scale keeps growing beyond math context precision - java

I am working on some code that calculates points on a 2 axis graph and I noticed that when the X or Y coordinate was value zero it slowed down. I spit out some debug and found that the scale of my coordinate value was continually growing. I thought passing the math context would make the return bigdecimal not be able to have a larger scale. I was hoping to limit the scale to my math context precision. This code shows what I am seeing.
MathContext mc = new MathContext(32);
BigDecimal xPos = new BigDecimal("0.0", mc);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
System.out.println("" + xPos + " scale=" + xPos.scale());
xPos = xPos.multiply(xPos, mc);
The scale continues to increase with each iteration. Am I incorrect in thinking that because I pass multiply a math context that it should limit the precision of the return?
Thanks for reading.

It's all explained in the BigDecimal API.
Operation Preferred Scale of Result
Add max(addend.scale(), augend.scale())
Subtract max(minuend.scale(), subtrahend.scale())
Multiply multiplier.scale() + multiplicand.scale()
Divide dividend.scale() - divisor.scale()
And it makes sense in a logarithmic sort of way.


Calculating sin function with JAVA BigDecimal -monomial is going bigger(?)

I'm making sin function with BigDecimal in JAVA, and this is as far as I go:
package taylorSeries;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Sin {
private static final int cutOff = 20;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(getSin(new BigDecimal(3.14159265358979323846264), 100));
public static BigDecimal getSin(BigDecimal x, int scale) {
BigDecimal sign = new BigDecimal("-1");
BigDecimal divisor = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal i = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal num = null;
BigDecimal result = x;
do {
x = x.abs().multiply(x.abs()).multiply(x).multiply(sign);
i = i.add(BigDecimal.ONE);
divisor = divisor.multiply(i);
i = i.add(BigDecimal.ONE);
divisor = divisor.multiply(i);
num = x.divide(divisor, scale + cutOff, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
result = result.add(num);
//System.out.println("d : " + divisor);
System.out.println(num.setScale(9, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP));
} while(num.abs().compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.1").pow(scale + cutOff)) > 0);
System.err.println(new BigDecimal("0.1").pow(scale + cutOff));
return result.setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
It uses Taylor series :
picture of the fomular
The monomial x is added every iteration and always negative number.
And the problem is, absolute value of x is getting bigger and bigger, so iteration never ends.
Is there and way to find them or better way to implement it from the first place?
I made this code from scratch with simple interest about trigonometric functions, and now I see lots of childish mistakes.
My intention first was like this:
num is x^(2k+1) / (2k+1)!
divisor is (2k+1)!
i is 2k+1
dividend is x^(2k+1)
So I update divisor and dividend with i and compute num by sign * dividend / divisor and add it to result by result = result.add(num)
so new and good-working code is:
package taylorSeries;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
public class Sin {
private static final int cutOff = 20;
private static final BigDecimal PI = Pi.getPi(100);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(getSin(Pi.getPi(100).multiply(new BigDecimal("1.5")), 100)); // Should be -1
public static BigDecimal getSin(final BigDecimal x, int scale) {
if (x.compareTo(PI.multiply(new BigDecimal(2))) > 0) return getSin(x.remainder(PI.multiply(new BigDecimal(2)), new MathContext(x.precision())), scale);
if (x.compareTo(PI) > 0) return getSin(x.subtract(PI), scale).multiply(new BigDecimal("-1"));
if (x.compareTo(PI.divide(new BigDecimal(2))) > 0) return getSin(PI.subtract(x), scale);
BigDecimal sign = new BigDecimal("-1");
BigDecimal divisor = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal i = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal num = null;
BigDecimal dividend = x;
BigDecimal result = dividend;
do {
dividend = dividend.multiply(x).multiply(x).multiply(sign);
i = i.add(BigDecimal.ONE);
divisor = divisor.multiply(i);
i = i.add(BigDecimal.ONE);
divisor = divisor.multiply(i);
num = dividend.divide(divisor, scale + cutOff, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
result = result.add(num);
} while(num.abs().compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.1").pow(scale + cutOff)) > 0);
return result.setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
The new BigDecimal(double) constructor is not something you generally want to be using; the whole reason BigDecimal exists in the first place is that double is wonky: There are almost 2^64 unique values that a double can represent, but that's it - (almost) 2^64 distinct values, smeared out logarithmically, with about a quarter of all available numbers between 0 and 1, a quarter from 1 to infinity, and the other half the same but as negative numbers. 3.14159265358979323846264 is not one of the blessed numbers. Use the string constructor instead - just toss " symbols around it.
every loop, sign should switch, well, sign. You're not doing that.
In the first loop, you overwrite x with x = x.abs().multiply(x.abs()).multiply(x).multiply(sign);, so now the 'x' value is actually -x^3, and the original x value is gone. Next loop, you repeat this process, and thus you definitely are nowhere near the desired effect. The solution - don't overwrite x. You need x, throughout the calculation. Make it final (getSin(final BigDecimal x) to help yourself.
Make another BigDecimal value and call it accumulator or what not. It starts out as a copy of x.
Every loop, you multiply x to it twice then toggle the sign. That way, the first time in the loop the accumulator is -x^3. The second time, it is x^5. The third time it is -x^7, and so on.
There is more wrong, but at some point I'm just feeding you your homework on a golden spoon.
I strongly suggest you learn to debug. Debugging is simple! All you really do, is follow along with the computer. You calculate by hand and double check that what you get (be it the result of an expression, or whether a while loop loops or not), matches what the computer gets. Check by using a debugger, or if you don't know how to do that, learn, and if you don't want to, add a ton of System.out.println statements as debugging aids. There where your expectations mismatch what the computer is doing? You found a bug. Probably one of many.
Then consider splicing parts of your code up so you can more easily check the computer's work.
For example, here, num is supposed to reflect:
before first loop: x
first loop: x - x^3/3!
second loop: x - x^3/3! + x^5/5!
etcetera. But for debugging it'd be so much simpler if you have those parts separated out. You optimally want:
first loop: 3 separated concepts: -1, x^3, and 3!.
second loop: +1, x^5, and 5!.
That debugs so much simpler.
It also leads to cleaner code, generally, so I suggest you make these separate concepts as variables, describe them, write a loop and test that they are doing what you want (e.g. you use sysouts or a debugger to actually observe the power accumulator value hopping from x to x^3 to x^5 - this is easily checked), and finally put it all together.
This is a much better way to write code than to just 'write it all, run it, realize it doesn't work, shrug, raise an eyebrow, head over to stack overflow, and pray someone's crystal ball is having a good day and they see my question'.
The fact that the terms are all negative is not the problem (though you must make it alternate to get the correct series).
The term magnitude is x^(2k+1) / (2k+1)!. The numerator is indeed growing, but so is the denominator, and past k = x, the denominator starts to "win" and the series always converges.
Anyway, you should limit yourself to small xs, otherwise the computation will be extremely lengthy, with very large products.
For the computation of the sine, always begin by reducing the argument to the range [0,π]. Even better, if you jointly develop a cosine function, you can reduce to [0,π/2].

