How to move this eye applet or to make it blink? - java

Please help me how to make this eye move or to make it blink using repaint, thread and implements runnable. I don't know where to place the right codes to make it work. Please help me guys! Thank you!
Here is the code:
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class Pucca extends Applet {
public Pucca(){
setSize(700, 700); }
//paint method
public void paint(Graphics g){
Color white = new Color(255,255,255);
g.fillOval(600, 100, 125, 125); //left white fill eye
g.drawOval(600, 100, 125, 125); // left big black line eye
g.fillOval(700, 100, 125, 125); //right white fill eye
g.drawOval(700, 100, 125, 125); //right big black line eye
Color blue = new Color(0, 160, 198);
g.fillOval(635, 130, 51, 51); // left blue fill eye
g.drawOval(635, 130, 50, 50); // left black small line eye
g.fillOval(735, 130, 51, 51); // right blue fill eye
g.drawOval(735, 130, 50, 50); // right black small line eye
g.fillOval(650, 145, 20, 20); // left black iris
g.fillOval(750, 145, 20, 20); // right black iris

When it comes to animation, everything becomes variable. You also have a lot of repeated code (seriously, if you can paint one eye, you can paint lots).
The first thing you need to is make all the values of the eye as variable as possible.
The follow makes the eye size and position variable and the iris and pupil a scaled value of the eye size, which makes the whole process simpler to animate.
Next, you need an updated loop, which can update the state of the values you want to change. To keep it simple, I've set it up so that the pupil has a variable offset, which is changed over time.
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
public class Pucca extends Applet {
public Pucca() {
setSize(700, 700);
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() {
private int xDelta = -1;
private int yDelta = 0;
private int blinkCount = 0;
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
xOffset += xDelta;
double irisSize = eyeSize.width * irisScale;
double range = ((eyeSize.width - irisSize) / 2);
if (xOffset <= -range) {
xOffset = -(int) range;
xDelta *= -1;
} else if (xOffset >= range) {
xOffset = (int) range;
xDelta *= -1;
if (blink && blinkCount > 10) {
blink = false;
blinkCount = 0;
} else if (blinkCount > 25) {
blink = true;
blinkCount = 0;
private boolean blink = false;
private int xOffset, yOffset = 0;
private Dimension eyeSize = new Dimension(125, 125);
private Point left = new Point(20, 20);
private Point right = new Point(left.x + 100, left.y);
private double irisScale = 0.4;
private double pupilScale = 0.16;
//paint method
public void paint(Graphics g) {
paintEye(g, new Rectangle(left, eyeSize));
paintEye(g, new Rectangle(right, eyeSize));
protected void paintEye(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds) {
Color white = new Color(255, 255, 255);
if (blink) {
} else {
g.fillOval(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); //left white fill eye
g.drawOval(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); // left big black line eye
if (!blink) {
Color blue = new Color(0, 160, 198);
paintEyePartAt(g, bounds, irisScale, blue);
paintEyePartAt(g, bounds, pupilScale, Color.BLACK);
private void paintEyePartAt(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, double delta, Color color) {
int width = (int) (bounds.width * delta);
int height = (int) (bounds.height * delta);
xOffset + bounds.x + ((bounds.width - width) / 2),
yOffset + bounds.y + ((bounds.height - height) / 2),
width, height); // left blue fill eye
xOffset + bounds.x + ((bounds.width - width) / 2),
yOffset + bounds.y + ((bounds.height - height) / 2),
height); // left blue fill eye
This complicates things, as painting can occur for any number of reasons, many of which you don't have control over or will be notified about, so you should be very careful about where and when you change values.
You should also have a look at Java Plugin support deprecated and Moving to a Plugin-Free Web and Why CS teachers should stop teaching Java applets.
Applets are simply a dead technology and given the inherent complexities involved in using them, you should instead focus you should probably attention towards window based programs.
Personally, I'd start with having a look at Painting in AWT and Swing and Performing Custom Painting


Animation: How to make circle/ball move straight down the y-axis

I'm trying to get the red dot to move straight down the y-axis. Please help. Right now it is not moving. I need it to move down at x = 235, y = 0 Until x = 235, y = 235 to create the illusion of motion. Here is the code (it is messy because I changed the ball movement from left right, but can't get it to got downward).
