Setting Parameters through url javaplay - java

so as part of some work I've been doing I was given a file with WebServices that are being used in a Swift application. I have zero familiarity with WebServices and only know Java through syntax understanding. I need to call one of these gets with a parameter from the swift application. What I'm trying to figure out first and foremost is how I can call one of these webservices with a parameter from the URL it's associated with. For example down below I want to call the method
and I want to specify the parameter through the URL say something like
But this doesn't assign any value to the parameter and I'm not getting results. If I hardcode so that the string used in the function is = "123" it gives me the results I'm looking for. I just need to know how I can pass this parameter through the url, syntax-wise.
Routes file
GET /ListVehicleByPlateNumber controllers.NewVehicle.listVehicleByPlateNumber(para: String ?="")
public Result listVehicleByPlateNumber(String para){
NewVehicleModel v = new NewVehicleModel();
List<NewVehicleModel> vehiclesC = v.searchByPlateVehicle(para);
ObjectNode wrapper = Json.newObject();
ObjectNode msg = Json.newObject();
if(vehiclesC != null) {
msg.set("VehicleList", toJson(vehiclesC));
wrapper.set("success", msg);
return ok(wrapper);
msg.put("error", "There are no vehicles with the plate number");
wrapper.set("error", msg);
return badRequest(wrapper);
Where it's called
public List<NewVehicleModel> searchByPlateVehicle(String plateNumber){
Transaction t = Ebean.beginTransaction();
List<NewVehicleModel> vehicles = new ArrayList<>();
try {
String sql = "SELECT V.idNewVehicle, V.VehicleType,V.PlateNumber,V.VehicleJurisdiction,V.State,V.Vin,V.Year, " +
"V.Make,V.modelos,V.RegistrationNumber,V.InsuranceCompany,V.PurchaseDate,V.ExpirationDate,V.idPersonaFK " +
"FROM NewVehicle V " +
"WHERE V.PlateNumber = :plateNumber";
RawSql rawSql = RawSqlBuilder.parse(sql)
.columnMapping("V.idNewVehicle", "idNewVehicle")
.columnMapping("V.State", "state")
.columnMapping("V.VehicleType", "vehicleType")
.columnMapping("V.PlateNumber", "plateNumber")
.columnMapping("V.VehicleJurisdiction", "vehicleJurisdiction")
.columnMapping("V.Vin", "vin")
.columnMapping("V.Year", "year")
.columnMapping("V.Make", "make")
.columnMapping("V.modelos", "modelos")
.columnMapping("V.RegistrationNumber", "registrationNumber")
.columnMapping("V.InsuranceCompany", "insuranceCompany")
.columnMapping("V.PurchaseDate", "purchaseDate")
.columnMapping("V.ExpirationDate", "expirationDate")
.columnMapping("V.idPersonaFK", "idPersonaFK")
Query<NewVehicleModel> query = Ebean.find(NewVehicleModel.class);
.setParameter("plateNumber", plateNumber);
vehicles = query.findList();
catch (Exception e){
}finally {
return vehicles;

Found my own answer. I ended up casting from Integer to String here's how it looks in routes
GET /ListVehicleByPlateNumber/:para controllers.NewVehicle.listVehicleByPlateNumber(para: Integer )
public Result listVehicleByPlateNumber(int para){
String p = String.valueOf(para);
URI Format for value 123 example.


