I'm working with some code and I want it to behave differently depending on the folder name that the file is in. I don't need the absolute path just the final folder. Everything that I have seen so far is using a absolute path that is specified in the file.
This is what you want:
public static String getParentName(File file) {
if(file == null || file.isDirectory()) {
return null;
String parent = file.getParent();
parent = parent.substring(parent.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1, parent.length());
return parent;
Unfortunately there is no pre-provided method that just returns the name of the last folder in the file's path, so you have to do some String manipulation to get it.
I think java.io.File.getParent() is what you are looking for:
import java.io.File;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File f = null;
String parent="not found";
f = new File("/tmp/test.txt");
parent = f.getParent();
System.out.print("parent name: "+v);
Try java.io.File.getParentFile() method.
String getFileParentName(File file) {
if (file != null && file.getParentFile() != null) {
return file.getParentFile().getName();
return null; // no parent for file
String File.getParent()
There's also
File File.getParentFile()
I don't know what the return in terms of being absolute or relative, but if it's absolute you can always find the last (or second to last, depending) instance of the "\" character (remember to escape it like this "\\") to denote where the lowest folder level is.
For example, if the function returned:
"C:\Users\YourName" is where you'd get the last occurance of "\", and all characters after it would be the folder you want
"C:\Users\YourName\" is where you'd get the second to last occurance of "\", and all characters between that and the last "\" would be the folder you're looking for.
Java File API:
String path = "/abc/def"; // path to the directory
File folder = new File(path);
File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles();
for (File file : listOfFiles)
case "folder1" : //do something
case "folder2" : //do something else
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Directory not Found");
I'm writing a program that does various data analysis functions for use with Excel.
I need a way of returning file names of documents so I can search through them and find the ones I want.
I need to be able to take a string, saved as a variable, and use it to return the name of every document in a folder whose file name contains that string.
This will be used to sift through pre-categorized sections of data. Ideally I would save those documents' file names in a string array for later use within other functions.
private List<String> searchForFileNameContainingSubstring( String substring )
//This is assuming you pass in the substring from input.
File file = new File("C:/Users/example/Desktop"); //Change this to the directory you want to search in.
List<String> filesContainingSubstring = new ArrayList<String>();
if( file.exists() && file.isDirectory() )
String[] files = file.list(); //get the files in String format.
for( String fileName : files )
if( fileName.contains( substring ) )
filesContainingSubstring.add( fileName );
for( String fileName : filesContainingSubstring )
System.out.println( fileName ); //or do other operation
return filesContainingSubstring; //return the list of filenames containing substring.
Using this method, you could pass in the input from the user as the string you want the filename to contain. The only other thing you need to change is where you want in your directory to start searching for files, and this program only looks in that directory.
You could further look recursively within other directories from the starting point, but I won't add that functionality here. You should definitely look into it though.
This also assumes that you are looking for everything within the directory, including other folders and not just files.
You can get the list of all the files in a directory and then store them in an array. Next, using the java.io.File.getName() method, you can get the names of the files. Now you can simply use the .indexOf() method to check whether the string is a substring of the file name. I assume that all the items in the directory of concern are files and not sub directories.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
File[] files = new File("X:/").listFiles(); //X is the directory
String s <--- the string you want to check filenames with
for(File f : files){
if(f.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf(s.toLowerCase()) != -1)
This should display the names of all those files in the directory X:\ whose names include the String s.
This question: How do I iterate through the files in a directory in Java?
The java.io.File.getName() method
Statutory edit info
I have edited this answer simply to replace the previous algorithm, for checking the existence of a substring in a string, with the one that is currently used in the code above.
Here is an answer to search the file recursively??
String name; //to hold the search file name
public String listFolder(File dir) {
int flag;
File[] subDirs = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
return pathname.isDirectory();
System.out.println("File of Directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());
flag = Listfile(dir);
if (flag == 0) {
System.out.println("File Found in THe Directory: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());
Speak("File Found in THe Directory: !!" + dir.getAbsolutePath());
return dir.getAbsolutePath();
for (File folder : subDirs) {
return null;
private int Listfile(File dir) {
boolean ch = false;
File[] files = dir.listFiles();
for (File file : files) {
if (file.getName().indexOf(name.toLowerCase()) != -1) {//check all in lower case
System.out.println(name + "Found Sucessfully!!");
ch = true;
if (ch) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
I am trying to access a file in remote shared location.
