Reacting to a specific char - TCP and char[][] issue - java

I'm creating a TCP game of Battleship in Java, and as I've made some functions work, methods that used to work no longer work.
Here's what's happening when it's a users turn. A bomb being dropped on 2 diffrent char[][], where clientGrid is the actual grid where the client has his ships. It's on this grid where the dropBomb method is being printed, and tells us whether a bomb has hit or not. clientDamage is just an overview for the server to see where he has previously dropped bombs.
if (inFromServer.ready()) {
System.out.println("\nInput coordinate");
int x = scan.nextInt();
int y = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println(dropBomb(x, y, clientGrid));
dropBomb(x, y, clientDamage);
outToClient.writeChars("Enemy player has targeted " + x + ", " + y +'\n');
Here's the drop bomb method. It's proved to work before, however I have made some small changes to it. However I can't see why it wouldn't work. + indicates that there is a ship, x indicates that the target already has been bombed, and the else is ~, which is water. The method always returns "Nothing was hit on this coordinate...", and I can't seem to figure out why?
public static String dropBomb(int row, int col, char[][] board) {
if (row < gridSize && col < gridSize) {
if (board[row][col] == '+') {
board[row][col] = 'x';
return "Ship has been hit!";
} else if (board[row][col] == 'x') {
return "Already bombed.";
} else {
board[row][col] = 'x';
return "Nothing was hit on this coordinate...";
} else {
return "No such coordinate.";
Here is the full code... can someone please point out what I'm missing?
//server = player 1
//client = player 2
public class BattleshipGame {
public static ArrayList<Ship> fleet;
public static InetAddress clientAddress;
public static BattleshipGame battleship;
private final static int gridSize = 11;
public final static int numberOfShips = 3;
public static char[][] serverGrid;
public static char[][] clientGrid;
public static char[][] serverDamage;
public static char[][] clientDamage;
private int whosTurn;
private int whoStarts;
public static int count;
public static int bombCount;
public BattleshipGame() {
whoStarts = 0;
public static String printBoard(char[][] board) {
String out = "";
for (int i = 1; i < board.length; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < board.length; j++) {
out += board[j][i];
out += '\n';
return out;
public void start() {
Random rand = new Random();
if (rand.nextBoolean()) {
whoStarts = 1;
whosTurn = 1;
} else {
whoStarts = 2;
whosTurn = 2;
whoStarts = 1;
whosTurn = 1;
System.out.println("Player " + whoStarts + " starts\n");
public void initializeGrid(int playerNo) {
serverGrid = new char[gridSize][gridSize];
for (int i = 0; i < serverGrid.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < serverGrid.length; j++) {
serverGrid[i][j] = '~';
serverDamage = new char[gridSize][gridSize];
for (int i = 0; i < serverDamage.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < serverDamage.length; j++) {
serverDamage[i][j] = '~';
clientGrid = new char[gridSize][gridSize];
for (int i = 0; i < clientGrid.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < clientGrid.length; j++) {
clientGrid[i][j] = '~';
clientDamage = new char[gridSize][gridSize];
for (int i = 0; i < clientDamage.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < clientDamage.length; j++) {
clientDamage[i][j] = '~';
if (playerNo == 1) {
System.out.println("\nYour grid (player 1):\n"
+ printBoard(serverGrid));
} else if (playerNo == 2) {
System.out.println("\nYour grid (player 2):\n"
+ printBoard(clientGrid));
} else {
System.out.println("No such player.");
public static void deployShip(char[][] board, Ship ship, char direction,
int x, int y) {
if (direction == 'H') {
if (x < gridSize && y < gridSize) {
for (int i = 0; i < ship.getSize(); i++) {
board[x + i][y] = '+';
.println("Ship has been placed horizontally on coordinates "
+ x + ", " + y + ".");
} else {
System.out.println("Unable to place ship in this coordinate.");
} else if (direction == 'V') {
if (x < gridSize && y < gridSize) {
for (int i = 0; i < ship.getSize(); i++) {
board[x][y + i] = '+';
.println("Ship has been placed vertically on coordinates "
+ x + ", " + y + ".");
} else {
System.out.println("Unable to place ship in this coordinate.");
public static String dropBomb(int row, int col, char[][] board) {
if (row < gridSize && col < gridSize) {
if (board[row][col] == '+') {
board[row][col] = 'x';
return "Ship has been hit!";
if (board[row][col] == 'x') {
return "Already bombed.";
if (board[row][col] == '~') {
board[row][col] = 'x';
return "Nothing was hit on this coordinate...";
} else {
return "No such coordinate.";
return "";
public void showShipList() {
.println("Choose ships to add to your fleet from the following list ("
+ numberOfShips + " ships allowed):");
ArrayList<Ship> overview = new ArrayList<Ship>();
