JavaFX 2 TextArea that changes height depending on its contents - java

In JavaFX 2.2, is there any way to make TextArea (with setWrapText(true) and constant maxWidth) change its height depending on contents?
The desired behaviour: while user is typing something inside the TextArea it resizes when another line is needed and decreases when the line is needed no more.
Or is there a better JavaFX control that could be used in this situation?

You can bind the prefHeight of the text area to the height of the text it contains. This is a bit of a hack, because you need a lookup to get the text contained in the text area, but it seems to work. You need to ensure that you lookup the text node after CSS has been applied. (Typically this means after it has appeared on the screen...)
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class ResizingTextArea extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
textArea.sceneProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Scene>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Scene> obs, Scene oldScene, Scene newScene) {
if (newScene != null) {
Node text = textArea.lookup(".text");
textArea.prefHeightProperty().bind(Bindings.createDoubleBinding(new Callable<Double>() {
public Double call() {
return 2+text.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight();
}), text.boundsInLocalProperty()));
VBox root = new VBox(textArea);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
public static void main(String[] args) {

Two things to add to James_D's answer (because I lack the rep to comment):
1) For big fonts like size 36+, the text area size was wrong at first but corrected itself when I clicked inside the text area. You can call textArea.layout() after applying CSS, but the text area still does not resize immediately after the window is maximized. To get around this, call textArea.requestLayout() asynchronously in a Change Listener after any change to the Text object's local bounds. See below.
2) The text area was still a few pixels short and the scroll bar still visible. If you replace the 2 with textArea.getFont().getSize() in the binding, the height fits perfectly to the text, no matter whether the font size is tiny or huge.
class CustomTextArea extends TextArea {
CustomTextArea() {
setFont(Font.font("Arial Black", 72));
sceneProperty().addListener((observableNewScene, oldScene, newScene) -> {
if (newScene != null) {
Node text = lookup(".text");
// 2)
prefHeightProperty().bind(Bindings.createDoubleBinding(() -> {
return getFont().getSize() + text.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight();
}, text.boundsInLocalProperty()));
// 1)
text.boundsInLocalProperty().addListener((observableBoundsAfter, boundsBefore, boundsAfter) -> {
Platform.runLater(() -> requestLayout());
(The above compiles for Java 8. For Java 7, replace the listener lambdas with Change Listeners according to the JavaFX API, and replace the empty ()-> lambdas with Runnable.)


How to get Node while mouse dragged by event position in JavaFX 8?

I have created code example:
package stackoverflow;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class GetNodeByMousePositionWhileDragged extends Application {
private Line line;
private Group group = new Group();
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
AnchorPane anchorPane = new AnchorPane();
Circle source = new Circle(30, Color.LIGHTGREEN);
source.setOnMousePressed(me -> {
drawLine(source, me);
source.setOnMouseDragged(me -> translateLineEnd(getPoint(me)));
source.setOnMouseReleased(event -> group.getChildren().remove(line));
Circle target = new Circle(30, Color.LIGHTBLUE);
target.setOnMousePressed(me -> {
drawLine(target, me);
target.setOnMouseDragged(me -> translateLineEnd(getPoint(me)));
target.setOnMouseReleased(event -> group.getChildren().remove(line));
group.getChildren().addAll(source, target);
stage.setScene(new Scene(anchorPane, 600, 400));
private void drawLine(Circle source, MouseEvent me) {
line = new Line();
private void translateLineEnd(Point2D point) {
private Point2D getPoint(MouseEvent me) {
return new Point2D(me.getSceneX(), me.getSceneY());
Here I am just adding two circles and I want to connect them with a line by simply dragging from one circle to another. But the problem is that I want to verify whether mouse entered target circle while I am dragging mouse from source circle. When it is entered I want just bind end points of the line to the target circle center points or remove line on mouse released if it is not entered any circle besides source one.
Unfortunately while dragging one circle another one is not catching mouseevents. But it is possible to get mouse position on scene. I tried to solve this problem by simply storing all circle (I have bunch of them, 10K+), iterating each time and checking circle.contains(me.getSceneX(), me.getSceneY()). It seems to me a bit expensive way or like inventing wheel.
There is a question is it possible in JavaFX 8 to get node according scene position in proper way by using built-in JavaFX features?
You need to modify the code a bit:
Use MouseDragEvents by calling startFullDrag for the source node in the onDragDetected event.
Set mouseTransparent to true for the line to allow JavaFX to deliver the MouseEvents to the target circle instead of the Line.
Modify the event handlers to yield different results, if the mouse was released on the target circle.
private void drawLine(Circle source, MouseEvent me) {
line = new Line();
private Group group = new Group();
private boolean removeLine = true;
source.setOnMousePressed(me -> {
drawLine(source, me);
me.setDragDetect(true); // trigger dragDetected event immediately
source.setOnDragDetected(evt -> {
removeLine = true;
source.setOnMouseReleased(event -> {
if (removeLine) {
target.setOnMouseDragReleased(me -> removeLine = false);

