I have a program in which i must rename a set of folders. they are all in "ID [Name]" format, and I want to rename them to "Name [ID]". (Its more of a training for me, for learning java))
the problem is, if the number of folders it must rename go beyond 20-24 . the program won't work, and will give the files faulty names. (the renaming process succeeds, but names are wrong)
but if they are below 20 folders, it works perfectly.(tested with the same folders)
here's the whole code:
public class DirRename {
private String parentDir;
private DirectoryStream<Path> fileList;
public DirRename(final Path dir)
parentDir = dir.toString();
if(!Files.exists(dir) || !Files.isDirectory(dir) || !Files.isReadable(dir))
System.out.println("Directory Read Error!!!");
//filter to return only directories in parent folder
DirectoryStream.Filter<Path> dirOnlyFilter =
new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>() {
public boolean accept(Path file) throws IOException {
return (Files.isDirectory(file));
fileList = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir,dirOnlyFilter);
catch(IOException | DirectoryIteratorException x)
public void rename()
for(Path filepath : fileList)
String name = filepath.getFileName().toString();
File inFile = filepath.toFile();
if(!inFile.exists() || !inFile.isDirectory() || !inFile.canWrite())
System.out.println("Directory is not writeable");
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("((?:[\\w\\d]*(?:\\s|-){0,2}[\\w\\d]+)*)\\s*-*\\s*(?:\\[|\\Q(\\E)(.+)(?:\\]|\\Q)\\E)$");
Matcher match = regex.matcher(name);
String gameID = match.group(1);
String gameName = match.group(2);
String rename = parentDir+File.separator+gameName+" ["+gameID+"]";
File toFile = new File(rename);
System.out.println("Cannot rename "+name+"to "+rename);
System.out.println("Renaming Failed!!! for "+rename);
I tried checking the names with "system.out.println(toFile.getName())" while deleting the line "inFile.renameTo(toFile)". all names were correct.
but when i added that line back, the same names were printed incorrectly.(although some that were printed correctly were renamed incorrectly)
I'm completely confused. and I'm new to java, and generally less than a noob programmer. can someone please tell me what's going on?
Many thanks
EDIT: I found the problem.the loop:
for(Path filepath : fileList){}
runs 116 times while i only have 64 folders. I can't find any explanation as to why this happens, I use the same loop to print folder names only in the following function and it runs exactly 64 times.( exactly the number of folders I have)
public void printFolders()
for(Path filepath : fileList)
okay I finally Fixed my own problem. here's my guess on why this happened (I don't know the inner working of DirectoryStream so its just a guess).
when the folders were more than a few, the stream would read the previously renamed folders and add them as new folders, thus they were getting renamed twice. either changing the name back to original, or deforming it (the renaming wasn't designed to be 100% re-applicable).
In case of a few folders, the loop would be over before the stream had the chance to refresh, thus no problems.
so here's how i fixed it. by adding the following method, and iterating through an array of paths instead of the stream.
private Path[] getVerifiedPaths()
ArrayList<Path> verifiedFilePaths= new ArrayList<>();
for(Path filepath : fileList)
return verifiedFilePaths.toArray(new Path[0]);
Path[] filePaths = getVerifiedPaths();
for(Path filePath : filePaths) { ...rename...}
instead of:
for(Path filepath : fileList){...rename...}
thanks to "JB Nizet" for his suggestion (comment above).
I'm writing a program that does various data analysis functions for use with Excel.
I need a way of returning file names of documents so I can search through them and find the ones I want.
I need to be able to take a string, saved as a variable, and use it to return the name of every document in a folder whose file name contains that string.
This will be used to sift through pre-categorized sections of data. Ideally I would save those documents' file names in a string array for later use within other functions.
private List<String> searchForFileNameContainingSubstring( String substring )
//This is assuming you pass in the substring from input.
File file = new File("C:/Users/example/Desktop"); //Change this to the directory you want to search in.
List<String> filesContainingSubstring = new ArrayList<String>();
if( file.exists() && file.isDirectory() )
String[] files = file.list(); //get the files in String format.
for( String fileName : files )
if( fileName.contains( substring ) )
filesContainingSubstring.add( fileName );
for( String fileName : filesContainingSubstring )
System.out.println( fileName ); //or do other operation
return filesContainingSubstring; //return the list of filenames containing substring.
Using this method, you could pass in the input from the user as the string you want the filename to contain. The only other thing you need to change is where you want in your directory to start searching for files, and this program only looks in that directory.
You could further look recursively within other directories from the starting point, but I won't add that functionality here. You should definitely look into it though.
This also assumes that you are looking for everything within the directory, including other folders and not just files.
You can get the list of all the files in a directory and then store them in an array. Next, using the java.io.File.getName() method, you can get the names of the files. Now you can simply use the .indexOf() method to check whether the string is a substring of the file name. I assume that all the items in the directory of concern are files and not sub directories.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
File[] files = new File("X:/").listFiles(); //X is the directory
String s <--- the string you want to check filenames with
for(File f : files){
if(f.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf(s.toLowerCase()) != -1)
This should display the names of all those files in the directory X:\ whose names include the String s.