Ship ac = new Ship("Aircraft carrier", 5, false);
Ship bs = new Ship("Battleship", 4, false);
Ship sm = new Ship("Submarine", 3, false);
Ship ds = new Ship("Destroyer", 3, false);
Ship sp = new Ship("Patrol Boat", 2, false);
for (int i = 0; i < overview.size(); i++) {
System.out.println(i + 1 + ". " + overview.get(i));
public static ArrayList<Ship> createFleet(ArrayList<Ship> fleet, int choice) {
if (count < numberOfShips && choice > 0 && choice < 6) {
if (choice == 1) {
Ship ac = new Ship("Aircraft carrier", 5, false);
System.out.println("Aircraft carrier has been added to fleet.");
} else if (choice == 2) {
Ship bs = new Ship("Battleship", 4, false);
System.out.println("Battleship has been added to fleet.");
} else if (choice == 3) {
Ship sm = new Ship("Submarine", 3, false);
System.out.println("Submarine has been added to fleet.");
} else if (choice == 4) {
Ship ds = new Ship("Destroyer", 3, false);
System.out.println("Destroyer has been added to fleet.");
} else if (choice == 5) {
Ship sp = new Ship("Patrol Boat", 2, false);
System.out.println("Patrol boat has been added to fleet.");
} else {
System.out.println("Not an option.");
System.out.println("\nYour fleet now contains:");
for (Ship s : fleet) {
return fleet;
public class TCPServer extends BattleshipGame {
private static final int playerNo = 1;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("You are player: " + playerNo);
battleship = new BattleshipGame();
try {
ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(6780);
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();
BufferedReader inFromServer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader inFromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
DataOutputStream outToClient = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
while (true) {
if (inFromServer.ready()) {
setup(scan, playerNo);
System.out.println("\nInput coordinate");
int x = scan.nextInt();
int y = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println(dropBomb(x, y, clientGrid));
dropBomb(x, y, clientDamage);
outToClient.writeChars("Enemy player has targeted " + x + ", " + y +'\n');
if (inFromClient.ready()) {
// socket.close();
// serverSocet.close();
} catch (IOException e) {
private static void setup(Scanner inFromUser, int playerNo) {
fleet = new ArrayList<Ship>();
while (count < numberOfShips) {
createFleet(fleet, inFromUser.nextInt());
for (int i = 0; i < fleet.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Define direction (V/H) plus coordinates");
deployShip(serverGrid, fleet.get(i),, inFromUser.nextInt(), inFromUser.nextInt());
System.out.println("Placements:\n" + printBoard(serverGrid));
System.out.println("Fleet has been deployed. Press enter to continue.\n");
public class TCPClient extends BattleshipGame {
private static final int playerNo = 2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("You are player: " + playerNo);
battleship = new BattleshipGame();
try {
Socket socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost()
.getHostAddress(), 6780);
DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(
BufferedReader inFromServer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
BufferedReader inFromClient = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
setup(scan, playerNo);
while (true) {
if (inFromClient.ready()) {
System.out.println("\nInput coordinate");
int x = scan.nextInt();
int y = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println(dropBomb(x, y, serverGrid));
dropBomb(x, y, serverDamage);
dataOutputStream.writeChars("Enemy player has targeted " + x + ", " + y +'\n');
if (inFromServer.ready()) { // modtag data fra server
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
private static void setup(Scanner inFromUser, int playerNo) {
fleet = new ArrayList<Ship>();
while (count < numberOfShips) {
createFleet(fleet, inFromUser.nextInt());
for (int i = 0; i < fleet.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Define direction (V/H) plus coordinates");
deployShip(clientGrid, fleet.get(i),, inFromUser.nextInt(), inFromUser.nextInt());
System.out.println("Placements:\n" + printBoard(clientGrid));
System.out.println("Fleet has been deployed. Press enter to continue.\n");
package Battleships;
public class Ship {
private String name;
private int size;
private boolean isDestroyed;
public Ship(String n, int s, boolean d) { = n;
this.size = s;
this.isDestroyed = d;
public String getName() {
String output = "";
output = "[" + name + "]";
return output;
public int getSize() {
return size;
public String toString() {
String output = "";
output = "[" + name + ", " + size + ", " + isDestroyed + "]";
return output;


Solving a Word Maze Using Recusion (Java)

So, I'm very very new to Java, and I've been working on this problem for some time now. It's for a school project (which has been overdue for about 2 weeks) and I was looking for hints or some possible solutions that could guide me from this point.
