Hi I am trying to debug the jpostest application that came with Motorola Scanner SDK foe Windows.
I am using Eclipse (Juno) with Java 7 on Windows 8.
I get the following exception when I click on the 'open' button in the 'Scanner' tab of the
POSTest application.
jpos.JposException: Could not connect to service with logicalName = MotorolaScannerSNAPI: Exception.message=com.symbol.jpos.SymScannerSvc112Factory
org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException: com.sun.jdi.ClassNotLoadedException: Type has not been loaded occurred while retrieving component type of array.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
It might be a bit late, but it seems that you are missing some 'jar' dependencies.
In the 'JPos Sample Application' folder of the Motorola Scanner SDK, check the 'JPosTest.bat' file, it lists all the needed dependencies (by defining some classpaths). You will also need to define the 'java.library.path' property to point to the directory containing the CSJPOS.dll (it is also done in the bat launcher).
I recently installed Eclipse 2020-06 and am using JDK 10.0.2. I wanted to test Eclipse using a simple Hello world program:
package eclispeTest;
public class eclipseTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
But I get the error: Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Module eclispeTest not found
One quick fix I see for this to delete the module-info.java file but when I do this I get the error: Error: Could not find or load main class eclispeTest.eclipseTest Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: eclispeTest.eclipseTest
I saw one potential fix that told me to go to "Check your project build-path and enable specific output folders for each folder. Go one by one though each source-folder of your project and set the output folder that maven would use."
from: Eclipse - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
But I am new to Eclipse and have no idea what they are talking about.
I have also noticed that when I open the problems tab at the bottom of Eclipse there is one problem that is repeated about 8 times: Description Resource Path Location Type The project was not built due to "Failed to init ct.sym for C:\Program Files\Java\jre-10.0.2\lib\jrt-fs.jar". Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and building it since it may be inconsistent eclispeTest Unknown Java Problem
Could someone help me figure out what I should try, with baby steps for how I should do it.
Thank you in advance.
PS in case it helps here is a picture of my Eclipse window after I try to run my code:
EDIT: I made a new java project and below is my java project cration window
(I still got the same error)
Fist of all, In order to work the line " System.out.println("Hello");"
you will require two classes
using above two classes the code runs.you don't have to import these class,because JRE(Java Runtime Environment) automatically does for you.
If you are gettting this error
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Module eclispeTest not found
Which means You didn't setup your "Java project" properly with "JRE"
Let create new project to solve this problem
1)Open Eclipse IDE
2)click FILE (top left most)
4)java project
5)give you project name (make sure that- "use default location checkbox" clicked)
6)IN JRE section - select use an execution environment JRE(edition as required)
7)Then click finish
This would have solved your problem , go create a Class do your eclipseTest. This time it should work.
java project creation should look like this
I am facing the below error.
"Error: Could not find or load main class weblogic.server" in eclipse.
I am using eclipse luna & weblogic server 10.0.3 for my application.
The inbuilt script setWLSEnv.sh (C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3\server\bin) is setting a different classpath. The below path is not there in my desktop.
I guess that is why it is not able to find the class.
How can I set correct classpath of this.
Tried searching to set classpath in weblogic admin console. but not able to find it.
Any help will be really appreciated!!.. Thank you in advance.
When execute setWLSEnv.sh the command must be: ". ./setWLSEnv.sh" instead of "./setWLSEnv.sh" (there are 2 seperate dot). Then you should be fine doing next step
I get the following error in Endeca:
com.endeca.navigation.ENEException: Navigation Engine not able to process
request `http://myhost:15000/search?terms=remote&rank=0&offset=0&irversion=601`
My MDEX version is 6.3.0
The referenced jar files in my app is:
endeca_navigation.jar : Specification-IR-Version: 6.3.0 (Read from MANIFEST file)
endeca_logging.jar: Specification-Version: 6.1.2 (Read from MANIFEST file)
Even with these referenced jars, why is the request parameter still irversion=601?
I'm using java 1.5 and building my app in eclipse. At first, it was referencing older jar files (601), but i removed those completely and replaced them with the newer jar files listed above. I've rebuilt my app and I still see the parameter irversion=601. I've been trying to find out what the issue is for a few hours, but i'm having no luck.
Any ideas?
If nothing else I think that you need an N=0 parameter for you request to work.
Also if you are using an application server like Weblogic to run you app, it has a tendency of caching referenced jars which may have to be cleared for it to pick up the new versions of the jars.
Finally if all else fails there is a --back_compat 601 parameter on your dgraph which indicated the accepatble navigation.jar versions. You can use this parameter to determine if the issue is the jar version or something else in between.
Good Luck
Additionally to Wiszh's response, it is useful to take a look at the dgraph request query logs (located in /logs/dgraph/Dgraphxx/Dgraphxx.log and .reqlog) which will show a more specific error and the query that caused it.
Do your jars match the version of Endeca server you are querying?
This issue is due to an old navigation api jar in your class path
Check the ToolsAndFrameworks\version\assembler\lib to get the correct version of navigation api jar. That should fix this issue.
correct jar path fixed the issue for me
hi i was referring the following document for Web-based spreadsheets with OpenOffice.org and Dojo
I am developing such thing for first time..
I created the java classes but when i compile the class 'SpreadsheetDoc.java' i get the following error :
com.sun.star.uno does not exists
I may be skipping some step by mistake dont know what.
tried setting the class path for openoffice/program folder but still getting problem
I am using apache tomcat 7.0, Open office 3, JDK 6.
How can i get the proper import for the namespace.
I think that it could be some problem related to
reference but not sure...
Have you installed the OpenOffice SDK?
I have developed a little program for myself. After testing and
finishing it locally I now wanted to put it on my server.
I get this error:
Compilation error The file /app/controllers/Links.java could not be
compiled. Error raised is : Secure cannot be resolved to a type
It is thrown at this line:
In the Class Links I have:
import play.mvc.With;
import controllers.*;
public class Links extends CRUD {
I have installed play 1.2.2 on my server. Play is running probably. I
type in the terminal "play start appname" and opened serverIp:9010 to
see this error. If I type "play precompile appname" everything seems
to work.
In the subfolder /modules of the app I have two text files, one "crud"
and one "secure" which point to the modules location on the server. I
also have defined the modules in dependencies.yml like this:
- play
- crud
- secure
In the application.conf I have a Production definition for my server
with the proper Server-ID like this:
Any idea why this isn't working?
I have solved it. For future reference:
I had an old process of play running. Found it with ps -aux and then kill PID. After that I started the application again with play start.
It's now running fine :)
Thanks for you help!
Declaring the secure module in dependencies.yml file is the first step.
Next you have to type the shell command "play dependencies" in order to resolve them.
Just have a glance on the documentation here : http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.2.2/dependency#Theplaydependenciescommand
Have fun with Play!
Sometimes you have to refesh the classpath settings by using play eclipsify again. (depends on the IDE you are using)
I had to insert this line to application.config
I had the same problem in my development environment, but not in my production server. I tried to solve by the module documentation, the accepted answer here, and many others with no success.
My solution was to download again play framework (1.2.7) and replacing it in the path where I installed first.
Hope this can guide someone else with the same issue.