How to generate random numbers with r.nextInt() except one number? - java

I've come to a part in my code where I must generate a random number every time I press a button (r in this case). When I press this button, I want it to generate a number between 0 and n (3 in this case), but I don't want it to generate a number it previously generated. So I do not want the same number to be generated twice in a row. So 2 then 2 is bad. 2 then 0 then 2 is OK however.
I've looked around on here for questions similar to mine but none of them have really helped. Everyone else is generating once with the exception of numbers in an array or something. I'm constantly generating and I want to be able to detect the same number previous.
I am using the Random class, I have considered using the math.random class but that is between 0 and 1 so that isn't really too useful. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :D

Memorize what you generated last time; repeat generating until they are different
Say you want numbers 0-9
int n = Random.nextInt(10);
} while (n == prev) // prev is the number you generated previously
prev = n;

Since you have n possible values for the first, and only n-1 for the subsequent, just use randInt with a different argument depending on whether you're producing the first value or not. Trying to use randInt with the same arguments for all iterations will result in a non-flat distribution.
class NoAdjacentPRNG implements Iterator<Integer> {
private final Random rnd;
private final int range; // 3 to generate numbers in [0, 2).
private Integer last;
NoAdjacentPRNG(Random rnd, int range) {
this.rnd = rnd;
this.range = range;
public boolean hasNext() { return true; }
public Integer next() {
int n;
if (last == null) {
// The first time through, there are range possible values.
n = rnd.nextInt(range);
} else {
// There are only range-1 possible values given that the
// last is excluded.
n = rnd.nextInt(range - 1);
// Work around last.
if (n >= last) { ++n; }
last = n;
return n;
public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

You can do something like
int[] values = new int[360];
values[0] = random.nextInt(n+1);
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i] = random.nextInt(n);
if (values[i-1] == values[i]) values[i] = n;

You can even be super-simple:
public class NonRepeatingRandom extends Random {
private int last = -1;
public int nextInt(int i) {
int next = super.nextInt(i);
while ( next == last) {
next = super.nextInt(i);
return last = next;


Recursion Question - Java - Minimum number of golf shots

I am trying to calculate the minimum number of shots I need to take based on a given number of club lengths. You can also think of it as the minimum number of coins needed for a given change.
My code is
public static int golf(int holeLength, int[] clubLengths)
return golf(holeLength, clubLengths, 0);
public static int golf(int holeLength, int[] clubLengths, int shots)
else if(holeLength<0)
for(int i = 0; i<clubLengths.length; i++)
return golf(holeLength-clubLengths[i], clubLengths, shots+1);
return shots;
The issue here is that it only seems to give an answer based on the first number on the array. So for example, if I had {25,50,100} and I wanted to get to 100. Obviously, there is only a minimum of one shot required, yet the program will only calculate it using 25 and say 4. Similarly, if the first number is 21, then it will just give a stackoverflow.
Here is what is happening in your code: when the function runs the first loop, it gets the first element in clubLengths and returns right away without going to the next loop. You need to go through each possible clubs to use.
Here is my recursive solution:
Go through each club.
You can choose to use current club and use it again,
Or you can choose to use current club and use next club,
Or you can choose not to use current club and use next club.
I can implement this the following way:
public static int golf(int holeLength, int[] clubLengths) {
int[][] dp = int[clubLengths.length()][holeLength+1];
return golf(holeLength, clubLengths, 0, dp);
private static int golf(int holeLength, int[] clubLengths, int ind, int[][] dp) {
if (holeLength == 0) return 0;
if (holeLength < 0) return -1;
if (ind >= clubLengths.length()) return -1;
if (dp[ind][holeLength] != 0) return dp[ind][holeLength];
int rec1 = golf(holeLength-clubLengths[ind], clubLengths, ind, dp);
if (rec1 == -1) rec1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else rec1++;
int rec2 = golf(holeLength-clubLengths[ind], clubLengths, ind+1, dp);
if (rec2 == -1) rec2 == Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else rec2++;
int rec3 = golf(holeLength, clubLengths, ind+1, dp);
if (rec3 == -1) rec3 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int result = Math.min(rec1, rec2);
result = Math.min(result, rec3);
if (result == Integer.MAX_VALUE) result = -1;
dp[ind][holeLength] = result;
return result;
Along with recursion, I have also added dp to optimize time complexity. As a result, the time complexity of my solution would be O(k*n) where k is holeLength and n is number of elements in clubsLengths. If you do not want dp and want just pure recursion, you can just remove all usages of dp from above and the code will still work, but slower.

