I have an interesting task where I need to cache the results of my method, which is really simple with spring cache abstraction
public String getValue(String key){
return restService.getValue(key);
The restService.getValue() targets a REST service, which can be answering or not if the end point is down.
I need to set a specific TTL for the cache value, lets say 5 minutes, but in case if the server is down I need to return the last value, even if it extends 5 minutes.
I was thinking about having a second cachable method which have no TTL and always returns the last value, it would be called from getValue if restService returns nothing, but maybe there is a better way?
I've been interested in doing this for a while too. Sorry to say, I have not found any trivial way of doing this. Spring will not do this for you, it's more a question of whether what cache implementation spring is wrapping can do it. I assume you are using the EhCache implementation. Unfortunately this functionality does not come out the box as far as I know.
There are various ways one can achieve something similar depending on your problem
1) use an eternal cache time and have a second class Thread which periodically loops over the cached data refreshing it. I have not done this exactly, but the Thread class would need to have to look something like this:
EhCacheCacheManager ehCacheCacheManager;
//in the infinite loop
List keys = ((Ehcache) ehCacheCacheManager.getCache("test").getNative Cache()).getKeys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
Object o = keys.get(i);
Ehcache ehcache = (Ehcache)ehCacheCacheManager.getCache("test").getNativeCache()
Element item = (ehcache).get(o);
//get the data based on some info in the value, and if no exceptions
ehcache.put(new Element(element.getKey(), newValue));
benefits are this is very fast for the #Cacheable caller, downside is your server might get more hits than neccessary
2) You could make a CacheListener to listen to the eviction event, store the data temporarily. And should the server call fail, use that data and return from the method.
the ehcache.xml
<cacheEventListenerFactory class="caching.MyCacheEventListenerFactory"/>
The factory:
import net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener;
import net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListenerFactory;
import java.util.Properties;
public class MyCacheEventListenerFactory extends CacheEventListenerFactory {
public CacheEventListener createCacheEventListener(Properties properties) {
return new CacheListener();
The Pseudo-implementation
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheException;
import net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;
import net.sf.ehcache.event.CacheEventListener;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class CacheListener implements CacheEventListener {
//prob bad practice to use a global static here - but its just for demo purposes
public static ConcurrentHashMap myMap = new ConcurrentHashMap();
public void notifyElementPut(Ehcache ehcache, Element element) throws CacheException {
//we can remove it since the put happens after a method return
public void notifyElementExpired(Ehcache ehcache, Element element) {
//expired item, we should store this
myMap.put(element.getKey(), element.getValue());
A challenge here is that the key is not very useful, you might need to store something about the key in the returned value to be able to pick it up if the server call fails. This feels a bit hacky, and I have not determined if this is exactly bullet proof. It might need some testing.
3) A lot of effort but works:
public MyObject getValue(String data) {
try {
MyObject result = callServer(data);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return getStoredResult(data);
a Pro here is that it will work between server restarts, and you can extend it simply to allow shared caches between clustered servers.
I had a version in an 12 clustered environment where each one checked the database first to see if any other cluster had got the "expensive" data first
and then reused that rather than make the server call.
A slight variant would also be to use a second #Cacheable method together with #CachePut rather than a DB to store the data. But this would mean doubling up in memory usage. That might be acceptable depending on your result sizes.
Maybe you can use spel to change the used cache (one using ttl and the second not) if the condition (is the service up?) is true or false, I've never used spel this way (I used it to change the key based on some request params) but I think it could work
#Cacheable(value = "T(com.xxx.ServiceChecker).checkService()",...)
where checkService() is a static method that returns the name of the cache that should be used
I need to store the values of an ArrayList that changes frequently and persist those values in case of an application crash. The application I'm working on uses a Redis database already, so it seemed like a good choice.
Below, I have boiled down a minimal example of a spring boot controller that connects to a localhost instance of Redis and uses it to store serialized objects. The value can be modified from a controller endpoint, or through a scheduled job that runs every 5 seconds. If you do a series of get-requests to localhost:8080/test, you'll see the scheduled job remove items from the ArrayList one at a time.
Is it possible for a value to get missed, or for something not thread-safe to happen here? I'm concerned a scheduled job might conflict with changes made from the controller endpoint if they try to modify the object or set the Redis value at the same time, especially if the network slows down, but I'm unsure if that would actually be a problem. Everything seems to work fine as it runs on my localhost, but I remain skeptical.