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
public class Animation {
public static void main(String [] args) {
DrawingPanel panel = new DrawingPanel(350, 350);
Graphics g = panel.getGraphics();
ballroll(panel, g);
public static void ballroll(DrawingPanel panel, Graphics g) {
//draw and roll the ball now
int x = 245, y = 0, direction=1;
g.fillOval(235, 0, 20, 20);
//if (x==0){
direction *= -1;
//else if (x < 115){
//direction *= -1;
You counting the y value up but you didn't use it.
I think it should be g.fillOval(235, y, 20, 20);

Way to repaint this JPanel after given count

Hello I would like to prevent graphics drawing and drawing again but I don't know how to do, I just want my panel delete all painted graphics and restart with same code. I tried some methods posted here but no one does the job.
public class Main extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
Timer timer;
private double angle = 444;
private double scale = 1;
private double delta = 0.0001;
RoundRectangle2D.Float r = new RoundRectangle2D.Float();
int counter = 0;
public Main() {
timer = new Timer(55, this);
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int h = getHeight();
int w = getWidth();
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
g2d.setColor(new Color(randomNumber(0, 155), randomNumber(0, 255),randomNumber(0, 155), randomNumber(0, 255)));
drawCircles(g2d, getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2, 250);
if(counter > 200){
g2d.clearRect (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
counter = 0;
public int randomNumber(int min, int max) {
int c = new Random().nextInt((max - min) + 1);
return c;
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
Dimension dim = new Dimension(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
.getScreenSize().width, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()
frame.setLocation(0, 0);
frame.setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0, 255));
frame.add(new Main());
void drawCircles(Graphics graphics, int xMid, int yMid, int radius) {
// end recursion
if(radius < 5)
// Draw circle
// start recursion
drawCircles(graphics, xMid-radius, yMid, radius / 2);
((Graphics2D) graphics).rotate(angle);
graphics.drawOval(xMid - radius, yMid - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);
drawCircles(graphics, xMid+radius, yMid, radius / 2);
graphics.drawOval(xMid - radius, yMid - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);
((Graphics2D) graphics).rotate(angle);
((Graphics2D) graphics).rotate(angle);
((Graphics2D) graphics).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
((Graphics2D) graphics).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING,RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (scale < 0.01)
delta = -delta;
else if (scale > 0.99)
delta = -delta;
scale += delta;
angle += 0.001;
I am not sure I understand you fully, but you can use a JToggleButton (for example) where is the toggle button is down it prevents drawing. I can see something like this inside your drawCircles() method:
void drawCircles(Graphics graphics, int xMid, int yMid, int radius)
if(!toggleBtn.isSelected() // the toggle button is pressed
// draw something
In your example, you are drawing two circles and two ovals. If I understood you correctly, you want to be able to pause in the middle of the method, for example, and only draw the first circle. Then, at some point, you want to continue drawing the two ovals and the remaining circle. Unfortunately, you cannot do that. You cannot stop (or pause) a method in the middle of it.
Methods have to execute to completion (whether to the end, or an exception is thrown). However, you can create some kind of task to draw ONE shape (for example, a circle). If you create multiple tasks, you can draw many circles. To accomplish this, you will need to learn about Concurrency and probably about Java Tasks. You can have these tasks execute in some kind of order and because of concurrency, you could pause and resume these drawing tasks the way I think you would want.

Decreasing a Filled Rectangle's height from top

I am using a paintComponent Class in a project of mine, and I am currently wondering how I can decrease the size of the rectangle from the top making it's way downwards.
This is the part of the code:
public Battery(){
firstTime = true;
f = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 14);
m = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getFontMetrics(f);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
firstTime = false;
batteryLevel = 1 + this.getHeight();
decr = batteryLevel / 20;
g.fillRect(1, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
g.fillRect(1, 0, this.getWidth(), batteryLevel);
g.drawString("TEST", (getWidth() - m.stringWidth("TEST")) / 2 , this.getHeight() / 2);
public void decreaseBatteryLevel(){
batteryLevel -= decr;
PS. Sorry if I did something wrong, I'm new to this forum.
