How to touch image button without getview or findViewById on Robotium? - java

I'm making auto test script(robotium) for android app (audio player)
but have some problems.
Touch event(getview, findViewById , clickOnView) don't work only when particular object is avaliable on screen.
I don't know what type of object it is... I'm not developer and I don't know about Java.
touch event test script like this
Button button = (Button)solo.getCurrentActivity().findViewById(;
Also android debug monitor can't dump view hierarchy when that particular object is available on screen - (Error obtaining UI hierarchy
Error while parsing UI hierarchy XML file: Invalid ui automator hierarchy file.)
so, I think getview, findViewById do not work only when particular object is available on the screen.
It seems need to find a way to touch image buttons without using getview or findViewById
Can't use axis touch method... many linear layout objects in app.
That cause problem when testing on various resolution devices.
In short, How to touch image button without getview or findViewById on Robotium ?
I don't have source but I have only source( maybe helping about it?)
please help me
(sorry for my bad English)


How to set negative translationX before app load

when I set a view's translationX whether via XML or programmatically android seems to ignore the code.
When I run view.setTranslationX(-200); it ignores the translation and the app shows the view at 200 instead
If I run via post Runnable or overriding onMeasure it can be moved to -200 but it momentarily shows when the app loads. I don't want it to be seen on app start
What can I do to translate view before widget is shown.
When is the earliest I can set translationX?
The view/layout is not inflated yet so you can't.
Do you mind if I ask why you want to do it before the widget is shown?

Layout And Views Visibility on app

I was testing my android app on device by enabling device show layout boundaries in developer option on device.
I check my listview with inflated view with textviews , rating bar and other views clearly seen as shown below .
later I tried twitter app but surprise to see only single view ???
anyone know how to get twitter like single view on listview ??
anyone know how to get twitter like single view on listview ??
Each list item is a single custom View object, not a ViewGroup or layout. Essentially, all the content is drawn directly onto the Canvas in onDraw() rather than relying on child ImageView and TextView elements. Images can be drawn easily enough by calling Drawable.draw() or Canvas.drawBitmap() and text is typically drawing using a Layout.
Additionally, this means all touch events are handled directly inside onTouchEvent() to handle taps on the lower icons and/or the avatar image, so there are no click listeners.
Edit: Here's a quick 30 second example that should be enough to get you started:
They are probably using the include tag to include another layout file
you can do the same thing if you make your list_row_item layout something like this:
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
<include layout="#layout/another_layout"/>
The benefit to doing this is that you can swap layouts on the fly, perhaps even using a server side changes, rather than having to issue a software update

Change app background

I'm currently making an android app in which I'd like the user to be able to change the background image.
I've got 3 images and a screen where I can choose a picture and a button for applying.
The issue:
I can allow the user to see all images in the way I want, but I don't know how to set the selected image as app background.
What I want to do:
I want the user to click a button, which exports the selected image to "bakgrund.png" in "/res/drawable-mdpi" and replaces the current one. This would allow me to easily integrate the background switcher. Renaming of current files also works.
PS: My current background images are located in /res/drawable-mdpi named 1.png 2.png and 3.png.
Easiest way would be to call the setBackgroundResource(image_id) method on the root layout. Like if you have a LinearLayout which has android:id="#+linear" as the root layout in the layout xml, then this code will help:-
LinearLayout linearLayout=(LinearLayout) findViewById(;
linear.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.1);//call this in the OnClickListener's OnClick Method
Firstly, you need different themes which has different backgrounds. So you may use this.setTheme method in your Activity.
Indeed I suggest you, two different layout (with different backgrounds but have same components) and using setContentView during onClick.
I hope it solves your issue.

How can i change the List XML via a swipe gesture

at the moment i'm trying to write an app which has a listview, and if i swipe especially left the listitem switches to another xml like it's used in the twitter app.
Especially i have a list of items only with some text and when i swipe left on a single item it changes to an other item (via a xml-file) especially with some buttons or anything else.
I hope anyone, has an idea how i can do this?
I have seen this done using a Gallery set to fill_parent. Care has to be taken to allow child views to pass on touch events appropriately for swiping to work. Note that Gallery is a subclass of ViewGroup.
EDIT: see comment below, i should've checked the twitter app first!

Android Dropdown Effect - Spinner or not?

Achieving a true "dropdown" effect (as seen in Adobe's Photoshop Mobile app for Android, image below) has proven challenging using Androids built-in methods.
As others on Stackoverflow have told me, editing the style of a dropdown list view of an Android spinner is limiting.
How is this dropdown effect done?
(I can't seem to get an image to show, so here's a link: Adobe Photoshop Mobile for Android
After viewing the Adobe slideshow I think the way I would attempt to get that to work, using the Android Java SDK, would be to create a ListView object with a transparent background, and then dynamically hide/show it in that position when the menu button is clicked by setting the View's visibility to VISIBLE or GONE.
Getting a ListView to be transparent shouldn't be that difficult. I'd look into AbsoluteLayout to get it to hover over everything in that spot.
Another option might be to display the ListView in a custom Dialog that you've written, again positioning it in that exact spot on the screen so that it looks like a menu extending from the button that was clicked.
It's probably done using low-level draw functions.

