I have the need to cache some the results of some asynchronous computations. In detail, to overcome this issue, I am trying to use Spring 4.3 cache and asynchronous computation features.
As an example, let's take the following code:
class AsyncService {
CompletableFuture<User> findById(String usedId) {
// Some code that retrieves the user relative to id userId
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(user);
Is it possible? I mean, will the caching abstraction of Spring handle correctly the objects of type CompletableFuture<User>? I know that Caffeine Cache has something like that, but I can't understand if Spring uses it if properly configured.
EDIT: I am not interested in the User object itself, but in the CompletableFuture that represents the computation.
The community asks me to do some experiments, so I made them. I found that the answer to my question is simple: #Cacheable and #Async do not work together if they are placed above the same method.
To be clear, I was not asking for a way to directly make the cache return the object owned by a CompletableFuture. This is impossible, and if it isn't so, it will break the contract of asynchronous computation of the CompletableFuture class.
As I said, the two annotations do not work together on the same method. If you think about it, it is obvious. Marking with #Async is also #Cacheable means to delegate the whole cache management to different asynchronous threads. If the computation of the value of the CompletableFuture will take a long time to complete, the value in the cache will be placed after that time by Spring Proxy.
Obviously, there is a workaround. The workaround uses the fact the CompletableFuture is a promise. Let's have a look at the code below.
public class CachedService {
/* Dependecies resolution code */
private final AsyncService service;
#Cacheable(cacheNames = "ints")
public CompletableFuture<Integer> randomIntUsingSpringAsync() throws InterruptedException {
final CompletableFuture<Integer> promise = new CompletableFuture<>();
// Letting an asynchronous method to complete the promise in the future
// Returning the promise immediately
return promise;
public class AsyncService {
void performTask(CompletableFuture<Integer> promise) throws InterruptedException {
// Completing the promise asynchronously
The trick is to create an incomplete promise and return it immediately from the method marked with the #Cacheable annotation. The promise will be completed asynchronously by another bean that owns the method marked with the #Async annotation.
As a bonus, I also implemented a solution that does not use the Spring #Async annotation, but it uses the factory methods available in the CompletableFuture class directly.
#Cacheable(cacheNames = "ints1")
public CompletableFuture<Integer> randomIntNativelyAsync() throws
InterruptedException {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(this::getAsyncInteger, executor);
private Integer getAsyncInteger() {
logger.info("Entering performTask");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return random.nextInt(1000);
Anyway, I shared the complete solution to my GitHub problem, spring-cacheable-async.
Finally, the above is a long description of what the Jira SPR-12967 refers to.
I hope it helps.
As per SPR-12967, ListenableFuture (CompletableFuture) are not supported.
Add #Async annotation on methods in one class and #Cacheable annotation at method level in a different class.
Then invoke #Async method from a service or any different layer.
It worked for me, both Redis cache and Async, which improved the performance drastically.
In theory, it would work as long as
the implementation of CacheManager behind the #Cacheable is not serializing the cached objects (like a cache backed by Hazelcast)
Since the CompletableFuture holds a state, which can be modified by calling e.g. the cancel() method, it's important that all the users of the API won't mess around with the cached object. Otherwise, there might be the risk that the cached object inside the Future could not be retrieved anymore, and a cache eviction would be necessary
It's worth to verify in which order the proxies behind the annotations are called. i.e. is the #Cacheable proxy called always before the #Async one? Or the other way around? Or it depends? For example, if the #Async is called before, it will fire a Callable inside a ForkJoinPool, just to then retrieve the other object from the cache.
I tried the below approach and it seems to work.
create a method with #Cachable which does the actual business logic
create a method with #Async which calls the above #Cachable method and returns a CompletableFuture
call the method with #Async in your main execution flow
public class Main {
public void cachedAsyncData() {
try {
} catch(Exception e){}
public class AsyncFetcher {
public CompletableFuture<String> getData() {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(cacheFetcher.getData());
public class CacheFetcher {
public String getData() {
return "DATA";
Please add annotation #EnableAsync at #Component or #Serice class levele.
#EnableAsync //Add it to here
public class CachingServiceImpl implements CachingService {
Hope to help you!
I'm using spring boot. I was new to spring and started a spring project. So I didn't know about pre defined repositories (JPA, CRUD) which can be easily implemented. In case, I wanted to save a bulk data, so I use for loop and save one by one, Its taking more time. So I tried to use #Async. But it doesn't also work, is my concept wrong?