As you want the visible battery level to descend you will want to increase your Y co-ordinate in relation to the value of batteryLevel. You could use:
g.fillRect(1, getHeight() - batteryLevel, getWidth(), batteryLevel);
g.fillRect(1, 0, this.getWidth(), batteryLevel);
g.fillRect(1, batteryLevel, this.getWidth(), getHeight() - batteryLevel);
Also maybe repaint(50L) instead of repaint().
If your question meant: how to animate a change in the battery level.
Use a javax.swing.Timer:
int toPaintBatteryLevel = batteryLevel;
// In the paintComponent paint upto toPaintBatteryLevel.
Timer timer = new Timer(100, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
if (toPaintBatteryLevl == batteryLevel) {
if (toPaintBatteryLevl > batteryLevel) {
--toPaintBatteryLevel; // Animate slowly
} else {
toPaintBatteryLevel = batteryLevel; // Change immediately
For ease of coding, there is a permanent timer. And externally one changes the batteryLevel,
and the time determines the toPaintBatteryLevel, which paintComponent uses to paint.

Zooming In On a Java Graphic

I am making a graph of a sound speed profile with java graphics. I have the static graph drawn (the one that pops up when you run the program), but I am trying to implement it such that if the user clicks on either the x or y axis, then it will zoom in so you can look at the sound speed profile more closely. I don't have the sound speed profile in the graph yet (I already know how to do that, I'm just saving the effort of drawing it until I have the zoom feature figured out). Does anyone have any ideas as to how to make this work? I have seen people trying to use the Affine Transform for similar tasks, but I am not sure that's the right thing to do or if I'm even doing this correctly. The particular code to look at is the paint(), zoomIn(), and mouseClicked() method. Ideas would be much apprecaited!
public class SoundSpeedProfile extends JPanel implements MouseListener, ActionListener {
private String title;
private String subTitle;
private JFrame frame;
private Graphics g;
/**Draws the sound speed profile and surrounding graphics
* #param Graphics g - graphics object
public void paint(Graphics g){
this.g = g;
super.paint(g); //the super knows how to draw "standard" components like squares, rectangles, circles, etc
//1) Set up the graph the sound speed profile lives in
//X-Axis for Speeds
g.drawLine(100, 150, 450, 150);//the graphics display has 0,0 in the upper left corner versus the lower left corner
int i = 120;
int k = 1460;
while (i<440){
g.drawString("|", i, 155);
g.drawString("" + k + "", i-2, 140);
k = k + 20;
i = i + 60;
g.drawLine(100, 500, 100, 150);
k= 7000;
int j = 500;
while (j>160){
g.drawString("" + k, 60, j);
g.drawString("--", 94, j);
k = k - 1000;
j = j - 50;
Font f1 = new Font("Serif", 4, 15);
g.drawString(this.title, 200,30);//Graph Title
g.drawString(this.subTitle, 225, 50);
Font f2 = new Font("Serif", 2, 15);
g.drawString("Sound Speed ", 200, 110);//x-axis label
g.drawString("(" + spdUnits + ")", 290, 110); //Units label--taken from input array
g.drawString("Depth", 10, 180); //y-axis label
g.drawString("(" + depUnits + ")", 07, 200); //Units label--taken from input array
//((Graphics2D)g).scale(20, 20);
/**Creates and shows the GUI drawing of the sound speed profile in a JFrame
private void createAndShowGUI(){
frame = new JFrame("Sound Speed Profile");
canvas = new Canvas();
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
frame.add(this, BorderLayout.CENTER);//add the sound speed profile graphic and set a Border Layout
* Runs test cases
* #param args
public static void main (String [] args){
ssp.setTitle("Sound Speed Profile 1");
ssp.setSubtitle("June 1, 2012");
ssp.repaint(); //necessary?