Find the modo value

I have given a log value Y , i want to calculate the anti log of Y i.e
ans = (Math.pow(10,Y))%mod
where mod = 1e9+7 and the anti log of Y will always be integer i.e Y is calculate as follow Y= log(a) a is very large integer of range 10^100000
So for given Y i need to calculate ans ? How to do that considering the mod operation.
My Approach
double D = Y -(int)Y
long Pow = (long)Y
for(int i=1;i<=Pow;i++) ans = (ans*10)%mod;
ans = (ans*Math.pow(10,D))%mod
But it's not correct can someone suggest be efficient approach here ? BigDecimal can be useful there ?
For Example:
Y = 16.222122660468525
Using the straight forward method and rounding off i.e Math.log(10,Y) give me 1667718169966651 but using loops it's give me 16677181699666510. I am not using mod now just explaining that there is an error.
Here Y is small so direct method works and we can take mod easily. if Y is range of 10000 it will not work and overflow so we have to used mod.
I guess it's should work
double D = Y -(int)Y
long Pow = (long)Y
for(int i=1;i<=Pow;i++) ans = (ans*10)%mod;
ans = (ans*Math.pow(10,D))
ans = Math.round(ans)
There is an error in your judgement here - the loop method is not at fault.
The value of a in your example has 17 integer digits. From this stackoverflow post, a double has ~16 significant digits of precision. Thus both the loop and direct calculations are in fact being limited by lack of precision.
(Just to confirm, using a high precision calculator, the value of a is 16677181699666650.8689546562984070600381634077.... Thus both of your values are incorrect - unless you copied them wrongly?)
Thus your loop method is not the problem; you just need a
higher-precision method to do the last step (calculating pow(10, frac(Y))).
As a side note, there is a more efficient way of doing the loop part - this post has more details.