The object of this program is to take in a .txt file (something like this: and go through a 2D grid of letters in order to find provided words; the words can be connected horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. The catch for this program is that it cannot be done using iteration, it has to be done recursively.
Here's the output for the following code:
I'm not completely sure what is the issue with my program; I've been scratching my head for days. Any support would be greatly appreciated.
import java.util.*;
public class wordMaze1 {
private static boolean wordCheck;
public static boolean wordSearch(char[][] letter, String words, int r, int c) {
if (letter[r][c] != words.charAt(0))
return false;
if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(c))
return true;
if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(0)) {
return wordSearch(letter, words.substring(1), r, c - 1);
} else if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(0)) {
return wordSearch(letter, words.substring(1), r, c + 1);
} else if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(0)) {
return wordSearch(letter, words.substring(1), r - 1, c);
} else if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(0)) {
return wordSearch(letter, words.substring(1), r + 1, c);
} else if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(0)) {
return wordSearch(letter, words.substring(1), r - 1, c - 1);
} else if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(0)) {
return wordSearch(letter, words.substring(1), r + 1, c - 1);
} else if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(0)) {
return wordSearch(letter, words.substring(1), r - 1, c + 1);
} else if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(0)) {
return wordSearch(letter, words.substring(1), r + 1, c + 1);
return false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(new File("maze.txt"));
int numGrids = Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine());
for (int i = 1; i < numGrids + 1; i++) {
System.out.println("Grid #" + i + ":");
int size = Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine());
char[][] grid = new char[size][size];
String[] tempGrid = new String[size];
for (int t = 0; t < size; t++) {
tempGrid[t] = scan.nextLine();
int wordNum = Integer.parseInt(scan.nextLine());
String[] words = new String[wordNum];
for (int w = 0; w < wordNum; w++) {
words[w] = scan.nextLine();
for (int r = 0; r < size; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < size; c++) {
grid[r][c] = tempGrid[r].charAt(c);
if (grid[r][c] == words[w].charAt(0))
if (wordSearch(grid, words[w], r, c)) {
wordCheck = true;
if (wordCheck == true)
System.out.println(words[w] + " is found.");
System.out.println(words[w] + " is NOT found.");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
This line causes exception:
if (letter[r][c] == words.charAt(c))
If you replace charAt(c) with charAt(0), it should work better

Resolving a code with an infinite loop

I have a code for optimumRequestOrder. It has 3 main methods: request(int len, int Qty), request(int len) and calculate().