How do you do one action through multiple event handlers in Java FX?

I am trying to make a form that does the quadratic formula. It works on command prompt, but I want it to work on a form, and for it to update the output every time you change the input. This is my form so far. There are multiple areas you can change, which are the combo box and the text fields, but I want all of them to update the labels to show an output. This is where my problem is. I do not know how to have something similar to a method that updates the labels. A simplified version of the code is below:
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class SmallForm extends Application{
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
GridPane grid = new GridPane();
Label lblConcatenated = new Label("");//label that will hold the concatenated string
grid.add(lblConcatenated, 0, 0);
TextField txtA = new TextField("");//Text field one
grid.add(txtA, 0, 1);
TextField txtB = new TextField("");//Text field two
grid.add(txtB, 0, 2);
txtA.textProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<String>() { //Triggers whenever the second text field is changed
#Override public void changed(ObservableValue ov, String t, String t1) {
lblConcatenated.setText(txtA.getText() + txtB.getText());//Concatenates the text in the two text fields
txtB.textProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<String>() {
#Override public void changed(ObservableValue ov, String t, String t1) { //Triggers whenever the second text field is changed
lblConcatenated.setText(txtA.getText() + txtB.getText());//Concatenates the text in the two text fields
Scene scene = new Scene(grid, 250, 100);
My goal is to make the concatenation line only have to be written once. This would be a lot more prevalent with more code that was repeated. In command prompt this would be easily done with a method, but that doesn't work in java fx to my knowledge. I've heard the term threading used to do this, but I couldn't figure it out.
Thank you!
You could of course use a methods. You could also use the same ChangeListener<String> object for both properties.
In this case however I recommend using a binding:
If you need to parse the values and do updates based on the parsed values, I recommend using a TextFormatter:
StringConverter<Double> converter = new DoubleStringConverter();
TextFormatter<Double> formatterA = new TextFormatter<>(converter, 0d);
TextFormatter<Double> formatterB = new TextFormatter<>(converter, 0d);
The formatter values are updated when the TextField looses focus or you trigger the onAction event of the TextField.