I read this article, among others, on thread safety, but it didn't answer if any of those things are even necessary for this particular situation. I'm also aware that Redis read and writes are atomic, but I thought, what if the commands get sent to Redis in the wrong order?
I was thinking that if this implementation has problems, then Lombok's #Syncronized annotation might be useful for an abstracted out method for IO. I appreciate any input and time spent.
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
import io.lettuce.core.RedisClient;
import io.lettuce.core.api.StatefulRedisConnection;
import io.lettuce.core.api.sync.RedisCommands;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
public class Example {
RedisClient redisClient = RedisClient.create("redis://localhost:6379/");
StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redisClient.connect();
RedisCommands<String, String> redis = connection.sync();
Gson gson = new Gson();
ArrayList<String> someList = new ArrayList<>();
public Example() {
if(redis.exists("somekey") == 1){
Type collectionType = new TypeToken<Collection<VideoDAO>>(){}.getType();
someList = new ArrayList<>(gson.fromJson(redis.get("somekey"), collectionType));
public void addToSomeList(){
someList.add("sample string");
System.out.println("New item added. " + someList.size() + " items in array");
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
public void popFromSomeList() {
if (!someList.isEmpty()) {
redis.set("somekey", gson.toJson(someList));
System.out.println("Item removed. " + someList.size() + " items in array");
I'm using java 1.8.
Most obviously someList isn't thread-safe, so even if you ignore Redis the code is broken.
Let's say we make it thread-safe with Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());. Then add and pop still aren't atomic, although that might not matter too much for the functionality. You could just end up with (for example) the following kind of execution
someList.add("sample string");
redis.set("somekey", gson.toJson(someList));
redis.set("somekey", gson.toJson(someList));
and the messages could be confusing, as it could show "New item added. 4 items in array", "New item added. 4 items in array", "Item removed. 4 items in array", due to the add/remove happening before the prints.
So for proper functionality for the given code (or similar), you would have to synchronize the methods or use an explicit shared lock. There is a possibility of sending the commands in the wrong order, but in the given example (provided the list is made thread-safe) there's no chance of real danger, as it would only result in a duplicated set for the same data.
In Java Spring Boot, I can easily enable caching using the annotation #EnableCaching and make methods cache the result using #Cacheable, this way, any input to my method with the exact same parameters will NOT call the method, but return immediately using the cached result.
Is there something similar in C#?
What I did in the past was i had to implement my own caching class, my own data structures, its a big hassle. I just want an easy way for the program to cache the result and return the exact result if the input parameters are the same.
EDIT: I dont want to use any third party stuff, so no MemCached, no Redis, no RabbitMQ, etc... Just looking for a very simple and elegant solution like Java's #Cacheable.
A cache is the most valuable feature that Microsoft provides. It is a type of memory that is relatively small but can be accessed very quickly. It essentially stores information that is likely to be used again. For example, web browsers typically use a cache to make web pages load faster by storing a copy of the webpage files locally, such as on your local computer.
Caching is the process of storing data into cache. Caching with the C# language is very easy. System.Runtime.Caching.dll provides the feature for working with caching in C#. In this illustration I am using the following classes:
: The CacheItem class provides a logical representation of a cache entry, that can include regions using the RegionName property. It exists in the System.Runtime.Caching.
: This class also comes under System.Runtime.Caching and it represents the type that implements an in-cache memory.
: Represents a set of eviction and expiration details for a specific cache entry.
.NET provides
System.Web.Caching.Cache - default caching mechanizm in ASP.NET. You can get instance of this class via property Controller.HttpContext.Cache also you can get it via singleton HttpContext.Current.Cache. This class is not expected to be created explicitly because under the hood it uses another caching engine that is assigned internally. To make your code work the simplest way is to do the following:
public class DataController : System.Web.Mvc.Controller{
public System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Index(){
List<object> list = new List<Object>();
HttpContext.Cache["ObjectList"] = list; // add
list = (List<object>)HttpContext.Cache["ObjectList"]; // retrieve
HttpContext.Cache.Remove("ObjectList"); // remove
return new System.Web.Mvc.EmptyResult();
System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache - this class can be constructed in user code. It has the different interface and more features like update\remove callbacks, regions, monitors etc. To use it you need to import library System.Runtime.Caching. It can be also used in ASP.net application, but you will have to manage its lifetime by yourself.