Android Linear Acceleration, calculating a trajectory

I'd like to use my accelerometer in my car and with the accelerometer values, draw a trajectory in excel or any other platform with the origin in the first position value, that is the beginning of the path.
How can I achieve this? Please give me details I don't have any physics notion.
Please help, thanks in advance.
PS: I already programmed the SensorListener...
I have this for instance:
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event){
if(last_values != null){
float dt = (event.timestamp - last_timestamp) * NS2S;
for(int index = 0 ; index < 3 ; ++index){
acceleration[index] = event.values[index];
velocity[index] += (acceleration[index] + last_values[index])/2 * dt;
position[index] += velocity[index] * dt;
last_values = new float[3];
acceleration = new float[3];
velocity = new float[3];
position = new float[3];
velocity[0] = velocity[1] = velocity[2] = 0f;
position[0] = position[1] = position[2] = 0f;
last_timestamp = event.timestamp;
but when I draw a circle with my phone I got this:
Sometimes I have just only negative values and sometimes I have just positive values, I never have negative AND positive values in order to have circle.
Acceleration is the derivative of speed by time (in other words, rate of change of speed); speed is the derivative of position by time. Therefore, acceleration is the second derivative of position. Conversely, position is the second antiderivative of acceleration. You could take the accelerometer measurements and do the double intergration over time to obtain the positions for your trajectory, except for two problems:
1) It's an indefinite integral, i.e. there are infinitely many solutions (see e.g. In this context, it means that your measurements tell you nothing about the initial speed. But you can get it from GPS (with limited accuracy) or from user input in some form (e.g. assume the speed is zero when the user hits some button to start calculating the trajectory).
2) Error accumulation. Suppose the accelerometer error in any given direction a = 0.01 m/s^2 (a rough guess based on my phone). Over t = 5 minutes, this gives you an error of a*t^2/2 = 450 meters.
So you can't get a very accurate trajectory, especially over a long period of time. If that doesn't matter to you, you may be able to use code from the other answer, or write your own etc. but first you need to realize the very serious limitations of this approach.
How to calculate the position of the device using the accelerometer values?
Physicists like to think of the position in space of an object at a given time as a mathematical function p(t) with values ( x(t), y(t), z(t) ). The velocity v(t) of that object turns out to be the first derivative of p(t), and the acceleration a(t) nicely fits in as the first derivative of v(t).
From now on, we will just look at one dimension, the other two can be treated in the same way.
In order to get the velocity from the acceleration, we have to "reverse" the operation using our known initial values (without them we would not obtain a unique solution).
Another problem we are facing is that we don't have the acceleration as a function. We just have sample values handed to us more or less frequently by the accelerometer sensor.
So, with a prayer to Einstein, Newton and Riemann, we take these values and think of the acceleration function as a lot of small lines glued together. If the sensor fires often, this will be a very good approximation.
Our problem now has become much simpler: the (indefinite) integral (= antiderivative) to a linear function
f(t) = m*t + b is F(t) = m/2 * t^2 + b*t + c, where c can be chosen to satisfy the initial condition (zero velocity in our case) .
Let's use the point-slope form to model our approximation (with time values t0 and t1 and corresponding acceleration values a0 and a1):
a(t) = a0 + (a1 – a0)/(t1 – t0) * (t – t0)
Then we get (first calculate v(t0) + "integral-between-t0-and-t-of-a", then use t1 in place of t)
v(t1) = v(t0) + (a1 + a0) * (t1 – t0) / 2
Using the same logic, we also get a formula for the position:
p(t1) = p(t0) + (v(t1) + v(t0)) * (t1 – t0) / 2
Translated into code, where last_values is used to store the old acceleration values:
float dt = (event.timestamp - last_timestamp) * NS2S;
for(int index = 0 ; index < 3 ; ++index){
acceleration[index] = event.values[index];
float last_velocity = velocity[index];
velocity[index] += (acceleration[index] + last_values[index])/2 * dt;
position[index] += (velocity[index] + last_velocity )/2 * dt;
last_values[index] = acceleration[index];
**EDIT: **
All of this is only useful for us as long as our device is aligned with the world's coordinate system. Which will almost never be the case. So before calculating our values like above, we first have to transform them to world coordinates by using something like the rotation matrix from SensorManager.getRotationMatrix().
There is a code snippet in this answer by Csaba Szugyiczki which shows how to get the rotation matrix.
But as the documentation on getRotationMatrix() states
If the device is accelerating, or placed into a strong magnetic field, the returned matrices may be inaccurate. I'm a bit pessimistic about using it while driving a car.

Fast calculation of RMS gives NaNs in Java - floating point error?