How to scale Label within a ListView in JavaFX

I have a ListView with some Labels in it. The labels' width property is bound to the width property of the ListView but they seem to be slightly larger meaning that a horizontal scrollbar is shown on the list view. What I want is to fit the labels in the list view without the scrollbar on the bottom. I have looked at various padding and insets values on both the label and the list view but none I have found are the culprit (most are zero).
Here is an example which demonstrates the problem.
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class ListViewScrollExample extends Application {
private ListView<Node> listView;
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
listView = new ListView<>();
addItem("Some quite long string to demonstrate the problem");
Scene scene = new Scene(listView);
public void addItem(String item) {
Label label = new Label(item);
public static void main(String[] args){
The default CSS file adds padding to a ListCell (line 2316 in the current release):
.list-cell {
-fx-padding: 0.25em 0.583em 0.25em 0.583em; /* 3 7 3 7 */
It generally a bad idea to use Node instances as the data backing a ListView: you should use String in this example, and use the cell factory to create a label displaying the string that is configured as you need. The following seems to work for your example:
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.ContentDisplay;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.ListCell;
import javafx.scene.control.ListView;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class ListViewScrollExample extends Application {
private ListView<String> listView;
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
listView = new ListView<>();
listView.getItems().add("Some quite long string to demonstrate the problem");
listView.setCellFactory(lv -> {
ListCell<String> cell = new ListCell<String>() {
private Label label = new Label();
() -> getWidth() - getPadding().getLeft() - getPadding().getRight() - 1,
widthProperty(), paddingProperty()));
protected void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty) {
} else {
return cell ;
Scene scene = new Scene(listView);
public static void main(String[] args){
Here I created a list cell that displays a label as its graphic, with the text of the label set to the string to be displayed. The constructor for the cell binds the label's max width to the width of the cell, less any space required for padding. The call to setContentDisplay(ContentDisplay.GRAPHIC_ONLY) appears necessary, so the cell doesn't try to allocate any space for text.
It may be possible to do this by setting the text directly on the list cell and calling setWrapText(true) on the cell (which is, after all, also a subclass of Labeled), but I couldn't get it to work this way.
I couldn't replicate the problem but you can try the following instead of label.maxWidthProperty().bind(listView.widthProperty());
double i = Double.parseDouble(listView.widthProperty().toString());
You can change the 2.0 to any pixel count you need to alter the screen by.

