Creating a data visualization/analytics dashboard in Java - java

I'm developing a website where I need to show a dashboard with data from the backend.
The data visualization look and feel needs to be like Google Analytics dashboard.
I'm wondering if there's any free API/library/project that lets me do it. Also the project is in Java (SpringMVC).
Any guidance /help is appreciated. Thanks a lot.

Given Google analytics layout, I would suggest you to use Twitter bootstrap because :
you will be at ease for managing grid layout given the mechanics of twitter bootstrap
you can have a UI quick fastly with the default css (and then customize css depending on the need),
you will have a portable CSS for responsive design (I suspect that in the case of such a monitoring tool, when your users will be statisfy with a classic desktop browser version, they'll call for a tablet or smartphone versions that you would already have :-))
Twitter bootstrap :
As for the data visualization, I strongly encourage you to go for d3.js (, because you can generate a wide and clean variety of graphs (see examples:
You can start by looking at SpringMVC and bootstrap examples provided at :


Android gui design tools or framework like bootstrap

I am a web developer, recently i have developed a android app using cordova.
But my application is slow, so i deside to developed the same app using andoid no native code. But the challenge is making same gui. i am new in android.
So my question is that what tools i use for gui design, and is there any framework like bootstrap? thanks in advance.
Maybe this might help:
Github link:
Android app is also a browser app designed in xml, what kind of app you want to build if its an offline app you have design in xml but if it's online app (ex: playstore) you can use WebView it gives you a browser(with your webpage address hard coded in it) within an app and there you can open your mobile website.
Just like other apps do flipcart, jstdial, amazon etc.
Tools: Android Studio is best but for Start download Eclipse Atd bundle its comparatively light later you can switch to Android Studio.
Unfortunately there is no
You have to do all your design in xml resource, where you can use tags like - style, selector, layer-list, item, shape etc. And these resources have to be controlled dynamically using java (in activity).
In Developers documentation of android (provided by Google) you will find details Style elements

How to record/capture voice/video for Vaadin application

I am starting to play around Vaadin framework for my project.
The goal is to have simple functionality to record voice or if possible video and later on save in an SQL database.
What I would like to know how do I create new components for this? Is there already component available that I can use for simple recording?
I found Audio and Video classes, but they are for playback.There are no add-ons (Vaadin site) I am aware of that takes care of this. The java libraries I found will only record in the server side (where the app lies). Any guidance is much appreciated.
There aren't already built-in ways for this goal, and it was a really tricky one in the past year in general for a web developer.
Best shot is to develop your own add-on based on the new media HTML5 functionalities.
A good start could be this
and for vaadin this chapter and following

Transitioning from Java to Google App Engine

I am writing a Java program for my workplace, to help catalog pricing with several parameters involved. The current program implements JComboBox, along with other Container objects.
I have realized that our workstation will not run a Java program through Windows due to protective limitations, so I am hoping to transition to Google App Engine, since we can load websites much more freely.
The problem I have run into is that JComboBox doesn't run through Google App Engine. In fact, none of the Containers I was using will work in Google App Engine. The tutorials on Google Developers haven't provided the information I need.
Where can I find information on what objects I can use in Google App Engine to simulate a GUI with pop-up menus and buttons?
(I am using the Google Plugin for Eclipse.)
Maybe this link will help you, it lists all compatible frameworks:
For a higly responsive GUI, I suggest you take a look at the GWT:
In a nutshell: GWT allows you to write web applications with Java. Some/all of the Java is converted into JavaScript for better usability.
If you want to use Google App Engine (GAE) you can either use GWT for a standard GUI or a Java Webframework like Vaadin or JSF.

Need to display data queried from GAE datastore in a nice way

I want to display data queried from GAE datastore in a nice way (graphs, etc.)
What is the best way to do it?
As I'm already working with GAE, perhaps there is a google API for that? The only thing I found online is Chart.js but I need to channel the JS into java which seems complicated.
Any advise will be welcome, Thanks!
I think a better way is to do the charts from the browser not the server. Just pass your data to the js and use google charts to display them. There are tons of examples and a playground for google charts.
GWT is a natural web front end for GAE applications---the Eclipse Google plugin integrates GWT with GAE, and the GWT tutorial includes a section on GAE. Several charting libraries are available, for example, Moreover you can build your own in HTML5 with the GWT Canvas.

how to (organize) the interaction between the Android UI (HTML, CSS) and native code (Java)?

Good afternoon.
I hasten to add that I am new to developing for Android. I am writing a geolocation service (application).
Standard elements of the user who provides Google does not suit me. In many of the Internet once faced with information which says that you can write a user interface for Android using CSS and html.
After reading a lot of information on this topic, I realized that Most developers tend to use frameworks (PhoneGap. ..). But this approach does not suit me, for two reasons:
javascript - it is used everywhere, and I do not know
This absence of adequate (understandable) documentation or guides for frameworks.
It is for these reasons that I'm wondering whether it is possible to write the user interface using html and CSS, and all the features in Java without using frameworks.
As communication between fallback interface and native code, even with the assistance of javascript, but without the use of frameworks.
P.S. I am not good in English - I hope you have understood the point of my question. I hope for your help.
Normally an Android app defines UI in Android-specific XML and the code is in Java or, if really necessary, C/C++.
Probably you could use a WebView in your Android application which will display an html page from your assets directory.
Such html page can have javascript in it which will invoke some hooks in your code. It's described in the book The Busy Coder's Guide to Advanced Android Development Chapter 1, I believe
yes you can.
your html+css will all be in a webview and there're elements like the webview client that can communicate with what's inside the webview.
But I would like to leave you with a warning:
Every single web based app IS slower and with a poorer interface than proper native apps. Also, without the use of a framework you still will have to know a good portion of the native stuff.