Unfortunately, calculate code goes for infinite loop when trying big numbers such as (Integer.Max_value, Integer.Max_value).
public class OptimumRequestOrder {
private int xstdLen;
private int maxRequest;
private int len = 0;
private int[][] dataRequest;
public OptimumRequestOrder(int size) {
this.maxRequest = size;
this.len = 0;
this.dataRequest = new int[this.maxRequest][this.maxRequest];
public void setStdLen(int stdLen) {
this.xstdLen = stdLen;
public void request(int inLength, int inQty) {
if (!full()) {
this.dataRequest[this.len][0] = inLength;
this.dataRequest[this.len][1] = inQty;
this.len += 1;
} else {
public void delRequest(int inLength) {
int temp = 0;
if (!empty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.len; i++) {
if (this.dataRequest[i][0] == inLength) {
temp = i;
for (int i = temp; i < this.len; i++) {
this.dataRequest[i][0] = this.dataRequest[(i + 1)][0];
this.dataRequest[i][1] = this.dataRequest[(i + 1)][1];
len = len - 1;
} else {
public int[][] getDataRequest() {
return this.dataRequest;
public int getLen() {
return this.len;
public int calculate() {
if (!empty()) {
int balance = this.xstdLen;
int totalLen = 1;
int i = 0;
int[][] dataR = this.dataRequest;
System.out.println("ni dataR===>" + dataR[0][0] + " " + dataR[0][1]);
while (wloop1(dataR)) {
System.out.println("wloop1=" + i + " : " + dataR[i][0] + " qty: " + dataR[i][1]);
if (i < this.len) {
System.out.println("balance=" + balance);
if (balance >= dataR[i][0]) {
System.out.println("QTY " + i + ": " + dataR[i][1]);
if (dataR[i][1] > 0) {
balance -= dataR[i][0];
dataR[i][1] -= 1;
} else {
i += 1;
totalLen += 1;
} else {
System.out.println("balance kurang");
i += 1;
} else if (wloop0(dataR, balance)) {
System.out.println("balance masih boleh ditolak");
if (wloop1(dataR)) {
System.out.println("balance masih boleh ditolak n qty<>0");
i = 0;
} else {
System.out.println("balance masih boleh ditolak n qty=0");
return totalLen;
} else {
System.out.println("balance dah tak boleh ditolak");
if (wloop1(dataR)) {
System.out.println("balance tiada n qty<>0");
i = 0;
balance = this.xstdLen;
totalLen += 1;
System.out.println("totalLen==>>>>" + totalLen);
} else {
System.out.println("balance tiada n qty=0");
return totalLen;
return totalLen;
return 0;
public boolean wloop0(int[][] dataR, int bal) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.len; i++) {
if ((bal >= dataR[i][0]) && (dataR[i][1] > 0)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean wloop1(int[][] dataR) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.len; i++) {
if (dataR[i][1] > 0) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean empty() {
return this.len == 0;
public boolean full() {
return this.len == this.maxRequest;
public void printq() {
System.out.print("len: " + this.len);
for (int i = 0; i < this.len; i++) {
System.out.print("dataR[" + i + ",0]=" + this.dataRequest[i][0] + "; ");
System.out.print("dataR[" + i + ",1]=" + this.dataRequest[i][1] + "; ");
Please help me in resolving this problem.

Tic Tac Toe: All states get returned as best moves

I am working on building the game of Tic Tac Toe. Please find below the description of the classes used.
Game:: The main class. This class will initiate the multiplayer mode.
Board: This class sets the board configurations.
Computer: This class comprises of the minimax algorithm.
BoardState: This class comprises of the Board Object, along with the last x and y coordinates which were used to generate the board
State: This class comprises of the score and the x and y coordinates that that will lead to that score in the game.
Working on DFS here.
Exploring the whole tree works fine.
The game is set in such a way that the user is prompted to play first.
The user will put x and y co ordinates in the game.Coordinates are between 0 to 2. The Play of the player is marked as 1
The response from the computer is 2, which the algorithm decides. Th algorithm will determine the best possible coordinates to play and then play 2 on the position.
One of the winning configurations for Player is :
Player wins through diagonal
One of the winning configuration for AI is:
AI wins Horizontal
All the states give the max score.
Essentially, when you start the game in your system, you will find that since all states are given the max score, the computer looks to play sequentially.
As in if you put at (00), the computer plays at (01) and if you play at (02), the computer will play at (10)
I have been trying to debug it for a long time now. I believe, I may be messing up something with the scoring function. Or there could be a bug in the base recursion steps. Moreover, I don't think immutability among classes could cause problems as I have been recreating/creating new objects everywhere.