var cache = new System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache("MyTestCache");
cache["ObjectList"] = list; // add
list = (List<object>)cache["ObjectList"]; // retrieve
cache.Remove("ObjectList"); // remove
You can write a decorator with a get-or-create functionality. First, try to get value from cache, if it doesn't exist, calculate it and store in cache:
public static class CacheExtensions
public static async Task<T> GetOrSetValueAsync<T>(this ICacheClient cache, string key, Func<Task<T>> function)
where T : class
// try to get value from cache
var result = await cache.JsonGet<T>(key);
if (result != null)
return result;
// cache miss, run function and store result in cache
result = await function();
await cache.JsonSet(key, result);
return result;
ICacheClient is the interface you're extending. Now you can use:
await _cacheClient.GetOrSetValueAsync(key, () => Task.FromResult(value));
I have an app that tries to follow the Clean Architecture and I need to do some cache invalidation but I don't know in which layer this should be done.
For the sake of this example, let's say I have an OrderInteractor with 2 use cases : getOrderHistory() and sendOrder(Order).
The first use case is using an OrderHistoryRepository and the second one is using a OrderSenderRepository. Theses repositories are interfaces with multiple implementations (MockOrderHistoryRepository and InternetOrderHistoryRepository for the first one). The OrderInteractor only interact with theses repositories through the interfaces in order to hide the real implementation.
The Mock version is very dummy but the Internet version of the history repository is keeping some data in cache to perform better.
Now, I want to implement the following : when an order is sent successfully, I want to invalidate the cache of the history but I don't know where exactly I should perform the actual cache invalidation.
My first guess is to add a invalidateCache() to the OrderHistoryRepository and use this method at the end of the sendOrder() method inside the interactor. In the InternetOrderHistoryRepository, I will just have to implement the cache invalidation and I will be good. But I will be forced to actually implement the method inside the MockOrderHistoryRepository and it's exposing to the outside the fact that some cache management is performed by the repository. I think that the OrderInteractor should not be aware of this cache management because it is implementation details of the Internet version of the OrderHistoryRepository.
My second guess would be perform the cache invalidation inside the InternetOrderSenderRepository when it knows that the order was sent successfully but it will force this repository to know the InternetOrderHistoryRepository in order to get the cache key used by this repo for the cache management. And I don't want my OrderSenderRepository to have a dependency with the OrderHistoryRepository.
Finally, my third guess is to have some sort of CacheInvalidator (whatever the name) interface with a Dummy implementation used when the repository is mocked and an Real implementation when the Interactor is using the Internet repositories. This CacheInvalidator would be injected to the Interactor and the selected implementation would be provided by a Factory that's building the repository and the CacheInvalidator. This means that I will have a MockedOrderHistoryRepositoryFactory - that's building the MockedOrderHistoryRepository and the DummyCacheInvalidator - and a InternetOrderHistoryRepositoryFactory - that's building the InternetOrderHistoryRepository and the RealCacheInvalidator. But here again, I don't know if this CacheInvalidator should be used by the Interactor at the end of sendOrder() or directly by the InternetOrderSenderRepository (even though I think the latter is better because again the interactor should probably not know that there is some cache management under the hood).
What would be your preferred way of architecturing this ?
Thank you very much.
Your 2nd guess is correct because caching is a detail of the persistence mechanism. E.g. if the repository would be a file based repository caching might not be an issue (e.g. a local ssd).
The interactor (use case) should not know about caching at all. This will make it easier to test because you don't need a real cache or mock for testing.
My second guess would be perform the cache invalidation inside the InternetOrderSenderRepository when it knows that the order was sent successfully but it will force this repository to know the InternetOrderHistoryRepository in order to get the cache key used by this repo for the cache management.
It seems that your cache key is a composite of multiple order properties and therefore you need to encapsulate the cache key creation logic somewhere for reuse.
In this case, you have the following options:
One implementation for both interfaces
You can create a class that implements the InternetOrderSenderRepository as well as the InternetOrderHistoryRepository interface. In this case, you can extract the cache key generation logic into a private method and reuse it.
Use a utility class for the cache key creation
Simple extract the cache key creation logic in a utility class and use it in both repositories.
Create a cache key class
A cache key is just an arbitrary object because a cache must only check if a key exists and this means use the equals method that every object has. But to be more type-safe most caches use a generic type for the key so that you can define one.
