Any suggestions on best arranging (android) project in Eclipse? [closed] - java

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am from Microsoft Visual Studio background and bit new to Android and Eclipse. I have started with one Android application which by now has just 4 activities and already the number of fragments, layouts, other java classes (POCO objects) are exploding and the project code base structure is clearly becoming a mess.
Any suggestions on Eclipse/Android way of making it easy to
Arrange things domain or vertical wise
Quickly find out which layout
is referred by which activity or fragment (I can surely come up with
conventions of my own, but want to know how the experts are doing


Genie Effect in Android Fragment [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have spent a lot of time looking for a reference for how to apply a genie animation effect like iOS in iOS to an android fragment. But no ideas, where getting I haven't found anything helpful so far. Can anyone tell, me how do I can achieve a genie motion in android. I am welcoming your best Your ideas and suggestions are very welcome.

What is the difference between activity_main.xml or fragment_main.xml? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would just like to know the pros and cons of adding buttons to the activity_main.xml and fragment_main.xml for android app development. I tried looking this up but couldn't find anything useful. I know that you can add buttons to both files but which one is the correct file to add a button to? Can anyone give me an insight on this?
Either one is fine, though generally you would do most of your UI work in fragments. There are lots of differences between a Fragment and an Activity, but the general idea is that fragments allow you to reuse portions of your UI multiple places in the app. This is especially important when working with multiple format factors (e.g.: phone vs. tablet) to create layouts that work for both.
Stackoverflow has a lot of good posts on this exact topic; see Android - I need some clarifications of fragments vs activities and views

Proguard alternative for obfuscating android apps using precompiled third party libraries [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have tried ProGuard many times and spent a lot of time on configuring it to no avail in the past year or so. It seems to have some inherent limitations related to pre-compiled third-party libraries as explained in its document. ProGuard document nicely provides a long list of alternatives. Instead of trying them one by one, I am here to see if any could share successful experiences with some of them. I only need something to obfuscate java code. Code shrinking and optimization are nice to have, but not required.

How to move a programmed game for pc to android [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've developed a game on my computer in java, but realized it's not really a game I want to play on my computer but something I want on my phone (a samsung galaxy S3). Is there an easy way to make it an android application?
There are two cross platform projects I recommend for this purpose. LIBGDX, and PlayN.
You will be able to reuse some of your code, but will need to change any code using objects which do not exist for the android platform (java.awt.Point, java.awt.Rectangle, Graphics, Graphics2D, etc.)
I have used LIBGDX personally, and give it the highest recommendation. PlayN I have not, but have heard good things.

How do you make a graphics program? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm coding a project in java. I have a really basic question: how do you get a graphics program? And what libraries do you need?
I know that Processing (which isn't really java) does this for you, but I'm using eclipse.
For desktop apps you should look at Swing, Java2D, and Java3D.
The web is another matter. Your browser choices should include JavaScript libraries like d3.
Eclipse has nothing to do with it. It's just an IDE.