Node.snapshot(null, null) changes size of Scene

I have Scene which is set to the Scene of my primaryStage that - amongst other nodes - contains a VBox with a TableView and some buttons. When I take a snapshot on a row in the table using TableRow.snapshot(null, null), the size of the Scene is changed. The width is changed by about 10 pixels while the height is changed by about 40 - sometimes more than 600 (!) - pixels.
This happens because Node.snapshot(null, null) invokes Scene.doCSSLayoutSyncForSnapshot(Node node) which seems to get the preferred size of all nodes in the size and recalculate the size using that. This somehow returns the wrong values since my nodes only has preferred sizes specified and looks great before this method is invoked. Is there any way to prevent this?
The size change is a problem, but it is also a problem that the primary stage doesn't change size with the Scene that it contains.
I have tried to create an MCVE reproducing the issue, but after a few days of trying to do this, I am still unable to reproduce the problem. The original program contains around 2000 lines of code that I don't want to post here.
Why would Scene.doCSSLayoutSyncForSnapshot(Node node) compromise my layout when it is properly laid out in the first place? Can I somehow make sure that the layout is properly synced before this method is invoked to make sure that it doesn't change anything?
Solved the issue. Had to copy my whole project and then remove parts of the code until the issue disappeared.
Anyway. I basically had three components in my application. A navigation component, a table compontent, and a status bar compontent. It looked like this:
The problem I had was that the width of the status bar and the width and height of the table component was increased whenever I took a snapshot of a row in the table.
Apparently, this was due to the padding of the status bar compontent. It had a right and left padding of 5 pixels, and once I removed the padding, the problem disappeared.
The added 10 pixels in width made the BorderPane that contained all of this expand with the same amount of pixels, and since the table width was bound to the BorderPane width, it increased by the same amount. What I still don't understand though, is why the Stage that contains the BorderPane doesn't adjust to the new width.
The component was properly padded before Scene.doCSSLayoutSyncForSnapshot(Node node) was invoked, so I don't understand why the extra width of ten pixels is added.
Anyhow: Removing the padding from the status bar component and instead padding the components inside the status bar fixed the issue. If someone has a good explanation for this, I'm all ears.
Here's a MCVE where you can reproduce the issue by dragging a row in the table:
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TableRow;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
import javafx.scene.input.ClipboardContent;
import javafx.scene.input.Dragboard;
import javafx.scene.input.TransferMode;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class MCVE extends Application {
private Stage primaryStage;
private BorderPane rootLayout;
private VBox detailsView;
private StatusBar statusBar;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws SQLException {
this.primaryStage = primaryStage;
public void init() throws Exception {
public void initRootLayout() {
rootLayout = new BorderPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(rootLayout);
public void showStatusBar() {
statusBar = new StatusBar();
public void showDetailsView() {
detailsView = new VBox();
setDetailsView(new Table(this));
public static void main(String[] args) {
public VBox getDetailsView() {
return detailsView;
public void setDetailsView(Node content) {
detailsView.getChildren().add(0, content);
public StatusBar getStatusBar() {
return statusBar;
class StatusBar extends HBox {
public StatusBar() {
setPadding(new Insets(0, 5, 0, 5));
HBox leftBox = new HBox(10);
// Leftbox takes all the space not occupied by the helpbox.
setStyle("-fx-border-color: black;");
class Table extends TableView<ObservableList<String>> {
private ObservableList<ObservableList<String>> data;
public Table(MCVE app) {
widthProperty().addListener((obs, oldValue, newValue) -> {
System.out.println("Table width: " + newValue);
setRowFactory(r -> {
TableRow<ObservableList<String>> row = new TableRow<ObservableList<String>>();
row.setOnDragDetected(e -> {
Dragboard db = row.startDragAndDrop(TransferMode.ANY);
db.setDragView(row.snapshot(null, null));
ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
// We create a clipboard and put all of the files that
// was selected into the clipboard.
ClipboardContent filesToCopyClipboard = new ClipboardContent();
row.setOnDragDone(e -> {
return row;
ObservableList<String> columnNames = FXCollections.observableArrayList("Col1", "col2", "Col3", "Col4");
data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.size(); i++) {
final int colIndex = i;
TableColumn<ObservableList<String>, String> column = new TableColumn<ObservableList<String>, String>(
column.setCellValueFactory((param) -> new SimpleStringProperty(param.getValue().get(colIndex).toString()));
// Adds all of the data from the rows the data list.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// Each column from the row is a String in the list.
ObservableList<String> row = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
row.add("Column 1");
row.add("Column 2");
row.add("Column 3");
row.add("Column 4");
// Adds the row to data.
// Adds all of the rows in data to the table.
This answer talks about it a little bit
Set scene width and height
but after diving into the source code I found that the resizing in snapshot is conditional on the scene never having a size set by one of its constructors.
You can only set a scene's size in its constructors and never again. That makes a little bit of sense, since its otherwise only used to size the window that contains it. It is unfortunate that the snapshot code is not smart enough to use the window's dimensions when set by the user in addition to the scene's possible user settings.
None of this prevents resizing later, so if you depend on taking snapshots, you may want to make a best practice out of using the Scene constructors which take a width and height and sending them something above 0