Search by the combination of multiple parameters via Native Query

I'm currently working on a fetaure that will allow the system to search public services receipts by the combination of 6 parameters which can be null meaning that receipts shouldn't be filtered by this parameter: accountNumber, amountRangeMin, amountRangeMax, dateRangeMin, dateRangeMax, publicServiceId. However making a method for each combination of the parameters is not an option, I'm thinking that there must be a better way, at first my approach was as following:
On my Service I have this method:
public Map<String,Object> findPublicServiceReceiptsByParams(Integer accountNumber, BigDecimal amountRangeMin,
BigDecimal amountRangeMax, LocalDate dateRangeMin, LocalDate dateRangeMax, Integer publicServiceId) {
Map<String,Object> publicServiceReceipts = new HashMap<String,Object>();
String accountNumberFilter = !(accountNumber==null) ? accountNumber.toString() : "AccountNumberTableName";
String amountRangeMinFilter = !(amountRangeMin==null) ? amountRangeMin.toString() : "table.AmountColumnName";
String amountRangeMaxFilter = !(amountRangeMax==null) ? amountRangeMax.toString() : "table.AmountColumnName";
String dateRangeMinFilter = !(dateRangeMin==null) ? dateRangeMin.toString() : "Table.ReceiptCreationDateColumn";
String dateRangeMaxFilter = !(dateRangeMax==null) ? dateRangeMax.toString() : "Table.ReceiptCreationDateColumn";
String publicServiceIdFilter = !(publicServiceId==null) ? publicServiceId.toString() : "table.publicServiceIdColumn";
publicServiceReceipts = publicServiceReceiptRepository.findPublicServiceReceiptsByParams(accountNumberFilter,
amountRangeMinFilter, amountRangeMaxFilter, dateRangeMinFilter, dateRangeMaxFilter,
return publicServiceReceipts;
And then in my repository I had:
final static String FIND_PUBLIC_SERVICES_BY_ARGS = "Select (Insert whatever logic should go in here to select columns from receipts the where clause is the one that matters)"
+ " WHERE ACT.ACT_AccountNumber=:accountNumberFilter\n"
+ " AND PSE.PSE_Id=:publicServiceIdFilter\n"
+ " AND PSR.PSR_CreateDate BETWEEN :dateRangeMinFilter AND :dateRangeMaxFilter\n"
+ " AND PSR.PSR_Amount BETWEEN :amountRangeMinFilter AND :amountRangeMaxFilter\n"
+ " order by PSR.PSR_CreateDate desc";
#Query(nativeQuery = true, value = FIND_PUBLIC_SERVICES_BY_ARGS)
Map<String, Object> findPublicServiceReceiptsByParams(#Param("accountNumberFilter") String accountNumberFilter,
#Param("amountRangeMinFilter") String amountRangeMinFilter,
#Param("amountRangeMaxFilter") String amountRangeMaxFilter,
#Param("dateRangeMinFilter") String dateRangeMinFilter,
#Param("dateRangeMaxFilter") String dateRangeMaxFilter,
#Param("publicServiceIdFilter") String publicServiceIdFilter);
My reasoning was that if a parameter was null meant that whoever consumed the Web Service is not interested in that paramater so if that happens I set that variable as the Column Name so that it wouldn't affect in the WHERE clause and in theory make it simpler, but what I found was that It would send the names as Strings so it wouldn't be recognized as an sql statement which was the flaw in my thinking and as I said there must be another way other than writing each method for each combination, I appreciate any help :).
You should use the Criteria API, which was designed for creating dynamic queries. Named queries aren't really meant to be used in this case.
With it you can do something like this:
EntityManager em;
List<YourEntity> method(String argument) {
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<YourEntity> cq = cb.createQuery(YourEntity.class);
Root<YourEntity> root = cq.from(YourEntity.class);
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
if (argument == null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(root.get("yourAttribute"), argument);
// rest of your logic goes here
cq.where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[]{}));
return em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
I found a way to fix this, I did it like this (I'm going to show only the native Query since it's the inly thing that i changed):
DECLARE #actNum varchar(50),#crdNum varchar(50),#pseId varchar(50),#dateMin varchar(50),#dateMax varchar(50),#amountMin varchar(50),#amountMax varchar(50)
SET #actNum = :actNum
SET #crdNum = :crdNum
SET #pseId = :pseId
SET #dateMin = :dateMin
SET #dateMax = :dateMax
SET #amountMin = :amountMin
SET #amountMax = :amountMax
--Whatever Select with joins statement
WHERE ACT.ACT_AccountNumber = CASE WHEN #actNum = 'N/A'
THEN ACT.ACT_AccountNumber
ELSE #actNum END
AND CRD_CardNumber = CASE WHEN #crdNum = 'N/A'
THEN CRD_CardNumber
ELSE #crdNum END
AND PSR.PSR_CreateDate >= CASE WHEN #dateMin = 'N/A'
ELSE #dateMin END
AND PSR.PSR_CreateDate <= CASE WHEN #dateMax = 'N/A'
ELSE #dateMax END
ELSE #amountMin END
AND CASE WHEN #amountMax = 'N/A'
ELSE #amountMax END
The backend will send the parameters as either "N/A" (if it shouldn't be used to filter data) or the actual value, this worked fine for me!