Thus you can put the cache key logic and validation in an own class. This has the advantage that you can easily test that logic.
public class OrderCacheKey {
private Integer orderId;
private int version;
public OrderCacheKey(Integer orderId, int version) {
this.orderId = Objects.requireNonNull(orderId);
if (version < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("version must be a positive integer");
this.version = version;
public OrderCacheKey(Order order) {
this(order.getId(), order.getVersion());
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
OrderCacheKey other = (OrderCacheKey) obj;
if (!Objects.equals(orderId, other.orderId))
return false;
return Objects.equals(version, other.version);
public int hashCode() {
int result = 1;
result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(orderId);
result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(version);
return result;
You can use this class as the key type of your cache: Cache<OrderCacheKey, Order>. Then you can use the OrderCacheKey class in both repository implementations.
Introduce a order cache interface to hide caching details
You can apply the interface segregation principle and hide the complete caching details behind a simple interface. This will make your unit tests more easy because you have to mock less.
public interface OrderCache {
public void add(Order order);
public Order get(Integer orderId, int version);
public void remove(Order order);
public void removeByKey(Integer orderId, int version);
You can then use the OrderCache in both repository implementations and you can also combine the interface segregation with the cache key class above.
How to apply
You can use aspect-oriented programming and one of the options above to implement the caching
You can create a wrapper (or delegate) for each repository that applies caching and delegates to the real repositories when needed. This is very similar to the aspect-oriented way. You just implement the aspect manually.
I'm caching the results of a function using the #cacheable annotation.
I have 3 different caches and the key for each one is the user id of the currently logged in user concatenated with an argument in the method .
On a certain event I want to evict all the cache entries which have the key that starts with that particular user id.
For example :
#Cacheable(value = "testCache1", key = "'abcdef'")
I want the cache evict annotation to be something like :
#CacheEvict(value = "getSimilarVendors", condition = "key.startsWith('abc')")
But when I try to implement this it gives me an error :
Property or field 'key' cannot be found on object of type'org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheExpressionRootObject' - maybe not public?
What is the correct way to implement this?
All of the Spring Cache annotations (i.e. #Cacheable, #CacheEvict, etc) work on 1 cache entry per operation. #CacheEvict does support clearing the entire cache (with the allEntries attribute, however ignores the key in this case), but it is not selective (capable) in clearing a partial set of entries based on a key pattern in a single operation as you have described.
The main reason behind this is the Spring Cache interface abstraction itself, where the evict(key:Object) method takes a single key argument. But technically, it actually depends on the underlying Cache implementation (e.g. GemfireCache), which would need to support eviction on all entries who's keys match a particular pattern, which is typically, not the case for most caches (e.g. certainly not for GemFire, and not for Google Guava Cache either; see here and here.)
That is not to say you absolutely cannot achieve your goal. It's just not something supported out-of-the-box.
The interesting thing, minus some technical issues with your approach, is that your condition achieves sort of what you want... a cache eviction only occurs if the key satisfies the condition. However, you #CacheEvict annotated method is just missing the "key", hence the error. So, something like the following would satisfy the SpEL in your condition...
#CacheEvict(condition = "#key.startsWith('abc')")
public void someMethod(String key) {
However, you have to specify the key as an argument in this case. But, you don't want a specific key, you want a pattern matching several keys. So, forgo the condition and just use...
public void someMethod(String keyPattern) {
By way of example, using Guava as the caching provider, you would now need to provide a "custom" implementation extending GuavaCache.
public class CustomGuavaCache extends org.springframework.cache.guava.GuavaCache {
protected boolean isMatch(String key, String pattern) {
protected boolean isPattern(String key) {
public void evict(Object key) {
if (key instanceof String && isPattern(key.toString()))) {
Map<String, Object> entries = this.cache.asMap();
Set<String> matchingKeys = new HashSet<>(entries.size());
for (String actualKey : entries.keySet()) {
if (isMatch(actualKey, key.toString()) {
else {
Now just extend the GuavaCacheManager to plugin your "custom" GuavaCache (CustomGuavaCache)...
public class CustomGuavaCacheManager extends org.springframework.cache.guava.GuavaCacheManager {
protected Cache createGuavaCache(String name) {
return new CustomGuavaCache(name, createNativeGuavaCache(name), isAllowNullValues());
This approach takes advantage of Guava's Cache's invalidateAll(keys:Iterable) method. And, of course, you could use Java's Regex support to perform the "matching" on the desired keys to be evicted inside the isMatch(key, pattern) method.
So, I have not tested this, but this (or something similar) should achieve (almost) what you want (fingers crossed ;-)
Hope this helps!
I would like to know how to make sure that some method in a service is accessed only once at a time per session.
