I have an app that tries to follow the Clean Architecture and I need to do some cache invalidation but I don't know in which layer this should be done.
For the sake of this example, let's say I have an OrderInteractor with 2 use cases : getOrderHistory() and sendOrder(Order).
The first use case is using an OrderHistoryRepository and the second one is using a OrderSenderRepository. Theses repositories are interfaces with multiple implementations (MockOrderHistoryRepository and InternetOrderHistoryRepository for the first one). The OrderInteractor only interact with theses repositories through the interfaces in order to hide the real implementation.
The Mock version is very dummy but the Internet version of the history repository is keeping some data in cache to perform better.
Now, I want to implement the following : when an order is sent successfully, I want to invalidate the cache of the history but I don't know where exactly I should perform the actual cache invalidation.
My first guess is to add a invalidateCache() to the OrderHistoryRepository and use this method at the end of the sendOrder() method inside the interactor. In the InternetOrderHistoryRepository, I will just have to implement the cache invalidation and I will be good. But I will be forced to actually implement the method inside the MockOrderHistoryRepository and it's exposing to the outside the fact that some cache management is performed by the repository. I think that the OrderInteractor should not be aware of this cache management because it is implementation details of the Internet version of the OrderHistoryRepository.
My second guess would be perform the cache invalidation inside the InternetOrderSenderRepository when it knows that the order was sent successfully but it will force this repository to know the InternetOrderHistoryRepository in order to get the cache key used by this repo for the cache management. And I don't want my OrderSenderRepository to have a dependency with the OrderHistoryRepository.
Finally, my third guess is to have some sort of CacheInvalidator (whatever the name) interface with a Dummy implementation used when the repository is mocked and an Real implementation when the Interactor is using the Internet repositories. This CacheInvalidator would be injected to the Interactor and the selected implementation would be provided by a Factory that's building the repository and the CacheInvalidator. This means that I will have a MockedOrderHistoryRepositoryFactory - that's building the MockedOrderHistoryRepository and the DummyCacheInvalidator - and a InternetOrderHistoryRepositoryFactory - that's building the InternetOrderHistoryRepository and the RealCacheInvalidator. But here again, I don't know if this CacheInvalidator should be used by the Interactor at the end of sendOrder() or directly by the InternetOrderSenderRepository (even though I think the latter is better because again the interactor should probably not know that there is some cache management under the hood).
What would be your preferred way of architecturing this ?
Thank you very much.
Your 2nd guess is correct because caching is a detail of the persistence mechanism. E.g. if the repository would be a file based repository caching might not be an issue (e.g. a local ssd).
The interactor (use case) should not know about caching at all. This will make it easier to test because you don't need a real cache or mock for testing.
My second guess would be perform the cache invalidation inside the InternetOrderSenderRepository when it knows that the order was sent successfully but it will force this repository to know the InternetOrderHistoryRepository in order to get the cache key used by this repo for the cache management.
It seems that your cache key is a composite of multiple order properties and therefore you need to encapsulate the cache key creation logic somewhere for reuse.
In this case, you have the following options:
One implementation for both interfaces
You can create a class that implements the InternetOrderSenderRepository as well as the InternetOrderHistoryRepository interface. In this case, you can extract the cache key generation logic into a private method and reuse it.
Use a utility class for the cache key creation
Simple extract the cache key creation logic in a utility class and use it in both repositories.
Create a cache key class
A cache key is just an arbitrary object because a cache must only check if a key exists and this means use the equals method that every object has. But to be more type-safe most caches use a generic type for the key so that you can define one.
Thus you can put the cache key logic and validation in an own class. This has the advantage that you can easily test that logic.
public class OrderCacheKey {
private Integer orderId;
private int version;
public OrderCacheKey(Integer orderId, int version) {
this.orderId = Objects.requireNonNull(orderId);
if (version < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("version must be a positive integer");
this.version = version;
public OrderCacheKey(Order order) {
this(order.getId(), order.getVersion());
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
OrderCacheKey other = (OrderCacheKey) obj;
if (!Objects.equals(orderId, other.orderId))
return false;
return Objects.equals(version, other.version);
public int hashCode() {
int result = 1;
result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(orderId);
result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(version);
return result;
You can use this class as the key type of your cache: Cache<OrderCacheKey, Order>. Then you can use the OrderCacheKey class in both repository implementations.