I understand, this might not be the best context I could give, but it would be a great help if you guys could help me figure out where exactly is it going wrong and what could I do to fix it. Answers through code/logic used would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
Game Class
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
public class Game {
static int player1 = 1;
static int player2 = 2;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//PLays Game
/* Test Use Case
ArrayList<Board> ar = new ArrayList<Board>();
Board b = new Board();
Computer comp = new Computer();
State x = comp.getMoves(b, 2);
private static void playGame() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Board b = new Board();
Computer comp = new Computer();
System.out.println("Game Drawn");
int[] pmove = getPlayerMove(b);
b.setVal(pmove[0],pmove[1], player1);
System.out.println("Player 1 Wins");
System.out.println("Game Drawn");
System.out.println("Computer Moves");
/*For Random Play
* int[] cmove = comp.computeMove(b);
Computer compu = new Computer();
State s = compu.getMoves(b, 2);
int[] cmove = new int[2];
cmove[0] = s.x;
cmove[1] = s.y;
b.setVal(cmove[0],cmove[1], player2);
System.out.println("Computer Wins");
System.out.println("Game Over");
//Gets Player Move. Basic Checks on whether the move is a valud move or not.
private static int[] getPlayerMove(Board b) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int[] playerMove = new int[2];
System.out.println("You Play");
Scanner reader = new Scanner(; // Reading from
System.out.println("Enter X Position: ");
playerMove[0] = reader.nextInt(); // Scans the next token of the input as an int.
if(playerMove[0] >2)
System.out.println("Incorrect Position");
System.out.println("Enter Y Position: ");
playerMove[1] = reader.nextInt(); // Scans the next token of the input as an int.
if(playerMove[1] >2)
System.out.println("Incorrect Position");
System.out.println("You entered positions: X is " + playerMove[0] + " and Y is " + playerMove[1] );
if(!b.isPosOccupied(playerMove[0], playerMove[1]))
System.out.println("Incorrect Move. PLease try again");
return playerMove;
Board Class
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Board {
// Defines Board Configuration
private final int[][] data ;
public Board()
data = new int[3][3];
for(int i=0;i<data.length;i++ )
for(int j=0;j<data.length;j++ )
data[i][j] = 0;
//Displays Current State of the board
public void display()
for(int i = 0; i< data.length;i++)
for(int j = 0; j< data.length;j++)
System.out.print(data[i][j] + " ");
// Gets the Value on a specific board configuration
public int getVal(int i, int j)
return data[i][j];
//Sets the value to a particular board location
public void setVal(int i, int j,int val)
data[i][j] = val;
public boolean isBoardFull()
for(int i=0;i< data.length ; i++)
for(int j=0;j< data.length ;j++)
if(data[i][j] == 0)
return false;
return true;
public boolean isVictoriousConfig(int player)
//Noting down victory rules
//Horizontal Victory
if ( (data[0][0] != 0) && ((data[0][0] == data [0][1]) && (data[0][1] == data [0][2]) && (data[0][2] == player)))
return true;
if ((data[1][0] != 0) && ((data[1][0] == data [1][1]) && (data[1][1] == data [1][2]) && (data[1][2] == player)))
return true;
