Iteration through json with multiple API calls for other requests - java

I am using Postman to iterate through a json of about 40 pairs of items. I need to then take that array created and run an API call for each element in the array to return a set of results. Using the code here, i'm only able to pull the final element in the array. I attempted to put the postman.setNextRequest in the for loop but then I found out that no matter where it is, it always executes last.
tests["Status code is 200 (that's good!)"] = (responseCode.code === 200);
if (responseCode.code === 200) {
var jsonData = pm.response.json();
var json = [];
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("json", jsonData)
for (var key in jsonData ) {
if (jsonData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("organizationId", jsonData[key].id)
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("orgname", jsonData[key].name)
tests[jsonData[key].name + " " + jsonData[key].id] = !!jsonData[key].name;
else {
GetAdmins is another GET that uses {{organizationId}} in the call.
I think what i'm looking for is; what is the best way to go about running another API call on each element in the json?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Adding JSON output
"id": XXXXXX,
"name": "Name1"
"id": XXXXXX,
"name": "Name2"
"id": XXXXXX,
"name": "Name3"

This might work to get the data - I’ve not tried it out yet though so it might not work first time.
var jsonData = pm.response.json()
data =, item => {
pm.environment.set('organizationData', JSON.stringify(data))
Then you have all of your organization data in a variable and you can use these to iterate over the Id’s in the next "Get Admins" request.
You would need to have some code in the Pre-request script of the next request to access each of the id’s to iterate over in the request. You need to parse the variable like this:
var orgID = pm.environment.get(JSON.parse("organizationData"))
Then orgID[0].organizationId would be the first one in the list.
Not a complete solution for your problem but it might help you get the data.

I was able to solve this using these two guides:
Loops and dynamic variables in Postman: part 1
Loops and dynamic variables in Postman: part 2
I also had to implement the bigint fix for java, but in Postman, which was very annoying... that can be found here:
Hacking bigint in API testing with Postman Runner Newman in CI Environment
A lot of google plus trial and error got me up and running.
Thanks anyway for all your help everyone!
This ended up being my final code:
tests["Status code is 200 (that's good!)"] = (responseCode.code === 200);
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var id_list = [];
jsonData.forEach(function(list) {
var testTitle = "Org: " + + " has id: " + JSON.stringify(;
tests[testTitle] = !!;
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("id_list", JSON.stringify(id_list));
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
jsonData.forEach(function(admin) {
var testTitle = "Admin: " + + " has " + admin.orgAccess;
tests[testTitle] = !!;
var id_list = JSON.parse(environment.id_list);
if (id_list.length > 0) {
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("organizationId", JSON.stringify(id_list.shift());
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("id_list", JSON.stringify(id_list));
else {


Karate DSL: Convert String to Json and insert value? [duplicate]

I Have a file json named production_2.json
And have the folling Karate code, that:
Read the file production_2.json
and for each element of the array send a topic
I * def sendtopics =
var topic = "data." + machineID + ".Production";
var payload = productions[i];
karate.log('topic: ', topic )
karate.log('payload: ', payload )
return mqtt.sendMessage(payload, topic);
* def productions = read('this:productions_json/production_2.json')
* def totalProductionEvents = productions.length
* def isTopicWasSent = karate.repeat(totalProductionEvents, sendtopics)
* match each isTopicWasSent == true
The function
mqtt.sendMessage(payload, topic);
is a function in java, that have the following segnature
public Boolean sendMessage(String payload, String topic) {
System.out.println("Publishing message: ");
System.out.println("payload " + payload);
System.out.println("topic " + topic);
return true;
the problem is that the value of the "payload" inside the javascript function is correct and is printed correctly, while inside the "sendMessage" function the value of the payload is formatted incorrectly.
For example here is what it prints inside karate.log('payload: ', payload )
payload: {
"v": {
"id": "rep_01564526",
"name": "tuttoverde.pgmx",
"ute": "CDL",
"ver": "1.0",
"status": "EXE"
"ts": "2021-01-08T08:00:00Z"
And Here instead what is printed on the function "sendMessage" of the java class
payload {v={id=rep_01564526, name=tuttoverde.pgmx, type=PRODUCTION_STARTED, ute=CDL, ver=1.0, status=EXE, ts=2021-01-08T08:00:00Z}
I don't understand why the payload is formatted incorrectly (= instead of : ) and is it not a string. I also tried using the following solution and it doesn't work for me
* def sendtopics =
var topic = "data." + machineID + ".Production";
var payload = productions[i];
var payload2 = JSON.stringify(payload);
return mqtt.sendMessage(payload2, topic);
How do I convert an object inside javascript to a string so I can pass it to java?
You are doing some really advanced stuff in Karate. I strongly suggest you start looking at the new version (close to release) and you can find details here:
The reason is because the async and Java interop has some breaking changes - and there are some new API-s you can call on the karate object in JS to do format conversions:
var temp = karate.fromString(payload);
And karate.log() should work better and not give you that odd formatting you are complaining about. With the current version you can try karate.toJson() if that gives you the conversion you expect.
Given your advanced usage, I recommend you start using the new version and provide feedback on anything that may be still needed.