Introduce a order cache interface to hide caching details
You can apply the interface segregation principle and hide the complete caching details behind a simple interface. This will make your unit tests more easy because you have to mock less.
public interface OrderCache {
public void add(Order order);
public Order get(Integer orderId, int version);
public void remove(Order order);
public void removeByKey(Integer orderId, int version);
You can then use the OrderCache in both repository implementations and you can also combine the interface segregation with the cache key class above.
How to apply
You can use aspect-oriented programming and one of the options above to implement the caching
You can create a wrapper (or delegate) for each repository that applies caching and delegates to the real repositories when needed. This is very similar to the aspect-oriented way. You just implement the aspect manually.
I'm developing a SpringBoot web application for managing gaming servers.
I want to have a cronjob that queries the servers, checks whether they have crashed and collects relevant data, such as the number of players online etc. This data needs to be stored and shared among services that require it. Since this data will change often and will become invalid after the whole application stops, I don't want to persist these stats in the database, but in the application memory.
Current implementation
Currently, my implementation is pretty naive - having a collection as a member field of the corresponding Spring service and storing the server statuses there. However I feel this is a really bad solution, as the services should be stateless and also I don't take concurrency into account.
Example code:
public class ServersServiceImpl implements ServersService {
private final Map<Long, ServerStats> stats = new HashMap<>(); // Map server ID -> stats
public void startServer(Long id) {
// ... call service to actually start server process
stats.put(id, serverStats);
Alternative: Using #Repository classes
I could move the collection with the data to classes with #Repository annotation, which would be semantically more correct. There, I would implement a thread-safe logic of storing the data in java collection. Then I would inject this repository into relevant services.
public class ServerStatsRepository {
private final Map<Long, ServerStats> stats = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public ServerStats getServerStats(Long id) {
return stats.get(id);
public ServerStats updateServerStats(Long id, ServerStats serverStats) {
return stats.put(id, serverStats);
Using Redis also came to mind, but I don't want to add too much complexity to the app.
Is my proposed solution a valid approach? Would there be any better option of handling this problem?
I want to publish an event if and only if there were changes to the DB. I'm running under #Transaction is Spring context and I come up with this check:
Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
That seems to fail for new (Transient) objects:
public Entity save(Entity newEntity) {
Entity entity = entityRepository.save(newEntity);
Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
session.isDirty(); // <-- returns `false` ):
return entity;
Based on the answer here https://stackoverflow.com/a/5268617/672689 I would expect it to work and return true.
What am I missing?
Considering #fladdimir answer, although this function is called in a transaction context, I did add the #Transactional (from org.springframework.transaction.annotation) on the function. but I still encounter the same behaviour. The isDirty is returning false.
Moreover, as expected, the new entity doesn't shows on the DB while the program is hold on breakpoint at the line of the session.isDirty().
I also tried to change the session flush modes before calling the repo save, also without any effect:
First of all, Session.isDirty() has a different meaning than what I understood. It tells if the current session is holding in memory queries which still haven't been sent to the DB. While I thought it tells if the transaction have changing queries. When saving a new entity, even in transaction, the insert query must be sent to the DB in order to get the new entity id, therefore the isDirty() will always be false after it.
