So, I'm using LibGdx and trying to use their Rectangle class as a bounds for button pressing onn the touch screen. It works perfectly on a 1:1 scale, but when I put the game on my Phone (With a smaller screen) than the images get scaled and drawn properly, but the Rectangles don't. So I tried keeping my Rectangles at their normal scale, and "upscaling" the touch screen's XY Coords, but I guess I'm not doing that right, cause it doesn't work.
optionsMenu = new Vector<Rectangle>();
optionsMenu.add(new Rectangle(100 + (120 * 0), 100, 100, 100));
optionsMenu.add(new Rectangle(100 + (120 * 1), 100, 100, 100));
optionsMenu.add(new Rectangle(100 + (120 * 2), 100, 100, 100));
optionsMenu.add(new Rectangle(100 + (120 * 3), 100, 100, 100));
That's how i'm initalizing my bounding Rectangles.
This is how I'm initalizing my camera:
camera = new OrthographicCamera();
camera.setToOrtho(true, 800, 480);
This is how I'm drawing my buttons:
spriteBatch.draw(buttonImage, optionsMenu.get(2).bounds.getX(),
optionsMenu.get(2).bounds.getY(), optionsMenu.get(2).bounds.getWidth(),
optionsMenu.get(2).bounds.getHeight(), 0, 0, buttonImage.getWidth(),
buttonImage.getHeight(), false, true);
And this is how I do my touch screen logic:
public boolean tap(float x, float y, int count, int button) {
Vector3 temp = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
float scalePos = (int) ((float);
temp.x = temp.x * scalePos;
temp.y = temp.y * scalePos;
if(optionsMenu.get(0).bounds.contains(temp.x, temp.y)){
//do sutff
else if(optionsMenu.get(1).bounds.contains(temp.x, temp.y)){
//do other stuff
return false;
A few days ago I ran into the same problem. This is what I did to solve it:
If you are using a viewport, then you should add that data to the camera.unproject call, to make sure that the viewport is being taken into account.
For example:
To debug the rectangle bounds and the touch position, I used this method to draw them into the screen:
private static ShapeRenderer debugShapeRenderer = new ShapeRenderer();
public static void showDebugBoundingBoxes(List<Rectangle> boundingBoxes) {
debugShapeRenderer.begin(ShapeType.Line); // make sure to end the spritebatch before you call this line
for (Rectangle rect : boundingBoxes) {
debugShapeRenderer.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
I am creating a game in LibGDX. I have taken the tiles used in Pixel Dungeon and created a tile map using Tiled.
The main character's class is a subclass of Actor, and because the character is animated, I am using this code to draw the sprite:
if (direction.isEastwards() || direction.isNorthwards()) {
Vector3 projectedPosition = getLocation().getCamera().project(
new Vector3(16 * getX() + 1,
- (16 * getY()) - 15, 0));
animTime +=, true),
projectedPosition.x, projectedPosition.y);
} else {
Vector3 projectedPosition = getLocation().getCamera().project(
new Vector3(16 * getX() + 13,
- (16 * getY()) - 15, 0));
animTime +=, true),
projectedPosition.x, projectedPosition.y);
When I launch the game in Eclipse, the sprite initially appears in the correct location. However, if I resize the screen, the sprite ceases to be in the correct location and eventually will disappear off the map.
The same thing happened before I started using projection, and I figured the problem was related to projection. As this is an area I have not explored before I decided after an hour of being able to solve this to ask for help.
The animation flips depending on which direction the character faces, which is why the if/else clause is there.
Addendum: The stage is created with new Stage(new ExtendViewport(800,600),batch);, the resize method updates the camera, and the batch is set to the projection matrix.