if ((data[2][0] != 0) && ((data[2][0] == data [2][1]) && (data[2][1] == data [2][2]) && (data[2][2] == player)))
return true;
//Vertical Victory
if ( (data[0][0] != 0) && ((data[0][0] == data [1][0]) && (data[1][0] == data [2][0]) && (data[2][0] == player)))
return true;
if ((data[0][1] != 0) && ((data[0][1] == data [1][1]) && (data[1][1] == data [2][1]) && (data[2][1] == player)))
return true;
if ((data[0][2] != 0) && ((data[0][2] == data [1][2]) && (data[1][2] == data [2][2]) && (data[2][2] == player)))
return true;
//Diagonal Victory
if ( (data[0][0] != 0) && ((data[0][0] == data [1][1]) && (data[1][1] == data [2][2]) && (data[2][2] == player)))
return true;
if ( (data[0][2] != 0) && ((data[0][2] == data [1][1]) && (data[1][1] == data [2][0]) && (data[2][0] == player)))
return true;
//If none of the victory rules are met. No one has won just yet ;)
return false;
public boolean isPosOccupied(int i, int j)
if(data[i][j] != 0)
return true;
return false;
public Board(int[][] x)
{ = Arrays.copyOf(x, x.length);
Board State
public class BoardState {
final Board br;
final int x ;
final int y;
public BoardState(Board b, int posX, int posY)
br = b;
x = posX;
y = posY;
public class State {
final int s;
final int x;
final int y;
public State(int score, int posX, int posY)
s = score;
x = posX;
y = posY;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
public class Computer {
int[] pos = new int[2];
static int player2 = 2;
static int player1 = 1;
ArrayList<Board> win =new ArrayList<Board>();
ArrayList<Board> loose =new ArrayList<Board>();
ArrayList<Board> draw =new ArrayList<Board>();
public Computer()
public int[] computeMove(Board b)
Random randX = new Random();
Random randY = new Random();
pos[0] = randX.nextInt(3);
pos[1] = randY.nextInt(3);
if(!b.isPosOccupied(pos[0], pos[1]))
return pos;
public State getMoves(Board b,int p)
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
BoardState bs = new BoardState(b,0,0);
State s = computeMoveAI(bs,p);
//System.out.println("Sore : X : Y" + s.s + s.x + s.y);
return s;
private State computeMoveAI(BoardState b, int p) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int[][]sArray = new int[3][3];
for(int i1 =0;i1<3;i1++)
for(int j1=0;j1<3;j1++)
sArray[i1][j1] =, j1);
Board d = new Board(sArray);
//System.out.println("d is ");
//System.out.println("p is "+ p);
int xvalue= b.x;
int yvalue = b.y;
BoardState bs = new BoardState(d,xvalue,yvalue);
if(getConfigScore(d,p) == 1)
//System.out.println("Winning Config");
//System.out.println("X is " + b.x + " Y is " + b.y);
State s = new State(-1,bs.x,bs.y);
return s;
else if (getConfigScore(d,p) == -1)
State s = new State(1,bs.x,bs.y);
//System.out.println("Coordinates are "+bs.x + bs.y+ " for " + p);
return s;
else if(
//System.out.println("Board is full");
State s = new State(0,bs.x,bs.y);
//System.out.println("score " + s.s + "x "+ s.x + "y "+ s.y);
return s;
//Get Turn
//System.out.println("In else condiyion");
int turn;
if(p == 2)
turn = 1;
turn = 2;
ArrayList<BoardState> brr = new ArrayList<BoardState>();
ArrayList<State> st = new ArrayList<State>();
brr = getAllStates(d,p);
for(int k=0;k<brr.size();k++)
//System.out.println("Goes in " + "turn " + turn);
int xxxxx = computeMoveAI(brr.get(k),turn).s;
State temp = new State(xxxxx,brr.get(k).x,brr.get(k).y);
//Find all Nodes.
//Go to First Node and proceed with recursion.