So I ended up creating a class to extend SessionImpl and hold the change status for the session, updating it on persist and merge calls (the functions hibernate is using)
So this is the class I wrote:
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.internal.SessionCreationOptions;
import org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl;
import org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl;
public class CustomSession extends SessionImpl {
private boolean changed;
public CustomSession(SessionFactoryImpl factory, SessionCreationOptions options) {
super(factory, options);
changed = false;
public void persist(Object object) throws HibernateException {
changed = true;
public void flush() throws HibernateException {
changed = changed || isDirty();
public boolean isChanged() {
return changed || isDirty();
In order to use it I had to:
extend SessionFactoryImpl.SessionBuilderImpl to override the openSession function and return my CustomSession
extend SessionFactoryImpl to override the withOptions function to return the extended SessionFactoryImpl.SessionBuilderImpl
extend AbstractDelegatingSessionFactoryBuilderImplementor to override the build function to return the extended SessionFactoryImpl
implement SessionFactoryBuilderFactory to implement getSessionFactoryBuilder to return the extended AbstractDelegatingSessionFactoryBuilderImplementor
add org.hibernate.boot.spi.SessionFactoryBuilderFactory file under META-INF/services with value of my SessionFactoryBuilderFactory implementation full class name (for the spring to be aware of it).
There was a bug with capturing the "merge" calls (as tremendous7 comment), so I end up capturing the isDirty state before any flush, and also checking it once more when checking isChanged()
The following is a different way you might be able to leverage to track dirtiness.
Though architecturally different than your sample code, it may be more to the point of your actual goal (I want to publish an event if and only if there were changes to the DB).
Maybe you could use an Interceptor listener to let the entity manager do the heavy lifting and just TELL you what's dirty. Then you only have to react to it, instead of prod it to sort out what's dirty in the first place.
Take a look at this article: https://www.baeldung.com/hibernate-entity-lifecycle
It has a lot of test cases that basically check for dirtiness of objects being saved in various contexts and then it relies on a piece of code called the DirtyDataInspector that effectively listens to any items that are flagged dirty on flush and then just remembers them (i.e. keeps them in a list) so the unit test cases can assert that the things that SHOULD have been dirty were actually flushed as dirty.
The dirty data inspector code is on their github. Here's the direct link for ease of access.
Here is the code where the interceptor is applied to the factory so it can be effective. You might need to write this up in your injection framework accordingly.
The code for the Interceptor it is based on has a TON of lifecycle methods you can probably exploit to get the perfect behavior for "do this if there was actually a dirty save that occured".
You can see the full docs of it here.
We do not know your complete setup, but as #Christian Beikov suggested in the comment, is it possible that the insertion was already flushed before you call isDirty()?
This would happen when you called repository.save(newEntity) without a running transaction, since the SimpleJpaRepository's save method is annotated itself with #Transactional:
public <S extends T> S save(S entity) {
This will wrap the call in a new transaction if none is already active, and flush the insertion to the DB at the end of the transaction just before the method returns.
You might choose to annotate the method where you call save and isDirty with #Transactional, so that the transaction is created when your method is called, and propagated to the repository call. This way the transaction would not be committed when the save returns, and the session would still be dirty.
(edit, just for completeness: in case of using an identity ID generation strategy, the insertion of newly created entity is flushed during a repository's save call to generate the ID, before the running transaction is committed)
In Java Spring Boot, I can easily enable caching using the annotation #EnableCaching and make methods cache the result using #Cacheable, this way, any input to my method with the exact same parameters will NOT call the method, but return immediately using the cached result.
Is there something similar in C#?
What I did in the past was i had to implement my own caching class, my own data structures, its a big hassle. I just want an easy way for the program to cache the result and return the exact result if the input parameters are the same.
EDIT: I dont want to use any third party stuff, so no MemCached, no Redis, no RabbitMQ, etc... Just looking for a very simple and elegant solution like Java's #Cacheable.
A cache is the most valuable feature that Microsoft provides. It is a type of memory that is relatively small but can be accessed very quickly. It essentially stores information that is likely to be used again. For example, web browsers typically use a cache to make web pages load faster by storing a copy of the webpage files locally, such as on your local computer.
Caching is the process of storing data into cache. Caching with the C# language is very easy. System.Runtime.Caching.dll provides the feature for working with caching in C#. In this illustration I am using the following classes:
: The CacheItem class provides a logical representation of a cache entry, that can include regions using the RegionName property. It exists in the System.Runtime.Caching.
: This class also comes under System.Runtime.Caching and it represents the type that implements an in-cache memory.
: Represents a set of eviction and expiration details for a specific cache entry.