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
int x = arg0.getX();
//System.out.println("x: " + x);
int xMin = x - 50;
int xMax = x + 50;
int y = arg0.getY();
//System.out.println("y: " + y);
int yMin = y-50;
int yMax = y + 50;
//If the user clicked on the x-axis
if ( 160<y && y<180 && 100<x && x<450){
System.out.println("About to zoom in on the x-axis");
zoomIn(x, y);
//System.out.println("zooming in on the x-axis");
//If the user clicked on the y-axis
if (90<x && x<110 && 150 <y && y<500){
//System.out.println("zooming in on the y-axis");
public void zoomIn(int x, int y){
AffineTransform old = ((Graphics2D) g).getTransform();
for (double zoom = 1; zoom >=0.1; zoom=-0.1){
AffineTransform tr2 =AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(-x, -y);
AffineTransform tr= AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(zoom,zoom);
tr.concatenate(tr2); tr2=tr;
tr =AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
tr.concatenate(tr2); tr2=tr;
tr= new AffineTransform(old);
tr.concatenate(tr2); tr2=tr;
((Graphics2D)g).drawRect(x, y, 10, 10);

Java Graphics.fillPolygon: How to also render right and bottom edges?

When drawing polygons, Java2D leaves off the right and bottom edges. I understand why this is done. However, I would like to draw something that includes those edges. One thing that occurred to me was to follow fillPolygon with drawPolygon with the same coordinates, but this appears to leave a gap. (See the little triangular image at the bottom.) There are two possibilities, but I can't tell which. To enable antialiasing, I'm doing this:
renderHints = new RenderingHints(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,
One possibility is that the antialiasing is not being done on the alpha channel, so the gap is caused by overdraw. In that case, if the alpha channel were what was being antialiased, the edges would abut properly. The other possibility is that there is just a gap here.
How can I fix this?
Also, I'm not sure, but it appears that the polygon outline may actually be TOO BIG. That is, it may be going further out than the right and bottom edges that I want to include.
-- UPDATE --
Based on a very nice suggestion by Hovercraft Full of Eels, I have made a compilable example:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class polygon {
private static final int WIDTH = 20;
public static void main(String[] args) {
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, WIDTH, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g2 = img.createGraphics();
int[] xPoints = {WIDTH / 3, (2*WIDTH) / 3, WIDTH / 3};
int[] yPoints = {0, WIDTH / 2, WIDTH};
g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
g2.drawLine(0, WIDTH-1, WIDTH, WIDTH-1);
g2.drawLine(0, 0, WIDTH, 0);
g2.drawLine(WIDTH/3, 0, WIDTH/3, WIDTH);
g2.drawLine((2*WIDTH/3), 0, (2*WIDTH/3), WIDTH);
g2.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, xPoints.length);
g2.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, xPoints.length);
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(img);
JLabel label = new JLabel(icon);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, label);
If you leave the filled polygon red, you get the image below (zoomed by 500%), which shows that the polygon does not extend all the way to the right edge. That is, the vertical green line is corresponds to x=(2*WIDTH)/2, and although the red polygon includes that coordinate, it does not paint any pixels there.
To see the gap problem, I changed red in the program to black. In this image, you can see a subtle gap on the lower right side, where the outline drawn by drawPolygon does not quite meet up with what was drawn with fillPolygon.
Show us your code for your drawing in a simple compilable runnable program. For instance when I try to imitate your image and used RenderingHints, it seemed to produce an appropriate sized image with complete right/bottom edges:
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class Foo002 {
private static final int WIDTH = 20;
public static void main(String[] args) {
BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(WIDTH, WIDTH,
Graphics2D g2 = img.createGraphics();
int[] xPoints = { WIDTH / 3, (2 * WIDTH) / 3, WIDTH / 3 };
int[] yPoints = { 0, WIDTH / 2, WIDTH };
g2.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, xPoints.length);
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(img);
JLabel label = new JLabel(icon);
JPanel panel = new JPanel();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, panel);
If you can show us a similar program that reproduces your problem, then we can give you better help.
I like the convenience of ImageIcon, shown by #HFOE, but this variation may make it a little easier to see what's happening. From the Graphics API,
Operations that draw the outline of a figure operate by traversing an
infinitely thin path between pixels with a pixel-sized pen that hangs
down and to the right of the anchor point on the path. Operations that
fill a figure operate by filling the interior of that infinitely thin
In contrast, Graphics2D must follow more complex rules for antialiasing, which allow it to "draw outside the lines."