Randomizing set of duplicate arrays in Java without repeating elements

In my problem I have few arrays with numbers 1 - 3,
[1,2,3], [1,2,3]
I combined the arrays into one full array,
[1,2,3, 1,2,3]
I need to randomize the array each run, so that no element repeats.
For example, this would work
[1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3]
but this would not.
I chose 1,2,3 to simplify it, but my arrays would consist of the numbers 1 - 6. The idea remains the same though. Is there an algorithm or easy method to accomplish this?
This is a heuristic solution for random shuffling not allowing consecutive duplicates. It applies to lists, but it's easy to transfer it to arrays as it does only swapping and no shift operations are required. It seems to work in the majority of cases for lists consisting of millions of elements and various density factors, but always keep in mind that heuristic algorithms may never find a solution. It uses logic from genetic algorithms, with the exception that this version utilizes one individual and selective mutation only (it's easy to convert it to a real genetic algorithm though), but it's simple and works as follows:
If a duplicate is found, try swapping it with a random element after it; if not possible, try swapping it with an element prior to it (or vice versa). The key point here is the random position for exchanging elements, so as to keep a better uniform distribution on random output.
This question has been asked in alternative forms, but I couldn't find an acceptable solution yet. Unfortunately, as most of the proposed answers (except for the "greedy" extensive re-shuffling till we get a match or computing every combination), this solution does not provide a perfect uniform distribution, but seems to minimize some patterns, :( still not possible to remove every pattern, as you see below. Try it and post any comments for potential improvements.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
//Heuristic Non-Consecutive Duplicate (NCD) Shuffler
public class NCDShuffler {
private static Random random = new Random();
//private static int swaps = 0;
public static <T> void shuffle (List<T> list) {
if (list == null || list.size() <= 1) return;
int MAX_RETRIES = 10; //it's heuristic
boolean found;
int retries = 1;
do {
found = true;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) {
T cur = list.get(i);
T next = list.get(i + 1);
if (cur.equals(next)) {
//choose between front and back with some probability based on the size of sublists
int r = random.nextInt(list.size());
if ( i < r) {
if (!swapFront(i + 1, next, list, true)) {
found = false;
} else {
if (!swapBack(i + 1, next, list, true)) {
found = false;
} while (retries <= MAX_RETRIES && !found);
//try to swap it with an element in a random position after it
private static <T> boolean swapFront(int index, T t, List<T> list, boolean first) {
if (index == list.size() - 1) return first ? swapBack(index, t, list, false) : false;
int n = list.size() - index - 1;
int r = random.nextInt(n) + index + 1;
int counter = 0;
while (counter < n) {
T t2 = list.get(r);
if (!t.equals(t2)) {
Collections.swap(list, index, r);
return true;
if (r == list.size()) r = index + 1;
//can't move it front, try back
return first ? swapBack(index, t, list, false) : false;
//try to swap it with an element in a random "previous" position
private static <T> boolean swapBack(int index, T t, List<T> list, boolean first) {
if (index <= 1) return first ? swapFront(index, t, list, false) : false;
int n = index - 1;
int r = random.nextInt(n);
int counter = 0;
while (counter < n) {
T t2 = list.get(r);
if (!t.equals(t2) && !hasEqualNeighbours(r, t, list)) {
Collections.swap(list, index, r);
return true;
if (r == index) r = 0;
return first ? swapFront(index, t, list, false) : false;
//check if an element t can fit in position i
public static <T> boolean hasEqualNeighbours(int i, T t, List<T> list) {
if (list.size() == 1)
return false;
else if (i == 0) {
if (t.equals(list.get(i + 1)))
return true;
return false;
} else {
if (t.equals(list.get(i - 1)) || (t.equals(list.get(i + 1))))
return true;
return false;
//check if shuffled with no consecutive duplicates
public static <T> boolean isShuffledOK(List<T> list) {
for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list.get(i).equals(list.get(i - 1)))
return false;
return true;
//count consecutive duplicates, the smaller the better; We need ZERO
public static <T> int getFitness(List<T> list) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (list.get(i).equals(list.get(i - 1)))
return sum;
//let's test it
public static void main (String args[]) {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> freq = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
//initialise a list
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
/*for (int i = 0; i<100000; i++) {
//Try to put each output in the frequency Map
//then check if it's a uniform distribution
Integer hash;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
//shuffle it
hash = hash(list);
if (freq.containsKey(hash)) {
freq.put(hash, freq.get(hash) + 1);
} else {
freq.put(hash, 1);
System.out.println("Unique Outputs: " + freq.size());
System.out.println("EntrySet: " + freq.entrySet());
//System.out.println("Swaps: " + swaps);
//for the last shuffle
System.out.println("Shuffled OK: " + isShuffledOK(list));
System.out.println("Consecutive Duplicates: " + getFitness(list));
//test hash
public static int hash (List<Integer> list) {
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; (i < list.size() && i < 9); i++) {
h += list.get(i) * (int)Math.pow(10, i); //it's reversed, but OK
return h;
This is a sample output; it's easy to understand the issue with the non-uniform distribution.
Unique Outputs: 6
EntrySet: [1312=1867, 3121=1753, 2131=1877, 1321=1365, 1213=1793, 1231=1345]
Shuffled OK: true
Consecutive Duplicates: 0
You could use Collections.shuffle to randomize the list. Do it in a while loop, until the list passes your constraint.
If the arrays are relatively small, it would not be too hard for you just to combine the two arrays, randomize it then check the numbers, and if there are too same numbers just shift one over or just randomize it again.
There's no pre-written algorithm that I know of (which doesn't mean one doesn't exist), but the problem is easy to understand and the implementation is straightforward.
I will offer two suggestions dependent on if you want to build a valid array or if you want to build an array and then check its validity.
1 - Create some collection (Array, ArrayList, etc) that contains all of the possible values that will be included in your final array. Grab one of those values and add it to the array. Store a copy of that value in a variable. Grab another value from the possible values, check that it's not equal to your previous value, and add it to the array if it's valid.
2 - Create an array that contains the number of values you want. Check that item n != item n+1 for all items except the last one. If you fail one of those checks, either generate a new random value for that location or add or subtract some constant from the value at that location. Once you have checked all of the values in this array, you know you have a valid array. Assuming the first and last values can be the same.
The most optimal solution, I can think of, is to count the number of occurrences of each value, logically creating a "pool" for each distinct value.
You then randomly choose a value from any of the pools that are not the value of the previous selection. The random selection is weighted by pool sizes.
If a pool is more than half the size of all remaining values, then you must choose from that pool, in order to prevent repetition at the end.
This way you can produce result fast without any form of retry or backtracking.
Example (using letters as values to clarify difference from counts):
Input: A, B, C, A, B, C
Action Selected Pools(Count)
A(2) B(2) C(2)
Random from all 3 pools A A(1) B(2) C(2)
Random from B+C pools C A(1) B(2) C(1)
Random from A+B pools (1:2 ratio) A A(0) B(2) C(1)
Must choose B (>half) B A(0) B(1) C(1)
Random from A+C, so C C A(0) B(1) C(0)
Must choose B (>half) B A(0) B(0) C(0)
Result: A, C, A, B, C, B