.NET provides
System.Web.Caching.Cache - default caching mechanizm in ASP.NET. You can get instance of this class via property Controller.HttpContext.Cache also you can get it via singleton HttpContext.Current.Cache. This class is not expected to be created explicitly because under the hood it uses another caching engine that is assigned internally. To make your code work the simplest way is to do the following:
public class DataController : System.Web.Mvc.Controller{
public System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult Index(){
List<object> list = new List<Object>();
HttpContext.Cache["ObjectList"] = list; // add
list = (List<object>)HttpContext.Cache["ObjectList"]; // retrieve
HttpContext.Cache.Remove("ObjectList"); // remove
return new System.Web.Mvc.EmptyResult();
System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache - this class can be constructed in user code. It has the different interface and more features like update\remove callbacks, regions, monitors etc. To use it you need to import library System.Runtime.Caching. It can be also used in ASP.net application, but you will have to manage its lifetime by yourself.
var cache = new System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache("MyTestCache");
cache["ObjectList"] = list; // add
list = (List<object>)cache["ObjectList"]; // retrieve
cache.Remove("ObjectList"); // remove
You can write a decorator with a get-or-create functionality. First, try to get value from cache, if it doesn't exist, calculate it and store in cache:
public static class CacheExtensions
public static async Task<T> GetOrSetValueAsync<T>(this ICacheClient cache, string key, Func<Task<T>> function)
where T : class
// try to get value from cache
var result = await cache.JsonGet<T>(key);
if (result != null)
return result;
// cache miss, run function and store result in cache
result = await function();
await cache.JsonSet(key, result);
return result;
ICacheClient is the interface you're extending. Now you can use:
await _cacheClient.GetOrSetValueAsync(key, () => Task.FromResult(value));
I'm caching the results of a function using the #cacheable annotation.
I have 3 different caches and the key for each one is the user id of the currently logged in user concatenated with an argument in the method .
On a certain event I want to evict all the cache entries which have the key that starts with that particular user id.
For example :
#Cacheable(value = "testCache1", key = "'abcdef'")
I want the cache evict annotation to be something like :
#CacheEvict(value = "getSimilarVendors", condition = "key.startsWith('abc')")
But when I try to implement this it gives me an error :
Property or field 'key' cannot be found on object of type'org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheExpressionRootObject' - maybe not public?
What is the correct way to implement this?
All of the Spring Cache annotations (i.e. #Cacheable, #CacheEvict, etc) work on 1 cache entry per operation. #CacheEvict does support clearing the entire cache (with the allEntries attribute, however ignores the key in this case), but it is not selective (capable) in clearing a partial set of entries based on a key pattern in a single operation as you have described.
The main reason behind this is the Spring Cache interface abstraction itself, where the evict(key:Object) method takes a single key argument. But technically, it actually depends on the underlying Cache implementation (e.g. GemfireCache), which would need to support eviction on all entries who's keys match a particular pattern, which is typically, not the case for most caches (e.g. certainly not for GemFire, and not for Google Guava Cache either; see here and here.)
That is not to say you absolutely cannot achieve your goal. It's just not something supported out-of-the-box.
The interesting thing, minus some technical issues with your approach, is that your condition achieves sort of what you want... a cache eviction only occurs if the key satisfies the condition. However, you #CacheEvict annotated method is just missing the "key", hence the error. So, something like the following would satisfy the SpEL in your condition...
#CacheEvict(condition = "#key.startsWith('abc')")
public void someMethod(String key) {
However, you have to specify the key as an argument in this case. But, you don't want a specific key, you want a pattern matching several keys. So, forgo the condition and just use...
public void someMethod(String keyPattern) {
By way of example, using Guava as the caching provider, you would now need to provide a "custom" implementation extending GuavaCache.
public class CustomGuavaCache extends org.springframework.cache.guava.GuavaCache {
protected boolean isMatch(String key, String pattern) {
protected boolean isPattern(String key) {
public void evict(Object key) {
if (key instanceof String && isPattern(key.toString()))) {
Map<String, Object> entries = this.cache.asMap();
Set<String> matchingKeys = new HashSet<>(entries.size());
for (String actualKey : entries.keySet()) {
if (isMatch(actualKey, key.toString()) {
else {
Now just extend the GuavaCacheManager to plugin your "custom" GuavaCache (CustomGuavaCache)...