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
/** #see */
public class PixelView extends JPanel {
private static final int SIZE = 20;
private static final int SCALE = 16;
private BufferedImage img;
public PixelView(Color fill) {
this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(SCALE * SIZE, SCALE * SIZE));
img = new BufferedImage(SIZE, SIZE, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g2 = img.createGraphics();
int[] xPoints = {SIZE / 3, (2 * SIZE) / 3, SIZE / 3};
int[] yPoints = {0, SIZE / 2, SIZE};
g2.drawLine(0, SIZE - 1, SIZE, SIZE - 1);
g2.drawLine(0, 0, SIZE, 0);
g2.drawLine(SIZE / 3, 0, SIZE / 3, SIZE);
g2.drawLine((2 * SIZE / 3), 0, (2 * SIZE / 3), SIZE);
g2.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, xPoints.length);
g2.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, xPoints.length);
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), null);
private static void display() {
JFrame f = new JFrame("PixelView");
f.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 0));
f.add(new PixelView(;
f.add(new PixelView(;
public static void main(String[] args) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Sometimes "the graphics pen hangs down and to the right from the path it traverses", and sometimes it doesn't.
I don't have any clear idea how to predict when it will or won't, but I have observed that RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_PURE can sometimes be used to alter the behavior, by trial and error.
In particular, I found that if you turn on STROKE_PURE during your drawPolygon() calls in your program,
it will make them match up with your fillPolygon() calls, as you desire.
I did a little study showing the effect of the STROKE_CONTROL hint, which is one of:
STROKE_NORMALIZE (the default, on my system)
on the following calls:
in both antialiasing modes:
And there is one more annoying dimension that apparently matters as well:
rendered directly to a JComponent on the screen
rendered to a BufferedImage.
Here are the results when rendering directly to a visible JComponent:
And here are the results when rendering into a BufferedImage:
(Notice the two cases in which the two pictures differ, i.e. in which direct rendering differs from BufferedImage rendering:
Overall, there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to the whole thing.
But we can make the following specific observations based on the above pictures:
Observation #1:
If you want your antialiased drawPolygon()s and antialiased fillPolygon()s to match up well
(the original question), then turn on STROKE_PURE during the antialiased drawPolygon() calls.
(It doesn't matter whether it's on during the antialiased fillPolygon() calls.)
Observation #2:
If you want your antialiased fillPolygon()s and non-antialiased fillPolygon()s
to match up (because, say, your app allows the user to switch antialiasing on and off,
and you don't want the picture to jump northwest and southeast each time they do that),
then turn on STROKE_PURE during the non-antialiased fillPolygon() calls.
Here is the program I used to generate the pictures above.
My results are from compiling and running it it with opensdk11 on linux;
I'd be interested to know if anyone gets any different results on different platforms.
/** Study the effect of STROKE_PURE. */
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public final class AntiAliasingStudy {
// These can be fiddled with.
final static int patchWidth = 24; // keep this a multiple of 4 for sanity
final static int patchHeight = 20; // keep this a multiple of 4 for sanity
final static int borderThickness = 4;
final static int mag = 6;
// derived quantities
final static int totalWidth = 5*borderThickness + 4*patchWidth;
final static int totalHeight = 4*borderThickness + 3*patchHeight;
private static void drawLittleStudy(Graphics2D g2d,
int x00, int y00,
int patchWidth, int patchHeight, int borderThickness, int totalWidth, int totalHeight) {
