related to the commit in spring framework
the initialisation is set to a later stage from afterPropertiesSet() to afterSingletonsInstantiated()
In short:
This prevents the caching to work when using it in a #PostConstruct use case.
Longer version:
This prevents the use case where you would
create serviceB with #Cacheable on a methodB
create serviceA with #PostConstruct calling serviceB.methodB
public class ServiceA{
private ServiceB serviceB;
public void init() {
List<String> list = serviceB.loadSomething();
This results in org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheAspectSupport not being initialised now and thus not caching the result.
protected Object execute(CacheOperationInvoker invoker, Object target, Method method, Object[] args) {
// check whether aspect is enabled
// to cope with cases where the AJ is pulled in automatically
if (this.initialized) {
//>>>>>>>>>>>> NOT Being called
Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass(target);
Collection<CacheOperation> operations = getCacheOperationSource().getCacheOperations(method, targetClass);
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(operations)) {
return execute(invoker, new CacheOperationContexts(operations, method, args, target, targetClass));
//>>>>>>>>>>>> Being called
return invoker.invoke();
My workaround is to manually call the initialisation method:
public class SomeConfigClass{
private CacheInterceptor cacheInterceptor;
public void init() {
This of course fixes my issue but does it have side effects other that just being called 2 times (1 manual and 1 by the framework as intended)
My question is:
"Is this a safe workaround to do as the initial commiter seemed to have an issue with just using the afterPropertiesSet()"
As Marten said already, you are not supposed to use any of those services in the PostConstruct phase because you have no guarantee that the proxy interceptor has fully started at this point.
Your best shot at pre-loading your cache is to listen for ContextRefreshedEvent (more support coming in 4.2) and do the work there. That being said, I understand that it may not be clear that such usage is forbidden so I've created SPR-12700 to improve the documentation. I am not sure what javadoc you were referring to.
To answer your question: no it's not a safe workaround. What you were using before worked by "side-effect" (i.e. it wasn't supposed to work, if your bean was initialized before the CacheInterceptor you would have the same problem with an older version of the framework). Don't call such low-level infrastructure in your own code.
Just had the exact same problem as OP and listening to ContextRefreshedEvent was causing my initialization method to be called twice. Listening to ApplicationReadyEvent worked best for me.
Here is the code I used
public class MyInitializer implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
//doing things
Autowire ApplicationContext and invoke method call using :
applicationContext.getBean(RBService.class).getRawBundle(bundleName, DEFAULT_REQUEST_LANG);
where getRawBundle is Cacheable method.
I have a Spring application that I am trying to test with EmbededRedis. So I created a component like below to Initialize and kill redis after test.
public class EmbededRedis {
private int redisPort;
private RedisServer redisServer;
public void startRedis() throws IOException {
redisServer = new RedisServer(redisPort);
public void stopRedis() {
But now I am facing a weird issue. Because spring caches the context, PreDestroy doesnt get called everytime after my test is executed, but for some reason, #PostConstruct gets called, and EmbededRedis tries to start the running redis server again and again, which is creatimg issues in the execution.
Is there a way to handle this situation by any mean?
This is how I am primarily defining my tests.
#SpringBootTest(classes = {SpringApplication.class})
public class RedisApplicationTest {
Ditch the class and write an #Configuration class which exposed RedisServer as a bean.
public void EmbeddedRedisConfiguration {
#Bean(initMethod="start", destroyMethod="stop")
public RedisServer embeddedRedisServer(#Value("${spring.redis.port}") int port) {
return new RedisServer(port);
So I debuged the ContextInitialization as suggested by #M. Deinum.
For me, the porblem was, Our application was mocking different classes in order to mix mocking with Spring context.
Now, when you use mocks, MockitoContextInitializer also becomes part of your cache key, which results in cache miss. Reason is, The classes under mock are obviously different for different test classes.
Looking at the situation, I preferred to go ahead with #DirtiesContext to invalidate the contest after the test is done, so that I can reinitialize the context later on for different test.