This question: How do I iterate through the files in a directory in Java?
The java.io.File.getName() method
Statutory edit info
I have edited this answer simply to replace the previous algorithm, for checking the existence of a substring in a string, with the one that is currently used in the code above.
Here is an answer to search the file recursively??
String name; //to hold the search file name
public String listFolder(File dir) {
int flag;
File[] subDirs = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
return pathname.isDirectory();
System.out.println("File of Directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());
flag = Listfile(dir);
if (flag == 0) {
System.out.println("File Found in THe Directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());
Speak("File Found in THe Directory: !!" + dir.getAbsolutePath());
return dir.getAbsolutePath();
for (File folder : subDirs) {
return null;
private int Listfile(File dir) {
boolean ch = false;
File[] files = dir.listFiles();
for (File file : files) {
if (file.getName().indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) != -1) {//check all in lower case
System.out.println(name + "Found Sucessfully!!");
ch = true;
if (ch) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
I have a directory structure of the form:
base_directory / level_one_a, level_one_b, level_one_c /
then within all those directories in level_one_x are a multitude of subsequent directories, i.e.
/ level_one_a_1,level_one_a_2,level_one_a_3...
and so on for level_one_b & level_one_c
then inside of level_one_a_1 we have more still, i.e. level_one_a_1_I,level_one_a_1_II,level_one_a_1_III,level_one_a_1_IV...
Then finally inside of level_one_a_1_IV, and all those on the same level, are the files I want to operate on.
I guess a shorter way to say that would be start/one/two/three/*files*
There are many many files and I want to process them all with a simple java program I wrote:
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line = br.readLine();
while (line != null)
line = br.readLine();
String everything = sb.toString();
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(everything);
String link = doc.select("block.full_text").text();
it uses jsoup
I'd like to construct this script such that the program can navigate this directory structure autonomously and grab each file then process it with that script, using buffered reader and file reader I guess, how can I facilitate that? I tried implementing this solution but I couldn't get it to work.
Ideally I want to output each file it processes with a unique name, i.e. is the file is named 00001.txt it might save it as 00001_output.txt but, that's a horse of a different colour
Just use java.io.File and its method listFiles.
See javadoc File API
Similar question on SO was posted here:
Recursively list files in Java
You can achieve this also by using the Java NIO 2 API.
public class ProcessFiles extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> {
static final String OUT_FORMAT = "%-17s: %s%n";
static final int MAX_DEPTH = 4;
static final Path baseDirectory = Paths.get("R:/base_directory");
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Set<FileVisitOption> visitOptions = new HashSet<>();
Files.walkFileTree(baseDirectory, visitOptions, MAX_DEPTH,
new ProcessFiles()
public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attr) {
if (file.getNameCount() <= MAX_DEPTH) {
System.out.printf(OUT_FORMAT, "skip wrong level", file);
return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
} else {
// add probably a file name check
System.out.printf(OUT_FORMAT, "process file", file);
return CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attr) {
if (dir.getNameCount() < MAX_DEPTH) {
System.out.printf(OUT_FORMAT, "walk into dir", dir);
return CONTINUE;
if (dir.getName(MAX_DEPTH - 1).toString().equals("level_one_a_1_IV")) {
System.out.printf(OUT_FORMAT, "destination dir", dir);
return CONTINUE;
} else {
System.out.printf(OUT_FORMAT, "skip dir name", dir);
return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
assuming following directory/file structure
you would get following output (for demonstration)
walk into dir : R:\base_directory
skip wrong level : R:\base_directory\base_directory.file
walk into dir : R:\base_directory\level_one_a
skip wrong level : R:\base_directory\level_one_a\level_one_a.file
walk into dir : R:\base_directory\level_one_a\level_one_a_1
skip wrong level : R:\base_directory\level_one_a\level_one_a_1\level_one_a_1.file
skip dir name : R:\base_directory\level_one_a\level_one_a_1\level_one_a_1_I
skip dir name : R:\base_directory\level_one_a\level_one_a_1\level_one_a_1_II
skip dir name : R:\base_directory\level_one_a\level_one_a_1\level_one_a_1_III
destination dir : R:\base_directory\level_one_a\level_one_a_1\level_one_a_1_IV
process file : R:\base_directory\level_one_a\level_one_a_1\level_one_a_1_IV\level_one_a_1_IV.file
walk into dir : R:\base_directory\someother_a
skip wrong level : R:\base_directory\someother_a\someother_a.file
walk into dir : R:\base_directory\someother_a\someother_a_1
skip wrong level : R:\base_directory\someother_a\someother_a_1\someother_a_1.file
skip dir name : R:\base_directory\someother_a\someother_a_1\someother_a_1_I
skip dir name : R:\base_directory\someother_a\someother_a_1\someother_a_1_II
skip dir name : R:\base_directory\someother_a\someother_a_1\someother_a_1_III
skip dir name : R:\base_directory\someother_a\someother_a_1\someother_a_1_IV
some links to the Oralce tutorial for further reading
Walking the File Tree
Finding Files
I'm working on a program. However, the program is that I'm on a Linux based operating system and it wants perfect case-match names for all of the files, and considering the artist has some named with Caps, some not, some have ".png" some are ".Png" and some are ".PNG", etc; this is becoming a very difficult task. There's a little over a thousand Sprites, or renaming them wouldn’t be a problem. This is for a 2D RPG Hobby project that I'm doing for learning, purposes that I've been working on for awhile now.