g2d.setColor(new java.awt.Color(240,240,240));
g2d.fillRect(x00,y00,totalWidth, totalHeight);
for (int row = 0; row < 3; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 4; ++col) {
int x0 = x00 + borderThickness + col*(patchWidth+borderThickness);
int y0 = y00 + borderThickness + row*(patchHeight+borderThickness);
int x1 = x0 + patchWidth;
int y1 = y0 + patchHeight;
g2d.fillRect(x0, y0, patchWidth, patchHeight);
boolean antialias = (col >= 2);
boolean pure = (col % 2 == 1);
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, antialias ? RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON : RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, pure ? RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_PURE : RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_NORMALIZE);
if (row == 0) {
// lines (drawLine)
// diagonals
g2d.drawLine(x0,y1, x1,y0);
g2d.drawLine(x0,y0, x1,y1);
// orthogonals
g2d.drawLine((x0+patchWidth/4),y0, (x0+patchWidth*3/4),y0);
g2d.drawLine((x0+patchWidth/4),y1, (x0+patchWidth*3/4),y1);
g2d.drawLine(x0,(y0+patchHeight/4), x0,(y0+patchHeight*3/4));
g2d.drawLine(x1,(y0+patchHeight/4), x1,(y0+patchHeight*3/4));
} else if (row == 1) {
// outlines (drawPolygon)
// A stopsign
g2d.drawPolygon(new int[] {x0+patchWidth/2-2, x0, x0, x0+patchWidth/2-2, x0+patchWidth/2+2, x1, x1, x0+patchWidth/2+2},
new int[] {y0, y0+patchHeight/2-2, y0+patchHeight/2+2, y1, y1, y0+patchHeight/2+2, y0+patchHeight/2-2, y0},
} else if (row == 2) {
// fill (fillPolygon)
// A stopsign
g2d.fillPolygon(new int[] {x0+patchWidth/2-2, x0, x0, x0+patchWidth/2-2, x0+patchWidth/2+2, x1, x1, x0+patchWidth/2+2},
new int[] {y0, y0+patchHeight/2-2, y0+patchHeight/2+2, y1, y1, y0+patchHeight/2+2, y0+patchHeight/2-2, y0},
} // drawLittleStudy
// Show a study, previously created by drawLittleStudy(), magnified and annotated.
private static void showMagnifiedAndAnnotatedStudy(Graphics g,
BufferedImage studyImage,
int x00, int y00,
int patchWidth, int patchHeight, int borderThickness, int totalWidth, int totalHeight, int mag,
ImageObserver imageObserver) {
// Magnify the image
/*dst*/ x00,y00,x00+totalWidth*mag,y00+totalHeight*mag,
/*src*/ 0,0,totalWidth,totalHeight,
// Draw annotations on each picture in black,
// in the highest quality non-biased mode
// (now that we know what that is!)
((Graphics2D)g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
((Graphics2D)g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_STROKE_CONTROL, RenderingHints.VALUE_STROKE_PURE);
for (int row = 0; row < 3; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < 4; ++col) {
int x0 = borderThickness + col*(patchWidth+borderThickness);
int y0 = borderThickness + row*(patchHeight+borderThickness);
int x1 = x0 + patchWidth;
int y1 = y0 + patchHeight;
if (false) {
g.drawLine(x00+x0*mag,y00+y0*mag, x00+x1*mag,y00+y0*mag);
g.drawLine(x00+x1*mag,y00+y0*mag, x00+x1*mag,y00+y1*mag);
g.drawLine(x00+x1*mag,y00+y1*mag, x00+x0*mag,y00+y1*mag);
g.drawLine(x00+x0*mag,y00+y1*mag, x00+x0*mag,y00+y0*mag);
if (row == 0) {
// diagonals
g.drawLine(x00+x0*mag,y00+y1*mag, x00+x1*mag,y00+y0*mag);
g.drawLine(x00+x0*mag,y00+y0*mag, x00+x1*mag,y00+y1*mag);
// orthogonals
g.drawLine(x00+(x0+patchWidth/4)*mag,y00+y0*mag, x00+(x0+patchWidth*3/4)*mag,y00+y0*mag);
g.drawLine(x00+(x0+patchWidth/4)*mag,y00+y1*mag, x00+(x0+patchWidth*3/4)*mag,y00+y1*mag);
g.drawLine(x00+x0*mag,y00+(y0+patchHeight/4)*mag, x00+x0*mag,y00+(y0+patchHeight*3/4)*mag);
g.drawLine(x00+x1*mag,y00+(y0+patchHeight/4)*mag, x00+x1*mag,y00+(y0+patchHeight*3/4)*mag);
} else { // row 1 or 2
// A stopsign
g.drawPolygon(new int[] {x00+(x0+patchWidth/2-2)*mag, x00+x0*mag, x00+x0*mag, x00+(x0+patchWidth/2-2)*mag, x00+(x0+patchWidth/2+2)*mag, x00+x1*mag, x00+x1*mag, x00+(x0+patchWidth/2+2)*mag},
new int[] {y00+y0*mag, y00+(y0+patchHeight/2-2)*mag, y00+(y0+patchHeight/2+2)*mag, y00+y1*mag, y00+y1*mag, y00+(y0+patchHeight/2+2)*mag, y00+(y0+patchHeight/2-2)*mag, y00+y0*mag},
