I want to execute a very simple example which explains the IoC-concept in Spring-Boot.
For that I have create a Bean which gets #Autowired to a main-class, which has a method which does something with the bean.
The bean:
The main:
public class MyMain {
private MyBean bean1;
public void usingTheBean()
bean1.setName("Thats my first bean!");
bean1.setAttribute("And thats just an attribute");
public static void main(String[] args) {
//MyMain main = new MyMain();
My SpringBootApplication:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
MyMain main = new MyMain();
How can I start the Main-class? with out getting the
for the #Autowired Bean "MyBean" in the main?
I know that the reason for the NullPointer-Exception is that I created the Main-class with the "new" keyword.
But the question focuses more on the question "How can I start a main-class with spring-boot"
Usually, you do not want to use the context directly to create a bean yourself. You should just let the context initialize and then just use the autowired beans. Most likely, the way you approach this problem is very different from the Spring-way of achieving it.
You should have a look at the following examples:
using the CommandLineRunner interface (see here) or
using the InitializingBean interface (see here)
Alternatively, you can solve this via configuration:
public class MyConfig {
public MyBean myBean() {
MyBean bean = new MyBean();
return bean;
You can then simply use
MyBean myBean;
to autowire it.
Yet another alternative would be to inject the values from a config file (e.g. application.properties) if this is possible in your case:
public class MyBean {
private String name;
private String attribute;
public MyBean(){
Having the following entries in your application.properties:
my.config.value = Some value content
my.config.attribute = Some attribute content
I am trying to learn autowire with Qualifier in spring and the autowired class constructor is called twice .
I have the following class:
public class MainApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Beans.xml");
ApplicationContext ctx =
new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(HelloWorldConfig.class);
// TextEditor obj = (TextEditor) ctx.getBean("helloWorld");
TextEditor obj = (TextEditor)ctx.getBean(TextEditor.class);
public class SpellChecker {
public SpellChecker() {
System.out.println("Inside SpellChecker constructor.");
public void checkSpelling() {
System.out.println("Inside checkSpelling.");
public class TextEditor {
private SpellChecker spellChecker;
public SpellChecker getSpellChecker( ) {
return spellChecker;
public void spellCheck() {
I have the java based configuration which has multiple bean with same Type and want to select a single bean with Qualifier but the output shows the constructor is called twice.\
public class HelloWorldConfig {
public HelloWorld helloWorld(){
return new HelloWorld();
public TextEditor textEditor(){
return new TextEditor();
public SpellChecker spellChecker(){
return new SpellChecker();
public SpellChecker spellChecker1(){
return new SpellChecker();
Inside SpellChecker constructor.
Inside SpellChecker constructor.
Inside checkSpelling.
I was expecting a single SpellChecker constructor call since i used Qualifier("a") to specify the bean, however the constructor is called twice even if I used Qualifier to select a sinlge bean. Why is it called twice??
Check Out HelloWorldConfig file. You've declared 2 beans of type SpellChecker:
public SpellChecker spellChecker(){
return new SpellChecker();
public SpellChecker spellChecker1(){
return new SpellChecker();
Both beans are created by spring, although only one bean is injected into the TextEditor.
In spring its perfectly fine to have more than one bean of the same type or beans that implement the same interface (think about listeners - there can be many of them) - so spring container will create them all during the application start.
If you want to inject one of those beans however into another bean (like TextEditor in your case), spring won't have a clue which one to inject, that's why you they've added a "qualifier" feature.
Another note, you've by mistake put a #Component annotation on the configuration class, instead you should use #Configuration annotation to specify that this class contains a series of beans definitions (that you indeed declare with #Bean annotation). Although the "configuration" is also a component (managed by spring) - spring still treats it in a significantly different way than regular beans.
And yet another note: although its not directly related to your question, it seems like you're mixing 2 styles of configurations in the code snippet you've provided: the style with #Qualifier/#Autowired (this way was added in spring 2.5 if I'm not mistaken) and the style of java configurations: #Configuration class with #Bean-s in it.