Anyhow, my question is if we can make the 'Compiler'(I think is the right way to word this) ignore the file ending character-casing? If I want to load the following items
I would like to be able to do it in a single line.
You cannot make the compiler ignore case; this is a filesystem characteristic. Note that NTFS is case-insensitive but it is case-preserving nonetheless.
Using Java 7 you can use a DirectoryStream.Filter<Path> to collect the relevant paths; then rename if appropriate:
final DirectoryStream.Filter<Path> filter = new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>()
public boolean accept(final Path entry)
return Files.isRegularFile(entry)
&& entry.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg");
final List<Path> collected = new ArrayList<Path>();
try (
final DirectoryStream<Path> entries = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir, filter);
) {
for (final Path entry: entries)
Path dst;
String targetName;
for (final Path src: collected) {
targetName = src.getFileName().toString().toLowerCase();
dst = src.resolveSibling(targetName);
if (!Files.isSameFile(src, dst))
Files.move(src, dst, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
With Java 8 you would probably use Files.walk() and lambdas instead.
If you know the exact directory for the file, you could use File.list() to get an String[] of all files in this directory. By iterating over those and using toLowerCase() on the filenames you can find your desired file.
String filename = "1.jpg";
String targetFilename = null;
File directory = new File("/some/path");
for(String maybeTargetName : directory.list()) {
if(filename.equals(maybeTargetName.toLowerCase()) {
targetFilename = maybeTargetName;
if(targetFilename != null) {
File targetFile = new File(directory, targetFilename);
I'm working with some code and I want it to behave differently depending on the folder name that the file is in. I don't need the absolute path just the final folder. Everything that I have seen so far is using a absolute path that is specified in the file.
This is what you want:
public static String getParentName(File file) {
if(file == null || file.isDirectory()) {
return null;
String parent = file.getParent();
parent = parent.substring(parent.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1, parent.length());
return parent;
Unfortunately there is no pre-provided method that just returns the name of the last folder in the file's path, so you have to do some String manipulation to get it.
I think java.io.File.getParent() is what you are looking for:
import java.io.File;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File f = null;
String parent="not found";
f = new File("/tmp/test.txt");
parent = f.getParent();
System.out.print("parent name: "+v);
Try java.io.File.getParentFile() method.
String getFileParentName(File file) {
if (file != null && file.getParentFile() != null) {
return file.getParentFile().getName();
return null; // no parent for file
String File.getParent()
There's also
File File.getParentFile()
I don't know what the return in terms of being absolute or relative, but if it's absolute you can always find the last (or second to last, depending) instance of the "\" character (remember to escape it like this "\\") to denote where the lowest folder level is.
For example, if the function returned:
"C:\Users\YourName" is where you'd get the last occurance of "\", and all characters after it would be the folder you want
"C:\Users\YourName\" is where you'd get the second to last occurance of "\", and all characters between that and the last "\" would be the folder you're looking for.
Java File API:
String path = "/abc/def"; // path to the directory
File folder = new File(path);
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
for (File file : listOfFiles)
case "folder1" : //do something
case "folder2" : //do something else
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Directory not Found");
I have to search for a file which can be in any directory or drive. It should be compatible with any operating system. When I googled, most of the code iterates through a particular directory but not full file system. Is there any way to do it efficiently ? Any help or suggestion will be really appreciated.
Below code where i got from http://www.mkyong.com/java/how-to-traverse-a-directory-structure-in-java/, but we have to pass some directory as parameter. Is there a way to generalize to get all the locations ?
public static void main (String args[]) {
displayIt(new File("C:\\"));
public static void displayIt(File node){
String[] subNote = node.list();
for(String filename : subNote){
displayIt(new File(node, filename));
Apache Commons-IO is a good API for this kind of Operation. For Unix system you could just use root "/" however this will not do for windows, hence you will have to ask for all roots and iterate over them:
File[] roots = File.listRoots();
Collection<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
for(File root : roots) {
new RegexFileFilter(<your regex filter>),
This sort of code snippet will list all the files in a directory and sub directories. You do not have to add any of the files to allFiles and you could do your check there. As you havent supplied any code yet (so I assume you havent tried anything) I'll let you update it ;)
private void addFiles(File file, Collection<File> allFiles) {
File[] files = file.listFiles();
if (files != null) {
for (File f : files) {
addFiles(f, allFiles);
if you want to do this by recursion, here is code for DFS, code might not working (i never test it), and it is not optimized, but it might give you some ideas how to solve your problem
File find(String directoryName, String pattern)
File currentDirectory = loadFile(directoryName);
for (String name: currentDirectory .list())
File children = loadFile(name)
if (children.isDirectory())
File file = find(name, pattern)
if (file !=null)
return file;
if (match(name,pattern)
return children;
return null;