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
String[][] texts = {
for (int col = 0; col < 4; ++col) {
int xCenter = borderThickness*mag + col*(patchWidth+borderThickness)*mag + patchWidth*mag/2;
int x = x00 + xCenter - fm.stringWidth(texts[col][0])/2;
int y = y00 + 3*(patchHeight+borderThickness)*mag + fm.getAscent();
g.drawString(texts[col][0], x,y);
x = xCenter - fm.stringWidth(texts[col][1])/2;
y += fm.getHeight();
g.drawString(texts[col][1], x,y);
String[] texts = {
for (int row = 0; row < 3; ++row) {
int yCenter = y00 + borderThickness*mag + row*(patchHeight+borderThickness)*mag + patchHeight*mag/2;
int x = x00 + 4*(patchWidth+borderThickness)*mag + 10;
g.drawString(texts[row], x,yCenter);
} // showMagnifiedAndAnnotatedStudy
private static Dimension figureOutPreferredSize(FontMetrics fm) {
int preferredWidth = (totalWidth-borderThickness)*mag + 10 + fm.stringWidth("drawPolygon") + 9;
int preferredHeight = fm.getHeight() + totalHeight + (totalHeight-borderThickness)*mag + 2*fm.getHeight() + 2;
return new Dimension(preferredWidth, preferredHeight);
private static class IndirectExaminationView extends JComponent {
public IndirectExaminationView() {
setFont(new Font("Times", Font.PLAIN, 12));
#Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
g.drawString("through BufferedImage:", 0,fm.getAscent());
// The following seem equivalent
java.awt.image.BufferedImage studyImage = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(totalWidth, totalHeight, java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
//java.awt.image.BufferedImage studyImage = (BufferedImage)this.createImage(totalWidth, totalHeight);
patchWidth, patchHeight, borderThickness, totalWidth, totalHeight);
Graphics2D studyImageGraphics2D = studyImage.createGraphics();
/*dst*/ 0,fm.getHeight(),totalWidth,fm.getHeight()+totalHeight,
/*src*/ 0,0,totalWidth,totalHeight,
showMagnifiedAndAnnotatedStudy(g, studyImage,
patchWidth, patchHeight, borderThickness, totalWidth, totalHeight, mag, this);
} // DirectExaminationView
private static class DirectExaminationView extends JComponent {
public DirectExaminationView() {
setFont(new Font("Times", Font.PLAIN, 12));
private BufferedImage imgFromTheRobot = null;
#Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
final FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
g.drawString("direct to JComponent:", 0,fm.getAscent());
patchWidth, patchHeight, borderThickness, totalWidth, totalHeight);
if (imgFromTheRobot != null) {
System.out.println(" drawing image from robot");
showMagnifiedAndAnnotatedStudy(g, imgFromTheRobot,
0, fm.getHeight()+totalHeight,
patchWidth, patchHeight, borderThickness, totalWidth, totalHeight, mag, this);
imgFromTheRobot = null;
} else {
System.out.println(" scheduling a robot");
g.drawString("*** SCREEN CAPTURE PENDING ***", 0, fm.getHeight()+totalHeight+fm.getHeight()+fm.getHeight());
// Most reliable way to do it seems to be to put it on a timer after a delay.
Timer timer = new Timer(1000/2, new ActionListener() {
#Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
System.out.println(" in timer callback");
Robot robot;
try {
robot = new Robot();
} catch (AWTException e) {
System.err.println("caught AWTException: "+e);
throw new Error(e);
Point myTopLeftOnScreen = getLocationOnScreen();
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
myTopLeftOnScreen.x, myTopLeftOnScreen.y + fm.getHeight(),
BufferedImage img = robot.createScreenCapture(rect);
imgFromTheRobot = img;
System.out.println(" out timer callback");
} // DirectExaminationView
public static void main(String[] args) {
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
#Override public void run()
final JFrame directFrame = new JFrame("direct to JComponent") {{
getContentPane().add(new DirectExaminationView());
new JFrame("through BufferedImage") {{
getContentPane().add(new IndirectExaminationView());
} // class AntiAliasingStudy