//System.out.println("Displaying boards");
for(int i=0;i<brr.size();i++)
//System.out.println(brr.get(i).x + " " + brr.get(i).y);
//System.out.println("Board configs are");
for(int i=0;i<st.size();i++)
//System.out.println(st.get(i).x + " " + st.get(i).y + " and score " + st.get(i).s);
//System.out.println("xvalue" + xvalue);
//System.out.println("yvalue" + yvalue);
//System.out.println("Board was");
//System.out.println("Coming to scores");
//System.out.println(" p is "+ p);
if(p == 2)
//System.out.println("Size of first response" + st.size());
//System.out.println("Returns Max");
return max(st);
//System.out.println("The last");
return min(st);
private State min(ArrayList<State> st) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
ArrayList<State> st1= new ArrayList<State>();
st1= st;
int min = st.get(0).s;
//System.out.println("Min score is " + min);
for(int i=1;i<st1.size();i++)
if(min > st1.get(i).s)
min = st1.get(i).s;
//System.out.println("Min is");
//System.out.println("Min" + min);
State s = new State(min,st1.get(i).x,st1.get(i).y);
return s;
State s = new State(st1.get(0).s,st1.get(0).x,st1.get(0).y);
//System.out.println("Max" + st1.get(0).s);
//System.out.println("Exits Min");
//System.out.println("Min Score" + st1.get(0).s + " x" + st1.get(0).x + "y " + st1.get(0).y);
return s;
private State max(ArrayList<State> st) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//System.out.println("Size of first response in funciton is " + st.size());
ArrayList<State> st1= new ArrayList<State>();
st1 = st;
int max = st1.get(0).s;
for(int i=0;i<st1.size();i++)
// System.out.println(i+1 + " config is: " + "X:" + st1.get(i).x + "Y:" + st1.get(i).y + " with score " + st1.get(i).s);
for(int i=1;i<st1.size();i++)
//.out.println("Next Item " + i + st.get(i).s + "Coordinates X"+ st.get(i).x +"Coordinates Y"+ st.get(i).y );
if(max < st1.get(i).s)
max = st1.get(i).s;
//System.out.println("Max" + max);
//System.out.println("Max is");
State s = new State(max,st1.get(i).x,st1.get(i).y);
//System.out.println("Max Score returned" + s.s);
return s;
State s = new State(st1.get(0).s,st1.get(0).x,st1.get(0).y);
//System.out.println("Max" + st1.get(0).s);
//System.out.println("Max is outer");
return s;
//Basic brain Behind Min Max algorithm
public int getConfigScore(Board b,int p)
int score;
int turn ;
int opponent;
if(p == player1)
turn = p;
opponent = player2;
turn = player2;
opponent = player1;
int[][]sArray = new int[3][3];
for(int i1 =0;i1<3;i1++)
for(int j1=0;j1<3;j1++)
sArray[i1][j1] = b.getVal(i1, j1);
Board d = new Board(sArray);
//System.out.println("s arrasy is ");
//System.out.println("turn is " + turn);
score = 1;
else if(d.isVictoriousConfig(opponent))
score = -1;
score = 0;
return score;
public static ArrayList<BoardState> getAllStates(Board b, int player)
ArrayList<BoardState> arr = new ArrayList<BoardState>();
int[][]s1 = new int[3][3];
for(int i1 =0;i1<3;i1++)
for(int j1=0;j1<3;j1++)
s1[i1][j1] = b.getVal(i1, j1);
Board d = new Board(s1);
for(int i = 0;i <3; i ++)
for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
if(!d.isPosOccupied(i, j))
int previousState = d.getVal(i, j);
int[][]s = new int[3][3];
for(int i1 =0;i1<3;i1++)
for(int j1=0;j1<3;j1++)
s[i1][j1] = d.getVal(i1, j1);
s[i][j] = player;
Board d1 = new Board(s);
BoardState bs = new BoardState(d1,i,j);
return arr;
This is the output of the test case in the Game class:
1 1 2
2 2 0
1 1 0
Score : X : Y -> 1: 1: 2
The solution here is score:1 for x:1, y:2. It looks correct.
But again, you could say since it is moving sequentially, and since position (1,2) will come before (2,2), it gets the right coordinate.
I understand that this may be huge lines of code to figure out the problem. But
computemoveAI(), getConfigScore() could be the functions to look out for. Also I do not want to bias your thoughts with where I think the problem could as sometimes, we look somewhere , but the problem lies elsewhere.!!

Postfix to Infix program that needs fixing

I need help with this program because it is not compiling correctly.
The program is supposed to do this:
java PostfixToInfix
1 2 3 + *
I am getting these errors when compiling: error: bad operand types for binary operator '-'
s.push(o2 - o1);
first type: String
second type: String error: bad operand types for binary operator '*'
s.push(o1 * o2);
first type: String
second type: String
2 errors
How many I supposed to code this so that it works properly? I am unsure what is wrong with my code that it is not allowing it do the functions properly.