RavenDB query returns null

I'm on RavenDB 3.5.35183. I have a type:
import com.mysema.query.annotations.QueryEntity;
public class CountryLayerCount
public String countryName;
public int layerCount;
and the following query:
private int getCountryLayerCount(String countryName, IDocumentSession currentSession)
QCountryLayerCount countryLayerCountSurrogate = QCountryLayerCount.countryLayerCount;
IRavenQueryable<CountryLayerCount> levelDepthQuery = currentSession.query(CountryLayerCount.class, "CountryLayerCount/ByName").where(countryLayerCountSurrogate.countryName.eq(countryName));
CountryLayerCount countryLayerCount = new CountryLayerCount();
try (CloseableIterator<StreamResult<CountryLayerCount>> results = currentSession.advanced().stream(levelDepthQuery))
StreamResult<CountryLayerCount> srclc =;
CountryLayerCount clc = srclc.getDocument();
countryLayerCount = clc;
catch(Exception e)
return countryLayerCount.layerCount;
The query executes successfully, and shows the correct ID for the document I'm retrieving (e.g. "CountryLayerCount/123"), but its data members are both null. The where clause also works fine, the country name is used to retrieve individual countries. This is so simple, but I can't see where I've gone wrong. The StreamResult contains the correct key, but getDocument() doesn't work - or, rather, it doesn't contain an object. The collection has string IDs.
In the db logger, I can see the request coming in:
Receive Request # 29: GET - geodata - http://localhost:8888/databases/geodata/streams/query/CountryLayerCount/ByName?&query=CountryName:Germany
Request # 29: GET - 22 ms - geodata - 200 - http://localhost:8888/databases/geodata/streams/query/CountryLayerCount/ByName?&query=CountryName:Germany
which, when plugged into the browser, correctly gives me:
{"Results":[{"countryName":"Germany","layerCount":5,"#metadata":{"Raven-Entity-Name":"CountryLayerCounts","Raven-Clr-Type":"DbUtilityFunctions.CountryLayerCount, DbUtilityFunctions","#id":"CountryLayerCounts/212","Temp-Index-Score":0.0,"Last-Modified":"2018-02-03T09:41:36.3165473Z","Raven-Last-Modified":"2018-02-03T09:41:36.3165473","#etag":"01000000-0000-008B-0000-0000000000D7","SerializedSizeOnDisk":164}}
The index definition:
from country in docs.CountryLayerCounts
select new {
CountryName = country.countryName
AFAIK, one doesn't have to index all the fields of the object to retrieve it in its entirety, right ? In other words, I just need to index the field(s) to find the object, not all the fields I want to retrieve; at least that was my understanding...
Thanks !
The problem is related to incorrect casing.
For example:
try (IDocumentSession sesion = store.openSession()) {
CountryLayerCount c1 = new CountryLayerCount();
c1.layerCount = 5;
c1.countryName = "Germany";;
Is saved as:
"LayerCount": 5,
"CountryName": "Germany"
Please notice we use upper case letters in json for property names (this only applies to 3.X versions).
So in order to make it work, please update json properties names + edit your index:
from country in docs.CountryLayerCounts
select new {
CountryName = country.CountryName
Btw. If you have per country aggregation, then you can simply query using:
QCountryLayerCount countryLayerCountSurrogate =
CountryLayerCount levelDepthQuery = currentSession
.query(CountryLayerCount.class, "CountryLayerCount/ByName")

How to store 2 integer in array list from result set and how to retrieve it

How to store 2 integer in array list from result set and how to retrieve it.
I am trying to store the 2 integer to my array list and i don't know if get it correctly because when I am trying to retrieve it, it prints something like this
'tryCheckout$checkout#4f4fffa4' Thanks guys. This is my code so far.
public class checkout{
public int roomtypeid,itemid;
ArrayList<checkout> returncheckout = new ArrayList<checkout>();
*String query ="select ri.item_id, ri.roomtype_id from roomtype_tb as rt , roomtypeitem_tb as ri , room_tb as r , reserverooms_tb as rr where rt.roomtype_id = r.roomtype_id and rt.roomtype_id = ri.roomtype_id and ri.roomtype_id = r.roomtype_id and r.room_id = rr.room_id and rr.reservation_id = 10";
PreparedStatement pst =conn.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();
checkout out = new checkout();
out.roomtypeid = rs.getInt("ri.roomtype_id");
out.itemid = rs.getInt("ri.item_id");
}catch(Exception e)
I didn't see your checkout class. Now I do. Change it to
public class checkout{
public int roomtypeid,itemid;
public String toString()
return "roomtypeid =" + roomtypeid + ", itemid=" + itemid;
In your checkout class override the toString() method. That is a special method that gets called when an object gets passed to System.out.println. It will look something like this:
public String toString()
return "roomType=" + roomType + ", id=" + id;//Not sure what your variables are. You will need to change this line
I think your code is doing what you want, you just need the toString() method to print the result out like you want it.
Java is actually returning the memory address for the object checkout. That is the weird numbers that are output to the screen. Add something like this to the checkout class.
public class checkout{
public int roomtypeid, itemid;
public String toString()
return "Room Type ID: " + roomtypeid + " Item ID: " + itemid";
The toString() method is called when the object is printed.

