I use eclipse for my optaplanner project development and I am able to execute my code from eclipse without any problem. To make this project as an executable, I exported it as a jar file using eclipse export wizard.
Then I run my jar from terminal using the command java -jar myOptaPlanner.jar, then, I get below error
WARN given scan urls are empty. set urls in the configuration
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: The scanAnnotatedClasses
(ScanAnnotatedClassesConfig()) did not find any classes with a PlanningSolution
Maybe you forgot to annotate a class with a PlanningSolution annotation.
Maybe you're using special classloading mechanisms (OSGi, ...) and this is a bug.
If you can confirm that, report it to our issue tracker and workaround it by
defining the classes explicitly in the solver configuration.
at org.optaplanner.core.config.domain.ScanAnnotatedClassesConfig.loadSolutionClass(ScanAnnotatedClassesConfig.java:106)
at org.optaplanner.core.config.domain.ScanAnnotatedClassesConfig.buildSolutionDescriptor(ScanAnnotatedClassesConfig.java:86)
at org.optaplanner.core.config.solver.SolverConfig.buildSolutionDescriptor(SolverConfig.java:270)
at org.optaplanner.core.config.solver.SolverConfig.buildSolver(SolverConfig.java:216)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.AbstractSolverFactory.buildSolver(AbstractSolverFactory.java:57)
at org.roster.app.WorkerRosteringApp.main(WorkerRosteringApp.java:36)
Is this really a bug or am I exporting it wrong?
Update: I tried to export jar using maven-shade-plugin and here also I am getting the same error.
scanAnnotatedClasses doesn't seem to work in a jar file. Instead, use following workaround:
and delete the scanAnnotatedClasses in your config file.
If you don't want to declare the solution and entity classes manually, including the packages containing the solution and entity classes also works as workaround:
Documentation about <packageInclude> can be found here
Im working in 2 separate webapplications a back and front app.
The funny thing is when I run the back-end I don't have any issues. But in the front-end I get the following error:
I have the following error in Netbeans
NetBeans: Deploying on Apache Tomcat or TomEE
profile mode: false
debug mode: false
force redeploy: true
Undeploying ...
OK - Undeployed application at context path /
In-place deployment at D:\WebDevel\WebStore\WebFrontE\target\Web-1.0-SNAPSHOT
Deployment is in progress...
FAIL - Deployed application at context path / but context failed to start
Both are running on the same Tomcat. my colleague has the same code and it works fine :-s
Context Path (or) Context Root must be unique for each application deployed on the server.
So you can't deploy two applications with same context root to the same server. It seems for both of your applications the context path is /.
Check server.xml to see what context path both of them have. If they are not unique, then change them to solve the problem.
But if you want the same context root for both applications, then you need to deploy them in two different servers.
For more information:
Tomcat Context paths configuration
I may be a little late but would say that this could be because of the change in the factory name in Tomcat 8. So follow the below steps:
1) First, see if you are using Tomcat 8 or higher.
2) If yes, and tomcat is not able to deploy your application. Run the application in Debug mode and see stack trace in Tomcat window (at bottom. Not same as Tomcat.log). Scroll down the window and see if you can find an Exception like this:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSourceFactory
3) If you see something like above, Open your META-INF/context.xml and replace or add the factory attribute in the resource tag with:
4) Restart tomcat and redeploy.
While trying to deploy a spring boot web app from jenkins to an external VM I was getting the same error as below.
After I look into tomcat log I found it was for java version error. I didnt install proper java version which my spring boot application supports.
I installed openjdk 8 and removed java7 from vm and it was resolved.
The actual cause behind the below error can be many . so check your tomcat /logs/catalina.out directory for exact error. at Jenkins build log it doesn't give actual error.
FAIL - Deployed application at context path [/webapp] but context
I had this problem a d after a lot of links that didn't work, found this solution. Edit the server.xml on your Tomee server to provide a fully qualified path for appBase:
<Host name="localhost" appBase="C:\apache\apache-tomee-7.0.2-plume\webapps"
unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
The following error occurs if your context has not started well.
Instance : You have context listener that calls a method and the method is not present.
