I am trying to make midlet with web services (Country Details). I am not sure about how to display results, everything else seems to work fine.
Here is the code for getting input information and results (which i can't get):
task = new SimpleCancellableTask();
task.setExecutable(new org.netbeans.microedition.util.Executable() {
public void execute() throws Exception {
String country = FieldCountry.getString();
result = CWS.getCurrencyByCountry(country);
In the run window I see it gets this information:
I have used this code and it works fine now:
task = new SimpleCancellableTask();
task.setExecutable(new org.netbeans.microedition.util.Executable() {
public void execute() throws Exception {
country CWS = new country_Stub();
String country = FieldCountry.getString();
String result = CWS.getCurrencyByCountry(country);
if (list != null)
{list = null; }
String name = result.substring(result.indexOf("<Name>")+6, result.indexOf("</Name>"));
String countryc = result.substring(result.indexOf("<CountryCode>")+13, result.indexOf("</CountryCode>"));
String currency = result.substring(result.indexOf("<Currency>")+10, result.indexOf("</Currency>"));
String currencyc = result.substring(result.indexOf("<CurrencyCode>")+14, result.indexOf("</CurrencyCode>"));
getList().append("Country name: ", null);
getList().append(name, null);
getList().append("Country code: ", null);
getList().append(countryc, null);
getList().append("Country currency: ", null);
getList().append(currency, null);
getList().append("Country currency code: ", null);
getList().append(currencyc, null);
You've already got the XML file.
Now you only have to use a simple XML parser to parse the XML.
There are good XML parsers available for J2ME.
You can take a look at
KXML is a good choice as there are lots of documentation available for KXML.
I got an error in my quickfixj Application. First, I got an error like this:
Out of order repeating group members
After that, I added this text into my initiator.config:
But now I got another error in my application:
quickfix.FieldNotFound: Field was not found in message, field=55
at quickfix.FieldMap.getField(FieldMap.java:223)
at quickfix.FieldMap.getString(FieldMap.java:237)
at com.dxtr.fastmatch.marketdatarequestapps.TestMarketdataRequest.fromApp(TestMarketdataRequest.java:38)
at quickfix.Session.fromCallback(Session.java:1847)
at quickfix.Session.verify(Session.java:1791)
at quickfix.Session.verify(Session.java:1862)
at quickfix.Session.next(Session.java:1047)
at quickfix.Session.next(Session.java:1204)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy$SessionMessageEvent.processMessage(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:163)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.block(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:113)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.lambda$blockInThread$1(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:145)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy$ThreadAdapter$RunnableWrapper.run(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:267)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
My code for get value of symbols is :
public void fromApp(quickfix.Message message, SessionID sessionID)
throws FieldNotFound, IncorrectDataFormat, IncorrectTagValue, UnsupportedMessageType {
try {
String symbol = message.getString(Symbol.FIELD);
System.out.println(" FromApp " + message);
// String seqNo = message.getString(MsgSeqNum.FIELD);
double bid = message.getDouble(MDEntryPx.FIELD);
double ask = message.getDouble(MDEntryPx.FIELD);
// System.out.println(seqNo + " " + message);
} catch (FieldNotFound fieldNotFound) {
I have also using this code
public void onMessage (MarketDataIncrementalRefresh message, SessionID sessionID) throws FieldNotFound{
MDReqID mdreqid = new MDReqID();
SendingTime sendingtime = new SendingTime();
NoMDEntries nomdentries = new NoMDEntries();
quickfix.fix42.MarketDataIncrementalRefresh.NoMDEntries group
= new quickfix.fix42.MarketDataIncrementalRefresh.NoMDEntries();
MDUpdateAction mdupdateaction = new MDUpdateAction();
DeleteReason deletereason = new DeleteReason();
MDEntryType mdentrytype = new MDEntryType();
MDEntryID mdentryid = new MDEntryID();
Symbol symbol = new Symbol();
MDEntryOriginator mdentryoriginator = new MDEntryOriginator();
MDEntryPx mdentrypx = new MDEntryPx();
Currency currency = new Currency();
MDEntrySize mdentrysize = new MDEntrySize();
ExpireDate expiredate = new ExpireDate();
ExpireTime expiretime = new ExpireTime();
NumberOfOrders numberoforders = new NumberOfOrders();
MDEntryPositionNo mdentrypositionno = new MDEntryPositionNo();