Note #DirtiesContext is in a way recommended to be avoided as it slows down your tests.
I have recently noticed that Spring successfully intercepts intra class function calls in a #Configuration class but not in a regular bean.
A call like this
public class CustomerDAO {
public void saveCustomer() {
// some DB stuff here...
public void saveCustomer2() {
// more DB stuff here
fails to start a new transaction because while the code of saveCustomer() executes in the CustomerDAO proxy, the code of saveCustomer2() gets executed in the unwrapped CustomerDAO class, as I can see by looking at 'this' in the debugger, and so Spring has no chance to intercept the call to saveCustomer2.
However, in the following example, when transactionManager() calls createDataSource() it is correctly intercepted and calls createDataSource() of the proxy, not of the unwrapped class, as evidenced by looking at 'this' in the debugger.
public class PersistenceJPAConfig {
public DriverManagerDataSource createDataSource() {
DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
//dataSource.set ... DB stuff here
return dataSource;
public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager( ){
DataSourceTransactionManager transactionManager = new DataSourceTransactionManager(createDataSource());
return transactionManager;
So my question is, why can Spring correctly intercept the intra class function calls in the second example, but not in the first. Is it using different types of dynamic proxies?
From the answers here and other sources I now understand the following:
#Transactional is implemented using Spring AOP, where the proxy pattern is carried out by wrapping/composition of the user class. The AOP proxy is generic enough so that many Aspects can be chained together, and may be a CGLib proxy or a Java Dynamic Proxy.
In the #Configuration class, Spring also uses CGLib to create an enhanced class which inherits from the user #Configuration class, and overrides the user's #Bean functions with ones that do some extra work before calling the user's/super function such as check if this is the first invocation of the function or not. Is this class a proxy? It depends on the definition. You may say that it is a proxy which uses inheritance from the real object instead of wrapping it using composition.
To sum up, from the answers given here I understand these are two entirely different mechanisms. Why these design choices were made is another, open question.
Is it using different types of dynamic proxies?
Almost exactly
Let's figure out what's the difference between #Configuration classes and AOP proxies answering the following questions:
Why self-invoked #Transactional method has no transactional semantics even though Spring is capable of intercepting self-invoked methods?
How #Configuration and AOP are related?
Why self-invoked #Transactional method has no transactional semantics?
Short answer:
This is how AOP made.
Long answer:
Declarative transaction management relies on AOP (for the majority of Spring applications on Spring AOP)
The Spring Framework’s declarative transaction management is made possible with Spring aspect-oriented programming (AOP)
It is proxy-based (§5.8.1. Understanding AOP Proxies)
Spring AOP is proxy-based.
From the same paragraph
public class SimplePojo implements Pojo {
public void foo() {
// this next method invocation is a direct call on the 'this' reference;
public void bar() {
// some logic...
And a snippet proxying it:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ProxyFactory factory = new ProxyFactory(new SimplePojo());
factory.addAdvice(new RetryAdvice());
Pojo pojo = (Pojo) factory.getProxy();
// this is a method call on the proxy!;
The key thing to understand here is that the client code inside the main(..) method of the Main class has a reference to the proxy.
This means that method calls on that object reference are calls on the proxy.
As a result, the proxy can delegate to all of the interceptors (advice) that are relevant to that particular method call.
However, once the call has finally reached the target object (the SimplePojo, reference in this case), any method calls that it may make on itself, such as or, are going to be invoked against the this reference, and not the proxy.
This has important implications. It means that self-invocation is not going to result in the advice associated with a method invocation getting a chance to execute.
(Key parts are emphasized.)