Is there a more elegant way to search the station index?

I work on a genetic algorithm for a robotic assembly line balancing problem (assigning assembly operations and robots to stations to minimize the cycle time for a given number of stations). The solution is represented by an ArrayList (configuration) which holds all the operations in the sequence assigned to different stations. Furthermore, I have two more ArrayLists (robotAssignment, operationPartition) which indicate where a new station starts and which robot is assigned to a station. For example, a solution candidate looks like this (configuration, robotAssignment, operationPartition from top to bottom):
Initial cycle time: 50.0
From this solution representation we know that operations 3, 9, and 1 are assigned to the second sation and robot 1 is used.
I need to keep track of the station an operation is assigned to. I tried a lot to store this in the Object Operation itself but I always ended up in problems and therefore I want to write a method that gives me the stations index of an operation.
Here is what I have coded so far:
// Get the station of an operation
public int getStation(Operation operation) {
int stationIndex = 0;
int position = configuration.indexOf(operation);
for (int i = 0; i < GA_RALBP.numberOfStations ; i++ ) {
if (i < GA_RALBP.numberOfStations - 1 && operationPartition.get(i) != null) {
if (isBetween(position, (int) operationPartition.get(i), (int) operationPartition.get(i + 1))) {
return stationIndex + 1;
} else {
else if (i >= GA_RALBP.numberOfStations - 1 && operationPartition.get(i) != null) {
if (isBetween(position, (int) operationPartition.get(i), configurationSize())) {
return stationIndex + 1;
return -1;
// Check if value x is between values left and right including left
public static boolean isBetween(int x, int left, int right) {
if (left <= x && x < right ) {
return true;
else {
return false;
However, this does not seem to be (a) very elegant and (b) if I have to do this for a large number of operations the runtime could become a problem. Has anoyone an idea how to solve this more efficiently?
Why not make the partitioning explicit (replaces your operationPartition) - something like:
Map<Integer, Integer> operationToStationMapping = new HashMap<>();
Then getStation() becomes:
getStation(int operation) {return operationToStationMapping.get(operation);}