message.getGroup(1, group);
int list = nomdentries.getValue();
for (int i = 0; i < list; i++)
message.getGroup(i + 1, group);
if (mdupdateaction.getValue() == '2')
if (mdupdateaction.getValue() == '0')
if (mdupdateaction.getValue() == '0')
System.out.printf("Got Symbol {0} Price {1}",
symbol.getValue(), mdentrypx.getValue());
}catch (Exception ex)
System.out.println("error" + ex);
but i also get error like this
quickfix.FieldNotFound: Field was not found in message, field=55
at quickfix.FieldMap.getField(FieldMap.java:223)
at quickfix.FieldMap.getString(FieldMap.java:237)
at com.dxtr.fastmatch.marketdatarequestapps.TestMarketdataRequest.fromApp(TestMarketdataRequest.java:39)
at quickfix.Session.fromCallback(Session.java:1847)
at quickfix.Session.verify(Session.java:1791)
at quickfix.Session.verify(Session.java:1862)
at quickfix.Session.next(Session.java:1047)
at quickfix.Session.next(Session.java:1204)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy$SessionMessageEvent.processMessage(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:163)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.block(SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.java:113)
at quickfix.mina.SingleThreadedEventHandlingStrategy.lambda$blockInpacket_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe
and here the value i check in my message.log
my broker have send to me the price and etc
My question is: how to fix my problem from this code ?
First, I got an error like this:
Out of order repeating group members
Your data dictionary doesn't match your counterparty's. Fix that and this will go away.
After that, I added this text into my initiator.config:
This did not fix anything -- it HIDES your actual problem and has you looking at a new fake problem.
What you need to do:
Your configuration has this, right?
# or if FIX5:
Find your counterparty's documentation, and make sure your xml file's messages and fields match what they say they're going to send you. Make sure all repeating groups have the same fields in the same order.
Here is some documentation about how the Data Dictionary xml file is structured. It's pretty easy.
I am trying to create a discord bot that searches up an item inputted by user "!price item" and then gives me a price that I can work with later on in the code. I figured out how to get the html code into a string or a doc file, but I am struggling on finding a way to extract only prices.
Here is the code:
public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
String html;
System.out.println("I received a message from " +
event.getAuthor().getName() + ": " +
if (event.getMessage().getContentRaw().contains("!price")) {
String input = event.getMessage().getContentDisplay();
String item = input.substring(9).replaceAll(" ", "%20");
String URL = "https://www.google.lt/search?q=" + item + "%20price";
try {
html = Jsoup.connect(URL).userAgent("Mozilla/49.0").get().html();
html = html.replaceAll("[^\\ ,.£€eur0123456789]"," ");
} catch (Exception e) {
The biggest problem is that I am using google search so the prices are not in the same place in the html code. Is there a way I can extract only (numbers + EUR) or (a euro sign + price) from the html code?.
you can easily do that scrapping the website. Here's a simple working example to do what you are looking for using JSOUP:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String query = "oneplus";
String url = "https://www.google.com/search?q=" + query + "%20price&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X";
int pricesToRetrieve = 3;
ArrayList<String> prices = new ArrayList<String>();
Document document = Jsoup.connect(url).userAgent("Mozilla/5.0").get();
Elements elements = document.select("div.pslires");
for (Element element : elements) {
String price = element.select("div > div > b").text();
String[] finalPrice = price.split(" ");
prices.add(finalPrice[0] + finalPrice[1]);
pricesToRetrieve -= 1;
if (pricesToRetrieve == 0) {
} catch (IOException e) {
That piece of code will output:
[347,10€, 529,90€, 449,99€]
And if you want to retrieve more information just connect JSOUP to the Google Shop url adding your desired query, and scrapping it using JSOUP. In this case I scrapped Google Shop for OnePlus to check its prices, but you can also get the url to buy it, the full product name, etc. In this piece of code I want to retrieve the first 3 prices indexed in Google Shop and add them to an ArrayList of String. Then before adding it to the ArrayList I split the retrieved text by "space" so I just get the information I want, the price.
