java neo4j rest how to get the url of a created node - java

I am creating some nodes within a transaction in neo4j using the rest api. After all nodes have been created (typically between 3 and 5 in one transaction), I have to create some relationships between them. To do this I need, of course the location of the nodes, and this is the source of my problem. I can't figure out how to get this location.
According to documentation, I should be able to get the location of a node from the response-object, after creating the node, like so:
nodeLocation = response.getLocation();
But in a transaction, this of course returns the url of the transaction:
Then I thought, if I query for the just created node, maybe in that response I can find the location. Again, according to documentation, the node location should be presented in the json-structure extensions in the field self.
"self" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/357",
But my response to the query does not seem to contain an extension structure.
This is the query I'm using:
{"statements": [ {"statement": "MATCH (p:POST {sn_id: 'TW', id: '536982477664190465'} ) RETURN p"} ] }
I send it to the open transaction, and I get this back:
GET to http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/108 returned status code 200, returned data: {"commit":"http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/108/commit","results":[{"columns":["p"],"data":[]}],"transaction":{"expires":"Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:40:34 +0000"},"errors":[]}
Just for completeness, this is the code for my query:
String payload = "{\"statements\": "
+ "[ "
+ "{\"statement\": "
+ "\"MATCH (p:POST {sn_id: 'TW', id: '536982477664190465'} ) RETURN p\""
+ "} "
+ "] "
+ "}";
logger.trace("sending cypher {} to endpoint {}", payload, endpointLoc);
WebResource resource = Client.create().resource( endpointLoc );
ClientResponse response = resource
.accept( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
.type( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
.entity( payload )
//.post( ClientResponse.class );
String responseEntity = response.getEntity(String.class).toString();
int responseStatus = response.getStatus();
logger.trace("GET to {} returned status code {}, returned data: {}",
endpointLoc, responseStatus,
JSONParser reponseParser = new JSONParser();
Object responseObj = reponseParser.parse(responseEntity);
JSONObject jsonResponseObj = responseObj instanceof JSONObject ?(JSONObject) responseObj : null;
if(jsonResponseObj == null)
throw new ParseException(0, "returned json object is null");
String result = (String) jsonResponseObj.get("results").toString();
logger.trace("result is {} ", result);
String error = (String) jsonResponseObj.get("errors").toString();
Am I missing something? Do I need to use a special call?
Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance,

What do you need the node-URL for?
That's the old RESTful representation. You can either get it by using the old HTTP endpoint /db/data/cypher or better by specifying the (very verbose) resultDataContents type REST
You can also specify other types like "row" and "graph" in parallel.
{"statements": [
{"statement": "MATCH (p:POST {sn_id: 'TW', id: '536982477664190465'} ) RETURN p",
] }


Unable to pass Array from Angular 2 typescript to Spring Java

I am trying to pass a String array from my typescript
tmp : Array<string> = [];
So I have a function which takes in this array as a parameter input
passValues(test : Array<string>) {
// some method to call post method from service
So in service
public passingOfValues( test : Array<string> ) : Observable<Array<string>> {
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} );
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers);
let response = + this.modulePath + '/getArrayValue', {'test' : test }, options)
return response;
But I am getting errors such as System property [org.owasp.esapi.devteam] is not set
And I read on other posts that I have to stringify the array before passing to backend.
Is there a reason why I need to stringify / also can I just pass the raw array?
EDIT 1 :
including backend controller codes
public ResponseEntity<?> getArrayValues( ArrayList<String> test ) {
logger.debug("### Test if array has a size ###" + test.size());
Apparently size already shows 0 from here.
EDIT 2 :
While debugging, i realised that the SQL at the back is receiving
does this make any difference?
Like passing of string into octets or do I have to do some conversion?
Sorry if I have alot of questions am also working hard on debugging and learning more about it!
Most of the developers like JSON data as request and it's good practice in RESTful apis. why?
JSON format is {key1: value1, key2: value 2,....}
You are passing + this.modulePath + '/getArrayValue',{'test' : YOUR_ACTUAL_ARRAY})
form the front-end. The,body,options?) has url and body as mandatory. How can you get it in back-end? Since you have body only,
public ResponseEntity<?> getArrayValues(#RequestBody List<String> test) {
// codes
Key of passed parameter from front-end test and variable which
listens in back-end should be in same name. Otherwise
#RequestBody("KEY_NAME") List<String> any_variable
As you asked from comment, you may have two key value pairs. Eg : { "test" : value1, "tmp": value2}. Assume value1 and value2 both are String array. + this.modulePath + '/getArrayValue',{'myJson' : YOUR_JSON})
There are lot of way(Eg : Gson,ObjectMapper etc). I use another way.
Create a class called TestTmpConverter
class TestTmpConverter{
List<String> test;
List<String> tmp;
//No-argument constructors & Argument constructors
In controller
public ResponseEntity<?> getArrayValues(#RequestBody List<TestTmpConverter> myJson ) {
List<TestTmpConverter> test=myJson.getTest();
List<TestTmpConverter> tmp=myJson.getTmp();
// Do your work
I only showed one way.There are a lot of way to pass data to back-end like #RequestParam, #PathVariable etc. I feel now you get something how you can pass the data.
For your client put your data directly on POST's body:
public passingOfValues( test : Array<string> ) : Observable<Array<string>> {
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json'} );
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers);
let response = + this.modulePath + '/getArrayValue',
test, options)
return response;
On your REST service use the #RequestBody annotation:
public ResponseEntity<?> getArrayValues(#RequestBody String[] test ) {
logger.debug("### Test if array has a size ###" + test.size());