ScrollPane is not refreshing its contents

Good day StackOverflow community.
I've been trying for some time to develop a program that enables users to put objects in an area, allowing this area to be moved by the mouse. For this type of program, I decided to use a ScrollPane, because the user can add various contents in the area which I call the canvas. For some reason, something strange is happening in my program.
What I basically did was create a group of objects, and define this group as the ScrollPane content. Within the group, there is a Rectangle object that was added to serve as canvas boundaries. This object has larger dimensions (such as 1500 x 1000, for example), and is used in calculations that prevent nodes from moving beyond its limits. This is just the logical behind the existing large rectangle in my program, but in reality, there is no Node object with the mouse movement. What exists is the random distribution of Shape objects by the rectangle area.
For ScrollPane has its scrollbars moved, I use the setHvalue setVvalue methods. Unfortunately for my purposes, this method does not change the position of the ScrollPane's viewport with pixel values​​, but values ​​that are in a range between 0f and 1f. So I can move the viewport with the mouse, I used a equation known as Rule of 3 (here in my Country, as I know), which we equate values ​​and cross multiply.
For example, say I want to move the viewport of the ScrollPane with the mouse horizontally, and that my canvas area has a width of 2000 pixels. Finding how far (in pixels) the mouse was dragged from one point to another, I need to know how this value represents in a range 0f to 1f. Suppose I have dragged the mouse in 3 pixels, I could find the representation of the 0f to 1f with the following comparison:
2000 px ---- 1f
3 px ---- xf
Multiplying crossed, I'll get the following result:
xf = 3 / 2000
xf = 0.0015
Note: I believe you all know that. I'm not teaching math to anyone,
just want to explain the logic of my problem.
Here is my program class:
import testes.util.TestesUtil;
import javafx.animation.AnimationTimer;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Bounds;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.shape.StrokeType;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class ScrollTest4 extends Application
// #########################################################################################################
// #########################################################################################################
public static void main(String[] args)
// #########################################################################################################
// #########################################################################################################
private BorderPane root;
private Button but_moreH;
private Button but_lessH;
private Button but_moreV;
private Button but_lessV;
// LOG
private VBox vbox_south;
private Label lab_hValue;
private Label lab_vValue;
private Label lab_viewport;
private Rectangle rec_canvas;
private ScrollPane scroll;
private Group grp_objects;
private double mouse_x = 0;
private double mouse_y = 0;
private AnimationTimer timer;
// EDITED - 08/02/2014
private boolean moreH = false;
private boolean moreV = false; // Purposely unused.
private boolean lessH = false;
private boolean lessV = false; // Purposely unused.
// #########################################################################################################
// #########################################################################################################
#Override public void start(Stage estagio) throws Exception
Scene cenario = new Scene(this.root , 640 , 480);
estagio.setTitle("Programa JavaFX");;
protected void iniFX()
this.root = new BorderPane();
this.but_moreH = new Button();
this.but_lessH = new Button();
this.but_moreV = new Button();
this.but_lessV = new Button();
// LOG
this.vbox_south = new VBox();
this.lab_hValue = new Label();
this.lab_vValue = new Label();
this.lab_viewport = new Label();
this.scroll = new ScrollPane();
this.grp_objects = new Group();
this.rec_canvas = new Rectangle();
this.timer = new AnimationTimer()
#Override public void handle(long now)
// EDITED - 08/02/2014
if(but_moreH.isArmed() || moreH)
// scroll.hvalueProperty().set(scroll.hvalueProperty().get() + 0.003f);
scroll.setHvalue(scroll.getHvalue() + 0.003f);
// EDITED - 08/02/2014
if(but_lessH.isArmed() || lessH)
// scroll.hvalueProperty().set(scroll.hvalueProperty().get() - 0.003f);
scroll.setHvalue(scroll.getHvalue() - 0.003f);
scroll.setVvalue(scroll.getVvalue() + 0.003f);
scroll.setVvalue(scroll.getVvalue() - 0.003f);
protected void confFX()
this.but_moreH.setText("More H");