My issue was a syntax error in web.xml, I didn't close an element
The tomcat window (NetBeans) had a clear errormessage, thanks Arafat
01-Sep-2018 17:34:38.641 SEVERE [http-nio-8080-exec-5] org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.fatalError Parse Fatal Error at line 50 column 11: The element type "param-value" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".
I am also had trouble solving this kind of issue on my netbeans. I'm stack the whole day getting rid of this issue. Many solutions have been tried but still nothing happen until I tried to delete the "target" folder of my project and that solved the problem! Hope it helps! :)
I have came across this problems several times,i tried the below steps and it worked..!
1. Backup you current project(For safety).
2. Locate you project folder location (Normally found in MyDocuments or Documents folder named as NetBeansProjects).
3. Open the project folder and delete the folder named target inside your project folder
4. Close the NetBeans and re-open the it and run the project.
And you are good to go.
If the above didn't work then try deleting the xml file from the folder "Tomcat 9.0\conf\Catalina\localhost" folder.
I had this error while using Java Web due to a syntax error:
My Servlet code should be like this:
#WebServlet(name = "EleicaoServlet", urlPatterns = {"/EleicaoServlet", "/main", "/insert", "/edit", "/delete", "/update"})
But I forgot to type '/' in the "/update"
#WebServlet(name = "EleicaoServlet", urlPatterns = {"/EleicaoServlet", "/main", "/insert", "/edit", "/delete", "update"})
And I got this error.
So if nothing above works you may want to check your code, it can be something stupid like this.
I have tried
mvn clean install
and worked for me for the same problem :)
'undeployed application at context path' this error occur due to missing some file while copying project from one system to another.
while coping make sure all files should be copied.If an error occur then please recopy project and import it..
It may work..
I just had the same issue i solved by giving security permission to the user for Apache Server Foundation in root folder
in my case i removed some configuration tags that i added in web.xml,trying to configure a strut package.I also removed that package respectively,i restarted the server,run the project and it worked.
Faced the same problem # one time. In one of the instance, it was caused by a controller that had multiple methods with same route e.g
public class UsersController
UsersInterface userInterface;
#RequestMapping(value = "/get", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String test()
return "Users";
#RequestMapping(value = "/get", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public List<user> getUsers()
List<User> users = userInterface.getUsers();
return users;
As you can see, the controller has 2 methods that define two get routes, hence Spring cannot resolve the method to run the .../users/get route.
Remote one of the get routes and change it to something else.
I may be late to answer but might help others later in the future.
This could be many causes, but the most frequent personally in my case was the web.xml file servlet declarations. When I was cross developing a project both on Mac and Linux, I saw the file behave different in the two platforms due to some space or new line issues. It took me hours to find out as the servlet count was more than 20. Ultimately I narrowed down to strangely only one controller class declaration and found the syntax to be absolutely perfect. It bamboozled me, so I thought I'd rewrite the declaration after deleting the old one and BAM! It worked on Mac immediately. Strange.
I am facing this problem, after trying several other suggestions, the following thing worked perfectly for me.
Delete the following file:
This is a bit late but for anyone who might face the same error.
For me, this error was caused by wrong syntax in my servlet.
#WebServlet(urlPatterns = {"/x/login", "/x/register", "/x/logout", "x/createrestaurant"})
It looked like the above and I got the same error. After sometime and trying to deploy on a different server (from Tomcat to Glassfish), Glassfish gave me better logs and I realized the syntax should have been like this
#WebServlet(urlPatterns = {"/x/login", "/x/register", "/x/logout", "/x/createrestaurant"}).
Notice the / before x/createrestaurant.
I had the same issue with even newly added projects tried a lot of stuff mentioned above. what works for me is to manually Stop tomcat service in the Installation directory \Tomcat 9.0\bin Tomcat9w.exe. Then deployed the project it works this way in Netbeans IDE.
FAIL - Failed to deploy application at context path...
I was facing the same issue. But I resolved it. Please see the following steps:
First, stop the Tomcat service that is already running on the background, Not in the Netbeans. For this, go to TaskManager properties>Services>tomcat
Right click on the tomcat service to stop
Now, after that. Close netbeans IDE and run again
Right click on the project and select run. The project will be running without any issue
I hope above solution will be helpfull who having the same error.
