I have 2 applications, one using Spring inside a web-app, and another local application using Spring Boot. These 2 share a configuration class between them.
I cannot figure out how to configure the local application correctly.
Here is the basic layout of classes I am using:
The main class
class MainClass{
private static MyComponent component;
public static void main(String args[]){
// code
SpringApplication.run(MyConfiguration.class, args);
The configuration
public class MyConfiguration {
public static Environment env;
// more beans
public static String getName(){ //made String and simple to match the Component's Autowired
return env.getProperty("property.name");
The component
public class MyComponent extends Thread {
private String template; // this isn't actually String, but a springAMQP class. Should have the same effect though.
public void run(){
template.charAt(0); // just something that fails if it was not autowired
If .run is given MyConfiguration.class i get a null pointer within the autowired Environment in MyConfiguration. If it is given MainClass.class the autowired MyComponent is still null.
As for some layout restrictions,
the Main Class and MyComponent only exist in the local application. The Configuration is in a shared package between the local application and the web application. This prevents me from simply creating the Bean with MyComponent in the Configuration due to dependencies.
If I remove the MyComponent from the MainClass and add the following configuration within the Local application:
public class MyLocalConfiguration extends MyConfiguration {
private MyComponent listener;
public MyComponent getListener(){
if(listener == null){
listener = new MyComponent();
return listener;
I still have the issue of the Environment being null in MyConfiguration, preventing the other beans from being set up.
There are 2 problems with your configuration
#Autowired will only work for Spring Managed beans, your MainClass isn't spring managed so no autowiring is going to happen
#Autowired will not work on static fields
I am totally confused about mixing of "wiring in JavaConfig" and "wiring using #Autowired". I will tell you my problems in 4 scenarios:
(I am ok with mixing of #Autowired and stereotype annotations and I don't have any question about that. my problem is Javaconfig and #autowired)
Scenario 1:
My CDPlayer Class:
public class CDPlayer implements MediaPlayer {
private CompactDisc cd;
public CDPlayer() {
cd = new CompactDisc() {
public void play() {
public CDPlayer(CompactDisc cd) {
this.cd = cd;
public void play() {
My JavaConfig File:
public class CDPlayerConfig {
public CompactDisc sgtPeppers() {
return new SgtPeppers();
public CDPlayer cdPlayer(CompactDisc compactDisc) {
return new CDPlayer();
For Example in this scenario, I see that #Autowired is effectless and cannot make Spring to invoke and use the parameterized constructor and no-arg constructor will be executed (because it is invoked in the #Bean method) and the output is the text "123456".
My JavaConfig File:
public class CDPlayerConfig {
public CompactDisc sgtPeppers() {
return new SgtPeppers();
public CDPlayer cdPlayer(CompactDisc compactDisc) {
return new CDPlayer(compactDisc);
My CDPlayer Class:
public class CDPlayer implements MediaPlayer {
private CompactDisc cd;
public CDPlayer(CompactDisc cd) {
this.cd = cd;
public void play() {
we wired those two beans in the config file. and I know that we do not need #Autowired at all.
My JavaConfig File:
public class CDPlayerConfig {
public CompactDisc sgtPeppers() {
return new SgtPeppers();
public CDPlayer cdPlayer() {
return new CDPlayer();
My CDPlayer Class:
public class CDPlayer implements MediaPlayer {
private CompactDisc cd;
public CDPlayer(CompactDisc cd) {
this.cd = cd;
public void play() {
public void setCd(CompactDisc cd) {
this.cd = cd;
I know that if #Autowired is above of parameterized constructor, that constructor will not be executed but now that is above of setCd(), this method will be executed.
My JavaConfig File:
public class CDPlayerConfig {
public CompactDisc sgtPeppers() {
return new SgtPeppers();
public CDPlayer cdPlayer(CompactDisc compactDisc) {
return new CDPlayer(compactDisc);
My CDPlayer Class:
public class CDPlayer implements MediaPlayer {
private CompactDisc cd;
public CDPlayer() {
public CDPlayer(CompactDisc cd) {
this.cd = cd;
public void play() {
public void doSomething(CompactDisc cd) {
this.cd = new CompactDisc() {
public void play() {
and in this scenario, Although that we wired those two beans together, but #Autowired makes spring to execute the doSomething()method.
What is happening?! I can't see the Big Picture. I can't understand the pattern that is going on.
sometimes #Autowired works and sometimes doesn't work. what is the general pattern? do we need #Autowired at all when we wire beans together in JavaConfig file?