You can avoid using autowire altogether and inject the dependencies via constructor called from java config like this:
public class HelloWorldConfig {
public HelloWorld helloWorld(){
return new HelloWorld();
public TextEditor textEditor(#Qualifier("a") SpellChecker spellChecker){ // note the dependency here
return new TextEditor(spellChecker);
public SpellChecker spellChecker(){
return new SpellChecker();
public SpellChecker spellChecker1(){
return new SpellChecker();
// the TextEditor Class should have a constructor with one argument:
public class TextEditor {
private final SpellChecker spellChecker;
public TextEditor(SpellChecker spellChecker) {
this.spellChecker = spellChecker;
// or if you use lombok library:
public class TextEditor {
private final SpellChecker spellChecker;
Now note, that your "business classes" are not even aware of spring all the "resolution" (usage of qualifier and injection rules) is done in spring configuration which is a special class anyway.
I have an interface like so:
public interface Animal {
void setName(String animal);
String getName();
and I have a Class that implements the interface:
public class Dog implements Animal {
private String name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name= name;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
In another class (ProcessAnimal), I AutoWire the interface:
public class ProcessAnimal {
public Animal animal;
public void processAnimals() {
I only have one class that implements Animal so this should work, however, I get a NullPointerException when it hits the animal.setName("Fido"); line. IntelliJ is complaining that Autowired members must be defined in valid Spring bean (#Component|#Service...) which I have... I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I've tried to add a #Qualifier, but still it didn't work and it shouldn't be necessary since I only have one implementation.
public class AnimalProcessingApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(AnimalProcessingApplication.class, args);
public static void run() {
ProcessAnimal processAnimal = new ProcessAnimal();
AnimalProcessingApplication class should be one level above all other classes.
Also you are using new for creation of object instead of using Dependency Injection (autowiring).
Replace below -
ProcessAnimal processAnimal = new ProcessAnimal();
ProcessAnimal processAnimal;
Also make sure that ProcessAnimal is a bean and Animal is injected in this class using autowiring.
Animal Processing Application.java must be on root folder of all classes.
Then all components in child folders are recognized automatically.
Create a config class with #Bean method to create an instance with a Dog. Also then you can get rid of the #Component annotation of the class.
The problem here is the constructor String name which cannot be injected.
Update 2:
Don't create the instances by yourself. Let spring container create them. Remove the run method.
Following are to be done to make this program work.
1.ProcessAnimal should be made a component . Annotating the class with #Component will mark the class to be autodetected during component scan.
public class ProcessAnimal {
public Animal animal;
public void processAnimals() {
Obtain the ProcessAnimal class from the application context. The spring will prepare the ProcessAnimal bean with all its dependencies set.
You may do this in multiple ways and following is one of those
public class CheckRedRunner implements ApplicationRunner {
ProcessAnimal process;
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
A bean implementing ApplicationRunner will be run when the application starts.
or else
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext ctx = SpringApplication.run(AnimalProcessingApplication.class, args);
ProcessAnimal process = ctx.getBean(ProcessAnimal.class);
Couple of observations
the package names by convention uses lower case letters
example : com.example.process.entity
Please go through the official documentation to learn the expected way of writing Spring boot application.
This question already has answers here:
Injecting beans into a class outside the Spring managed context
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Suppose I have
public class myService () {
public void sayHello() {
public class myTestClass() {
private myService thisService;
public void transferHello() {
public class Application() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(PilContainerApplication.class, args);
myTestClass thisTest = new myTestClass();
Since myTestClass() is not a bean like service/controller, thisService would have a null reference when I use myTestClass thisTest = new myTestClass();.
I was wondering how to overcome this.. I tried using public static myService thisService and it said cannot use #Autowired on static fields.
Thank you
When a class cannot be changed to be annotated with a Spring stereotype, #Bean is a very good alternative :
public class MyBeansConfiguration {
public MyTestClass getMyTestClass(MyService myService) {
return new MyTestClass(myService);
You can inject it now in your Application class :
public class PilContainerApplication {
MyTestClass myTestClass;
public void init(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(PilContainerApplication.class, args);
Note that beans are instances of class and are injected in other instances of class that depend on them. So you don't have access to the injected beans in the static main() method. But you have access to it in an instance method annotated with #PostConstruct that will be executed when the dependencies were injected in the current bean.