this.but_lessH.setText("Less H");
this.but_moreV.setText("More V");
this.but_lessV.setText("Less V");
// LOG
protected void adFX()
// LOG
this.vbox_south.getChildren().addAll(this.lab_hValue , this.lab_vValue , this.lab_viewport);
StrokeType[] strokes = {StrokeType.CENTERED , StrokeType.INSIDE , StrokeType.OUTSIDE};
for(int cont = 0 ; cont < 20 ; cont++)
Rectangle node = new Rectangle(Math.random() * 100 + 50 , Math.random() * 100 + 50);
node.setStrokeType(strokes[(int) (Math.random() * 2)]);
node.setStrokeWidth(Math.random() * 9 + 1);
node.setRotate(Math.random() * 360);
// EDITED - 08/02/2014
node ,
rec_canvas.getBoundsInParent().getMinY() ,
rec_canvas.getBoundsInParent().getMinY() + rec_canvas.getBoundsInParent().getHeight() ,
rec_canvas.getBoundsInParent().getMinX() + rec_canvas.getBoundsInParent().getWidth() ,
rec_canvas.getBoundsInParent().getMinX() );
protected void evFX()
// ##########################
// ##########################
this.scroll.hvalueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>()
#Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable,Number oldValue, Number newValue)
this.scroll.vvalueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>()
#Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> observable,Number oldValue, Number newValue)
this.scroll.setOnKeyPressed(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>()
#Override public void handle(KeyEvent e)
if(e.getCode() == KeyCode.RIGHT)
moreH = true;
else if(e.getCode() == KeyCode.LEFT)
lessH = true;
this.scroll.setOnKeyReleased(new EventHandler<KeyEvent>()
#Override public void handle(KeyEvent e)
if(e.getCode() == KeyCode.RIGHT)
moreH = false;
else if(e.getCode() == KeyCode.LEFT)
lessH = false;
// ##########################
// ##########################
this.rec_canvas.setOnMousePressed(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>()
#Override public void handle(MouseEvent e)
// The XY distance from the upper left corner of the canvas.
mouse_x = e.getX();
mouse_y = e.getY();
this.rec_canvas.setOnMouseDragged(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>()
#Override public void handle(MouseEvent e)
// ##########################
// ##########################
// The distance between mouse movements (drag events).
double xPixelsMoved = e.getX() - mouse_x;
// double yPixelsMoved = e.getY() - mouse_y;
// ##########################
// TO 1F
// ##########################
double h_of_1f = xPixelsMoved / rec_canvas.getBoundsInParent().getWidth();
double h_of_1f_inverted = h_of_1f * -1;
double currentH = scroll.getHvalue();
scroll.setHvalue(currentH + h_of_1f);
// scroll.hvalueProperty().set(scroll.getHvalue() + h_de_x);
// scroll.vvalueProperty().set(scroll.getVvalue() + v_de_y);
// ##########################
// ##########################
System.out.printf("xPixelsMoved: %f , h_of_1f: %f , h_of_1f_inverted: %f %n",
xPixelsMoved , h_of_1f , h_of_1f_inverted);
// ##########################
// ##########################
// Writes last mouse position to update on new motion event.
mouse_x = e.getX();
mouse_y = e.getY();
// #########################################################################################################
// MISC.
// #########################################################################################################
protected void updateViewport()
Bounds vport = this.scroll.getViewportBounds();
this.lab_viewport.setText(String.format("Viewport - [X: %f , Y: %f , W: %f , H: %f]",
vport.getMinX() , vport.getMinY() , vport.getWidth() , vport.getHeight() ));
protected void updateHvalue()
this.lab_hValue.setText("H value: " + this.scroll.getHvalue() );
protected void updateVvalue()
this.lab_vValue.setText("V value: " + this.scroll.getVvalue() );
Clicking the mouse button on the canvas area and drag it, you can see that the program moves the ScrollPane viewport horizontally. The program seems to work perfectly (or not). However, something goes wrong at the time when the mouse is dragged sometimes abruptly (...or not!). At certain times the ScrollPane Viewport is not visually updated. This is a strange behavior, because even if viewport is not visually updated, the scrollbars are still updated.
I put other ways to move the ScrollPane viewport horizontally using the same method, and for some reason, only the approach using the mouse makes it happen. I thought this could be solved by making a request for layout using requestLayout, also causing a request to a pulse, but it does not work.
The odd thing is that everything returns to normal when the window of my application is resized. Here's a video that shows what happens to my program:
I no longer know what else to do. Can anyone help me with this please?
