was wrong, and it says there is invalid character.
So I then tried passing in the JSON object like so
Widget widg = mapper.readValue(testing.get(0), Widget.class);
Then pass in it
onclick="test('<%=widg%>'); return false;"/>
Now this will pass in without an error, and it alerts the object name, however I am unable to parse it. Object comes in like with the package name of where the widget class is stored like so
I tried using Stringify, but that doesn't seem to work on this Jackson JSON object.
After all that failed, I tried a last resort of taking the String from the database, and encoding it in base64. However, this too fails if I do this
String test = Base64.encode(theString);
and pass that in. However if I do that, print it out to the screen, then copy what is printed out, and send that through it works, so don't quite understand why that is.
So could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. I have tried soo many different solutions and nothing is working.
The JSON String is stored in database like this
Would be very grateful if someone could point me in the direct direction!!
Incase anyone else has same problem do this to pass the JSON from JSP to the JS function
<%=theJSON.replaceAll("\"", "\\\'")%>
That allows you to pass the JSON in,
then to get it back in JavaScript to normal JSON format
theJSON = theJSON.replace(/'/g,'"');
Should work fine
I think the combination of double quotes wrapping the onclick and the ones in your JSON may be messing you up. Think of it as if you entered the JSON manually -- it would look like this:
onclick="test('{ "id":1, "splits":[ { "texts":[ { "value":"Test", "locationX":3, "locationY":-153, "font":{ "type":"Normal", "size":"Medium", "bold":false, "colour":"5a5a5a", "italics":false } } ] } ] }'); return false;"
and the opening double quote before id would actually be closing the double quote following onclick= (You should be able to verify this by looking at the page source). Try specifying the onclick as:
onclick='test(\'<%=theJSON%>\'); return false;'
You can follow the following steps
Fetch the jon string
Using the jackson or any other JSON jar file , convert the json string to json array and print the string using out.println.
Call this jsp which prints the json string
check in the firebug , you will be able to see your json .
If the Json string does not print , there can be some problems in your json format.
this is a good website for json beautification , , really makes the string simple to read .