I'm getting a perplexing result doing math with floats. I have code that should never produce a negative number producing a negative number, which causes NaNs when I try to take the square root.
This code appears to work very well in tests. However, when operating on real-world (i.e. potentially very small, seven and eight negative exponents) numbers, eventually sum becomes negative, leading to the NaNs. In theory, the subtraction step only ever removes a number that has already been added to the sum; is this a floating-point error problem? Is there any way to fix it?
The code:
public static float[] getRmsFast(float[] data, int halfWindow) {
int n = data.length;
float[] result = new float[n];
float sum = 0.000000000f;
for (int i=0; i<2*halfWindow; i++) {
float d = data[i];
sum += d * d;
result[halfWindow] = calcRms(halfWindow, sum);
for (int i=halfWindow+1; i<n-halfWindow; i++) {
float oldValue = data[i-halfWindow-1];
float newValue = data[i+halfWindow-1];
sum -= (oldValue*oldValue);
sum += (newValue*newValue);
float rms = calcRms(halfWindow, sum);
result[i] = rms;
return result;
private static float calcRms(int halfWindow, float sum) {
return (float) Math.sqrt(sum / (2*halfWindow));
For some background:
I am trying to optimize a function that calculates a rolling root mean square (RMS) function on signal data. The optimization is pretty important; it's a hot-spot in our processing. The basic equation is simple - - Sum the squares of the data over the window, divide the sum by the size of the window, then take the square.
The original code:
public static float[] getRms(float[] data, int halfWindow) {
int n = data.length;
float[] result = new float[n];
for (int i=halfWindow; i < n - halfWindow; i++) {
float sum = 0;
for (int j = -halfWindow; j < halfWindow; j++) {
sum += (data[i + j] * data[i + j]);
result[i] = calcRms(halfWindow, sum);
return result;
This code is slow because it reads the entire window from the array at each step, instead of taking advantage of the overlap in the windows. The intended optimization was to use that overlap, by removing the oldest value and adding the newest.
I've checked the array indices in the new version pretty carefully. It seems to be working as intended, but I could certainly be wrong in that area!
With our data, it was enough to change the type of sum to a double. Don't know why that didn't occur to me. But I left the negative check in. And FWIW, I was also able to implement a sol'n where recomputing the sum every 400 samples gave great run-time and enough accuracy. Thanks.
is this a floating-point error problem?
Yes it is. Due to rounding, you could well get negative values after subtracting a previous summand.
For example:
float sum = 0f;
sum += 1e10;
sum += 1e-10;
sum -= 1e10;
sum -= 1e-10;
On my machine, this prints
even though mathematically, the result is exactly zero.
This is the nature of floating point: 1e10f + 1e-10f gives exactly the same value as 1e10f.
As far as mitigation strategies go:
You could use double instead of float for enhanced precision.
From time to time, you could fully recompute the sum of squares to reduce the effect of rounding errors.
When the sum goes negative, you could either do a full recalculation as in (2) above, or simply set the sum to zero. The latter is safe since you know that you'll be pushing the sum towards its true value, and never away from it.
Try checking your indices in the second loop. The last value of i will be n-halfWindow-1 and n-halfWindow-1+halfWindow-1 is n-2.
You may need to change the loop to for (int i=halfWindow+1; i<n-halfWindow+1; i++).
You are running into issues with floating point numbers because you believe that they are just like mathematical real numbers. They are not, they are approximations of real numbers, mapped into discrete numbers, with a few special rules added into the mix.
Take the time to read up on what every programmer should know about floating point numbers, if you intend to use them often. Without some care the differences between floating point numbers and real numbers can come back and bite you in the worst ways.
Or, just take my word for it and know that every floating point number is "pretty close" to the requested value, with some being "dead on" accurate, but most being "mostly" accurate. This means you need to account for measurement error and keep it in mind after the calculations or risk believing you have an exact result at the end of the computation of the value (which you don't).

Am I calculating the probability correctly with this code within Java?

I am trying to calculate the total probability of an investment returning positive after a given number of periods. It's been a while since I've done probability, so I don't really remember it all that well. Am I doing it right? I am getting fairly low numbers.
double totalProbPos = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < maxPeriods; i++) {
totalProbPos *= (probPos / 100);
totalProbPos = round(totalProbPos);
System.out.println("\nThe probability that your investment will return positive after " + maxPeriods + " periods is: \n " + totalProbPos + "%.");
Where:maxPeriods, probPos are given by the user.
totalProbPos *= (probPos / 100);
It is better to cast one of the operands to double to avoid integer divison issue (assuming you care about decimal points)
totalProbPos *= ((double)probPos / 100);
I guess (with the emphasis on "guess") that the way to approach this problem is to try to derive a probability distribution for the return on investment at the end time. Then you just find the probability that the return is greater than zero (i.e., integral from 0 to infinity of the probability density). The probability distribution for return at the end time might be something like a Gaussian (normal) distribution, or it might be a distribution over discrete states, as given by a Markov chain. Maybe the original problem statement has some info which would help one figure out what to do.