Here is more relevant code:
Camera and map initialisation:
camera=new OrthographicCamera();
mapRenderer=new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(map,batch);
Render method:
Resize method:
Actor draw method:
public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {
Color color = getColor();
batch.setColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a * parentAlpha);
if (direction.isEastwards() || direction.isNorthwards()) {
Vector3 projectedPosition = getLocation().getCamera().project(
new Vector3(16 * getX() + 1,
- (16 * getY()) - 15, 0));
animTime +=, true),
projectedPosition.x, projectedPosition.y);
} else {
Vector3 projectedPosition = getLocation().getCamera().project(
new Vector3(16 * getX() + 13,
- (16 * getY()) - 15, 0));
animTime +=, true),
projectedPosition.x, projectedPosition.y);
// Walk animation displays for 0.2 seconds
if (current == walk && animTime >= 0.2) {
current = idle;
animTime = 0;
I think the problem it caused because you dont combine the sprite with camera projection. set your spriteBatch like this :
And dont miss update viewport in resize method :
public void resize(int width, int height) {
camera.viewportWidth = width;
camera.viewportHeight = height;
With that, you can resize or zoomin zoomout, the spriteBatch it scalled to the camera projection.
I am making a game as a project for a college class. when my main character (the tree) hits the ground, it stops short of the ground
screenshot 1
and when the player lands on the little platform that gap is even bigger
screenshot 2
my code for creating the body of the character and and ground is this
public static Body createBody(int x, int y, float width, float height, boolean isStatic){
Body body;
BodyDef def = new BodyDef();
def.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody;
else {
def.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody;
def.position.set(x / PPM , y / PPM);
// returns a World object
body = GlobalWorld.getInstance().createBody(def);
PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape();
shape.setAsBox(width / 2 / PPM, height / 2 / PPM);
body.createFixture(shape, 1.0f);
return body;
The code for the ground is in it's own class
public class Material {
private Texture image;
private Body body;
private Sprite sprite;
public Material(Texture t, int x, int y, int w, int h){
image = t;
sprite = new Sprite(t);
body = BoxBuilder.createBody(x, y, w, h, true);
public void draw(){
// returns a SpriteBatch
SpriteBatch batch = GlobalBatch.getInstance();
sprite.setPosition(body.getPosition().x * PPM, body.getPosition().y * PPM);
public void dispose(){
the code for drawing the ground
public void draw(){
for(Material m : worldObjects){
my code for drawing the character
public void create(){
// do stuff
// global vars
body = createBody(0, 480, 313, 260, false);
texture = new Texture("tree.PNG");
sprite = new Sprite(texture);
// do stuff
public void render(){
// do stuff
sprite.setPosition(body.getPosition().x*PPM, body.getPosition().y*PPM);
// do stuff
and PPM(Pixel per Meter) is
public static final float PPM = 32;
I don't know what is the problem here, I want the character to land on the ground, not land above it. So if someone could tell me what's causing this or point me to a good tutorial for learning more about box2d I'd appreciate it.
When we create body with PolygonShape then body is at the center of that Polygon so when draw with body position it starts drawing from center of PolygonShape so we need to draw at left bottom corner.
In Material class
sprite.setPosition(body.getPosition().x * PPM, body.getPosition().y * PPM);
And for Character draw also change
sprite.setPosition(body.getPosition().x*PPM, body.getPosition().y*PPM);
sprite.setPosition(body.getPosition().x*PPM-sprite.getWidth()/2, body.getPosition().y*PPM-sprite.getHeight()/2);
As I see in your code you're not setting size of Sprite in Material class as well as for Character so set width and height.
In Material Class
sprite = new Sprite(t);
And for Character
body = createBody(0, 480, 313, 260, false);
texture = new Texture("tree.PNG");
sprite = new Sprite(texture);
Please help me how to make this eye move or to make it blink using repaint, thread and implements runnable. I don't know where to place the right codes to make it work. Please help me guys! Thank you!