#Async has two limitation
it must be applied to public methods only
self-invocation – calling the async method from within the same class won’t work
1) Controller
for(i=0;i < array.length();i++){
// Other codes
2) Dao implementation
public class GaugeCategoryDaoImpl implements GaugeCategoryDao {
// Other codings
public void saveOrUpdate(GaugeCategory GaugeCategory) {
After removing #Async , it working normally. But with that annotation it doesn't work. Is there any alternative method for time consuming? Thanks in advance.
the #Async annotation creates a thread for every time you call that method. but you need to enable it in your class using this annotation #EnableAsync
You also need to configure the asyncExecutor Bean.
You can find more details here : https://spring.io/guides/gs/async-method/
In my opinion, there are several issues with your code:
You overwrite the saveOrUpdate() method without any need to do so. A simple call to "super()" should have been enough to make #Async work.
I guess that you somewhere (within your controller class?) declare a transactional context. That one usually applies to the current thread. By using #Async, you might leave this transaction context as (because of the async DAO execution), the main thread may already be finished when saveOrUpdate() is called. And even though I currently don't know it exactly, there is a good change that the declared transaction is only valid for the current thread.
One possble fix: create an additional component like AsyncGaugeCategoryService or so like this:
public class AsyncGaugeCategoryService {
private final GaugeCategoryDao gaugeCategoryDao;
public AsyncGaugeCategoryService(GaugeCategoryDao gaugeCategoryDao) {
this.gaugeCategoryDao = gaugeCategoryDao;
public void saveOrUpdate(GaugeCategory gaugeCategory) {
Then inject the service instead of the DAO into your controller class. This way, you don't need to overwrite any methods, and you should have a valid transactional context within your async thread.
But be warned that your execution flow won't give you any hint if something goes wrong while storing into the database. You'll have to check the log files to detect any problems.
I am using Spring Boot 1.5.x, and in details, I am using the #Async annotation. My problem is that I have the following method in a repository.
class Repository {
CompletableFuture<String> findSomething() {
/* Some code that returns something */
And then, I have the following method in a service, which calls the above repository.
class Service {
private Repository repository;
// ...
CompletableFuture<String> findSomething() {
return repository.findSomething()
My question is: should I place the #Async annotation also in the service.findSomething() method? Or should I place the annotation only in the service method?
I mean, Spring should schedule the execution of a method marked with #Async annotation in a dedicated thread. Is it correct?
Thanks in advance.
Annotating a method with #Async will cause the caller to return immediately and the actual execution will occur in a separate thread as part of a task submitted to the default SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor (if you haven't configured another one). Please see the relevant spring documentation.
That being said, for your goal there's no added benefit in nesting the #Async. If your goal is to make Repository.findSomething asynchronous and to be able to call it from different places, not only Service.findSomething, you should annotate only this method.
Also, Service.findSomething is asynchronous itself, even if not annotated with #Async, in the scenario you depicted. The method is not blocking by calling CompletableFuture.get() and it will return immediately, although it will not be executed in a separate thread.
Is it possible to schedule spring cache eviction to everyday at midnight?
I've read Springs Cache Docs and found nothing about scheduled cache eviction.
I need to evict cache daily and recache it in case there were some changes outside my application.
Try to use #Scheduled
#Scheduled(fixedRate = ONE_DAY)
#CacheEvict(value = { CACHE_NAME })
public void clearCache() {
log.debug("Cache '{}' cleared.", CACHE);
You can also use cron expression with #Scheduled.
If you use #Cacheable on methods with parameters, you should NEVER forget the allEntries=true annotation property on the #CacheEvict, otherwise your call will only evict the key parameter you give to the clearCache() method, which is nothing => you will not evict anything from the cache.
Maybe not the most elegant solution, but #CacheEvict was not working, so I directly went for the CacheManager.
This code clears a cache called foo via scheduler:
class MyClass {
#Autowired CacheManager cacheManager;
#Cacheable(value = "foo")
public Int expensiveCalculation(String bar) {
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 60 * 1000);
public void clearCache() {
I know this question is old, but I found a better solution that worked for me. Maybe that will help others.
So, it is indeed possible to make a scheduled cache eviction. Here is what I did in my case.
Both annotations #Scheduled and #CacheEvict do not seem to work together.
You must thus split apart the scheduling method and the cache eviction method.
But since the whole mechanism is based on proxies, only external calls to public methods of your class will trigger the cache eviction. This because internal calls between to methods of the same class do not go through the Spring proxy.