This is a simple scrapping example, if you need anything else feel free to ask! And if you want to learn more about scrapping using JSOUP check this link.
Hope this helped you!
so as part of some work I've been doing I was given a file with WebServices that are being used in a Swift application. I have zero familiarity with WebServices and only know Java through syntax understanding. I need to call one of these gets with a parameter from the swift application. What I'm trying to figure out first and foremost is how I can call one of these webservices with a parameter from the URL it's associated with. For example down below I want to call the method
and I want to specify the parameter through the URL say something like
But this doesn't assign any value to the parameter and I'm not getting results. If I hardcode so that the string used in the function is = "123" it gives me the results I'm looking for. I just need to know how I can pass this parameter through the url, syntax-wise.
Routes file
GET /ListVehicleByPlateNumber controllers.NewVehicle.listVehicleByPlateNumber(para: String ?="")
public Result listVehicleByPlateNumber(String para){
NewVehicleModel v = new NewVehicleModel();
List<NewVehicleModel> vehiclesC = v.searchByPlateVehicle(para);
ObjectNode wrapper = Json.newObject();
ObjectNode msg = Json.newObject();
if(vehiclesC != null) {
msg.set("VehicleList", toJson(vehiclesC));
wrapper.set("success", msg);
return ok(wrapper);
msg.put("error", "There are no vehicles with the plate number");
wrapper.set("error", msg);
return badRequest(wrapper);
Where it's called
public List<NewVehicleModel> searchByPlateVehicle(String plateNumber){
Transaction t = Ebean.beginTransaction();
List<NewVehicleModel> vehicles = new ArrayList<>();
try {
String sql = "SELECT V.idNewVehicle, V.VehicleType,V.PlateNumber,V.VehicleJurisdiction,V.State,V.Vin,V.Year, " +
"V.Make,V.modelos,V.RegistrationNumber,V.InsuranceCompany,V.PurchaseDate,V.ExpirationDate,V.idPersonaFK " +
"FROM NewVehicle V " +
"WHERE V.PlateNumber = :plateNumber";
RawSql rawSql = RawSqlBuilder.parse(sql)
.columnMapping("V.idNewVehicle", "idNewVehicle")
.columnMapping("V.State", "state")
.columnMapping("V.VehicleType", "vehicleType")
.columnMapping("V.PlateNumber", "plateNumber")
.columnMapping("V.VehicleJurisdiction", "vehicleJurisdiction")
.columnMapping("V.Vin", "vin")
.columnMapping("V.Year", "year")
.columnMapping("V.Make", "make")
.columnMapping("V.modelos", "modelos")
.columnMapping("V.RegistrationNumber", "registrationNumber")
.columnMapping("V.InsuranceCompany", "insuranceCompany")
.columnMapping("V.PurchaseDate", "purchaseDate")
.columnMapping("V.ExpirationDate", "expirationDate")
.columnMapping("V.idPersonaFK", "idPersonaFK")
Query<NewVehicleModel> query = Ebean.find(NewVehicleModel.class);
.setParameter("plateNumber", plateNumber);
vehicles = query.findList();
catch (Exception e){
}finally {
return vehicles;
Found my own answer. I ended up casting from Integer to String here's how it looks in routes
GET /ListVehicleByPlateNumber/:para controllers.NewVehicle.listVehicleByPlateNumber(para: Integer )
public Result listVehicleByPlateNumber(int para){
String p = String.valueOf(para);
URI Format for value 123 example.
Goal :
Receiving geographic data(coordinates), time-stamps... . "From pictures taken in Vienna."