Iteration through json with multiple API calls for other requests

I am using Postman to iterate through a json of about 40 pairs of items. I need to then take that array created and run an API call for each element in the array to return a set of results. Using the code here, i'm only able to pull the final element in the array. I attempted to put the postman.setNextRequest in the for loop but then I found out that no matter where it is, it always executes last.
tests["Status code is 200 (that's good!)"] = (responseCode.code === 200);
if (responseCode.code === 200) {
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
var json = [];
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("json", jsonData)
for (var key in jsonData ) {
if (jsonData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("organizationId", jsonData[key].id)
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("orgname", jsonData[key].name)
tests[jsonData[key].name + " " + jsonData[key].id] = !!jsonData[key].name;
else {
GetAdmins is another GET that uses {{organizationId}} in the call.
I think what i'm looking for is; what is the best way to go about running another API call on each element in the json?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Adding JSON output
"id": XXXXXX,
"name": "Name1"
"id": XXXXXX,
"name": "Name2"
"id": XXXXXX,
"name": "Name3"
This might work to get the data - I’ve not tried it out yet though so it might not work first time.
var jsonData = pm.response.json()
data =, item => {
pm.environment.set('organizationData', JSON.stringify(data))
Then you have all of your organization data in a variable and you can use these to iterate over the Id’s in the next "Get Admins" request.
You would need to have some code in the Pre-request script of the next request to access each of the id’s to iterate over in the request. You need to parse the variable like this:
var orgID = pm.environment.get(JSON.parse("organizationData"))
Then orgID[0].organizationId would be the first one in the list.
Not a complete solution for your problem but it might help you get the data.
I was able to solve this using these two guides:
Loops and dynamic variables in Postman: part 1
Loops and dynamic variables in Postman: part 2
I also had to implement the bigint fix for java, but in Postman, which was very annoying... that can be found here:
Hacking bigint in API testing with Postman Runner Newman in CI Environment
A lot of google plus trial and error got me up and running.
Thanks anyway for all your help everyone!
This ended up being my final code:
tests["Status code is 200 (that's good!)"] = (responseCode.code === 200);
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var id_list = [];
jsonData.forEach(function(list) {
var testTitle = "Org: " + + " has id: " + JSON.stringify(;
tests[testTitle] = !!;
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("id_list", JSON.stringify(id_list));
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
jsonData.forEach(function(admin) {
var testTitle = "Admin: " + + " has " + admin.orgAccess;
tests[testTitle] = !!;
var id_list = JSON.parse(environment.id_list);
if (id_list.length > 0) {
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("organizationId", JSON.stringify(id_list.shift());
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("id_list", JSON.stringify(id_list));
else {

How to Fetch the component id using the component Name through JIRA REST API in groovy

I am working on a script where I need to fetch the component id of all stories where Component label is R TEST 4.4 is attached using JIRA REST API in groovy for any project.
I am trying the below code
#Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.7' )
final String USAGE =
"Usage: -Djira.username=xxx -Djira.password=xxx -Djira.Component=R TEST 4.4"
String jiraUsername = 'ABCDEF'
String jiraPassword = '**************'
String jiraComponent = 'R TEST 4.4'
println "Getting issues..."
if (!jiraUsername?.trim()) {
fail("Empty property: jira.username " + USAGE)
if (!jiraPassword?.trim()) {
fail("Empty property: jira.password " + USAGE)
if (!jiraComponent?.trim()) {
fail("Empty property: jira.component " + USAGE)
final String JIRA_SEARCH_URL = ""
// see JIRA docs about search:
String JQL = "project = ABCD"
JQL += " AND issuetype in standardIssueTypes()"
JQL += " AND status in (Resolved, Closed)"
JQL += " AND component = \"${jiraComponent}\""
def jira = new RESTClient(JIRA_SEARCH_URL)
def query = [:]
query['os_username'] = jiraUsername
query['os_password'] = jiraPassword
query['jql'] = JQL
query['startAt'] = 0
query['maxResults'] = 1000
try {
def resp = jira.get(path: "search",
contentType: "application/json",
query: query)
resp.status == 200
( instanceof net.sf.json.JSON) { id ->
println id.key
println "Total id's: " +
} catch ( e) {
if (e.response.status == 400) {
// HTTP 400: Bad Request, JIRA JQL error
fail("JIRA query failed: ${}", e)
} else {
fail("Failure HTTP status ${e.response.status}", e)
But this code is giving me the below error.
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl, values: [JIRA query failed: [errorMessages:[The value 'R TEST 4.4' does not exist for the field 'component'.], errors:[:]], ...]
Possible solutions: wait(), find(), any(), wait(long), wait(long, int), main([Ljava.lang.String;)
In JIRA UI I can see the below value of the Compoenet/s field:
M Doc, R ABC 4.3 (Early Access), R TEST 4.4
REST API URL","id":"595","name":"R TEST 4.4"
So basically I want this id 595 wherever this R TEST 4.4 is attached.
There are a number of problems with your script, but you're almost there:
1) there is no fail method, but you call it at 2 places, you should either create one or report errors differently.
2) (at least with my Jira version) There is no property ids under I think you want to loop on issues property.
3) Properties fixVersion and component are actually arrays (and the key names are plural)
So to fix points 2 & 3 you can do that:
def resp = jira.get(path: "search",
contentType: "application/json",
query: query)
assert resp.status == 200 { issue ->
println "${issue.key} : components:${issue.fields.components*.name} + fixVersions:${issue.fields.fixVersions*.name}"
println "Total issues: " +
I'm using Groovy's spread-dot operator (*.) to get the names of components and fixVersions, because the lists are not lists of Strings, but lists of objects with a name property.
Alternatively, if you are certain there is always 0 or 1 (but not several) fixVersion, you can do that:
println "${issue.key} components: ${issue.fields.components*.name} fixVersion:${issue.fields.fixVersions[0]?.name}"
It will print null if there is no fixVersion set.