No file BLOB, through JSON from ORACLE to SQL Server

i am a student and right now I'm doing an internship working with a local library, and in this case i have the following problem:
In the project i´m making, i need to retrieve image data from a temporal table, constructed in ORACLE that receives its data from some triggers in an INFORMIX DB and parse it through a monitor made in JAVA, in a JSON format to a web service published in C# and insert that image in a SQL Server DB.
I looked around and i found that it was possible to parse images through JSON using Base64 encoding and whatnot but when they talk about it they say that you must have the image path file and encode it. as you may have realized by now, i cant use that route because i don't have those images, best case scenario, the triggers are able to feed some BLOB data (by what I've been told). but i have to insert them in the SQL Server DB as Varbinary(MAX).
To summarize:
-->Informix DB has images -->triggers feed an ORACLE Temp_table (images sent probably as BLOB or CLOB at most)-->monitor made in JAVA must read those BLOBS or CLOBS and send them through JSON
-->Web Service made in C# must receive that JSON, and insert the images in a SQL Server DB (where they need to be visible, without having the physical file to refer to).
the schema i´m using (it has been IMPOSED to me, i didn't had a saying in this) is something similar to this: (it´s really long and tedious code so i´ll try to make it as neat and clean as possible)
This is the part of the java monitor that specifies which fields from the temp_table are feeding what fields in the JSON structure
public static BookRecordList viewBookRecordTable(Connection connection) throws ExceptionToOracleConcurrent
BookRecordList bookRecordList = new BookRecordList();
BookRecord bookRecord = new BookRecord();
Statement stmt = null;
String query = "SELECT operacion,"
+ "x_logo,"
+ "UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(img_logoGris,32760,1))"
+ " FROM "
+ dataBaseConnectionData.getDB_SHCHEMA() + "."+ dataBaseConnectionData.getDB_TABLE_COLA()
+ " WHERE (some condition)";
stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
bookRecord = new BookRecord();
catch (Exception e)
logger.error("Some exception " + dataBaseConnectionData.getDB_TABLE_COLA() + ": " + e.toString());
//Process next order
catch (SQLException e )
logger.fatal("Some exception " + dataBaseConnectionData.getDB_TABLE_COLA() + ": " + e.toString());
throw new ExceptionToOracleConcurrent("exception definition " + dataBaseConnectionData.getDB_TABLE_COLA() + ": " + e.toString());
if (stmt != null)
catch (SQLException e)
logger.fatal("another exception " + e.toString());
return bookRecordList;
This is the part of the java monitor that generates the JSON (the empty cases contain another stuff that goes into the JSON but i sorted that out)
private static String GenerateJSON(SomeClass someClass) throws IOException
int operation = someClass.getOperation();
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
String jsonText = "";
switch (operation)
case 0:
//obligatory fields
case 1:
case 2:
//Obligatory fields
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
StringWriter out = new StringWriter();
jsonText = out.toString();
String newJson = jsonText.replace("\\/", "/");"JSON a enviar: " + newJson);
return newJson;
The web service is made in C#, it´s another case based program, structured accordingly to the operation number received in the JSON, it calls a number of function and, in the end, it comes down to these two:
this part of the WS receive the parameters of the parsed JSON
public int ActualizarFichaLibro( String img_foto, String r_firma)
//Define query to insert
Cmd.CommandText = QueryCFA.ActualizarFicha();
//Define parameters types to insert
Cmd.Parameters.Add("#img_foto", SqlDbType.VarBinary, -1);
Cmd.Parameters.Add("#r_firma", SqlDbType.VarBinary, -1);
//Define parameters values to insert
Cmd.Parameters["#img_foto"].Value = img_foto;
Cmd.Parameters["#r_firma"].Value = r_firma;
int rowCount = Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
return rowCount;
catch (Exception)
return 0;
and finally that invokes a simple query, in this particular case, to this one:
public string ActualizarFicha()
Query = "UPDATE dbo.fichaEmpleado SET( CASE WHEN #img_foto = '' THEN NULL ELSE img_foto = CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), #img_foto, 2) END,"
+ "CASE WHEN #r_firma = '' THEN NULL ELSE img_firma = CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), #r_firma, 2) END,"
+"WHERE (some conditions)";
return Query;
my questions are:
is there a way to do this (sending images from one DB to anther) through JSON, specifically with this massive schema this people got going on? if not is there a way to do it?
the querys for reading a BLOB (possible BLOB) and inserting a Varbinary are well implemented?
I´m sorry for the extremely long explanation, I've been working on this for a week and i cant seem to find a proper way to do it (at least not with this schema, but the bosses don't want to change it)