Here is the code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Pucca extends Applet {
public Pucca(){
setSize(700, 700); }
//paint method
public void paint(Graphics g){
Color white = new Color(255,255,255);
g.fillOval(600, 100, 125, 125); //left white fill eye
g.drawOval(600, 100, 125, 125); // left big black line eye
g.fillOval(700, 100, 125, 125); //right white fill eye
g.drawOval(700, 100, 125, 125); //right big black line eye
Color blue = new Color(0, 160, 198);
g.fillOval(635, 130, 51, 51); // left blue fill eye
g.drawOval(635, 130, 50, 50); // left black small line eye
g.fillOval(735, 130, 51, 51); // right blue fill eye
g.drawOval(735, 130, 50, 50); // right black small line eye
g.fillOval(650, 145, 20, 20); // left black iris
g.fillOval(750, 145, 20, 20); // right black iris
When it comes to animation, everything becomes variable. You also have a lot of repeated code (seriously, if you can paint one eye, you can paint lots).
The first thing you need to is make all the values of the eye as variable as possible.
The follow makes the eye size and position variable and the iris and pupil a scaled value of the eye size, which makes the whole process simpler to animate.
Next, you need an updated loop, which can update the state of the values you want to change. To keep it simple, I've set it up so that the pupil has a variable offset, which is changed over time.
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
public class Pucca extends Applet {
public Pucca() {
setSize(700, 700);
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
private int xDelta = -1;
private int yDelta = 0;
private int blinkCount = 0;
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
xOffset += xDelta;
double irisSize = eyeSize.width * irisScale;
double range = ((eyeSize.width - irisSize) / 2);
if (xOffset <= -range) {
xOffset = -(int) range;
xDelta *= -1;
} else if (xOffset >= range) {
xOffset = (int) range;
xDelta *= -1;
if (blink && blinkCount > 10) {
blink = false;
blinkCount = 0;
} else if (blinkCount > 25) {
blink = true;
blinkCount = 0;
private boolean blink = false;
private int xOffset, yOffset = 0;
private Dimension eyeSize = new Dimension(125, 125);
private Point left = new Point(20, 20);
private Point right = new Point(left.x + 100, left.y);
private double irisScale = 0.4;
private double pupilScale = 0.16;
//paint method
public void paint(Graphics g) {
paintEye(g, new Rectangle(left, eyeSize));
paintEye(g, new Rectangle(right, eyeSize));
protected void paintEye(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds) {
Color white = new Color(255, 255, 255);
if (blink) {
} else {
g.fillOval(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); //left white fill eye
g.drawOval(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); // left big black line eye
if (!blink) {
Color blue = new Color(0, 160, 198);
paintEyePartAt(g, bounds, irisScale, blue);
paintEyePartAt(g, bounds, pupilScale, Color.BLACK);
private void paintEyePartAt(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, double delta, Color color) {
int width = (int) (bounds.width * delta);
int height = (int) (bounds.height * delta);
xOffset + bounds.x + ((bounds.width - width) / 2),
yOffset + bounds.y + ((bounds.height - height) / 2),
width, height); // left blue fill eye
xOffset + bounds.x + ((bounds.width - width) / 2),
yOffset + bounds.y + ((bounds.height - height) / 2),
height); // left blue fill eye
This complicates things, as painting can occur for any number of reasons, many of which you don't have control over or will be notified about, so you should be very careful about where and when you change values.
You should also have a look at Java Plugin support deprecated and Moving to a Plugin-Free Web and Why CS teachers should stop teaching Java applets.
Applets are simply a dead technology and given the inherent complexities involved in using them, you should instead focus you should probably attention towards window based programs.
Personally, I'd start with having a look at Painting in AWT and Swing and Performing Custom Painting
I'm creating a graphical display to show whether a user is approaching a danger zone. For this i'm using a display similar to that of an archery board. The idea is to start in the center, but as the user gets closer to the danger zone enter the orange zone. And once the user breaks the 'safety threshold' enter the red zone. My idea is to draw a point on the board depending on what value the user gives me.
