Does Vaadin provide realtime charting? - java

I want to plug in some realtime charts in my Vaadin application. I searched through the Vaadin sampler and addons and I was not able to find any. Are there any addons that are available that can provide real time charting (something like a continuous line graph, a counter)?

Vaadin Charts
Vaadin Charts is a very nice add-on to do just that, including live updating. Version 2 arrived 2014-12.
There is a free 30-day trial but after that you have to buy a license. If you're looking for something completely free, I'm afraid you have to do the integration yourself and then you could probably use most javascript charting libraries.
See this live demo of a line chart updating each second with random data. No complicated tricks involved; simply use the new Push features in Vaadin 7 to have any server-side updates to the chart data automatically pushed to the client-side.
For more info, see The Book Of Vaadin.


Creating a data visualization/analytics dashboard in Java

I'm developing a website where I need to show a dashboard with data from the backend.
The data visualization look and feel needs to be like Google Analytics dashboard.
I'm wondering if there's any free API/library/project that lets me do it. Also the project is in Java (SpringMVC).
Any guidance /help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.
Given Google analytics layout, I would suggest you to use Twitter bootstrap because :
you will be at ease for managing grid layout given the mechanics of twitter bootstrap
you can have a UI quick fastly with the default css (and then customize css depending on the need),
you will have a portable CSS for responsive design (I suspect that in the case of such a monitoring tool, when your users will be statisfy with a classic desktop browser version, they'll call for a tablet or smartphone versions that you would already have :-))
Twitter bootstrap :
As for the data visualization, I strongly encourage you to go for d3.js (, because you can generate a wide and clean variety of graphs (see examples:
You can start by looking at SpringMVC and bootstrap examples provided at :

Chart and plotting API for GWT

I am trying to find a chart and plotting api that can be used in GWT using java, not javascript. The only problem I am having is the ones I have found require an internet connection which where this code will go cannot have an internet connection. Does any one know of such an API? Here are that ones that I found, but again can't use. I know this one requires a connection.
Not 100% sure on this one. If anyone has used it and can let me know if it requires a connection let me know. Also if anyone know how to get java swing to work in GWT that would be awesome.
Thank you
I just finished a little presentation on that topic. In there, I'm taking a short and somewhat subjective look at:
Ico (and other Raphael based libs)
GXT charts
Smart GWT HTML5 Charts
amCharts JavaScript Charts
Google Chart Tools API
JFreeChart (and other server side libs)
Only the last two of them require an active internet connection.
Here's the link to a PDF snapshot of the presentation:
Client-side GChart. All in your app - no loading visualizations from external servers.
This is another open source api for charts in GWT hosted on you may find it useful. The API works on SVG/VML specification. You may find it quite easy to implement and use. You may find the demo at

What is the Google Maps interactive map written in?

I just had an idea for a cool website, but it would require an application that is fairly similar to the Google Maps interactive map. I was wondering what it was made in?
Is it a Java applet or a Flash application? Or something else?
Thanks a lot
Javascript. Lots and lots of javascript, with JSON for loading new data without refreshing the entire page.
If you'd like to know more, there's quite a community revolving around Greasemonkey that specialize in extending/reverse engineering the google maps codebase.
Another option for your mapping app: Program it it Java building off NASA's free WorldWind geospatial API. You could release it either as a standalone app, or as a JApplet that runs within browsers. The latter simplifies distribution and versioning.
Google API is Javascript. It is also available in Flash.
Bing map is using the same sytem and it is available in javascript or silverlight.
You may also be interested in openstreetmap (free alternative).
If you want to build a tile system from the ground, the easier is to use flash. You will avoid cross browser issues, and easely target large audiance. (I made one long time ago before gmap was out).
If your application require a map, you can use either Map API and build your application on top of it. Be aware that some kind of application and some uses require a licence fee and the entry ticket is quite high ($10k for gmap).
For the client side they are using the Google Closure Library, with a lot of extra javascript on top.
Rolling Thunder has had the flyby capability for many years. You load a gpx file then you can fly over or just slightly above group and can control the rate you fly and can pause and look around. It works on windows or the Mac OSX. You can find the Windows version at Download the Map login version and then open a Map child window the select the foot button on the Map child window. You download a gpx file then press play and it will start at one end of the trail and fly over it.

graph to continuous show the readings

I am reading data from serial port continually I want to show it in a graph that should shows continuous readings (Bar ,pie,Line any graph).
any Idea will be appreciated.
You are probably looking for some sort of real-time charting library. JFreeChart is pretty popular and is able to do real-time charts as well.
If you have the option of using the Netbeans Platfrom take a look at this post which explains how to use the real-time charting API that's present in VisualVM.

Jira gadgets development

I need to develop some jira gadget.
The gadget must have a chart and the possibility to insert external data and diplay it in the chart.
I have been trying the tutorial on atlassian documentation but I don't see any instruction on how to insert charts and how to do it, I think are made with JQuery (if it's correct, there are sample to use? I'm not really in to JQuery). Another problem that I found, is that there is no much explenation on how to get data from Jira (directly). I have seen the "jira api" (all the java interfaces) but I couldn't really get them work.
Anybody that know some better tutorial, gadget source example or that can help me on getting started?
I agree, developing JIRA gadgets with charts is harder than it should be. I have spent some time recently creating a plugin for a client that uses the JIRA system gadgets with some changes and it has been too much work. The charts in JIRA gadgets are created using JFreeChart.
If you can use an external visualization library such as Google Visualization then this example may help:
Change the pom.xml to refer to JIRA 4.2 at the bottom in two places and it compiles fine using the usual Atlassian PDK.