public class CustomGuavaCacheManager extends org.springframework.cache.guava.GuavaCacheManager {
protected Cache createGuavaCache(String name) {
return new CustomGuavaCache(name, createNativeGuavaCache(name), isAllowNullValues());
This approach takes advantage of Guava's Cache's invalidateAll(keys:Iterable) method. And, of course, you could use Java's Regex support to perform the "matching" on the desired keys to be evicted inside the isMatch(key, pattern) method.
So, I have not tested this, but this (or something similar) should achieve (almost) what you want (fingers crossed ;-)
Hope this helps!
I am developing a Web App in Spring and hibernate.
I am loading entities in Database.Authors,books,Publication etc are my entities which are getting loaded from excel.
I have mode one Entity Load Service interface and then I have its Implementations for every entity.
My Service calls DAO implementations.
Now I am struggling to find if the below mentioned code violates SRP.
Also I am always confused about how to decide responsibility of the class because any class can have many methods and each method can be performing something different.So should they be separated in different class?.take in my case I have 4 methods each performing different task.So I end up with 4 different class for each method.If I follow this approach(which I know is wrong) then I will always end up in classes having single method.
Also,sometimes I feel that I going away from domain driven design because I am refracting the code on the basis of functionality.
Any suggestions on how to decide what the responsibility is from the perspective a class?
SRP stands for single responsibility principle.And I am really confused in identifying this responsibility.
public interface EntitiesLoadService {
public void loadEntities(Object o);
public void deleteEntities(Object o);
public List getEntities();
public Object getEntity(Object o);
Service Implementation
public class AuthorEntityLoadService implements EntitiesLoadService{
private AuthorDAO authorDao;
public void setAuthorDao(AuthorDAO authorDao) {
this.authorDao = authorDao;
public void deleteEntities(Object o) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void loadEntities(Object o) {
Set<author_pojo> author=(Set<author_pojo>)o;
Iterator<author_pojo> itr=author.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
author_pojo authorPojo = (author_pojo) itr.next();
public List getEntities() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Object getEntity(Object o) {
String author=(String)o;
author_pojo fetAuthor=authorDao.findOneByName(author);
return fetAuthor;
You have AuthorDAO which is the class that should be doing all interactions with the persistence layer, ex. a database.
It isn't obvious in your example because your AuthorEntityLoadService has similar methods which just delegate to the DAO layer.
As your project and requirements grow, you will see that more methods are required for this class. These methods will be responsible for doing more than just CRUD operations on the DAO layer. They might need to interact with other services, internal or external. They might need to do multiple DAO calls.
The Single Responsibility in this case is to provide services for interacting with AuthorEntity instances.
It is on of many correct ways of implementing what you are proposing.
More specifically, my opinion on
Also I am always confused about how to decide responsibility of the
class because any class can have many methods and each method can be
performing something different.So should they be separated in
different class?
Just because you have many methods doing different things, doesn't mean the responsibility isn't shared. AuthorEntityLoadService which I would just call AuthorEntityService manages AuthorEntity instances at the service layer. Image if you had one Class with one method for each of create, update, retrieve, delete an AuthorEntity. That wouldn't make much sense.
And on
Any suggestions on how to decide what the responsibility is from the
perspective a class?
As further reading, try http://java.dzone.com/articles/defining-class-responsibility
Typically, in this type of n-tier architecture, your service layer is meant to provide an API of transactional (or otherwise resource-dependent) operations. The implementation of each service can use whatever resource-specific dependencies (like DAOs for a particular datasource) it needs, but it allows the service consumer to remain agnostic of these specific dependencies or resources.
So even if your service is just delegating to its resource-specific dependencies, it doesn't violate SRP because its responsibility is to define a resource-agnostic API (so that the consumer doesn't need to know all the resource-specific stuff) that specifies atomic operations (transactional if necessary).