Create Release Notes using JIRA Rest API in HTML format in groovy

I am working on a script where I need to create the release notes using JIRA REST API in HTML format for any project.The below four field should come in that release notes.
Issue Key Module Summary Release Note
I am trying the below code but it is giving me only the issue Key field but need all other fields as well and in html file.Could you please suggest me on this?
Initially it was giving me the output in below format:
But now it is giving me the output json fromat way.
Code which I am trying from the groovy console:
#Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.7' )
final String USAGE =
"Usage: -Djira.username=xxx -Djira.password=xxx -Djira.fixVersion=1.0"
String jiraUsername = 'ABCDEF'
String jiraPassword = '********'
String jiraFixVersion = '3.8.101'
println "Getting issues..."
if (!jiraUsername?.trim()) {
fail("Empty property: jira.username " + USAGE)
if (!jiraPassword?.trim()) {
fail("Empty property: jira.password " + USAGE)
if (!jiraFixVersion?.trim()) {
fail("Empty property: jira.fixVersion " + USAGE)
final String JIRA_SEARCH_URL = ""
// see JIRA docs about search:
String JQL = "project = NCCB"
JQL += " AND issuetype in standardIssueTypes()"
JQL += " AND status in (Resolved, Closed)"
JQL += " AND fixVersion = \"${jiraFixVersion}\""
def jira = new RESTClient(JIRA_SEARCH_URL)
def query = [:]
query['os_username'] = jiraUsername
query['os_password'] = jiraPassword
query['jql'] = JQL
query['startAt'] = 0
query['maxResults'] = 1000
try {
def resp = jira.get(path: "search",
contentType: "application/json",
query: query)
assert resp.status == 200
assert ( instanceof net.sf.json.JSON) { issue ->
println issue.key
println "Total issues: " +
} catch ( e) {
if (e.response.status == 400) {
// HTTP 400: Bad Request, JIRA JQL error
fail("JIRA query failed: ${}", e)
} else {
fail("Failure HTTP status ${e.response.status}", e)
I suspect the code is right, except for that assertion:
assert ( instanceof net.sf.json.JSON)
I get a groovy.json.internal.LazyMap (maybe you have changed versions of Groovy or Jira or something).
As a result, the assertion fails and Groovy tries to be helpful by giving you a comparison... but it shows you the toString() of the result, which is a huge mess of maps.
If you remove that assertion, it works for me, and I suspect it will work for you too.
Edit: huh... you cannot literally take "all" data and print to html. You will have to select the properties you need, and those depend on your Jira configuration. Here is an example with only 2 properties that should be universal:
def resp = jira.get(path: "search",
contentType: "application/json",
query: query)
assert resp.status == 200
def output = new File('issues.html')
output << "<html><body><ul>" { issue ->
def url = "https://yourjirainstance/browse/${issue.key}"
output << "<li>${issue.key}: ${issue.fields.summary}</li>"
output << "</ul></body></html>"
println "Exported ${} issues to ${}"
See here details about what the service will give you.
If you just want an HTML dump, maybe the REST API is not what you want: you can also ask Jira to export results of JQL as a printable output (that will actually be html).

Java - Neo4J Rest call to put labels to nodes

I've been trying to place labels over newly created nodes using Neo4J restful api. The following is the CURL request I've tried.
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:7474/db/data/");
String propertyUri_labels = "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/9/labels";
Response response = target
.header("application/xml", "true")
.put(Entity.entity("\"" + "Artist" + "\"", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE));
System.out.println( String.format( "PUT to [%s], status code [%d]",
propertyUri_labels, response.getStatus() ) );
However, I have not been successful and got an status code [400]. Is there something wrong with my URL "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/9/labels" ?
Pls help.
Try a POST instead of PUT.
Check the documentation =>