Spring data aggregation query elasticsearch

I am trying to make the below elasticsearch query to work with spring data. The intent is to return unique results for the field "serviceName". Just like a SELECT DISTINCT serviceName FROM table would do comparing to a SQL database.
"aggregations": {
"serviceNames": {
"terms": {
"field": "serviceName"
I configured the field as a keyword and it made the query work perfectly in the index_name/_search api as per the response snippet below:
"aggregations": {
"serviceNames": {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"key": "service1",
"doc_count": 20
"key": "service2",
"doc_count": 8
"key": "service3",
"doc_count": 8
My problem is the same query doesn't work in Spring data when I try to run with a StringQuery I get the error below. I am guessing it uses a different api to run queries.
Cannot execute jest action , response code : 400 , error : {"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"no [query] registered for [aggregations]","line":2,"col":19}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"no [query] registered for [aggregations]","line":2,"col":19} , message : null
I have tried using the SearchQuery type to achieve the same results, no duplicates and no object loading, but I had no luck. The below sinnipet shows how I tried doing it.
final TermsAggregationBuilder aggregation = AggregationBuilders
SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
.withSourceFilter(new FetchSourceFilter(new String[] {"serviceName"}, new String[] {""}))
.withPageable(PageRequest.of(0, 10000))
Would someone know how to achieve no object loading and object property distinct aggregation on spring data?
I tried many things without success to print queries on spring data, but I could not, maybe because I am using the com.github.vanroy.springdata.jest.JestElasticsearchTemplate implementation.
I got the query parts with the below:"query:" + searchQuery.getQuery());"agregations:" + searchQuery.getAggregations());"filter:" + searchQuery.getFilter());"search type:" + searchQuery.getSearchType());
It prints:
I figured out, maybe can help someone. The aggregation don't come with the query results, but in a result for it self and is not mapped to any object. The Objects results that comes apparently are samples of the query elasticsearch did to run your aggregation (not sure, maybe).
I ended up by creating a method which can do a simulation of what would be on the SQL SELECT DISTINCT your_column FROM your_table, but I think this will work only on keyword fields, they have a limitation of 256 characters if I am not wrong. I explained some lines in comments.
Thanks #Val since I was only able to figure it out when debugged into Jest code and check the generated request and raw response.
public List<String> getDistinctField(String fieldName) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
try {
final String distinctAggregationName = "distinct_field"; //name the aggregation
final TermsAggregationBuilder aggregation = AggregationBuilders
.size(10000);//limits the number of aggregation list, mine can be huge, adjust yours
SearchQuery searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()
.withIndices("your_index")//maybe can be omitted
.withSourceFilter(new FetchSourceFilter(new String[] { fieldName }, new String[] { "" }))//filter it to retrieve only the field we ar interested, probably we can take this out.
.withPageable(PageRequest.of(0, 1))//can't be zero, and I don't want to load 10 results every time it runs, will always return one object since I found no "size":0 in query builder
//had to use the JestResultsExtractor because com.github.vanroy.springdata.jest.JestElasticsearchTemplate don't have an implementation for ResultsExtractor, if you use Spring defaults, you can probably use it.
final JestResultsExtractor<SearchResult> extractor = new JestResultsExtractor<SearchResult>() {
public SearchResult extract(SearchResult searchResult) {
return searchResult;
final SearchResult searchResult = ((JestElasticsearchTemplate) elasticsearchOperations).query(searchQuery,
final MetricAggregation aggregations = searchResult.getAggregations();
final TermsAggregation termsAggregation = aggregations.getTermsAggregation(distinctAggregationName);//this is where your aggregation results are, in "buckets".
result = termsAggregation.getBuckets().parallelStream().map(TermsAggregation.Entry::getKey)
} catch (Exception e) {
// threat your error here.
return result;

Iterate a JSON Object of Objects Firebase

I'm using firebase4j (a firebase library for Java, I know it is much better to go with node, I just wanted to try to do it with Java). In my database I need to persist the url of images with a bunch of the picture's information. The thing is that the picture url itself is very deep into the JSON
"users" : {
"aCategory" : {
"aUser" : {
"photos" : {
"photoUid1" : [ {
"value1" : false,
"value2" : "qwerty",
"score" : 40,
"url" : ""
That is why I am trying to create an index for the pictures ordered by score, containing the url pointing to the location of the photo object in the firebase database. Here is where the issue begins. Firebase4j does not let you push, to a list for example, so the index ends up with this format:
"-UID1": {
"firebaseImgUrl": "users/aCategory/aUser/photos/photoUid1",
"score": 31
"-UID2": {
"firebaseImgUrl": "users/aCategory/aUser/photos/photoUid2",
"score": 30
I already added the rule ".indexOn" in order for firebase to answer with the right photos when asked for"score"&limitToFirst=10, which is what I'm doing. I would like to know how should I iterate a JSON object of object as shown in the example above. I'm receiving the data from an Angular 4 client. I've tried a number of methods which haven't worked for me:
result: Photo[] = [];
for(let key in json){
console.log(key); //prints the UIDs
console.log(key.url); //url is not a property of string
result.push(new Photo(key.url, key.score)); //not working
The key is only a string, indicating the keys in your json. You should use it to access your object, like this:
result: Photo[] = [];
for(let key in json){
result.push(new Photo(json[key].firebaseImgUrl, json[key].score));