File sourceFile=new File("////hostname//data//upload//123//test.txt");
sysout("sourceFile.exists()"+sourceFile.exists())//returning false
If a directory is empty file.exists() is returning true.
I am using Java 1.6
I don't understand what is this weird behavior.
First of all to come back to Erwin´s suggestion, this is not the right attempt. The character \ is used in Java as an escape sequence, usually to print out reserved characters. For example will
String s = "The weather is really "nice" today";
result in an error, as " is already reserved for strings. The correct version would be
String s = "The weather is really \"nice\" today";
Coming back to the question, you have to know that when you create a file and test if it exists Java will validate the abstract pathname of the file. That said, if your abstact path is a directory and it exists true will be returned.
If you intend to check if an abstract pathname is a directory try the following:
// Check if a file is a directory
if(file.isDirectory()) {
// Check if a file contains something
if(file.list().length > 0) {
Check this example ,it checks the directory else creates a new one then your new file created.
File f = new File("D:/image_send");
File file = new File("D:/image_send/" + date + ".txt");
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("File created Success");
public static boolean fileTransfer(String src, String des) throws Exception {
if (des == null || des.equals("") || src == null || src.equals("")) {
return false;
File fileExisting = new File(src);
File fileNew = new File(des+ fileExisting.getName());
if (fileExisting.exists() && !fileExisting.isDirectory()) {
if (fileExisting.renameTo(fileNew)) {
System.out.println("File is moved successful!");
} else {
System.out.println("File is failed to move!");
return fileNew.exists();
This is the code for file transfer as per your comment ,use src as sourcepath and des as destination path if you get a boolean false,that means path given is wrong.
I need to create a program which gets its input from a file. What do I need to use in order to automatically find the current path and then search for the input file?
Example: I place my main file in C:/*pathname*/ and my input file name is INPUT.txt. How can I make my program automatically find the C:/*pathname*/INPUT.txt path to get its input?
You can use recursion in this case, to find your file. You start the searching process in the current/given directory, by checking if your current file matches the given file name. If you find a directory, you continue the recursion searching process in this directory.
private static final File findFile(final String rootFilePath, final String fileToBeFound) {
File rootFile = new File(rootFilePath);
File[] subFiles = rootFile.listFiles();
for (File file : subFiles != null ? subFiles : new File[] {}) {
if (file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith(fileToBeFound)) {
return file;
} else if (file.isDirectory()) {
File f = findFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), fileToBeFound);
if (f != null) {
return f;
return null; // null returned in case your file is not found
public static void main(final String[] args){
File fileToBeFound = findFile("C:\\", "INPUT.txt"); // search for the file in all the C drive
System.out.println(fileToBeFound != null ? fileToBeFound.getAbsolutePath() : "Not found");
//you can also use your current workspace directory, if you're sure the file is there
fileToBeFound = findFile(new File(".").getAbsolutePath() , "INPUT.txt");
System.out.println(fileToBeFound != null ? fileToBeFound.getAbsolutePath() : "Not found");
I am a beginner in Java trying to work with Files and Directories. I wanted to create a program where I could change file names automatically while searching through all the child directories for file names that are not valid. I am actually trying to load a huge amount of files on to a server but the server settings do not allow file names containing special characters. To start with I was able to write the code where if I pass the path to a directory it renames all the files with invalid names in that directory:
public class reNaming {
public static String baseLoc = "C:/Users/Developer/Desktop/.../Data Cleanup";
public static void main(String[] args) {
//LinkedList<File> fileList = new LinkedList<File>();
File obj = new File(baseLoc);
int count = 0;
for (File file: obj.listFiles())
String origName = file.getName();
if (origName.contains("&") || origName.contains("#") || origName.contains("#"))
System.out.println("Original name: "+origName);
origName = origName.replaceAll("&", "_and_");
origName = origName.replaceAll("#", "_at_");
String newName = origName.replaceAll("#", "_");
System.out.println("New Name: "+newName);
String newLoc = baseLoc+"/"+newName;
File newFile = new File(newLoc);
Now I want to do the same but only this time I want all the files to be reNamed even in the child directories. Can somebody please guide me how I can achieve that?
Recursion is your friend
/**Removes 'invalid' characters (&,#,#) from pathnames in the given folder, and subfolders, and returns the number of files renamed*/
public int renameDirectory(File base){
//LinkedList<File> fileList = new LinkedList<File>();
int count=0;//count the renamed files in this directory + its sub. You wanted to do this?