Side note : classes have to start with an uppercase. I did it in the provided code.
if you want inject bean B without marking bean A via some annotation, or xml definition, you can use SpringBeanAutowiringSupport
public class A {
private class B b;
public A{
I have a class that is annotated #Component that was then #Autowired into another class. However, I need to remove this #Component annotation and instead, create it with an #Bean annotated method in the class where its was previously autowired.
Where previously the classes looked like:
public class MyClass implements IMyClass
// Stuff
public class MyUsingClass
private IMyClass myClass;
private void methodUsingMyClass()
So now I have removed the #Component annotation and written a #Bean annotated method like this:
public class MyClass implements IMyClass
// Stuff
public class MyUsingClass
public IMyClass getMyClass()
return new MyClass();
My question is around replacing the previous call of myClass.doStuff() to use the new bean. Do I now pass in a parameter of type MyClass to the private method:
private void methodUsingMyClass(final MyClass myClass)
... or do I call this method directly (doesn't seem the correct way to me):
private void methodUsingMyClass()
... or are neither of these correct?
I think you misunderstand the #Bean annotation. It can be used to create a Bean. So basically spring will scan all classes, will find your #Bean and create a Bean, not more. You can now use this bean, like if you would use one created with <bean></bean>. To actually use the bean you need to either get it from ApplicationContext or #Autowire it. Of course you can still use that function like any other function in your code, to create a new instance of that object, but that would contradict to what you want to achieve with beans
Using Annotations that solutions
public class MyClass implements IMyClass{
private OtherClassInjection otherClassInjection;
private OtherClassInjection2 otherClassInjection2;
MyClass(OtherClassInjection otherClassInjection, OtherClassInjection2 otherClassInjection2){
public void useObject(){
#Bean(name = "myClass")
#Scope("prototype") //Define scope as needed
public MyClass getMyClass(#Qualifier("otherClassInjection") OtherClassInjection otherClassInjection,
OtherClassInjection2 otherClassInjection2) throws Exception
return new MyClass(otherClassInjection, otherClassInjection2);
that logical, it's work injection #Autowired when create a Bean if context are know that bean, that you will to want inject.
I'm use that way.
I have 2 applications, one using Spring inside a web-app, and another local application using Spring Boot. These 2 share a configuration class between them.
I cannot figure out how to configure the local application correctly.
Here is the basic layout of classes I am using:
The main class
class MainClass{
private static MyComponent component;
public static void main(String args[]){
// code
SpringApplication.run(MyConfiguration.class, args);
The configuration
public class MyConfiguration {
public static Environment env;
// more beans
public static String getName(){ //made String and simple to match the Component's Autowired
return env.getProperty("property.name");
The component
public class MyComponent extends Thread {
private String template; // this isn't actually String, but a springAMQP class. Should have the same effect though.
public void run(){
template.charAt(0); // just something that fails if it was not autowired
If .run is given MyConfiguration.class i get a null pointer within the autowired Environment in MyConfiguration. If it is given MainClass.class the autowired MyComponent is still null.
As for some layout restrictions,
the Main Class and MyComponent only exist in the local application. The Configuration is in a shared package between the local application and the web application. This prevents me from simply creating the Bean with MyComponent in the Configuration due to dependencies.
If I remove the MyComponent from the MainClass and add the following configuration within the Local application:
public class MyLocalConfiguration extends MyConfiguration {
private MyComponent listener;
public MyComponent getListener(){
if(listener == null){
listener = new MyComponent();
return listener;
I still have the issue of the Environment being null in MyConfiguration, preventing the other beans from being set up.
There are 2 problems with your configuration
#Autowired will only work for Spring Managed beans, your MainClass isn't spring managed so no autowiring is going to happen
#Autowired will not work on static fields