This is my code:
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
public class PostfixToInfix
public static void main(String[] args)
String[] input = readExpr();
if(checkSyntax(input) == true)
int k = 0;
Stack<String> s = new Stack<>();
for(int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i)
String o1;
String o2;
o1 = s.pop();
for(int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
k += input[j].length() + 1;
System.out.println("Too few operands for " + input[i]);
for(int l = 0; l < k; ++l)
System.out.print(" ");
o2 = s.pop();
for(int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
k += input[j].length() + 1;
System.out.println("Too few operands for " + input[i]);
for(int l = 0; l < k; ++l)
System.out.print(" ");
s.push(o1 + o2);
else if(input[i].equals("-"))
s.push(o2 - o1);
s.push(o1 * o2);
String Result = s.pop();
System.out.println("Too few operators to produce a single result");
} // end main
static String[] readExpr()
Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;
String s = stdin.nextLine();
String[] sA = s.split(" ");
return sA;
static void writeExpr(String[] expr)
for(int i = 0; i < expr.length; ++i)
System.out.print(expr[i] + " ");
static boolean isOperator(String s)
if(s.equals("+") || s.equals("-") || s.equals("*"))
return true;
return false;
static boolean checkSyntax(String[] expr)
int k = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < expr.length; ++i)
catch (Exception e)
for(int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
k += expr[j].length() + 1;
for(int l = 0; l < k; ++l)
System.out.print(" ");
System.out.println("Not a number or valid operator");
return false;
return true;
} // end Postfix2
class StringStack
int top;
String[] pancake;
StringStack() //constructor for a new empty stack
top = 0;
pancake = new String[1000];
} // end DoubleStack
boolean empty() //whether the stack is empty
return top == 0;
} // end empty
String pop() //remove and return the top element; throw an error if empty
throw new Error("Error");
top -= 1;
return pancake[top];
} // end pop
void push(String x) //add x to the top of the stack
if(top < 1000)
pancake[top] = x;
top += 1;
throw new Error("Error");
} // end push
} // end StringStack
Change you code like this.
s.push(o1 + "+" + o2);
else if(input[i].equals("-"))
s.push(o2 + "-" + o1);
s.push(o1 + "*" + o2);
But the result for "1 2 3 + *" is "3+2*1".
It is another problem.

illegal start of expression in java while declaring private variables in public class

import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Stack;
public class TSPNearestNeighbour {
private final Stack<Integer> stack;
private int numberOfNodes;
public TSPNearestNeighbour()
stack = new Stack<Integer>();
public void tsp(int adjacencyMatrix[][])
numberOfNodes = adjacencyMatrix[1].length - 1;
int[] visited = new int[numberOfNodes + 1];
visited[1] = 1;
int element, dst = 0, i,cost=0;
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
boolean minFlag = false;
System.out.print(1 + "\t");
while (!stack.isEmpty())
element = stack.peek();
i = 1;
min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
while (i <= numberOfNodes)
if (adjacencyMatrix[element][i] > 1 && visited[i] == 0)
if (min > adjacencyMatrix[element][i])
min = adjacencyMatrix[element][i];
dst = i;
minFlag = true;
if (minFlag)
visited[dst] = 1;
System.out.print( dst + "\t");
minFlag = false;
System.out.println("total cost" +cost);
public static void main(String args[])
int number_of_nodes;
Scanner scanner = null;
System.out.println("Enter the number of nodes in the graph");
scanner = new Scanner(;
number_of_nodes = scanner.nextInt();
int adjacency_matrix[][] = new int[number_of_nodes + 1][number_of_nodes + 1];
System.out.println("Enter the adjacency matrix");
for (int i = 1; i <= number_of_nodes; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= number_of_nodes; j++)
adjacency_matrix[i][j] = scanner.nextInt();
for (int i = 1; i <= number_of_nodes; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= number_of_nodes; j++)
if (adjacency_matrix[i][j] == 1 && adjacency_matrix[j][i] == 0)
adjacency_matrix[j][i] = 1;
System.out.println("the citys are visited as follows");
TSPNearestNeighbour tspNearestNeighbour = new TSPNearestNeighbour();
} catch (InputMismatchException inputMismatch)
System.out.println("Wrong Input format");
> illegal start of expression in the line:
> **private final Stack<Integer> stack;**
You have 2 open braces
public class TSPNearestNeighbour { {
remove one and may be you get your code compiled