You may think that aop works as follows:
Imagine we have a Foo class which we want to proxy:
public class Foo {
public int getInt() {
return 42;
There is nothing special. Just getInt method returning 42
An interceptor:
public interface Interceptor {
Object invoke(InterceptingFoo interceptingFoo);
} (for demonstration):
public class LogInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public Object invoke(InterceptingFoo interceptingFoo) {
System.out.println("log. before");
try {
return interceptingFoo.getInt();
} finally {
System.out.println("log. after");
public class InvokeTargetInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public Object invoke(InterceptingFoo interceptingFoo) {
try {
System.out.println("Invoking target");
Object targetRetVal = interceptingFoo.method.invoke(;
System.out.println("Target returned " + targetRetVal);
return targetRetVal;
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
} finally {
System.out.println("Invoked target");
public class InterceptingFoo extends Foo {
public Foo target;
public List<Interceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<>();
public int index = 0;
public Method method;
public int getInt() {
try {
Interceptor interceptor = interceptors.get(index++);
return (Integer) interceptor.invoke(this);
} finally {
Wiring everything together:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
Foo target = new Foo();
InterceptingFoo interceptingFoo = new InterceptingFoo();
interceptingFoo.method = Foo.class.getDeclaredMethod("getInt"); = target;
interceptingFoo.interceptors.add(new LogInterceptor());
interceptingFoo.interceptors.add(new InvokeTargetInterceptor());
Will print:
log. before
Invoking target
Target returned 42
Invoked target
log. after
log. before
Invoking target
Target returned 42
Invoked target
log. after
Now let's take a look at ReflectiveMethodInvocation.
Here is a part of its proceed method:
Object interceptorOrInterceptionAdvice = this.interceptorsAndDynamicMethodMatchers.get(++this.currentInterceptorIndex);
++this.currentInterceptorIndex should look familiar now
Here is the target
And there are interceptors
the method
the index
You may try introducing several aspects into your application and see the stack growing at the proceed method when advised method is invoked
Finally everything ends up at MethodProxy.
From its invoke method javadoc:
Invoke the original method, on a different object of the same type.
And as I mentioned previously documentation:
once the call has finally reached the target object any method calls that it may make on itself are going to be invoked against the this reference, and not the proxy
I hope now, more or less, it's clear why.
How #Configuration and AOP are related?
The answer is they are not related.
So Spring here is free to do whatever it wants. Here it is not tied to the proxy AOP semantics.
It enhances such classes using ConfigurationClassEnhancer.
Take a look at:
Returning to the question
If Spring can successfully intercept intra class function calls in a #Configuration class, why does it not support it in a regular bean?
I hope from technical point of view it is clear why.
Now my thoughts from non-technical side:
I think it is not done because Spring AOP is here long enough...
Since Spring Framework 5 the Spring WebFlux framework has been introduced.
Currently Spring Team is working hard towards enhancing reactive programming model
See some notable recent blog posts:
Reactive Transactions with Spring
Spring Data R2DBC 1.0 M2 and Spring Boot starter released
Going Reactive with Spring, Coroutines and Kotlin Flow
More and more features towards less-proxying approach of building Spring applications are introduced. (see this commit for example)
So I think that even though it might be possible to do what you've described it is far from Spring Team's #1 priority for now
Because AOP proxies and #Configuration class serve a different purpose, and are implemented in a significantly different ways (even though both involve using proxies).
Basically, AOP uses composition while #Configuration uses inheritance.
AOP proxies
The way these work is basically that they create proxies that do the relevant advice logic before/after delegating the call to the original (proxied) object. The container registers this proxy instead of the proxied object itself, so all dependencies are set to this proxy and all calls from one bean to another go through this proxy. However, the proxied object itself has no pointer to the proxy (it doesn't know it's proxied, only the proxy has a pointer to the target object). So any calls within that object to other methods don't go through the proxy.
(I'm only adding this here for contrast with #Configuration, since you seem to have correct understanding of this part.)
Now while the objects that you usually apply the AOP proxy to are a standard part of your application, the #Configuration class is different - for one, you probably never intend to create any instances of that class directly yourself. This class truly is just a way to write configuration of the bean container, has no meaning outside Spring and you know that it will be used by Spring in a special way and that it has some special semantics outside of just plain Java code - e.g. that #Bean-annotated methods actually define Spring beans.