I managed to fixed it the same way as Celebes (see comments), but with an improvement to avoid two components.
class MyClass
MyClass proxiedThis; // store your component inside its Spring proxy.
// A cron expression to define every day at midnight
#Scheduled(cron ="0 0 * * *")
public void cacheEvictionScheduler()
#CacheEvict(value = { CACHE_NAME })
public void clearCache()
// intentionally left blank. Or add some trace info.
Please follow the below code.change cron expression accordingly. I have set it for 3 minutes
Create a class.
Use the below method inside the class.
class A
#Autowired CacheManager cacheManager;
#Scheduled(cron ="0 */3 * ? * *")
public void cacheEvictionScheduler()
logger.info("inside scheduler start");
logger.info("inside scheduler end");
public void evictAllCaches() {
logger.info("inside clearcache");
.forEach(cacheName -> cacheManager.getCache(cacheName).clear());
Spring cache framework is event driven i.e. #Cacheable or #CacheEvict will be triggered only when respective methods are invoked.
However you can leverage the underlying cache provider (remember the Spring cache framework is just an abstraction and does not provide a cache solution by itself) to invalidate the cache by itself. For instance EhCache has a property viz. timeToLiveSeconds which dictates the time till the cache be active. But this won't re-populate the cache for you unless the #Cacheable annotated method is invoked.
So for cache eviction and re-population at particular time (say midnight as mentioned) consider implementing a background scheduled service in Spring which will trigger the cache eviction and re-population as desired. The expected behavior is not provided out-of-box.
Hope this helps.
related to the commit in spring framework https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/commit/5aefcc802ef05abc51bbfbeb4a78b3032ff9eee3
the initialisation is set to a later stage from afterPropertiesSet() to afterSingletonsInstantiated()
In short:
This prevents the caching to work when using it in a #PostConstruct use case.
Longer version:
This prevents the use case where you would
create serviceB with #Cacheable on a methodB
create serviceA with #PostConstruct calling serviceB.methodB
public class ServiceA{
private ServiceB serviceB;
public void init() {
List<String> list = serviceB.loadSomething();
This results in org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheAspectSupport not being initialised now and thus not caching the result.
protected Object execute(CacheOperationInvoker invoker, Object target, Method method, Object[] args) {
// check whether aspect is enabled
// to cope with cases where the AJ is pulled in automatically
if (this.initialized) {
//>>>>>>>>>>>> NOT Being called
Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass(target);
Collection<CacheOperation> operations = getCacheOperationSource().getCacheOperations(method, targetClass);
if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(operations)) {
return execute(invoker, new CacheOperationContexts(operations, method, args, target, targetClass));
//>>>>>>>>>>>> Being called
return invoker.invoke();
My workaround is to manually call the initialisation method:
public class SomeConfigClass{
private CacheInterceptor cacheInterceptor;
public void init() {
This of course fixes my issue but does it have side effects other that just being called 2 times (1 manual and 1 by the framework as intended)
My question is:
"Is this a safe workaround to do as the initial commiter seemed to have an issue with just using the afterPropertiesSet()"
As Marten said already, you are not supposed to use any of those services in the PostConstruct phase because you have no guarantee that the proxy interceptor has fully started at this point.
Your best shot at pre-loading your cache is to listen for ContextRefreshedEvent (more support coming in 4.2) and do the work there. That being said, I understand that it may not be clear that such usage is forbidden so I've created SPR-12700 to improve the documentation. I am not sure what javadoc you were referring to.
To answer your question: no it's not a safe workaround. What you were using before worked by "side-effect" (i.e. it wasn't supposed to work, if your bean was initialized before the CacheInterceptor you would have the same problem with an older version of the framework). Don't call such low-level infrastructure in your own code.
Just had the exact same problem as OP and listening to ContextRefreshedEvent was causing my initialization method to be called twice. Listening to ApplicationReadyEvent worked best for me.
Here is the code I used
public class MyInitializer implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
//doing things
Autowire ApplicationContext and invoke method call using :
applicationContext.getBean(RBService.class).getRawBundle(bundleName, DEFAULT_REQUEST_LANG);
where getRawBundle is Cacheable method.
I'm using a JPA EntityListener to do some additional audit work and am injecting a Spring-managed AuditService into my AuditEntryListener using #Configurable. The AuditService generates a collection of AuditEntry objects. The AuditService is itself a Singleton scoped bean, and I'd like to gather all the AuditEntry objects under a common key that can then be accessed by the outermost service layer (the one that invoked the persist call which in turn triggered the EntityListener).