One Problem could be the port you are trying to use might be being used by another application. Try changing the port or clearing that one and it might work fine.
Problem has been resolved by stopping the Tomcat server
sudo systemctl stop tomcat
so as to allow Netbeans to run it. If the server is already running when Netbeans tries to deploy an app Netbeans will display the delopy failed message.
I had the same problem, but I used only maven (without IDE). My tomcat version was tomcat7 7.0.70-1 and jdk8 (in pom.xml: <java.version>1.8</java.version>) It turned out that tomcat7 incompatible with java 8, so, I changed java.version in pom.xml on <java.version>1.7</java.version> and that was the solution!
I had same problem and I resolved this issue by stopping the tomcat from IDE and run the web application it starts the tomcat automatically.(This works in Netbeans IDE). Simply Stop Tomcat and start again and redeploy web application.
Hi I am trying to debug the jpostest application that came with Motorola Scanner SDK foe Windows.
I am using Eclipse (Juno) with Java 7 on Windows 8.
I get the following exception when I click on the 'open' button in the 'Scanner' tab of the
POSTest application.
jpos.JposException: Could not connect to service with logicalName = MotorolaScannerSNAPI: Exception.message=com.symbol.jpos.SymScannerSvc112Factory
org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException: com.sun.jdi.ClassNotLoadedException: Type has not been loaded occurred while retrieving component type of array.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
It might be a bit late, but it seems that you are missing some 'jar' dependencies.
In the 'JPos Sample Application' folder of the Motorola Scanner SDK, check the 'JPosTest.bat' file, it lists all the needed dependencies (by defining some classpaths). You will also need to define the 'java.library.path' property to point to the directory containing the CSJPOS.dll (it is also done in the bat launcher).
I have developed a little program for myself. After testing and
finishing it locally I now wanted to put it on my server.
I get this error:
Compilation error The file /app/controllers/Links.java could not be
compiled. Error raised is : Secure cannot be resolved to a type
It is thrown at this line:
In the Class Links I have:
import play.mvc.With;
import controllers.*;
public class Links extends CRUD {
I have installed play 1.2.2 on my server. Play is running probably. I
type in the terminal "play start appname" and opened serverIp:9010 to
see this error. If I type "play precompile appname" everything seems
to work.
In the subfolder /modules of the app I have two text files, one "crud"
and one "secure" which point to the modules location on the server. I
also have defined the modules in dependencies.yml like this:
- play
- crud
- secure
In the application.conf I have a Production definition for my server
with the proper Server-ID like this:
Any idea why this isn't working?
I have solved it. For future reference:
I had an old process of play running. Found it with ps -aux and then kill PID. After that I started the application again with play start.
It's now running fine :)
Thanks for you help!
Declaring the secure module in dependencies.yml file is the first step.
Next you have to type the shell command "play dependencies" in order to resolve them.
Just have a glance on the documentation here : http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.2.2/dependency#Theplaydependenciescommand
Have fun with Play!
Sometimes you have to refesh the classpath settings by using play eclipsify again. (depends on the IDE you are using)
I had to insert this line to application.config
I had the same problem in my development environment, but not in my production server. I tried to solve by the module documentation, the accepted answer here, and many others with no success.
My solution was to download again play framework (1.2.7) and replacing it in the path where I installed first.
Hope this can guide someone else with the same issue.
I couldnt understand what is causing this error:
ERROR>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/PropertyConfigurator
ERROR>Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator
Already got the log4j-1.2.8.jar everywhere in the project but I couldnt make it. How can I make this error go away? Thanks!
Well, you haven't said what kind of application this is or basically given us any context. You need to make sure that the log4j classes are available to the classloader which is loading your application. If it's a standalone application run from the commandline, that's like to just be a case of specifying the -classpath command-line option. For example:
java -classpath .;log4j-1.2.8.jar org.foo.MyApplication
If you can give us more information, we're likely to be able to help you more.
Setp 1 : right click on your main method
Step 2 go to run as option then
Step 3 go to Run configuration
Step 4: and add projects or jar files
now it works.