To draw this board I do the following.
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) bs.getDrawGraphics();
g2d.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 600); //set screen to white
g2d.fillOval(250, 250, 175, 175); //draw outerlayer of board as red
g2d.drawOval(250, 250, 175, 175);//give this red an outline
g2d.fillOval(275, 275, 125, 125); //draw innerlayer as orange
g2d.drawOval(275, 275, 125, 125);//give this orange an outline
g2d.fillOval(300, 300, 75, 75); //draw innermost layer as green
g2d.drawOval(300, 300, 75, 75); //give the green an outline
First of all I could probably improve this, but that's not the main issue for now.
Instead my issue is finding exactly the pixels covered by each part of the board.
I've been using x+(width/2), y+(height/2) to get the center point
Thus using:
g2d.drawString(String.valueOf("X"), 338, 338);
To draw the center point of my green oval. This doesn't seem overly accurate but anyway.
I thought I would be able to simply give the outer edge as the x,y co-ords and the inner edge as the x+height, y+width co-ords as so:
g2d.drawOval(500, 500, 75, 75);
g2d.drawString(String.valueOf("X"), 537, 537); //centre???
g2d.drawString(String.valueOf("X"), 575, 575); //inneredge?x+width, y+height
g2d.drawString(String.valueOf("X"), 500, 500); //outer edge x+y co-ords
However, I think due to the oval shape this doesn't work.
I would be very grateful if someone could show me how to find the pixel range that each oval covers.
EDIT: Below is the board that i'm using, is it possible to find the pixel range for each color(Red,Orange,Green)?
Understanding a bit more what you wanted, here is the trick (using trigonometry):
int force = ...; // from 0 to 250
int radius = ...; // radius of the target (50 for example)
int centerX = ...; // X-coordinate of the center of the target
int centerY = ...; // Y-coordinate of the center of the target
double direction = Math.toRadians(Math.random() * 360); // a random angle between 0° and 360°
double x = (force * radius / 250.0d) * Math.cos(direction) + centerX; // X-coordinate of the new point
double y = (force * radius / 250.0d) * Math.sin(direction) + centerY; // Y-coordinate of the new point
Point2D point = new Point2D.Double(x,y); // Then you can plot this point on your target
All of your ovals appear to be circles. So, let's create a Circle model class.
You would call the draw method from a JPanel paintComponent method.
You would call the contains method when you want to see if a point is inside or on the edge of a circle.
You would keep track of all of the circles in a List, so you can maintain the order of the circles.
package com.ggl.testing;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Point;
public class Circle {
private final int radius;
private final Color color;
private final Point location;
public Circle(int x, int y, int radius, Color color) {
this.location = new Point(x, y);
this.radius = radius;
this.color = color;
public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
double distance = Point.distance(x, y, location.x, location.y);
double radiusD = radius;
if (radiusD >= distance) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void draw(Graphics g) {
g.fillOval(location.x - radius, location.y - radius, radius + radius,
radius + radius);
Use a concrete Ellipse2D for each zone. Then you can use g2d.fill() to draw the zone. Since an Ellipse2D is also a Shape, you can use the contains(Point2D p) method to check if a point is in bounds. Since the circles overlap, you'll have to check them in front-to-back order.
I have a simple game animation made in java. It is of three planets rotating around an axis. Each planet is an instance of the class Planet and they have an update method which, every time it is run, the orbit's rotation angle increases and the position is updated acording to the angle and a few predetermined variables like distance from the "sun". From here, you can determine the position of the planet with simple trigonometry. In this case:
Sin(angle) = op/hyp = y/distance
Sin(angle)*hyp = op
Cos(angle) = ady/hyp = x/distance
Cos(angle)*hyp = ady
where the hypothenuse is the distance to the sun and the adyacent and oposite sides are the x and y values respectively. I figured this would work, until I tried it out. It gave me an eliptical rotation. Here is the code that updates the planet's rotation (orbit center is the sun's center position):
position.x = ((Math.cos(orbitAngle) * orbitDistance) + orbitCenter.x);
position.y = ((Math.sin(orbitAngle) * orbitDistance) + orbitCenter.y);
What could be wrong?