JavaScript error in Parameterized query

Here is what I am trying to do (for over a day now :( A user clicks on a link of a book name and I read the name of that book. I then take that book name and make an Ajax request to a Jersey resource. Within that Jersey resource, I call a method in a POJO class where one method interacts with database and gets the data to be sent back to a Jersey resource. I have got many errors but I have been able to fix them one at a time. The error currently I am stuck at is:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?' at line 1
Here is my JavaScript code:
function dealWithData(nameOfBook){
var bookName = encodeURI(nameOfBook);
var requestData = {
"contentType": "application/json",
"dataType": "text",
"type": "GET",
"url": "http://localhost:8080/library/rest/books/allBooks/"+bookName
**//beforeSend has been added as an edit to original code**
beforeSend: function (jqXHR, settings) {
var theUrlBeingSent = settings.url;
var request = $.ajax(requestData);
request.success(function(data) {
});, status, errorMessage) {
if((errorMessage = $.trim(errorMessage)) === "") {
alert("An unspecified error occurred. Check the server error log for details.");
else {
alert("An error occurred: " + errorMessage);
For some reason in above code, console.log line shows url with spaces being encoded as %20 while in the variable 'requestData', url doesn't have that encoding. I am unable to understand why.
Here is the code for my resource:
public Response getBook(#PathParam("bookName") String bookName){
System.out.println("Book name is: "+ bookName);
BookInformation bookInfo = new BookInformation();
String bookInformation =bookInfo.bookInformation(bookName);
ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status(Status.OK);
Response response =;
return response;
Here is the bookInformation method:
public String bookInformation(String bookName){
String infoQuery = "Select * from bookinfo where name = ?";
ResultSet result = null;
conn = newConnection.dbConnection();
preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(infoQuery);
preparedStatement.setString(1, bookName);
result = preparedStatement.executeQuery(infoQuery);
catch (SQLException e)
if(result != null){
availability = result.getString("availability");
isbn = result.getInt("isbn");
hardback = result.getString("hardback");
paperback = result.getString("paperback");
name = result.getString("name");
System.out.println("No result set obtained");
catch (SQLException e)
//I will build this String using a String builder which I will return
String finalBookInformation = information.toString();
return finalBookInformation;
Earlier, in dataType I had json which was throwing a different error, but I realized I was not building json so I changed dataType to text and that error went away. My parametirized query doesn't execute. If I try hard coding a value from database, it works fine but not when I use prepared statement. I eventually want to return JSON but for now I just want it to work. Any help will be appreciated. I have tried researching and doing whatever I can but it is not working. Is it the encoding causing the problem? Is it my Ajax call? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Seems like issue is in your database query execution please replace the code
preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(infoQuery);
preparedStatement.setString(1, bookName);
result = preparedStatement.executeQuery(infoQuery);
preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(infoQuery);
preparedStatement.setString(1, bookName);
result = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
You are using HTTP GET method and GET method automatically %20 if find space in url.
If you change your method type to POST It should work find for you.
You can use HTTP GET but it will encode the URL as you discovered. You will need to decode the URL on the server-side. For how to do that, take a look at: How to do URL decoding in Java?.