My question:
How can i do this in Java? (using flickrapi-1.2.jar)
What did i already found out? :
Give me the 500 most recent pictures - url's ... :s
public static void main(String[] args) throws FlickrException, IOException,
SAXException {
String apiKey = "123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwuxz";
Flickr f = new Flickr(apiKey);
PhotosInterface photosInterface = f.getPhotosInterface();
Collection photosCollection = null;
photosCollection = photosInterface.getRecent(500, 0);
int i = 0;
Photo photo = null;
Iterator photoIterator = photosCollection.iterator();
while (photoIterator.hasNext()) {
photo = (Photo) photoIterator.next();
System.out.println(i + " - Description: " + photo.getSmallUrl());
Option : Good Examples or a decent manual is welkom, because i don't know exactly how this API works...
Kind regards
You need to call the flickr.photos.search API method.
With Flickr4Java it would look like this:
String apikey;
String secret;
// Create a Flickr instance with your data. No need to authenticate
Flickr flickr = new Flickr(apikey, secret, new REST());
// Set the wanted search parameters (I'm not using real variables in the example)
SearchParameters searchParameters = new SearchParameters();
PhotoList<Photo> list = flickr.getPhotosInterface().search(searchParameters, 0, 0);
// Do something with the list
I need to parse a large XML file (probably going to use StAX in Java) and output it into a delimited text file and I have a couple of design questions. First here is an example of the XML
<question>Last Name?</question>
<question>Middle Init.</question>
this would need to be outputted (in the delimited output file) as
so here are my questions:
How can I distinguish between all the different "value" tags, since the tag names are not unique. Currently I tried to resolve this by having 'state' variables that turn on once they pass question-text such as "Name?", however this approach doesnt really work for the first value since I have to check to make sure the 'name' and 'lastName' states are off to ensure I'm getting the first value.
Everytime the client changes the text of the questions (which happens) I have to change the code and recompile it. Is there anyway to avoid this? Maybe save the questions-text in a text file that the program reads in?
Can this be scalable? I need to extract over 100 values and the XML files are usually about 2 gigs large.
Thank you, in advance, for your help (from a Java and XML newbie)!!
UPDATE: here is my attempt to code the solution, can someone please help to streamline? There has to be a less messy way to do this:
import javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamConstants;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
import java.io.*;
class TestJavaForStackOverflow{
boolean nameState = false,
lastNameState = false,
middleInitState = false;
String name = "",
lastName = "",
middleInit = "",
value = "";
public void parse() throws IOException, XMLStreamException{
XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
XMLStreamReader streamReader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(
new FileReader("/n04/data/revmgmt/anthony/scripts/Java_Programs/TestJavaForStackOverflow.xml"));
if(streamReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT){
System.out.println(value + "~" + name + "~" + lastName + "~" + middleInit);
public void parseDemographicInformation(XMLStreamReader streamReader) throws XMLStreamException {
if(streamReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT){
else if(streamReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT){
nameState = true;
else if("Last Name?".equals(streamReader.getText())){
lastNameState = true;
else if("Middle Init.".equals(streamReader.getText())){
middleInitState = true;
else if("value".equals(streamReader.getLocalName())){
name = streamReader.getText();
nameState = false;
else if (lastNameState){
lastName = streamReader.getText();
lastNameState = false;
else if (middleInitState){
middleInit = streamReader.getText();
middleInitState = false;
else {
value = streamReader.getText();
public static void main(String[] args){
TestJavaForStackOverflow t = new TestJavaForStackOverflow();
catch(IOException e1){}
catch(XMLStreamException e2){}
I think the flags are not very scalable if you have a lot of different questions to parse, and neither are the global variables to hold the results... if you have 100 questions then you'll need 100 variables, and when they change over time it will be a bear to keep them up to date. I would use a map structure to hold the result, and another one to hold the correspondence between each question text and the corresponding field you are trying to capture (this is not actual Java, just an approximation):
public Map parseDemographicInformation(XmlStream xml, Map questionMap) {
Map record = new Map();
String field = "id";
while((elem = xml.getNextElement())) {
if(elem.tagName == "question") {
field = questionMap[elem.value];
} else if(elem.tagName == "value") {
record[field] = elem.value;
return record;
Then you have something like this to output the result:
String[] fieldsToOutput = { "id", "firstName", "lastName" }; // ideally read this from a file too so it can be changed dynamically
// ...
for(int i=0; i < fieldsToOutput.length; i++){
if(i > 0)