Create Release Notes using JIRA Rest API in HTML format in groovy

I am working on a script where I need to create the release notes using JIRA REST API in HTML format for any project.The below four field should come in that release notes.
Issue Key Module Summary Release Note
I am trying the below code but it is giving me only the issue Key field but need all other fields as well and in html file.Could you please suggest me on this?
Initially it was giving me the output in below format:
But now it is giving me the output json fromat way.
Code which I am trying from the groovy console:
#Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.7' )
final String USAGE =
"Usage: -Djira.username=xxx -Djira.password=xxx -Djira.fixVersion=1.0"
String jiraUsername = 'ABCDEF'
String jiraPassword = '********'
String jiraFixVersion = '3.8.101'
println "Getting issues..."
if (!jiraUsername?.trim()) {
fail("Empty property: jira.username " + USAGE)
if (!jiraPassword?.trim()) {
fail("Empty property: jira.password " + USAGE)
if (!jiraFixVersion?.trim()) {
fail("Empty property: jira.fixVersion " + USAGE)
final String JIRA_SEARCH_URL = ""
// see JIRA docs about search:
String JQL = "project = NCCB"
JQL += " AND issuetype in standardIssueTypes()"
JQL += " AND status in (Resolved, Closed)"
JQL += " AND fixVersion = \"${jiraFixVersion}\""
def jira = new RESTClient(JIRA_SEARCH_URL)
def query = [:]
query['os_username'] = jiraUsername
query['os_password'] = jiraPassword
query['jql'] = JQL
query['startAt'] = 0
query['maxResults'] = 1000
try {
def resp = jira.get(path: "search",
contentType: "application/json",
query: query)
assert resp.status == 200
assert ( instanceof net.sf.json.JSON) { issue ->
println issue.key
println "Total issues: " +
} catch ( e) {
if (e.response.status == 400) {
// HTTP 400: Bad Request, JIRA JQL error
fail("JIRA query failed: ${}", e)
} else {
fail("Failure HTTP status ${e.response.status}", e)
I suspect the code is right, except for that assertion:
assert ( instanceof net.sf.json.JSON)
I get a groovy.json.internal.LazyMap (maybe you have changed versions of Groovy or Jira or something).
As a result, the assertion fails and Groovy tries to be helpful by giving you a comparison... but it shows you the toString() of the result, which is a huge mess of maps.
If you remove that assertion, it works for me, and I suspect it will work for you too.
Edit: huh... you cannot literally take "all" data and print to html. You will have to select the properties you need, and those depend on your Jira configuration. Here is an example with only 2 properties that should be universal:
def resp = jira.get(path: "search",
contentType: "application/json",
query: query)
assert resp.status == 200
def output = new File('issues.html')
output << "<html><body><ul>" { issue ->
def url = "https://yourjirainstance/browse/${issue.key}"
output << "<li>${issue.key}: ${issue.fields.summary}</li>"
output << "</ul></body></html>"
println "Exported ${} issues to ${}"
See here details about what the service will give you.
If you just want an HTML dump, maybe the REST API is not what you want: you can also ask Jira to export results of JQL as a printable output (that will actually be html).

calling a Java method by AJAX

Actually I've been reading about this for a while but I couldn't understand it very well.
Here is a snippet of the Servlet "ProcessNurseApp" :
if (dbm.CheckExRegNumber(Candidate.getRegNumber()) == true) {
// Show him an alert and stop him from applying.
+ " alert('You already Applied');\n"
+ "</script>");
+ " window.history.go(-1);\n"
+ "</script>");
So when the form named "ApplicationForm" in the "Nurses.jsp" get submitted it goes to that method in servlet after some Javascript validation.
My issue is that I want to call that method
if (dbm.CheckExRegNumber(Candidate.getRegNumber()) == true)
in the JSP page without getting to servlet so I can update values without refreshing the page. I've been reading that using ajax with jQuery would be the best way to do that, so can anyone help me of calling the above if statement from jQuery by AJAX.
Try an ajax call to the servlet(not possible without calling servlet) to check whether the function returns true or false then return a flag according to the value(true or false). On that basis you can show an alert or anything else.
For ajax call, you can use:
$.post( "ajax/Servlet_Url", function( data ) { if(data==true) alert("You already Applied"); else window.history.go(-1);});
Refer to following Link for more details about jQuery post request.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$("#searchUserId").attr("placeholder", "Max 15 Chars");
$("#searchUserName").attr("placeholder", "Max 100 Chars");
data: { drpType : 'userType',lookType : "1" },
success: function (responseJson) {
var myvalue = document.getElementById("userTypeKey");
for(var val in responseJson)
valueType = val;
textOptions = responseJson[val];
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = textOptions;
if(valueType == myvalue.value)
option.selected = "selected";