//Process each file in this folder.
for (File file: base.listFiles()){
String origName = file.getName();
File resultFile=file;
if (origName.contains("&") || origName.contains("#") || origName.contains("#")){
//I would replace the if statement with origName.matches(".*[&##].*") or similar, shorter but more error prone.
System.out.println("Original name: "+origName);
origName = origName.replaceAll("&", "_and_");
origName = origName.replaceAll("#", "_at_");
String newName = origName.replaceAll("#", "_");
System.out.println("New Name: "+newName);
String newLoc = baseLoc+File.separator+newName;//having "/" hardcoded is not cross-platform.
File newFile = new File(newLoc);
resultFile=newFile;//not sure if you could do file=newFile, tired
//if this 'file' in the base folder is a directory, process the directory
if(resultFile.isDirectory()){//or similar function
return count;
Move the code you have to a utility method (e.g. public void renameAll(File f){}). Have a condition that checks if the file is a directory and recursively call your method with it's contents. After that do what you are currently doing.
public void renameAll(File[] files){
for(File f: files){
public void rename(File f){ }
I have a program in which i must rename a set of folders. they are all in "ID [Name]" format, and I want to rename them to "Name [ID]". (Its more of a training for me, for learning java))
the problem is, if the number of folders it must rename go beyond 20-24 . the program won't work, and will give the files faulty names. (the renaming process succeeds, but names are wrong)
but if they are below 20 folders, it works perfectly.(tested with the same folders)
here's the whole code:
public class DirRename {
private String parentDir;
private DirectoryStream<Path> fileList;
public DirRename(final Path dir)
parentDir = dir.toString();
if(!Files.exists(dir) || !Files.isDirectory(dir) || !Files.isReadable(dir))
System.out.println("Directory Read Error!!!");
//filter to return only directories in parent folder
DirectoryStream.Filter<Path> dirOnlyFilter =
new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>() {
public boolean accept(Path file) throws IOException {
return (Files.isDirectory(file));
fileList = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir,dirOnlyFilter);
catch(IOException | DirectoryIteratorException x)
public void rename()
for(Path filepath : fileList)
String name = filepath.getFileName().toString();
File inFile = filepath.toFile();
if(!inFile.exists() || !inFile.isDirectory() || !inFile.canWrite())
System.out.println("Directory is not writeable");
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("((?:[\\w\\d]*(?:\\s|-){0,2}[\\w\\d]+)*)\\s*-*\\s*(?:\\[|\\Q(\\E)(.+)(?:\\]|\\Q)\\E)$");
Matcher match = regex.matcher(name);
String gameID = match.group(1);
String gameName = match.group(2);
String rename = parentDir+File.separator+gameName+" ["+gameID+"]";
File toFile = new File(rename);
System.out.println("Cannot rename "+name+"to "+rename);
System.out.println("Renaming Failed!!! for "+rename);
I tried checking the names with "system.out.println(toFile.getName())" while deleting the line "inFile.renameTo(toFile)". all names were correct.
but when i added that line back, the same names were printed incorrectly.(although some that were printed correctly were renamed incorrectly)
I'm completely confused. and I'm new to java, and generally less than a noob programmer. can someone please tell me what's going on?
Many thanks
EDIT: I found the problem.the loop:
for(Path filepath : fileList){}
runs 116 times while i only have 64 folders. I can't find any explanation as to why this happens, I use the same loop to print folder names only in the following function and it runs exactly 64 times.( exactly the number of folders I have)
public void printFolders()
for(Path filepath : fileList)
okay I finally Fixed my own problem. here's my guess on why this happened (I don't know the inner working of DirectoryStream so its just a guess).
when the folders were more than a few, the stream would read the previously renamed folders and add them as new folders, thus they were getting renamed twice. either changing the name back to original, or deforming it (the renaming wasn't designed to be 100% re-applicable).
In case of a few folders, the loop would be over before the stream had the chance to refresh, thus no problems.
so here's how i fixed it. by adding the following method, and iterating through an array of paths instead of the stream.
private Path[] getVerifiedPaths()
ArrayList<Path> verifiedFilePaths= new ArrayList<>();
for(Path filepath : fileList)
return verifiedFilePaths.toArray(new Path[0]);
Path[] filePaths = getVerifiedPaths();
for(Path filePath : filePaths) { ...rename...}
instead of:
for(Path filepath : fileList){...rename...}
thanks to "JB Nizet" for his suggestion (comment above).