All digits in int are divisible by certain int

I am trying to figure out how to count all numbers between two ints(a and b), where all of the digits are divisible with another int(k) and 0 counts as divisible.Here is what I've made so far, but it is looping forever.
for (int i = a; i<=b; i++){
while (i < 10) {
digit = i % 10;
if(digit % k == 0 || digit == 0){
count ++;
i = i / 10;
Also I was thinking about comparing if all of the digits were divisible by counting them and comparing with number of digits int length = (int)Math.Log10(Math.Abs(number)) + 1;
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Once you get in to your while block you're never going to get out of it. The while condition is when i less than 10. You're dividing i by 10 at the end of the whole block. i will never have a chance of getting above 10.
Try this one
public class Calculator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a = 2;
int b = 150;
int k = 3;
int count = 0;
for (int i = a; i <= b; i++) {
boolean isDivisible = true;
int num = i;
while (num != 0) {
int digit = num % 10;
if (digit % k != 0) {
isDivisible = false;
num /= 10;
if (isDivisible) {
System.out.println(i+" is one such number.");
System.out.println("Total " + count + " numbers are divisible by " + k);
Ok, so there are quite a few things going on here, so we'll take this a piece at a time.
for (int i = a; i <= b; i++){
// This line is part of the biggest problem. This will cause the
// loop to skip entirely when you start with a >= 10. I'm assuming
// this is not the case, as you are seeing an infinite loop - which
// will happen when a < 10, for reasons I'll show below.
while (i < 10) {
digit = i % 10;
if(digit % k == 0 || digit == 0){
count ++;
// A missing line here will cause you to get incorrect
// results. You don't terminate the loop, so what you are
// actually counting is every digit that is divisible by k
// in every number between a and b.
// This is the other part of the biggest problem. This line
// causes the infinite loop because you are modifying the
// variable you are using as the loop counter. Mutable state is
// tricky like that.
i = i / 10;
It's possible to re-write this with minimal changes, but there are some improvements you can make that will provide a more readable result. This code is untested, but does compile, and should get you most of the way there.
// Extracting this out into a function is often a good idea.
private int countOfNumbersWithAllDigitsDivisibleByN(final int modBy, final int start, final int end) {
int count = 0;
// I prefer += to ++, as each statement should do only one thing,
// it's easier to reason about
for (int i = start; i <= end; i += 1) {
// Pulling this into a separate function prevents leaking
// state, which was the bulk of the issue in the original.
// Ternary if adds 1 or 0, depending on the result of the
// method call. When the methods are named sensibly, I find
// this can be more readable than a regular if construct.
count += ifAllDigitsDivisibleByN(modBy, i) ? 1 : 0;
return count;
private boolean ifAllDigitsDivisibleByN(final int modBy, final int i) {
// For smaller numbers, this won't make much of a difference, but
// in principle, there's no real reason to check every instance of
// a particular digit.
for(Integer digit : uniqueDigitsInN(i)) {
if ( !isDigitDivisibleBy(modBy, digit) ) {
return false;
return true;
// The switch to Integer is to avoid Java's auto-boxing, which
// can get expensive inside of a tight loop.
private boolean isDigitDivisibleBy(final Integer modBy, final Integer digit) {
// Always include parens to group sub-expressions, forgetting the
// precedence rules between && and || is a good way to introduce
// bugs.
return digit == 0 || (digit % modBy == 0);
private Set<Integer> uniqueDigitsInN(final int number) {
// Sets are an easy and efficient way to cull duplicates.
Set<Integer> digitsInN = new HashSet<>();
for (int n = number; n != 0; n /= 10) {
digitsInN.add(n % 10);
return digitsInN;

How to create a number generator that will only pick a number 1 time?