I'm looking at using Spring's TransactionSynchronizationManager to set a specific transaction name (using UID() or some other unique strategy) at the beginning of the transaction, and then using that name as a key within the AuditService that will allow me to group all AuditEntry objects created within that transaction.
Is mixing declarative and programmatic transaction management have the potential for trouble? (Though I'm doing nothing more than setting the transaction name). Is there a better way to associate the generated AuditEntry objects with the current transaction? This solution does work for me, but given that the TransactionSynchronizationManager isn't intended for application use, I'd like to make sure that my use of it won't cause some unforseen problems.
Related Question
Finally, a related, but not immediately pertinent question: I know that the documentation for JPA EntityListeners cautions against using the current EntityManager, but if I did want to use it to diff an object against it's persisted self, would I be safe using an #Transactional(propagation=REQUIRES_NEW) annotation around my preUpdate() method?
Prototype Code:
Service Class
public void create(MyEntity e) {
TransactionSynchronizationManager.setCurrentTransactionName(new UID().toString());
TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization(new TransactionSynchronizationAdapter() {
public void afterCommit() {
Set<AuditEntry> entries = auditService.getAuditEntries(TransactionSynchronizationManager.getCurrentTransactionName());
if(entries != null) {
for(AuditEntry entry : entries) {
//do some stuff....
JPA EntityListener
public class AuditEntryListener {
private AuditService service;
public void preUpdate(Object entity) {
service.auditUpdate(TransactionSynchronizationManager.getCurrentTransactionName(), entity);
public void setService(AuditService service) {
this.service = service;
public AuditService getService() {
return service;
public class AuditService {
private Map<String, Set<AuditEntry>> auditEntryMap = new HashMap<String, Set<AuditEntry>>();
public void auditUpdate(String key, Object entity) {
// do some audit work
// add audit entries to map
As far as I understand, your requirement is:
Have an unique token generated within each transaction (database
transaction of course)
Keep this unique token easily accessible across all layers
So naturally you're thinking about the TransactionSynchronizationManager provided by Spring as a facility to store the unique token (in this case, an UID)
Be very carefull with this approach, the TransactionSynchronizationManager is the main storage helper to manage all the #Transactional processing for Spring. Under the #Transactional hood, Spring is creating an appropriate EntityManager, an appropriate Synchronization object and attach them to a thread local using TransactionSynchronizationManager.
In your service class code, inside a #Transactional method your are tampering with the Synchronization object, it can end up with undesirable behavior.
I've done an indept analysis of how #Transactional works here, have a look: http://doanduyhai.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/spring-transactional-explained/
Now back to your needs. What you can do is:
Add a Thread local to the AuditService, containing the unique token when entering the #Transactional method and destroy it when exiting the method. Within this method call, you can access the unique token in any layer. Explanation for ThreadLocal usage can be found here: http://doanduyhai.wordpress.com/2011/12/04/threadlocal-explained/
Create a new annotation, let's say #Auditable(uid="AuditScenario1") to annotate methods that need to be audited and use Spring AOP to intercept these method calls and manage the Thread local processing for you
Modified AuditService
public class AuditService {
public uidThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<String>();
Auditable annotation
public #interface Auditable
String uid();
Usage of #Auditable annotation
public void myMethod()
// Something
Spring AOP part
#Around("execution(public * *(..)) && #annotation(auditableAnnotation))
public Object manageAuditToken(ProceedingJoinPoint jp, Auditable auditableAnnotation)
Hope this will help.
You can come up with a solution using the TransactionSynchronizationManager. We register a "TransactionInterceptorEntityListener" with JPA as an entity-listener. What we wanted to achieve is the ability to listen to CRUD events such that we can work with a spring managed "listener" that has a lifecycle tied to the current transaction (i.e., spring-managed but instance per transaction). We sub-class the JPATransactionManager and introduce in the prepareSynchronization() method, a hook to setup a "TransactionInterceptorSynchronizer." We also use the same hook for allow code (in programmatic tx) to associate and retrieve arbitrary objects with the current transaction and also register jobs that run before/after transaction commit.
The overall code is complex, but definitely do-able. If you use JPATemplates for programmatic tx, it is tough to achieve this. So we rolled our own template that simply calls the JPA template after taking care of the interceptor work. We plan to open-source our JPA library (written on top of Spring's classes) soon.
You can see a pattern of adding custom transactions and hooks with Spring managed transactions in the following library for Postgresql