An autowired constructor is invoked if spring invokes the constructor by reflection, typically because you declare the bean using component scanning or XML config. If you manually invoke a constructor in a #Bean method, that constructor executes, and #Autowired has no effect.
An autowired method is invoked after the bean has been created, irrespective of how the bean was created.
The reason is that, in Java, each constructor call creates a new object, making it impossible to call two constructors for the same object. That's why Spring can't call a second constructor if you have already called a different one. In contrast, it is possible to call many methods on the same object, so Spring does support method autowiring just fine.
To conclude, you can use autowiring with JavaConfig, but you should autowire fields or methods rather than constructors. Or you can do without autowiring, and pass everything explicitly in your #Bean method. Or any mixture of the two.
The Spring Context contains all the beans you need in your program, and Spring do the rest of the job for you. But something to understand is that your beans comes from many parts of your application :
Internal beans (POJO from your domain).
External beans (POJO from other libraries or third partie classes).
Reading this from the spring documentation, you can find all the differents sources of beans :
#SpringBootApplication is a convenience annotation that adds all of
the following:
#Configuration: Tags the class as a source of bean definitions for the
application context.
#EnableAutoConfiguration: Tells Spring Boot to start adding beans
based on classpath settings, other beans, and various property
settings. For example, if spring-webmvc is on the classpath, this
annotation flags the application as a web application and activates
key behaviors, such as setting up a DispatcherServlet.
#ComponentScan: Tells Spring to look for other components,
configurations, and services in the com/example package, letting it
find the controllers.
Follow these rules :
In your domain classes (Controller, Service) : use #Autowired in your constructor. It is the recommanded way to inject your dependencies.
You want to use external classes : implements a Java Configuration with #Configuration annotation, to instanciate your external classes as beans.
You want to create custom utilities classes : decorate it with #Component.
When you have more than on implementation, use #Qualifier and define your beans in a #Configuration class.
In my SpringBoot app, I have Autowired an configObject in the class that implements EnvironmentPostProcessor.
The injected class reads data from a different source on startup as this is required for the app to work.
But upon starting the application, the configObject is coming off as Null.
public class SBApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(SBApplication.class, args);
And the AppEnvironmentPostProcessor class where the Autowired object is called. This class is configured as org.springframework.boot.env.EnvironmentPostProcessor in spring.factories. The class gets called on start up.
public class AppEnvironmentPostProcessor implements
EnvironmentPostProcessor, Ordered {
KeysConfig keysConfig;
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment,
SpringApplication application) {
// keysConfig is null
String key = keysConfig.getSecretKeyMap().get("key12");
And in the KeysConfig class
public final class KeysConfig {
public Map getSecretKeyMap() {
//Returns key map
I am using Intellij Ultimate. How can I debug and resolve this?
EnvironmentPostProcessors are created before the application context has been created and, therefore, before dependency injection is possible. This means that #Autowired won’t work.
You’ll have to update your implementation to create an instance of KeysConfig itself, or to use a different approach that mimics whatever KeysConfig currently does.
I am trying to autowire a bean inside of a Singleton class, I know that it always a best idea to avoid manual autowiring, but this class is being used in so many places so I do not want to change the caller of this class.
public class RunnerClass {
public ConfigService configService;
public class ConfigService {
private ConfigServiceDAO = ConfigServiceDAO.getInstance();
public class ConfigServiceDAO {
//Bean I want to autowire here....
ConfigServiceDAOBuilder DAOBuilder
public static ConfigServiceDAO getInstance() {
return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;
private static class SingletonHolder {
public static final ConfigServiceDAO INSTANCE = new ConfigServiceDAO();
private SingletonHolder() {}
DAOBuilder inside ConfigServiceDAO is always null, which makes sense because my understanding is when the class is instantiated manually, spring injection doesn't happen.
What could be the solution here if I want to keep ConfigServiceDAO as non spring component?
I know it is possible to make ConfigServiceDAO as a spring component and autowire all dependencies.
But a lot of classes from different packages already call
So I guess the the right question is, what would be the best way to autowire a spring component to the class that is instantiated manually.
I don't know your use case but you cannot use #Autowired annotation outside a Spring bean.
However if you really need to access a Spring bean from a non Spring piece of code you can do it like below. However this is a very non Spring way of designing your dependencies.
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
public enum ApplicationContextHolder {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return applicationContext;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
Then you have a configuration class:
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
public class SomeConfig {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void init() {
Then in your DAO class you get a reference to the builder bean you are interested. Something like this:
public class ConfigServiceDAO {
public static ConfigServiceDAO getInstance() {
return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;
private static class SingletonHolder {
public static final ConfigServiceDAO INSTANCE =
private SingletonHolder() {}
Again this is a very non Spring way of doing things.