Because of this, Spring can do much more radical things to this class without worrying that it will break something in your code (remember, you know that you only provide this class for Spring, and you aren't going to ever create or use its instance directly).
What it actually does is it creates a proxy that's subclass of the #Configuration class. This way, it can intercept invocation of every (non-final non-private) method of the #Configuration class, even within the same object (because the methods are effectively all overriden by the proxy, and Java has all the methods virtual). The proxy does exactly this to redirect any method calls that it recognizes to be (semantically) references to Spring beans to the actual bean instances instead of invoking the superclass method.
read a bit spring source code. I try to answer it.
the point is how spring deal with the #Configurationand #bean.
in the ConfigurationClassPostProcessor which is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor, it will enhance all ConfigurationClasses and creat a Enhancer as a subClass.
this Enhancer register two CALLBACKS(BeanMethodInterceptor,BeanFactoryAwareMethodInterceptor).
you call PersistenceJPAConfig method will go through the CALLBACKS. in BeanMethodInterceptor,it will get bean from spring container.
it may be not clearly. you can see the source code in enhanceConfigurationClasses
You can't call #Transactional method in same class
It's a limitation of Spring AOP (dynamic objects and cglib).
If you configure Spring to use AspectJ to handle the transactions, your code will work.
The simple and probably best alternative is to refactor your code. For example one class that handles users and one that process each user. Then default transaction handling with Spring AOP will work.
Also #Transactional should be on Service layer and not on #Repository
transactions belong on the Service layer. It's the one that knows about units of work and use cases. It's the right answer if you have several DAOs injected into a Service that need to work together in a single transaction.
So you need to rethink your transaction approach, so your methods can be reuse in a flow including several other DAO operations that are roll-able
Spring uses proxying for method invocation and when you use this... it bypasses that proxy. For #Bean annotations Spring uses reflection to find them.
I have the need to cache some the results of some asynchronous computations. In detail, to overcome this issue, I am trying to use Spring 4.3 cache and asynchronous computation features.
As an example, let's take the following code:
class AsyncService {
CompletableFuture<User> findById(String usedId) {
// Some code that retrieves the user relative to id userId
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(user);
Is it possible? I mean, will the caching abstraction of Spring handle correctly the objects of type CompletableFuture<User>? I know that Caffeine Cache has something like that, but I can't understand if Spring uses it if properly configured.
EDIT: I am not interested in the User object itself, but in the CompletableFuture that represents the computation.
The community asks me to do some experiments, so I made them. I found that the answer to my question is simple: #Cacheable and #Async do not work together if they are placed above the same method.
To be clear, I was not asking for a way to directly make the cache return the object owned by a CompletableFuture. This is impossible, and if it isn't so, it will break the contract of asynchronous computation of the CompletableFuture class.
As I said, the two annotations do not work together on the same method. If you think about it, it is obvious. Marking with #Async is also #Cacheable means to delegate the whole cache management to different asynchronous threads. If the computation of the value of the CompletableFuture will take a long time to complete, the value in the cache will be placed after that time by Spring Proxy.
Obviously, there is a workaround. The workaround uses the fact the CompletableFuture is a promise. Let's have a look at the code below.
public class CachedService {
/* Dependecies resolution code */
private final AsyncService service;
#Cacheable(cacheNames = "ints")
public CompletableFuture<Integer> randomIntUsingSpringAsync() throws InterruptedException {
final CompletableFuture<Integer> promise = new CompletableFuture<>();
// Letting an asynchronous method to complete the promise in the future
// Returning the promise immediately
return promise;
public class AsyncService {
void performTask(CompletableFuture<Integer> promise) throws InterruptedException {
// Completing the promise asynchronously
The trick is to create an incomplete promise and return it immediately from the method marked with the #Cacheable annotation. The promise will be completed asynchronously by another bean that owns the method marked with the #Async annotation.
As a bonus, I also implemented a solution that does not use the Spring #Async annotation, but it uses the factory methods available in the CompletableFuture class directly.