I am creating a concentration game.
I have an buffered image array where I load in a 25 image sprite sheet.
public static BufferedImage[] card = new BufferedImage[25];
0 index being the card back. and 1 - 24 being the values for the face of the cards to check against if the cards match.
What I am tying to do is this I will have 4 difficulties Easy, Normal, Hard, and Extreme. Each difficulty will have a certain amount of cards it will need to draw and then double the ones it chosen. for example the default level will be NORMAL which is 12 matches so it need to randomly choose 12 unique cards from the Buffered Image array and then double each value so it will only have 2 of each cards and then shuffle the results.
This is what I got so far but it always seems to have duplicates about 99% of the time.
//generate cards
Random r = new Random();
int j = 0;
int[] rowOne = new int[12];
int[] rowTwo = new int[12];
boolean[] rowOneBool = new boolean[12];
for(int i = 0; i < rowOneBool.length; i++)
rowOneBool[i] = false;
for(int i = 0; i < rowOne.length; i++){
int typeId = r.nextInt(12)+1;
typeId = r.nextInt(12)+1;
if(rowOneBool[typeId] == false);
rowOne[i] = typeId;
the 3 amounts I will be needing to generate is Easy 6, Normal 12, and Hard 18 extreme will use all of the images except index 0 which is the back of the cards.
This is more or less in the nature of random numbers. Sometimes they are duplicates. You can easily factor that in though if you want them to be more unique. Just discard the number and generate again if it's not unique.
Here's a simple method to generate unique random numbers with a specified allowance of duplicates:
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] randoms = uniqueRandoms(new int[16], 1, 25, 3);
for (int r : randoms) System.out.println(r);
public static int[] uniqueRandoms(int[] randoms, int lo, int hi, int allowance) {
// should do some error checking up here
int range = hi - lo, duplicates = 0;
Random gen = new Random();
for (int i = 0, k; i < randoms.length; i++) {
randoms[i] = gen.nextInt(range) + lo;
for (k = 0; k < i; k++) {
if (randoms[i] == randoms[k]) {
if (duplicates < allowance) {
} else {
return randoms;
Edit: Tested and corrected. Now it works. : )
From what I understand from your question, the answer should look something like this:
Have 2 classes, one called Randp and the other called Main. Run Main, and edit the code to suit your needs.
package randp;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Randp randp = new Randp(10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
package randp;
public class Randp {
private int numsLeft;
private int MAX_VALUE;
int[] chooser;
public Randp(int startCounter) {
MAX_VALUE = startCounter; //set the amount we go up to
numsLeft = startCounter;
chooser = new int[MAX_VALUE];
for (int i = 1; i <= chooser.length; i++) {
chooser[i-1] = i; //fill the array up
public int nextInt() {
if(numsLeft == 0){
return 0; //nothing left in the array
int a = chooser[(int)(Math.random() * MAX_VALUE)]; //picking a random index
if(a == 0) {
return this.nextInt(); //we hit an index that's been used already, pick another one!
chooser[a-1] = 0; //don't want to use it again
numsLeft--; //keep track of the numbers
return a;
This is how I would handle it. You would move your BufferedImage objects to a List, although I would consider creating an object for the 'cards' you're using...
int removalAmount = 3; //Remove 3 cards at random... Use a switch to change this based upon difficulty or whatever...
List<BufferedImage> list = new ArrayList<BufferedImage>();
list.addAll(Arrays.asList(card)); // Add the cards to the list, from your array.
for (int i = 0; i < removalAmount; i++) {
list.remove(list.size() - 1);
for (BufferedImage specificCard : list) {
//Do something
Ok, I said I'd give you something better, and I will. First, let's improve Jeeter's solution.
It has a bug. Because it relies on 0 to be the "used" indicator, it won't actually produce index 0 until the end, which is not random.
It fills an array with indices, then uses 0 as effectively a boolean value, which is redundant. If a value at an index is not 0 we already know what it is, it's the same as the index we used to get to it. It just hides the true nature of algorithm and makes it unnecessarily complex.
It uses recursion when it doesn't need to. Sure, you can argue that this improves code clarity, but then you risk running into a StackOverflowException for too many recursive calls.
Thus, I present an improved version of the algorithm:
class Randp {
private int MAX_VALUE;
private int numsLeft;
private boolean[] used;
public Randp(int startCounter) {
MAX_VALUE = startCounter;
numsLeft = startCounter;
// All false by default.
used = new boolean[MAX_VALUE];
public int nextInt() {
if (numsLeft <= 0)
return 0;
int index;
index = (int)(Math.random() * MAX_VALUE);
} while (used[index]);
return index;
I believe this is much easier to understand, but now it becomes clear the algorithm is not great. It might take a long time to find an unused index, especially when we wanted a lot of values and there's only a few left. We need to fundamentally change the way we approach this. It'd be better to generate the values randomly from the beginning:
class Randp {
private ArrayList<Integer> chooser = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private int count = 0;
public Randp(int startCounter) {
for (int i = 0; i < startCounter; i++)
public int nextInt() {
if (count >= chooser.size())
return 0;
return chooser.get(count++);
This is the most efficient and extremely simple since we made use of existing classes and methods.