Spring processed #Autowired only in beans that it manages by itself.
So you have two choices:
Get Rid Of singleton - if you're using spring, its already a singleton in the application context. This is by far the best approach in general (assuming other parts of application that call your singleton are also spring driven). I don't think you should fear to change ConfigServiceDAO.getInstance.method() - refactoring tools in IDE will do the job.
If you can't do 1, Don't use autowired annotation in the singleton - its useless anyway, instead, when you have an application context configured (in listener that spring emits when the application started for example), get the access to the ConfigServiceDAOBuilder bean by calling appCtx.getBean(ConfigServiceDAOBuilder.class) and "inject it" manually by reflection, this is what Spring does with spring managed beans anyway:
public void onApplicationReadyEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
ConfigServiceDAOBuilder builder =
ConfigServiceDao dao = ConfigServiceDAO.getInstance();
dao.setDaoBuilder(builder); // or alternatively by reflection
As a side note, consider using method setDaoBuilder to be a package private to protect the singleton from some accidentally calling a setter
As far as I understand what you want: Create by Spring ConfigServiceDAOBuilder. After that inject it into non-managed object of class ConfigServiceDAO. You can do it after the Spring application context is instantiated. For example with CommanLineRunner:
public class CommandLineAppStartupRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
ConfigServiceDAOBuilder DAOBuilder
public void run(String...args) throws Exception {
In ConfigServiceDAO has to be method init that helps to register all needed beans.
I'm confused after reading your comments, hence let me put in this way. What you are referring to manual autowiring is the Spring dependency injection way.
Whenever you are using any of the Spring Stereotype annotations with default scope instance is always Singleton.
Your ConfigService class has the problem.
Your are mixing up things, you should create a separate config class with #configuration and create Bean for the class ConfigServiceDAO, something like below
Class Config{
public ConfigServiceDAO configServiceDAO( ){
return ConfigServiceDAO.getInstance();
then autowire the ConfigServiceDAO in the ConfigService class. With this Spring will resolve all of the dependency in correct order and DAOBuilder shouldn't be null.
I want to execute a very simple example which explains the IoC-concept in Spring-Boot.
For that I have create a Bean which gets #Autowired to a main-class, which has a method which does something with the bean.
The bean:
The main:
public class MyMain {
private MyBean bean1;
public void usingTheBean()
bean1.setName("Thats my first bean!");
bean1.setAttribute("And thats just an attribute");
public static void main(String[] args) {
//MyMain main = new MyMain();
My SpringBootApplication:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
MyMain main = new MyMain();
How can I start the Main-class? with out getting the
for the #Autowired Bean "MyBean" in the main?
I know that the reason for the NullPointer-Exception is that I created the Main-class with the "new" keyword.
But the question focuses more on the question "How can I start a main-class with spring-boot"
Usually, you do not want to use the context directly to create a bean yourself. You should just let the context initialize and then just use the autowired beans. Most likely, the way you approach this problem is very different from the Spring-way of achieving it.
You should have a look at the following examples:
using the CommandLineRunner interface (see here) or
using the InitializingBean interface (see here)
Alternatively, you can solve this via configuration:
public class MyConfig {
public MyBean myBean() {
MyBean bean = new MyBean();
return bean;
You can then simply use
MyBean myBean;
to autowire it.
Yet another alternative would be to inject the values from a config file (e.g. application.properties) if this is possible in your case:
public class MyBean {
private String name;
private String attribute;
public MyBean(){
Having the following entries in your application.properties:
my.config.value = Some value content
my.config.attribute = Some attribute content
I have the following configuration bean for a non web app
public class MyBeans {
MyObject myObject() {
return new MyObjectImpl();
On the other side I have my class
public class MyCommand implements Command {
private MyObject myObject;
How can I make myCommand be autowired with the configuration in MyBeans without using XML so I can inject mocks in my other test classes?
Thanks a lot in advance.
With XML-based configuration you'd use the ContextConfiguration annotation. However, the ContextConfiguration annotation doesn't appear to work with Java Config. That means that you have to fall back on configuring your application context in the test initialization.
Assuming JUnit4:
public class MyTest{
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void init(){
this.applicationContext =
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(MyBeans.class);
//not necessary if MyBeans defines a bean for MyCommand
//necessary if you need MyCommand - must be annotated #Component
//get any beans you need for your tests here
//and set them to private fields
public void fooTest(){