#Cacheable(cacheNames = "ints1")
public CompletableFuture<Integer> randomIntNativelyAsync() throws
InterruptedException {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(this::getAsyncInteger, executor);
private Integer getAsyncInteger() {"Entering performTask");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return random.nextInt(1000);
Anyway, I shared the complete solution to my GitHub problem, spring-cacheable-async.
Finally, the above is a long description of what the Jira SPR-12967 refers to.
I hope it helps.
As per SPR-12967, ListenableFuture (CompletableFuture) are not supported.
Add #Async annotation on methods in one class and #Cacheable annotation at method level in a different class.
Then invoke #Async method from a service or any different layer.
It worked for me, both Redis cache and Async, which improved the performance drastically.
In theory, it would work as long as
the implementation of CacheManager behind the #Cacheable is not serializing the cached objects (like a cache backed by Hazelcast)
Since the CompletableFuture holds a state, which can be modified by calling e.g. the cancel() method, it's important that all the users of the API won't mess around with the cached object. Otherwise, there might be the risk that the cached object inside the Future could not be retrieved anymore, and a cache eviction would be necessary
It's worth to verify in which order the proxies behind the annotations are called. i.e. is the #Cacheable proxy called always before the #Async one? Or the other way around? Or it depends? For example, if the #Async is called before, it will fire a Callable inside a ForkJoinPool, just to then retrieve the other object from the cache.
I tried the below approach and it seems to work.
create a method with #Cachable which does the actual business logic
create a method with #Async which calls the above #Cachable method and returns a CompletableFuture
call the method with #Async in your main execution flow
public class Main {
public void cachedAsyncData() {
try {
} catch(Exception e){}
public class AsyncFetcher {
public CompletableFuture<String> getData() {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(cacheFetcher.getData());
public class CacheFetcher {
public String getData() {
return "DATA";
Please add annotation #EnableAsync at #Component or #Serice class levele.
#EnableAsync //Add it to here
public class CachingServiceImpl implements CachingService {
Hope to help you!
I couldn't find any satisfying solution for this problem, though other people have encountered it before...
I'd like to test a business bean which modifies persistent data using a dao.
The dao can be injected into the test methods as it is an ejb.
How to make it available in typical #Before/#After methods, for example to clean up the db.
Brief Example:
public class MyTestClass extends Arquillian {
#Inject private Dao dao;
#Inject private MyBean myBean;
public void cleanDB () {
dao.remove(foo); // Currently throws NPE as dao is not injected.
public void someTest () {
// In a Test-method dao is available and calling cleanDB from here also
// works as intended....
As far as I know only the Test-methods are executed in the container. Most information that I found seems to be outdated.
Is there any nice way to achieve this?
Thank you!
I'm using (managed) Wildfly 8 as app server.
Arquillan invokes the #Before** and #After** methods twice.
Once in client mode, once in container mode.
The only solution I found so far is, that you must verify that the dao was injected before you use it like :
public void cleanDB () {
if (dao != null) {
So if you make a breakpoint and runs your code you should have 2 invokations of this method:
1st: dao is null
2nd: dao is injected
Hope that helps.
See also for more information.
You can use code like the following to do some events based on when your web service is shut down (or refreshed/started).
public class APIService implements ApplicationListener<ContextClosedEvent>
public void onApplicationEvent(ContextClosedEvent contextClosedEvent) {
//Do shutdown work.
I was told that there is an annotation driven way to do this that does not require you to implement this interface. Specifically, you should be able to define a function with any name you like and annotate it so that it executes on service start-up or shut-down.
I'm having trouble finding references to this in my spring book or via google though. Can someone provide an example of how to do the above code via annotations alone?
As far as the Spring 4+ documentation is concerned, there is no such feature exactly as you describe it.
You can simulate the behavior with
#Component // defaults to eager initialization
class Setup {
private ApplicationContext context;
public void anyNameYouWant() {
public void hereToo() {
But you won't have access to the ContextClosedEvent, nor the full range of ApplicationContextEvents.
#EventListener introduced in Spring 4.2 Here you go