I realized this problem by placing an object with its center in the position specified by orbit center
Here is the full code of the planet class:
public class Planet
protected Image image;
protected Vector2 position;
protected final Vector2 orbitCenter;
protected float rotation;
protected Vector2 imageSize;
protected final float rotationSpeed;
protected final float orbitDistance;
protected float orbitAngle;
protected final float orbitAngleSpeed;
public Planet(Image image, float orbitDistance, float rotationSpeed, Vector2 orbitCenter, float orbitAngleSpeed)
this.image = image;
this.position = new Vector2(orbitCenter.x, orbitCenter.y - orbitDistance);
this.orbitCenter = orbitCenter;
this.rotation = 0;
this.imageSize = new Vector2(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null));
this.rotationSpeed = rotationSpeed;
this.orbitDistance = orbitDistance;
this.isMouseOver = false;
this.isPressed = false;
this.orbitAngle = 0;
this.orbitAngleSpeed = orbitAngleSpeed;
public void Update()
orbitAngle += orbitAngleSpeed;
if(orbitAngle > Math.PI * 2)
orbitAngle %= Math.PI * 2;
position.x = ((Math.cos(orbitAngle) * orbitDistance) + orbitCenter.x);
position.y = ((Math.sin(orbitAngle) * orbitDistance) + orbitCenter.y);
public void Draw(Graphics2D g)
g.rotate(rotation, position.x + imageSize.x / 2, position.y + imageSize.y / 2);
g.drawImage(image, (int)position.x, (int)position.y, null);
g.rotate(-rotation, position.x + imageSize.x / 2, position.y + imageSize.y / 2);
Here is the class that tests the planet class. You can download the jar it needs to work from here: Here is the tester class (you will probably have to import a few things though if you do it in eclipse or netbeans it will give you the imports):
public class PlanetTest extends AppletCore
public void resizeScreen() {resize(800, 800);}
Image center;
Planet p;
public void LoadContent()
p = new Planet(loadImage("images/GameMenuCircles/Planet1.png"), 100f, 0.02f, new Vector2(400, 400), 0.005f);
center = loadImage("images/GameMenuCircles/Center.png");
public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
public void Draw(Graphics2D g, GameTime gameTime)
g.drawImage(center, 400 - center.getWidth(null)/2, 400 - center.getWidth(null)/2, null);
g.drawLine(400, 400, 500, 400);
g.drawLine(400, 400, 400, 500);
g.drawLine(400, 400, 300, 400);
g.drawLine(400, 400, 400, 300);
Your rotation is set to 0 in the above so i assume you are not rotating the picture at the moment. What i think is happening is the orbit circle you are producing is fine, but the location you are drawing the planet is off.
Below is an image of how Swing would draw the circle, so the overlap you experience is because of this.
You need to adjust the position you draw the circle by how half the width so it sits over the center of the orbit.
EDIT: You've alter some code but what you need to change is the draw method of he planet:
public void Draw(Graphics2D g) {
g.rotate(rotation, position.x + imageSize.x / 2, position.y + imageSize.y / 2);
g.drawImage(image, (int)position.x, (int)position.y, null); //here
g.rotate(-rotation, position.x + imageSize.x / 2, position.y + imageSize.y / 2);
This line needs to be:
g.drawImage(image, (int)position.x - imageSize.width, (int)position.y - imageSizee.height, null); //here
You might compare your result to this AnimationTest that uses the same parametric equation of a circle. Because the orbital radius is a function of the enclosing panel's dimensions, the orbit is circular only when w equals h. Resize the frame, or set HIGH = WIDE, to see the effect.