EDIT (08/02/2014 10:08 AM GMT - 3:00)
The original source code of my application is found written in Portuguese, so you may be seeing something unknown. Basically TestesUtil is a utility class with static methods that define shortcuts to other client classes. I changed the call from my source code shown here previously and am now putting some methods of my class TestesUtil, translated into English as TestsUtil:
public static void putRandomlyIn(Node node , double northPoint , double southPoint , double eastPoint , double westPoint)
node.setLayoutX(Math.random() * pontoLeste);
node.setLayoutY(Math.random() * pontoSul);
fixEasternBoundary(node , eastPoint);
fixNorthernBoundary(node , northPoint);
fixWesternBoundary(node , westPoint);
fixSouthernBoundary(node , southPoint);
There is no mystery here. This method simply calculates a value from an interval, and defines the LayoutXY properties for the Node argument. Methods "fix ..." just check the boundsInParent bounds of the node compared to the point in the argument, and then adjust the layoutXYproperties from the Node object. Even if I remove the random distribution of objects, the problem still happens. So I'm sure this problem is not being caused by this.
The source code of the original post was changed with the addition of the ability to move the scroll bars with the arrow keys. Even if it is already an existing function of ScrollPane, adding that could reproduce the error seen with the mouse (now with arrows). Some things were also translated into English for better understanding by the community.
Please, I ask for help. I'm getting dizzy not knowing what to do. This type of situation could be happening because of some bug in JavaFX? Ahhrr... Please somebody help me in this. :'(
Thank you for your attention anyway.
EDIT (09/02/2014 10:50 AM GMT - 3:00)
Forgot to mention... My program was initially written and tested using JDK 8 b123. Currently I installed the JDK 8 b128 version and am still getting the same problem. My operating system is Windows 7 64x.
I am almost certain that this is a bug. Are you guys getting the same result as me? Or am I the only one to find this kind of problem? If this is a bug, which procedure should be taken?
Thank you for your attention.
EDIT (10/02/2014 09:45 AM GMT - 3:00)
A bounty was started.
This bug has now been fixed for JavaFX 8u20.
Bug description
This is a bug, that can be easily verified by executing the following code with JavaFx JRE 8:
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.SnapshotParameters;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.scene.image.WritableImage;
import javafx.scene.layout.Priority;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Main extends Application {
final ScrollPane sp = new ScrollPane();
final Image[] images = new Image[5];
final ImageView[] pics = new ImageView[5];
final VBox vb = new VBox();
final Label fileName = new Label();
final String [] imageNames = new String [] {"fw1.jpg", "fw2.jpg",
"fw3.jpg", "fw4.jpg", "fw5.jpg"};
public void start(Stage stage) {
VBox box = new VBox();
Scene scene = new Scene(box, 180, 180);
stage.setTitle("Scroll Pane");
box.getChildren().addAll(sp, fileName);
VBox.setVgrow(sp, Priority.ALWAYS);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
images[i] = new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream(imageNames[i]));
pics[i] = new ImageView(images[i]);
sp.setPrefSize(115, 150);
sp.vvalueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov,
Number old_val, Number new_val) {
fileName.setText(imageNames[(new_val.intValue() - 1)/100]);
public static void main(String[] args) {
This code comes directly from the JavaFX ScrollPane Tutorial.
If one randomly moves the vertical scroll bar with the mouse very rapidly, then at some time the screen will freeze and no longer get updated. Although one is still able to move the scroll bar around, the displayed images will stay fixed. Only if one resizes the frame, the display of the images will be updated and the ScrollPane reverts to its previous state. Note, that this bug will only happen in JRE 8, it is not reproducible in JRE 7.
The only workaround for the problem, that I could find, is adding
sp.snapshot(new SnapshotParameters(), new WritableImage(1, 1));
to the listener:
sp.vvalueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Number>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Number> ov,
Number old_val, Number new_val) {
fileName.setText(imageNames[(new_val.intValue() - 1)/100]);
sp.snapshot(new SnapshotParameters(), new WritableImage(1, 1));
Calling snapshot on the ScrollPane seems to force the update every time the vvalueProperty changes. This seems to be a known workaround for several update problems with JavaFX - see here.