I'll illustrate by a small example:
Assume we have a user in a state A (user.state = A). This user sends a HTTP GET request to our java spring controller to get a page, say /hello. Based on his status, he will be sent to either A or B. Before that, we will change his status to B (see code below).
Now, assume again that the call dao.doSomething(); takes a lot of time. If the user sends another GET (by refreshing his browser for instance), he will call the exact same method dao.doSomething(), resulting in 2 calls.
How can you avoid that?
What happens if you sends 2 HTTP GETs at the same time?
How can you have something consistent in your controller/service/model/database?
Note 1: here we don't issue the 2 HTTP GETs from different browser. We just make them at the same time on the same browser (I'm aware of the max concurrent session solution, but this does not solve my problem.).
Note 2: the solution should not block concurrent accesses of the controller for different users.
I've read a bit about transaction on service, but I'm not sure if this is the solution. I've also read a bit on concurrency, but I still don't understand how to use it here.
I would greatly appreciate your help! Thanks!
code example:
public class UserController {
public String viewHelloPage() {
// we get the user from a session attribute
if (user.getState() = A) {
return "pageA";
return "pageB";
public class UserService {
Dao dao;
public void setStatus(User user) {
Although I wouldn't recommend it (as it basically blocks all other calls from the same user to). On most HandlerAdapter implementations you can set the property synchronizeOnSession by default this is false allowing for concurrent requests to come from the same client. When you set this property to true requests will be queued for that client.
How to set it depends on your configuration of the HandlerAdapter.
how to make sure that some method in a service is accessed only once
at a time per session.
Try to Lock on session object in your controller before calling service method
If dao.doSomething() is doing work that you only want to happen once, you should use an idempotent method like PUT or DELETE. There's no law forcing you to use the correct method, but worst-case it's a self-documenting way to tell the world about how your API should be used. If that isn't enough for you, most browsers will try to help you out based on the type of request. For instance, the browser will often use caching to avoid multiple GETs.
It seems like what you really want to know is how to enforce idempotency. This is very application-specific. One general approach is to generate and store a pseudo-unique id on the server side for the client to attach to their request. This way, any request with the same id after the first can be safely ignored. Obviously old ids should be evicted intelligently.
As I said, the solution is often application-specific. In your case above, it looks like you're trying to switch between 2 states, and your implementation is a server-side toggle. You can utilize the client to ensure that multiple requests will not be a problem.
#RequestMapping(value="/hello", method=RequestMethod.PUT)
public String test(#RequestParam("state") String state) {
dao.setState(user, state)
switch (state) {
case "A":
return "B";
case "B":
return "A";
return "error";
If you don't mind to configure and use AOP, then the following might help you
public class NonConcurrentAspect implements HttpSessionListener{
private Map<HttpSession, Map<Method, Object>> mutexes = new ConcurrentHashMap<HttpSession, Map<Method, Object>>();
#Around(value = "#annotation(org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping)")
public Object handle(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint methodPjp = (MethodInvocationProceedingJoinPoint) pjp;
Method method = ((MethodSignature) methodPjp.getSignature()).getMethod();
ServletRequestAttributes requestAttributes = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
HttpServletRequest request = requestAttributes.getRequest();
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
Object mutex = getMutex(session, method);
synchronized (mutex) {
return pjp.proceed();
private Object getMutex(HttpSession session, Method method) {
Map<Method, Object> sessionMutexes = mutexes.get(session);
Object mutex = new Object();
Object existingMutex = sessionMutexes.putIfAbsent(method, mutex);
return existingMutex == null ? mutex : existingMutex;
public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) {
mutexes.put(se.getSession(), new ConcurrentHashMap<Method, Object>());
public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) {
It synchronizes on a per-session per-method mutex. One restriction is that the methods so advised should not call each other (which is hardly a case, unless you violate MVC design pattern severely), otherwise you may face deadlocks.
This would handle all the methods tagged with #RequestMapping, but if you want just few methods be guarded against concurrent execution,
then, as one of the possible solutions, you could introduce your own annotation, e.g.
public #interface NonConcurrent {
tag the specific methods with this annotation, and replace #RequestMapping in #Around annotation in the above aspect class with your own.
In highly contended environment you may think of more advanced solution than intrinsic locks.
I would, however, advise against using HandlerAdapter's synchronizeOnSession option, not only because it synchronizes all the invocations on the same mutex, but, which is less obvious, the synchronization on publicly available mutex is potentially dangerous.